Angels with Scaly Wings

Angels with Scaly Wings

39 lượt đánh giá
Do all the things. An achievement guide.
Bởi JeffMakesGames
In this guide, I am gonna tell you all the conditions to get all 63 achievements... and perhaps even more.

For most achievements, they are quite simple. The more complex ones however, I will go into depth on how you actually get them.

This guide may contain spoilers.

This guide should be valid as of December 12th, 2017. Version 1.06.

(Currently updating as of January 23rd-24th. I am adding the unique commentary by the System when you get an achievement.)

Also, be sure to check out my other guide, which explains how the choices you make in a character's scene affects them in a positive, neutral, or negative way.

If any of the formatting looks wonky, try hitting refresh. Sometimes, it happens.
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Chapter 1 - Achievements
These first few are quite easy to get in this chapter. It's hard to really miss them.

Blood Donation - Give Anna your blood.

Pretty straight forward. When anna asks for a blood sample, say yes.


Bravery - Order the daily special.

When Adine asks what you want to order at the cafe, ask for the daily special, and then enjoy.
(This is probably why I have never ordered specials at any restaurant I been to...)


Bookworm - Read a bunch of books.

When looking for clues on how to read the letter Reza sent, just read every book on the bookshelf.


Prescription - Take a dragon dose of medication.

Take the pain medicine over and over until you pretty much black out.
(Game over man.)


Daredevil - Drink a mysterious liquid.

When looking inside the fridge, drink it.
(Don't bother guessing WHAT it actually is...)


Ovicide - Waste a perfectly good batch of eggs.

Keep cracking open eggs until the option no longer appears.
(Well, you might as well make scrambled eggs since you did this...)


Fruitarian - Learn a lot about fruits.

Look at all the fruit in the pantry EXCEPT the lemon.


Nuisance - Refuse to help bryce 99 times.

When Bryce tells you that a murder has occurred and asks for your help, simply keep refusing to help him over and over until the achievement pops up. You can also check the achievement status screen (ESC key/Right mouse button) just in case you might miss it.


Investigator 1 - Do well on the first investigation.

Doing this is also a part in getting the Flawless Run achievement.

When Bryce takes you to the crime scene with the first victim of Reza's, a green flyer, he'll ask you what you see. Simply put, answer everything correctly. The questions and answers are in this order:

What do the wounds tell you?
  • "They were inflicted with a sharp implement." (Answers +1)
  • "The perpetrator was an unusually large or small person." (Answers -1)
  • "He was already dead when he got these wounds." (Answers -1)
  • "It was suicide." (Answers -2)

Why does this matter?
  • "It actually doesn't." (Answers -2)
  • "Dragons don't use knives."
  • "It couldn't have been Reza."
  • "It could have only been someone with hands." (Answers +1)
  • "It tells us that it was suicide." (Answers -2)

Why would Reza use a knife instead of a gun?
  • "It makes him look cooler." (Answers -2)
  • "He lost his gun."
  • "He did not want to make any noise." (Answers +1)
  • "He wouldn't, because it wasn't him." (Answers -1)
  • "He wouldn't, because this was clearly a suicide." (Answers -2)

Which wound was the lethal one?
  • "The one on his chest." (Answers -1)
  • "The ones on his wings." (Answers -1)
  • "The one on his neck." (Answers +1)

What do the blood splatters suggest?
  • "He was hemophiliac." (Answers -1)
  • "He had aids."
  • "He died here." (Answers +1)
  • "This isn't blood." (Answers -1)
  • "He was dragged here after he died." (Answers -1)
  • "He committed suicide." (Answers -2)

What does the blood on the victim's muzzle suggest?
  • "He is a vampire." (Answers -2)
  • "He fought back." (Answers +1)
  • "He had a bloody steak earlier." (Answers -1)
  • "He has gum disease." (Answers -1)
  • "He bit his tongue during the fight."

Once you finish this part, you are graded on how many answers you had right.

If the total for Answers is at least 5 or higher, you did well and get 5 investigation points.
If it's between 2 and 4, you did okay and get 3 investigation points.
Anything less is, and you only get 1 investigation point.

These points are carried over into the next two chapters.
Chapter 1 - Achievements (Cont'd)

Librarian - Bring Remy's books into the correct order.

When you meet Remy for the first time, he will ask for your help in organizing a few books.

Now, while I already have the book order solution posted over in my Character mood guide, I am going to go into depth on how you actually go about solving Remy's book logic puzzle.

First, we have our six clues.

The Third War is directly preceded by The Spark.
The First War is directly preceded by The Inception.
The Invention is not the third, seventh, or last book.
The Second War is the 4th book.
There is only one book before The First War.
The Enlightenment comes at some point after The Third War.

And our 8 books.

The Second War
The Tribe
The Invention
The Enlightenment
The Third War
The Inception
The Spark
The First War

Let's start with this clue: There is only one book before The First War.

This means there is only one book before it, so, The First War has to be the second book.

Our results so far:

  1. ???
  2. The First War
  3. ???
  4. ???
  5. ???
  6. ???
  7. ???
  8. ???

Now let's look at this clue: The First War is directly preceded by The Inception.

This means that The First War comes after The Inception. This means The Inception has to be the first book.

  1. The Inception
  2. The First War
  3. ???
  4. ???
  5. ???
  6. ???
  7. ???
  8. ???

Now the next clue: The Second War is the 4th book.

Pretty straight forward. It's the fourth book.

  1. The Inception
  2. The First War
  3. ???
  4. The Second War
  5. ???
  6. ???
  7. ???
  8. ???

The next clue: The Invention is not the third, seventh, or last book.

With this information, we know The Invention has to be either the fifth or sixth book. We don't know which place just yet, so we'll just add a note to the list of possible places that it could be in.

  1. The Inception
  2. The First War
  3. ???
  4. The Second War
  5. ??? (The Invention)
  6. ??? (The Invention)
  7. ???
  8. ???

The next clue: The Third War is directly preceded by The Spark.

With this clue, we know that both of these books are together. The Third War comes right after The Spark. With this information, we know neither of these books can be the third book. There is also a limited place where these books can go. So we get the following noted places:

  1. The Inception
  2. The First War
  3. ???
  4. The Second War
  5. ??? (The Invention)
  6. ??? (The Invention) (The Spark)
  7. ??? (The Spark) (The Third War)
  8. ??? (The Third War)

And the last clue: The Enlightenment comes at some point after The Third War.

Because of this clue, we know The Third War cannot be the last book in the list. This makes The Enlightenment the last book.

  1. The Inception
  2. The First War
  3. ???
  4. The Second War
  5. ??? (The Invention)
  6. ??? (The Invention) (The Spark)
  7. ??? (The Spark) (The Third War)
  8. The Enlightenment

And because The Spark and The Third War have to stay together, makes them the sixth and seventh book in that order. This also forces The Invention to be the fifth book. This leaves the last book, The Tribe, which hasn't been mentioned at all at this point, to be the third book. Giving us the final answer:

  1. The Inception
  2. The First War
  3. The Tribe
  4. The Second War
  5. The Invention
  6. The Spark
  7. The Third War
  8. The Enlightenment

(Who knew you could have so much fun in a library, eh?)


Patient - Wait for Remy until you get bored.

Once you are in Remy's office, just click the wait option over and over until it eventually disappears.


General Knowledgist - Answer Anna's questions correctly.

When you meet with Anna for the first time and go to the cafe together, you'll challenge Anna to a trivia board game. You must answer all of her questions correctly. While my mood guide already has the solutions, I'll once again, go into depth of the questions and answers.

Question #1: "Who is cited as one of our most important historians, his work spanning over 20 books, credited with mapping out our entire history since the beginning of sentience?"

If you had read any of the books in your apartment, you would discover the name, Haziq Aakil, which is the correct answer. The other two answers, I feel you'll figure out why they are wrong anyway when you learn of those characters.

Question #2: "Alright, if there are five apples and you take away three, how many do you have?"

This is a trick question. She isn't asking how many apples there are left. She is asking how many apples YOU now have, which is three, since you took away three.

Question #3: "An adventurer who values his life has to choose between three rooms to cross. Which one of the following would be the safest? #1: A room filled with poisonous gas. #2: A room filled with one hundred highly trained assassins. #3: A room submerged in water filled with alligators that have not eaten in eight months."

The answer to this is None of These because, well, it's quite obvious. Every room is deadly and unsafe.


Teetotaler - Reject Bryce's invitation.

There are a few ways you can do this. When you first meet him, you can tell him that you don't drink, and then press him about going to the bar. Apologize but tell him you would rather not go to the bar.

The second way is when you do go to the bar with Bryce, Simply choose not to drink, and tell him that you would prefer to go home and read a book, or you can simply leave.

(Doing any of this will put you on bad terms with Bryce, but you can read my character mood guide on how you can possibly redeem yourself and get a second chance.)


Disrobement - Get Adine to remove her headgear.

When you play Truth or Dare with Adine, ask her "What's your biggest regret?"

And simply dare her to remove the goggles. Done.

(Doesn't she look cute without them?)


You are a winner! - Beat Sebastian at his own game.

When you go camping with Sebastian, you have to beat him at his card game.

You can play the following solution to get an easy 7 points: 6-3-Jack-Ace-Queen-10-King.

Sebastian will of course, wonder how he managed to lose the first 7 rounds in a row, and because you now have 7 points, he has lost and you can play the remaining rounds however you wish. He can state the reverse if he scores the first 7 rounds in a row.

You can also do an ultra win condition where you score all 13 possible points. You can do this by playing your cards in this order: 2-3-10-Q-J-9-4-A-K-8-7-5-6. Sebastian will be amazed.

See the side character section for Sebastian in my Character mood guide to see the other ultra conditions.
Chapter 2 - Achievements
These are achievements you can do in Chapter 2, or during a 2nd meeting with a character. I just call it Chapter 2 regardless since a 2nd meeting usually happens in Chapter 2, or whenever you feel is convenient to meet with them. Let's just... get to it.

Interrogator 1 - Interrogate Damion.

When Bryce sends you to do some investigating, visit the facility and ask Damion all the questions.


Finders, Keepers - Acquire the bloody bandage.

While in Tatsu Park, look at the map and go north. There is a hatch. Enter the combination which is: Press both buttons, and turn the dial counter-clockwise. You will get the bandage. You would also learn this combination from acquiring a map for Adine later in the game.

IMPORTANT: At the time of this guide, if you have gotten the True Ending without ever having gotten the bandage, this achievement cannot be obtained as the bandage will no longer be there and will be replaced with... something else. You will have to delete your save files and start all over in order to get it. You can locate several guides on how to perform this task.


Archeologist - Find a handful of dirt.

While in Tatsu Park, go play in the shrubbery... or rather, search the shrubbery, for some reason.

(Just make sure no one sees you, or they'll think you lost your mind. Probably.)


Landscaper - Appreciate the landscape.

While in Tatsu Park, look at the map and go north. Rest on the bench.


Orb Finder - Find a mysterious orb.

While in Tatsu Park, search the pavilion. If you don't find anything, keep searching until you do. This is the first half of the Ixomen Sphere for Lorem's good ending.

(Just don't drop the shiny thing. It looks expensive.)


Windows Shopper - Look at everything the store has to offer.

When at the grocery store, browse the store and look at everything.
(At least buy some lemon bread while you are there.)


Investigator 2 - Do well on the second investigation.

Note: This first section mainly applies for the Flawless Run achievement.

Saying the right things can net you some correct answers points, or cost you those points, depending on what you choose.

Before we go to the crime scene:

Bryce: "Just some good, old-fashioned police work. And we're counting on your help. Again."
  • "I'm not really in the mood to look at corpses today." (Answers -1)
  • "Sure, sign me up." (Answers +1)
  • "It's not like I have anything better to do."

After we climb back upstairs after the mysterious masked person flees:

You: "There wasn't much to it. I heard a noise, I looked up, the light fixture came down, then someone pushed me- "
Bryce: "You mean Reza."

  • "I guess so."
  • "I don't think it was Reza." (Answers -1)
  • "I'm not so sure of that." (Answers +1)

Sebastian: "Why would he wear that whole getup, though?"
  • "He didn't want to be recognized." (Answers -1)
  • "As some sort of camouflage." (Answer +1)
  • "For protection."

Bryce: "So, now the question is: Who has a motive for stealing a generator?"
  • "It could be anyone, really." (Answers -1)
  • "I have no idea."
  • "Reza." (Answer +1)

Bryce: "We all saw the human figure running away."
  • "Why would he have stayed here if he stole it?" (Answers +1)
  • "Maybe it was a dragon in disguise."
  • "Are we sure we saw him running away?" (Answers -1)

Bryce: "No offense, but ever since you two humans arrived, there have been a lot of strange things going on. This place used to be a quiet town."
  • "So you think it was Reza." (Answers +1)
  • "You're starting to sound like Maverick."
  • "Maybe this whole thing is just a huge misunderstanding." (Answers -1)
  • "You do understand why he ran away in the first place, right?" (This options only becomes available once you have done the Neutral ending.)

Bryce: "Of course we'll still check out those places after we're done here, but if you go on your own you can speed up the process. You could even find a lead for us, who knows?"
  • "Sure thing." (Answers +1)
  • "You must be really understaffed if you need to rely on me."
  • "How about no?" (Answers -1)

If you got 6 or more answers right, you get 2 investigations points.
If you got between 3 and 5 answers right, you get 1 investigation point.
Otherwise, you get nothing.

Now, for the actual clues you need to get in order to get this achievement:

You need to visit two of the four locations and gather evidence and clues.

  • When you visit the grocery store, ask the store clerk (Zhong) if Reza has been there. (Clue +1)
  • When you visit the facility, ask Damion if Reza has been there. (Clue +1)
  • When you visit the library, ask Remy if Reza has been there. (Clue +1)
  • When you visit Tatsu park, acquire the bloody bandage found under the hatch in the north of the park. (Clue +1)

Then present your findings to Sebastian.

If you have 2 clues, you get 3 investigation points and earn this achievement!
If you have only 1 clue, you get 2 investigation points.
If you have no clues, you get just 1 investigation point.
Chapter 2 - Achievements (Cont'd)

Memories - Look at Remy's pictures

When you go to Remy's 2nd meet-up, while he is in the bathroom, look at the pictures over and over.


Snoop - Look at Anna's envelope.

When you go and meet Anna for the second time, to go on your date, try to get into her lab after waiting a long time. You'll find a letter. Look at it.

(Don't get caught reading it...)


Leg stretcher - Stretch your legs.

Eau de Dragon - Examine Bryce's blanket.

Research Material - Look at Bryce's magazine.

When you visit Bryce for the second time, he'll go into the kitchen to fetch some drinks. You can save your game at this point and visit all three of these, and then reload your game after each one, or do them across a few play-throughs. Your choice.


Audiophile - Listen to a bunch of music.

After you had your first meet-up with Bryce in Chapter 1, go and visit the grocery store during the second investigation, and you'll meet Zhong. He'll invite you to meet him during Chapter 2. While visiting him, listen to all the music options from the jukebox. You don't have to listen to the music the whole time, unless you want to.


The Politician - Meet with Emera.

In order to actually meet with Emera, you must visit her in Tatsu Park in the south. You will also need to have gotten either Remy's good or bad ending first in a previous play-through at some point. If you have neither, you cannot actually meet up with her at the end of this chapter.

Once you encounter her in the park, she will ask you for your opinion on Remy's malformed ears as they seem to make her laugh. Tell her "I have to admit, they are pretty funny." OR "I haven't noticed."

She will then become available to be visited. What you do in that scene though, well, it's up to you.

Chapter 3 - Achievements
Now for Chapter 3 achievements. Stay strong now!

Cartographer - Acquire a map.

During the chapter 3 investigation, visit the police archives and look at the map for the underground building. This item is required to get Adine's good ending.
(It's more of a blueprint really...)


Base Finder - Find a mysterious base.

During the chapter 3 investigation, visit the police archives and look inside the trash bin. This is the other half of the Ixomen Sphere for Lorem's good ending.


Prankster - Play a prank on Bryce.

During the chapter 3 investigation, visit the police archives and play a prank.
(Not sure what the actual prank is though...)


Altruist - Help Katsuharu.

On your way to the police archives, you will encounter Katsuharu. Help him get his ice cream cart unstuck. Do note that after helping him, you will return to your apartment, wasting one of your two possible places to visit during your investigation.


Interrogator 2 - Interrogate Anna.

Visit the facility during the chapter 3 investigation and ask Anna all the questions.


Stalker - Follow Vara.

When visiting the grocery store during the chapter 3 investigation, follow Vara from the store.
(And be glad you did so.)


Reckless - Go to the portal.

Instead of calling the police after arriving back to your apartment after your first part of investigating, simply head for the Portal.


Investigator 3 - Do well on the third investigation.

This is the last section that will also apply to the Flawless Run achievement, if you have been doing it right.

To get this achievement, gather clues and evidence once again.

Follow Vara from the store, and rescue her once you realize why she is upset. (Not a clue, but just as important!)

Visiting the production facility and asking Anna all of the questions. (Clue +1)

Visit the police archives and study the blueprint of the underground building. (Clue +1)

Visit the store and stay. The store clerk (Zhong) will draw a sketch of what he saw. (Clue +1)

Then take your findings to Sebastian once more.

If you saved Vara, you get 5 investigation points.
If you gathered 2 clues, you get 5 investigation points, and earned this achievement.
If you only got 1 clue, you get 3 investigation points.
If you got no clues, you get 1 investigation point.


Flawless Run - Do well in all investigations in a single playthrough.

Simply put. You need to do well in all of the investigations in one go. You need 15 or more investigation points to get this achievement.

Chapter 1 can give you a maximum of 5 points.
Chapter 2 can give you a maximum of 5 points.
Chapter 3 can give a maximum of 8 points.


Souvenir - Keep the seashells.

While Adine is flshing, you'll pick up some seashells. Keep them instead of giving them to Adine or tossing them away.


The Artisan - Meet with Katsuharu.

After you helped Katsuharu with getting his cart unstuck during the third investigation on the way to the police archive, you'll be able to meet with him later in Chapter 3. Just visit him, listen to his story, and perhaps, even enjoy an ice cream cone.


Utterly Pointless Achievement - Do a thing.

This achievement will probably confuse you as to how or why you get it. Let me explain.

When Sebastian calls you down to the station and gives you your assignment of locations to investigate, the game checks to see if you have seen at least 5 different endings to the game. If so, it awards this random achievement.
(Yeah, quite an odd thing really...)
Chapter 4 - Achievements
These are achievements you get in Chapter 4 or during a 4th meet-up with a character.

In Loco Parentis - Return the eggs to the hatchery.

When Sebastian gives you a list of things to do, you can take the eggs back to Adine at the hatchery.


The Student - Meet with Kevin.

On your way to the hatchery, you meet a fuzzy dragon named Kevin. Invite him to your place and meet with him later on.


Sphere Builder - Assemble the sphere.

When you get both parts of the Ixomen Sphere, and meet with Lorem for the fourth time, he will put it together and power it on.
(Techinically, he should be the one getting the achievement, but I suppose it was a team effort.)
Misc. Achievements

Popular - Have two messages waiting for you at the same time.

When you meet with 2 characters and get them both Impressed in the same chapter, they will both leave you a phone message for the next chapter.


Lazy - Decide not to meet anyone or investigate 10 times.

When investigating at locations, don't bother to collect clues or evidence. After visiting only one character, choose to rest in your apartment to skip the rest of a chapter.


Fast Forward - Skip ahead 10 times.

When the game asks if you wish to skip ahead, which means skipping parts of a chapter, or a character vist, click yes. I personally don't always recommend doing this as you might be skipping over new and additional dialogue that may have appeared, depending on what things you have done.
Ending achievements - Part 1

Unmasking - See what lies beneath the mask.

To get this, view any ending where the administrator's mask has fallen off or is removed.
(Quite a surprise indeed.)


It Begins - See your first ending.

Exactly what it says. Seen your first ending, regardless if it made you happy or sad.


Detonation - See the neutral ending.

To get this ending, you must go alone in Chapter 5. You must also not be completely on bad terms with characters and done relatively well on the investigations.


Please refer to my Character mood guide in order to see in more detail on getting the good and bad endings for all 5 of the main characters.


Alone - See Remy's bad ending.

Don't view the pictures in his home in his second scene.
Don't save Vara.
Don't inquire about him wanting children in his third scene if you did view them.


Casualties of War - See Remy's good ending.

View all the pictures in his home in his second scene and ask him about those.
Follow Vara from the store at night to save her.
Ask about him wanting children in his third scene.


Sacrifice - See Anna's bad ending.

Either don't read the letter under her lab door, or get told by Remy about her condition in his 3rd scene.

If you have read the letter or been told by Remy, simply do the following: Don't tell her that you know about the cancer in her 4th scene.


Tragic Hero - See Anna's good ending.

Learn of her cancer in two different ways:
1) During her 2nd scene, try to get into her lab and read the letter.
2) Get told by Remy in his 3rd scene in Tatsu Park.

Tell Anna you know about her cancer in her 4th scene.

Do note that once Remy tells you, you can no longer mention having read the letter to her.


Remember - See Lorem's bad ending.

Don't find the Ixomen Sphere parts.

If you have the parts, simply don't take the sphere with you in Chapter 5.


The Plan - See Lorem's good ending.

Find the Ixomen sphere in Tatsu Park.
Find the Ixomen sphere's charging base at the police archives.
Lorem will assemble it for you in his fourth scene.

Take it with you in Chapter 5.


Catastrophy - See Bryce's bad ending.

Don't give Anna your blood.
If you did, just don't tell Maverick about the blood test results during the investigation during Chapter 4.


Murderer - See Bryce's good ending.

Give Anna your blood.
Stop and tell Maverick before he leaves the police office, and tell him about the results in Chapter 4. This makes him put some small trust that you haven't been with Reza at all.


Getaway - See Adine's bad ending.

Don't get the map from the police archives.
If you do have the map, just don't give it to her in her 3rd scene.


Decisions - See Adine's good ending.

Get the map from the police archives during the 3rd invesitgation if you don't have it.
Give it to her during her 3rd scene.


Optimist - See your first good ending.

Simply see the good ending for any of the 5 characters above.

Potential Bug: It seems Lorem's good ending does not count towards this achievement. This has been reported to see if it is an oversight.

Ending achievements - Part 2

Betrayal - See the evil ending.

Okay, so getting this ending can be a little confusing, as in chapter 5, you have to go alone, like you did in for the neutral ending. However, there are certain conditions you have to meet to get it. As you play through the chapters and investigations, things you say or do will award you "evil" points. Getting on bad terms with the main characters can also net you these evil points, but it may not be required.

The quickest way to get on bad terms with each character:

Remy: Refuse to help him organize the books.
Anna: Don't go out for coffee with her.
Lorem: Don't stay.
Bryce: Don't go out drinking with him.
Adine: Close the door on her.

When you have enough evil points and go alone in chapter 5, you will get the evil ending. However, if you have enough investigation points, you will end up going to the neutral ending instead, so you must avoid doing this.

So, how do you get it? Well, there are several ways to earn these "evil points". It depends on what you say and do during the normal chapters. So, let's begin.


When Sebastian extends his hand to shake yours:
"Don't shake his hand." (+1 evil point)

When meeting Reza and talking about Maverick:
"I bet he'd win in a fight with mine, though." (+1 evil point)

When Reza asks if you gave Anna your blood:
"No." (+1 evil point)

When Reza finally gets you alone at a table at the cafe:
"It does seem rather strange that they need someone following us everywhere." (+1 evil point)

When Adine points out you are human:
"You were able to correctly identify our species based on what we look like, congratulations!" (+1 evil point)

When Reza tells you things feel off about this world:
"Let me just grab my tinfoil hat real quick." (+1 evil point)

When he points out Maverick might be listening in:
"What a creep." (+1 evil point)

When Adine brings your food/drink:
"Now shoo, scaly-face." (+1 evil point)

When Sebastian tells you he left a generous tip:
"Actually, I do." (+1 evil point)

When back at your apartment, trying to read Reza's letter, look at the pain medicine in the bathroom:
Choose "Take some." until you black out. (+3 evil points)

When meeting with Reza at the portal and tells you this place will be gone soon:
"Yeah, I know." (+3 evil points)

When Bryce asks you what happened:
"Maverick followed us here and tried to apprehend us." (+2 evil points)

Next day, when Bryce tells you that Maverick attacking you won't be taken lightly.
"Where I come from, this kind of attack on a diplomat could be classified as an act of war, punishable by death." (+3 evil points)

When at the first crime scene, answer the questions poorly to avoid getting investigation points. Avoid clicking the right answers.

When Adine sees you again:
"Go away." (+1 evil point)


Avoid getting investigation points. Here's how:

Someone pushed you from being hit by the light fixture. Was it Reza?
"I don't think it was Reza." (-1 investigation point)

Why would Reza wear the cloak and mask?
"He didn't want to be recognized." (-1 investigation point)

Who has a motive to steal generators?
"It could be anyone, really." (-1 investigation point)

Did we all see the human running away?
"Are we sure we saw him running away?" (-1 investigation point)

Strange things going on in this quiet town. What is our thoughts?
"Maybe this whole thing is just a huge misunderstanding." (-1 investigation point)
If you have the neutral ending however:
"You do understand why he ran away in the first place, right?" (+2 evil points)

Will we go investigate for Bryce?
"How about no?" (+1 evil point) (-1 investigation point)

Now, you want to mostly avoid investigating and collecting evidence, except for one piece. If you haven't done the TRUE ending yet, visit Tatsu Park, go north and open the hatch and take the bandage. (+5 evil points)

You can also visit Emera in the south of Tatsu Park and tell her you find Remy's ears are funny. (+1 evil point)

After leaving the park, choose to take a rest. Don't visit the library, grocery store, or facility.

Maverick wants answers when he approaches you.
"What if I don't have any for you?" (+1 evil point)

This option ONLY appears if we have done the Neutral ending:
Do we wish to kill Maverick?
"If I have to." (+3 evil points)

When we visit Sebastian to turn in our findings, if any.

Bryce is persistant?
"He should've given up hours ago." (+1 evil point)

We'll find Reza.
"[Say nothing.]" (+1 evil point)


Once again, we need to avoid investigation points.

After we see the murder scene...

We are requested to the Ministry of Culture & Arts
"Maybe they're going to throw a surprise party for us." (+1 evil point)

When we get escorted to the portal by Sebastian...

Do we know Adine?
"No." (+1 evil point)

During the investigation...

Go to the police archive
"Play a prank." (+2 evil points)

You can help Katsuharu on your way to the archive or visit the portal or choose to stay in your apartment after calling the police to avoid investigating anything further.

And that's it. If you have a lot of evil points (over 30) and done horrid on the investigations, you should get the evil ending when you go alone in Chapter 5.


Hope - See the true ending.

Once you get all of the good endings for all five main characters, choose to go with EVERYONE in chapter 5. Enjoy.


And that's all 63 steam achievements!

Is that all there is? Well, there is a secret ending. View my other guides on how to discover it!
14 bình luận
manotroll 7 Thg02, 2021 @ 11:00am 
vlw pelo guia
JeffMakesGames  [tác giả] 28 Thg11, 2017 @ 3:03am 
You should look at my Character Mood guide for further details. Mainly, look at Bryce's Chapter 3 and 4.
JeffMakesGames  [tác giả] 19 Thg07, 2017 @ 4:01pm 
Yes, It's why my guide above says this. As long as you didn't tell her that it wasn't nice to make fun of Remy, as well as one of Remy's endings already done, you can meet with her.
Afterglow 19 Thg07, 2017 @ 4:00pm 
Oh, so you can choose either Didn't notice or Amusing? Interesting.
JeffMakesGames  [tác giả] 19 Thg07, 2017 @ 3:54pm 
When you start that scene with her in the park. there is a MOOD counter that starts at 0. When you mention you didn't notice his ears. Nothing alters that counter, so it stays at 0. If you find his ears amusing, the counter is equal to 1. If you told her that wasn't nice, the counter is made -1.

It checks for whether that counter is equal to or greater than 0. If it does, then she invites you to contact her later.

Afterglow 19 Thg07, 2017 @ 3:50pm 
"whether Remy's ears were amusing or you didn't notice them." What is the game "supposed" to do if I say I didn't notice? Because that's what I picked and I got to meet her that time.
JeffMakesGames  [tác giả] 19 Thg07, 2017 @ 3:37pm 
I am not sure what else to tell you. The guide is accurate.

The only choices that mattered in making her available to visit was simply to tell her whether Remy's ears were amusing or you didn't notice them. Then the game checks for whether you had one of Remy's endings done.
Afterglow 19 Thg07, 2017 @ 2:15pm 
I don't know what to tell you, so I'll just reiterate: I have both Remy's endings, I tried following your guide to the letter, and it didn't give me the option to meet with her. I tried different dialogue options (as described earlier), and it did work. What the game files said didn't work for my playthrough.
JeffMakesGames  [tác giả] 19 Thg07, 2017 @ 1:08pm 
My guide is based on what the game files say. It is absolutely accurate.

The questions don't seem to actually matter although, I usually ask her them anyway, and the things that do is whether you tell Emera that you didn't notice his ears or you do find them amusing. (A hidden mood counter only for that part is affected.)

After that, the game checks for whether you have Remy's good or bad ending already done in a previous play-through. If so, she becomes available to be met with.
Afterglow 19 Thg07, 2017 @ 1:01pm 
@|MG| JeffMakesGames: Ok I managed to get Emera to meet with me. I had to: Tell her that I don't know who she is, and then tell her that I didn't notice anything about Remy's ears. I also asked her all three questions available, if that matters. So maybe the achievement guide is a bit wrong on that point? I couldn't get her to meet with me under the conditions you wrote up.