Storm in a Teacup

Storm in a Teacup

Storm in a Teacup - Level 21 to 30 [21-30] Walkthrough (HD)
null  [author] 29 Aug, 2012 @ 3:22pm 
@minnie i already tried this game in two different computers and no problem (using AMD Radeon cards). But I guess i'm a lucky one! This kind of developers only want gain a few more bucks porting the original game on mobile devices to pc without any support to players. Shame.
minnie :] 29 Aug, 2012 @ 3:12pm 
awe :3 grats for being one the lucky ones. I suppose Ill just live vicariously through your gameplay since i cant figure out why it wont run for me ~ ^-^ awesome music choice btw./
null  [author] 29 Aug, 2012 @ 3:08pm 
@minnie i don't have any problem running this game on my pc
minnie :] 29 Aug, 2012 @ 2:58pm 
how did you even get the game to run? 90% people complain game crashes at the menu screen.