LEGO® Worlds

LEGO® Worlds

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RocketRat8 2023년 8월 4일 오전 11시 04분 
This thing is so awesome! Thanks for uploading it to bricksafe!:steamhappy:
Some Dumbass 2022년 9월 3일 오후 6시 00분 
That makes me coom
Alien Queen 2021년 8월 14일 오전 4시 33분 
cen craft veh ho ar moving ships star ships cars???
DKSilver 2021년 8월 10일 오전 3시 20분 
the timee to build tihs long or208774ß74567
DKSilver 2021년 8월 10일 오전 3시 17분 
khimaros 2018년 3월 24일 오전 4시 22분 
Very clever use of the chairs, thanks for the info. Starting in Sandbox mode isn't really an option now, as my scene is being built just outside my daughter's Mermaid hideout, which was done in adventure mode. I think I have enough to get it done, and I don't mind hunting anyway.

This really is an incredible piece of work, I'm blown away, I've been looking at if for the past hour taking in all the details, it's exquisite!
hymn  [작성자] 2018년 3월 24일 오전 3시 43분 
The Cannon Turrets are static vehicles, i.e. you can mount it to shoot and are located in the Misc vehicle category, I believe in Adventure Mode they are found on a shipwreck in the ocean. The cannon doors is the back of a Saloon Chair found in Western towns.

But hunting down all those bits for building can get slow so I'd suggest building in Sandbox Mode where all the objects are already unlocked.
khimaros 2018년 3월 24일 오전 3시 08분 
Just wow dude! How have you done those cannons? I'm currently building a pirate ship being attacked and torn apart by a Kraken and I haven't figured out how to get good looking cannons, but it looks like you've found actual cannon assets in the world, is that right?
Sadistic Sweety 2018년 3월 22일 오전 7시 09분 
You are really amazing with this! Would love to be a steam friend!
fischpony 2017년 11월 18일 오후 1시 21분 
Steampunk at its best!