Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (2007)

Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (2007)

43 ratings
All Types Of Elevator Glitches Tutorials and Binds
By Darksiderz12
In-depth Tutorial on how to do all sorts of elevator glitches with binds and explain step by step on how to do them!
Introduction to Elevator Glitches

What is an Elevator Glitch?

An elevator glitch is a glitch in a lot of Call of Duty Games, Not only Cod 4 but many other ones where, when you do the glitch it pretty much sends you straight into the air!

There are many types of Elevator glitches, anything from a normal crouch elevator, to a step elevator. All of them are achieved in a very similar style, and all of them do the same thing, they send you flying into the air.

Before We Start
Make sure you can run the game at 250 fps, we will be using a mix of 125 to 250 fps. What Changing the FPS dose I will explain later.

For some elevator glitches, you may need old school, but for most of them that I am going to show you, Old School will be not needed.

Elevator glitches can be very hard, it took me over 6 hours to hit my first elevator glitch. So, in other words don’t give up.

Getting Started
Elevator glitches can get super In-Depth so I want to start off by giving you all the binds you will need.

Binds That You Need

Move Left: /bind KP_LEFTARROW ";+moveleft;wait 2;-moveleft"

This bind lets you slowly move to the Left.
Move Right: /bind KP_RIGHTARROW ";+moveright;wait 2;-moveright"

This bind lets you slowly move to the Right.

Move Forward: /bind MWHEELUP "+forward; wait 2; -forward"

This bind lets you slowly move Forward.

Move Back: /bind MWHEELDOWN "+back; wait 2; -back"

This bind lets you slowly move Back.

FPS 250: /bind KP_PGUP "com_maxfps 250"

This bind lets you change you're FPS to 250.

FPS 125: /bind KP_HOME "com_maxfps 125"

This bind lets you change you're FPS to 125.

You can use both or one of them, sometimes 1 or 2 work depends on the glitch

Jump Crouch 1: /bind x "+gostand; wait 2; togglecrouch; wait 2; +gostand"
Jump Crouch 2: /bind z "+gostand;wait 5;-gostand;wait 2;gocrouch;wait 2;+gostand;wait 2;-gostand"

This two binds, let you Jump Crouch Jump, this is needed when doing Jump Elevator Glitches, and step Elevator Glitches. They both are pretty much the same just that the time is a little delayed.


Make sure you have a key that lets you change Stands (Stand, Crouch) and make sure to have Prone and Stand to another button because, when doing a crouch elevator glitch, you don’t want to accidently go crouch in the middle of doing it.
Basic Elevator (Crouch Elevator)
Crouch elevators are the best elevators to start with, now there is many different spots that you can do the elevators at.

Some Spots

Video Tutorial

Text Tutorial

When Stepping Left Or Right, use the bind!

1) First you need to find a spot, there is many different spots where you can do this elevator glitch. I recommend going around the map and searching spots for yourself.

2) After finding that spot walk up to the wall as close as possible and crouch. Make sure you’re fps is at 125 at this point

3) After crouching use the bind that lets you move forward and move forward and keep trying to stand up.

4) When you get the position where you can’t stand up just stop moving.

5) Next you want to get an angel, you can look left or right, your choice. Just remember whatever way you are looking, make sure you’re using the right move bind (Left or Right)

6) The angel needs to be very big at the start

7) After you get the angel start tapping the move button (depending on your side) and keep trying to stand up.

8) When you stand up, make sure to move back one position, so you’re blocked again.

9) Make the angel smaller and do step 7/8 (Every Time Make the Angel Smaller, and you can switch from looking to the Left to The Right)

10) After the angel is very small, and you still have not hit the glitch change you’re fps to 250, and keep doing step 7/8/9, till you hit in
Prone Elevator
Prone Elevators are pretty much just like crouch elevators just that you are prone and not crouched!

Some Spots

Make sure to first learn how to do a Crouch Elevator before you start trying this one!

Video Tutorial

Text Tutorial

1) First you need to find a spot, there is many different spots where you can do this elevator glitch. I recommend going around the map and searching spots for yourself.

2) After finding that spot walk up to the wall as close as possible and prone. Make sure you’re fps is at 125 at this point

3) After going prone use the bind that lets you move forward and move forward and keep trying to stand up.

4) When you get the position where you can’t stand up just stop moving.

5) Next you want to get an angel, you can look left or right, your choice. Just remember whatever way you are looking, make sure you’re using the right move bind (Left or Right)

6) The angel needs to be very big at the start

7) After you get the angel start tapping the move button (depending on your side) and keep trying to stand up.

8) When you stand up, make sure to move back one position, so you’re blocked again.

9) Make the angel smaller and do step 7/8 (Every Time Make the Angel Smaller, and you can switch from looking to the Left to The Right)

10) After the angel is very small, and you still have not hit the glitch change you’re fps to 250, and keep doing step 7/8/9, till you hit in
More Coming Soon
Hello guys, sorry that I don't have the other Tutorials posted yet, but they will be on soon. I am the moment have a lot of school work! :(
N e a t 21 Apr, 2024 @ 8:04pm 
Used to be a MASTER at this and I approve this guide, my trick was looking at the graphical lines at the top of the building you were trying to elevate up; The longer the line the higher the chance of elevating and by line I mean if they're really close together they look like a set of stairs along the line of the roof of a building. The further apart these "stairs" lets call them, are, the shorter the angle mentioned in this guide, if you can stand after moving once left and right then you're close and need to shorten the angle more.

(Hope someone understands this)
nutfluid 17 Apr, 2024 @ 4:41pm 
rudefoxs is mad he cant do it lmao
BEER! 29 Jun, 2021 @ 7:49pm 
RudeFoxs its a harmless exploit lmao were not aimbot/wallhacking
RudeFoxs 28 Aug, 2020 @ 9:58am 
glitches are still classed as cheating and or exploiting, guess this is where all the cheaters hide these days
Lidor 16 Jun, 2019 @ 10:34am 
I Still can't seem to get this right :/
sbells 1 Apr, 2019 @ 2:06pm 
question. how do you get out of the "lag spot"?
sometimes when i do elevators (particularly prone elevators, but it does happen sometime with others) i'll get stuck in a spot where my crosshairs are completely zoomed out (like when you jump) and it won't let me prone anymore. then i have to move out of my elevator spot and restart. is there a way to get out of that without moving?
Greg 18 Jan, 2019 @ 1:27am 
I forgot all about these haha, good times.
Filip 3 Dec, 2017 @ 9:21am 
yeah u can edit it bruh
Darksiderz12  [author] 22 Oct, 2017 @ 6:24am 
Yes sorry, I wrote this very fast!
rem1xAU 21 Oct, 2017 @ 2:13am