LEGO® City Undercover

LEGO® City Undercover

110 ratings
Broden's LEGO Videogame Help - LEGO City: Undercover
By legogamesguy
This is a complete walkthrough for the game. It covers all 15 main story chapters and Special Assignments, as well as a complete guide to exploring the vast open world of LEGO City.

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Chapter 1 - New Faces and Old Enemies
You start in control of Chase McCain (Civilian). Follow the stud trail and hop in the Pursuer. Follow the sat nav studs to reach the police station. Head into the police shield to progress in the story.

After the cutscenes, head over to the computer to watch Frank Honey destroy it. Build the LEGO pieces onto the computer to repair it. Follow Frank to the elevator, then hop in to start another cutscene.

After meeting Chief Dunby, Frank will then give you a tour of the basement. Follow him to view the Vehicle Request Desk. You will eventually be able to purchase vehicles here. He will then show you a broken elevator. You can later repair it. Follow Frank to the Requisitions Desk. You'll be returning to this area shortly, but first, you need a uniform. Frank will knock some boxes down the stairs. Head down and destroy the boxes to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a locker, then use it to receive the Police Disguise. You can also purchase Grace Maypiece. You will now have your police uniform. Follow Frank back to the Requisitions Desk, then press the button to open the gate. Head up to the counter to meet Ellie.

After the cutscene, head back to the elevator. Head back to the computer and sync up to it. You will then be asked to wake Chief Dunby. To do that you need the key to his office. Frank says he lost it upstairs, so head up there to receive a video call from Ellie. Answer it and you will unlock the Detective Scan. You can use this to search for hidden objects. Head to the marker, then scan to reach a cabinet. Open it to find the key, then pick it up and use it to unlock the chief's office. Smash the cabinet in the chief's office to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a boombox, waking the Chief.

After the briefing, you will need to rush to the bank. Ellie will then call you, telling you that she has activated the navigation feature. Use it to set a waypoint to the bank, then follow it. Step into the police symbol to trigger a cutscene.

You are now in your car, chasing the first criminal. Ram into the van four times and the clown will run away on foot. Chase him down, then follow the button prompts to arrest him. That's one down. Ellie will then call you. Answer her and she will inform you that another clown was spotted by the Red Cafe. Follow the sat nav studs to the cafe, then follow the studs up the stairs. Ellie will then inform you that Criminal Scan has been unlocked. Head to the orange marker and scan for the clown. Once you find him, climb the plant to hop the fence. Open the shed, then pick up the box. Carry it to the left and place it on the green panel, revealing LEGO pieces. Build them into a mushroom, then bounce up onto the ledge. Head over to where the beanstalk used to be, then scan and follow the trail to reveal a valve. Pick it up and place it in the slot, then turn it to turn on the hose. Follow the hose and destroy the objects blocking the flow of water to water plants. Climb up onto the ledge, then head to the right and chase after the second clown. Arrest him and he will tell you that the last clown is by the docks. Follow the sat nav studs to the docks, then step into the police symbol. A Criminal Scan point will then be revealed on top of a stack of boxes. Hop up and use it to spy the clown way off in the back, hiding inside of a cargo crate. Follow the sat nav studs to meet a worker, who will ask you to do him a solid. He wants the gate opened, so follow him to the left. Hop onto the boxes on the forklift to be raised up, then smash the barrel and head inside the door. Pull the lever inside to open the gate. Head on through and a worker will offer to help you reach the criminal if you get him his "samich". Scan and follow the trail to find his samich, then return it to him. You will then be lifted up onto the crates. Open the crate to find the third clown. Chase him down and arrest him. Arrest all three clowns to complete this chapter.
Chapter 2 - Blast from the Past
Chief Dunby will call you, so pick up. He will ask you to take care of a roadblock. Head over to the roadblock and step into the police symbol.

After the cutscene, Ellie will call you. As you are currently missing your car, Ellie will instruct you to head to the broken down Vehicle Call-In Point. Follow the sat nav studs to the diner, where the owner will complain about the lack of business. Repair the 4 gas pumps and the owner will give you a Super Brick. The 4x2 Super Bricks are worth 10,000 Bricks, and you can find a 2x2 Super Brick by scanning and following the trail (these are worth 1,000 bricks). To repair the Call-In Point, you only need 8,000 bricks. Go ahead and repair it. You will then unlock Super Builds in the hub. You have also unlocked the Trooper vehicle for purchase. Use the Call-In Point to call in the Squaddie vehicle, then hop inside. Ellie will tell you that there has been a robbery at the LEGO City TV Building. In order to stop them, you'll need a grapple gun. Ellie will tell you that her uncle has some. Follow the sat nav studs to the station, then head into the police symbol to speak with Sheriff Huckleberry.

After the cutscene, you will receive the grapple gun. Follow the sat nav studs to Jenny's Diner. Step into the police symbol to reveal a Criminal Scan point on the roof. Use the grapple point to reach the ledge, then use the grapple gun to pull down the ladder. Climb up, then climb up the ladder underneath the burger to reach the Criminal Scan point. Use it to locate the robbers (they're in a group of four towards the roof of the building on the right). Once you've located them, jump down and head to the building on the left. Use the grapple points to reach an opening, then head inside to start your first Special Assignment.
Some Assaults - Story Mode
Enemies: Robber
LEGO City Hero: 75,000

1. Head to the left and use the grapple gun to swing across the gap. Continue left and swing across the next gap. Grapple up to the ledge, then head right and shimmy across the gap on the beam. Use the grapple point to pull down the dish, revealing LEGO pieces. Build them into a trampoline, then use it to bounce up onto the ledge. Destroy all of the furniture to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a launch pad, then step on it. Climb the drainpipe, then head right over and under the pipes. Cross the beam, then hop up the railings. Arrest the first robber, then climb the wall in the back. Head right and hop onto the rope going down. Swing up the poles, then climb up the plant. Climb up the drainpipe, then head left and run across the gap. Arrest the second robber, then hop up the wall in the back. Arrest the third robber, then hop across the poles to the right. Hop over the pipe to witness the leader fleeing. Slide down the rope, then follow the button prompts to run up the slope. Slide down the other side and the leader will destroy the beam across the gap. Use the grapple point on the helicopter to swing across the gap, then hop up the blocks. Use the railings and beams to reach the top, then use the grapple point to reach the roof. Step on the launch pad to complete this Special Assignment.
Chapter 2 cont.
Not much to say here, just that you have now unlocked the Free Running ability.
Chapter 3 - Go Directly to Jail
Head behind the police station and destroy the blue dumpster to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them onto the fence, then free run over it. You will then speak to Bluffbeard. He will offer to ferry you to Albatross Island. Only problem is he sunk the ferry. You will need to complete the Super Build to repair it. This Super Build costs 15,000 bricks. Ellie will upgrade your communicator with the Data Scan function. You can use it to find Super Bricks. Destroying a blue dumpster on the ferry will reveal a Clue Spot. Follow the trail to find a 2x2 Super Brick. Head up the stairs and hop up the blocks underneath the overpass, then climb across on the ceiling. Drop down and head left, then slide under the tower to reach another 2x2 Super Brick. Climbing to the top of the tower will net you a 2x4 Super Brick. That's 12,000. Another 2x2 Super Brick can be found by climbing the wall on a guard shack, and another can be found by climbing up the walls on the back of the police station. That covers 14,000. You should at this point have at least 1,000 saved up. If not, destroy the objects around the city to collect it. Once you have 15,000 Super Bricks, complete the Super Build to repair the ferry. You will activate your first Ferry Route, as well as complete the Super Build. You will also unlock the Pumpkin vehicle. Use the ticket machine to hop into the ferry and travel to Albatross Island.

After landing on the island, head to the left to notice the sleeping guard. Destroy the crate on the right to reveal another box. Pick it up and place it on the green panel to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them onto the fence, then free run over it. Destroy the box to reveal a Clue Spot. Follow the trail to reveal a key. Pick it up and place it in the door to the right, then open it. Head left inside and press the button to open the gate. Continue along the path and head left immediately. Destroy the dumpster to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a wall, then hop up and run up the slope. Shimmy across the ledge, then free run over the fence. Use the grapple point to reach the above ledge, then continue right. Use the grapple point on the watchtower to reach the top, then slide down the pole to reach the prison yard. Head over to the marker on the map. Before you can enter the court, two prisoners will ask you to retrieve their basketball. Head to the right and towards the wall, then climb up and shimmy to the right. Drop down and head right, then use the grapple point to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a launch pad, then use it to reach another prison yard. Arrest all five criminals, then grab the ball. Climb up the wall to the left and return the ball to the prisoners. They will then open the gate, allowing you to talk to Blue. After the cutscene, head to the police symbol to start Special Assignment 2 - Trouble in Stir.
Trouble in Stir - Story Mode
LEGO City Hero: 65,000

1. Walk around the bottom floor and arrest the 6 criminals. After arresting them, the officer will open Blue's cell. Use the locker to receive your next disguise, the Robber. Head to the left and use your crowbar to open the cell. Destroy the box inside to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a wall, then climb up. Once on the second floor, head right and destroy the objects to reveal a Clue Spot. Follow the trail to find a key. Pick it up and use it to open the cell door, then head inside and to the right. Exit the next cell and cross the beam, then continue to the right. Pry open the cell door, then head inside and crack the safe to reveal a keycard. Pick it up and place it in the machine on the far left. This will open the door, so head inside. Press the button to deactivate the lasers. Use the grapple point to reach the third floor, then head right. Pry open the cell door, then smash through the walls to the right. Continue right and destroy the red objects to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a button, then press it to open the door to the warden's office. Head inside.

2. The warden will head into the bathroom. Use the grapple point on the chandelier to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into bars on the door, trapping the warden. A safe will then be revealed crack it open to reveal a record. Pick it up and place it in the slot. After the cutscene, build the LEGO pieces into a button, then press it to reveal an elevator. Walk inside.

3. Head right and pry open Rex's cell. Once inside, you are going to have to reveal three buttons. For the first, use the punching bag to reveal it. Step on it. Use the grapple point on the hot tub to drain it, revealing another button. Step on it as well. For the final button, smash the toilet to reveal a water spout. Ride it to the upper ledge, then climb across the gap on the ceiling. Destroy the AC unit to reveal a Clue Spot. Follow the trail to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into the final button and step on it. Step on all three buttons to reveal an opening. Hop into it to complete this Special Assignment.
Chapter 3 - cont.
After completing the Special Assignment, Ellie will call you and tell you to investigate the Bluebell Mine. You will then unlock Train Travel, as well as activate the Train Stations in Cherry Tree Hills and Bluebell National Park. Head over to the Cherry Tree Hills train station and use the ticket machine to pull up the travel menu. Select Bluebell National Park to travel there.

Once in the park, head to the police symbol, but you'll be stopped by some miners. You'll need to signal the end of their shift to get them to leave. Pry open the shed to the right, then crack the safe inside to get a valve. Pick it up and place it in the slot, then turn it to sound the whistle. This will clear the miners from your path, so head inside to start Special Assignment 3 - Miner Altercation.
Miner Altercation - Story Mode
LEGO City Hero: 90,000

1. You need to get some safety gear on. Head to the back the pry open the door, then head inside and pull the lever to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a box, then push it along the tiles. Hop up the box and onto the ledge, then climb up the wall. Use the grapple point to swing across the gap, then destroy the objects to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a launch pad, then use it to cross the gap. Pry open the door and use the locker to obtain the Miner disguise. The miner can destroy black boulders, so do so to the right to reveal an opening in the fence. Slide down the rope, then smash the nearby boulders to reveal part of a lever. Pick it up and place it in the slot to the right, then pull it to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a dynamite vending machine, then use it to grab a stick of dynamite. Place it in the barrel to the right, which will destroy the silver brick blocking the machinery. This will reveal LEGO pieces by the track. Build the LEGO pieces onto the track, then push the mine cart into the silver boulders, clearing the path ahead. Continue down the tracks.

2. Use the dynamite machine in the back left corner to grab a stick of dynamite, then place it in the barrel by the silver porta-potty to destroy it. Build the LEGO pieces into a diving board, then use it to hop into the pit. Free fall down, avoiding the rocks and bridges. Once you land, smash through the boulders on the track, then continue on.

3. There is a Super Build in this area, the cable car, which requires 22,000 bricks. Fortunately, there are exactly 23,000 worth of Super Bricks hidden in this area. Head to the right and smash the boulders in front of the shed, then pry open the door. Inside is a 2x2 Super Brick. Head back left and smash the boulders by the silver cart to reveal a Clue Spot. Follow the trail to find a stick of dynamite. Place it in the barrel by the silver cart to destroy it, revealing LEGO pieces. Build them into a box, then hop up the box and railing onto the ledge. Smash the boulders to the left to reveal a 2x4 Super Brick. Halfway there. Hop across the gap to the right and climb the drainpipe, then smash the objects to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a launch pad, then step on it to reach the upper ledge. Hop onto the railing and head right to reach a 2x2 Super Brick, then use the grapple point to the left to pull down the bridge. Cross it, then smash the blue barrel to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a block, then hop up to the ledge. Head right and destroy the barrel to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a beam, then cross it. Grab the torch, then head back left and use it to light the fuse. Hop up the railings and continue right. Swing across the poles, then climb the ladder and swing onto the ledge on the left. Climb the wall to reach another 2x2 Super Brick. Climb the ladder and slide down the tightrope to reach a 2x4 Super Brick. Slide down the chain, then drop down to the ground level. Complete the Super Build, then step inside the cable car. The thugs will take out the car and you'll be back on the ground. Head right, hopping across the islands, then climb up the wall (watch out for the dynamite boulders). Once you reach the top, head behind the wooden boards and use the grapple point to reach the upper ledge. Climb the wall and avoid the rocks on the conveyor belt, then hop onto the ledge and head left. Smash through the boulders, then continue up the stairs. Destroy the objects to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a dynamite machine, then place the dynamite in the barrel by the porta-potty. Build the LEGO pieces into a launch pad, then use it to reach the upper ledge. Head right and drop down the hole in the roof, then pry open the safe to find a voice recorder. Pick it up and listen to complete this Special Assignment.
Chapter 3 - cont.
After completing the Special Assignment, you will go straight into Chapter 4.
Chapter 4 - When the Going Gets Tough...
Ellie will call you and instruct you to head to the dojo, so follow the sat nav studs to get there. Once you get there, you will notice that the bridge is down. You will need to complete the Serenity Bridge Super Build, which costs 30,000 bricks. Don't worry, as there are plenty nearby. Many of the boulder mounds contain 2x2 Super Bricks, and other 2x2s can be found on top of stumps. If you pry open the door to a small cabin in the campgrounds, you can collect the 2x4 inside. Destroy the nearby boulder pile to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a trampoline, then use it to bounce onto the roof, where another 2x4 lies. Once you have enough, complete the Super Build and cross the bridge. Climb up the stairs and head into the police symbol to start the Special Assignment 4 - Kung Fool.
Kung Fool - Story Mode
LEGO City Hero: 42,000

1. In order to enter the dojo, you will need to complete the Dragon Super Build. This requires a total of 40,000 bricks, all of which can be found in the area. Head to the right and destroy the lion statue to reveal a Clue Spot. Follow the trail to find a firework. Pick it up and place it in the slot to reveal a 2x4 Super Brick and some dynamite. Pick up the dynamite and place it in the barrel on the right to destroy the silver pillar. Hop up the pillars to the ledge, then use the grapple point to pull down the ladder. Climb up onto the roof, then head to the center of the roof. You can destroy the dragon statue on the right to lower a ladder, allowing you to climb back up if you fall. Destroy the dragon statue on the left to raise a balloon up. Use the grapple point on it to reach the upper ledge. Grab onto the railing to reveal a torch. Use it to light the four fuses, two on each side of the roof. You can grab infinite torches so you don't have to worry about speed. Lighting each set of fuses will reveal a firework. Pick them up and place them in the slots to reveal two more 2x4 Super Bricks. For the final Super Brick, head left and complete the labyrinth puzzle to reveal another firework. Place it in the slot to reveal the final 2x4 Super Brick. Once you collect 40,000 bricks, complete the Dragon Super Build to reveal the key to the dojo. Pick it up and place it in the lock, then turn it to open the door. Head inside.

2. Grab the mallet in the back of the room and use it to ring the gong. After the cutscene, you will need to follow the series of directions. Throw three enemies, then counter 3 enemies. Grapple and throw three students for the next task. You will then face stronger opponents, meaning they are tougher to take down. Grapple with and throw the first one that comes out, then throw, counter, or grapple all six students to complete this Special Assignment.
Chapter 4 cont.
After completing the Special Assignment, you will unlock the Advanced Combat ability. Naturally, it's time to test it out. Frank will then call you and tell you that he's in a little spot of bother. Drive over to his location and you will see him trapped in a M.O.V. Head into the police symbol and some thugs will appear. Defeat the waves of thugs that attack you and you will hop in the truck and drive off. You now need to get Frank safely back to Cherry Tree Hills. You have 5 minutes on the clock, which is more than enough time to make it. However, you also have 8 hearts and will be chased by Chan's gang. His cars will ram into you and damage you. Do your best to avoid them. A few emergency brakes are good for shaking them off, especially when there's a roadblock ahead. You may have to do this multiple times before you succeed. Anyway, once you get Frank back safely, this chapter will end.
Chapter 5 - Undercover
The loading screen will say that this is a Special Assignment, but it really isn't. In this mini-cutscene, you will unlock Chase Undercover (Police). This is an alternate costume for the Police disguise slot.

You are now back outside the station, with the mission of infiltrating Chan's gang. Drive over to the police symbol and Ellie will call you to inform you that your communicator has been upgraded. You will then unlock the Audio Scan function, which you can use to listen in on conversations. An Audio Scan Point will then appear on top of a building. To get there, head to the marked spot and climb the drainpipe, then continue along the roof. Use the grapple point to reach the above ledge, then cross the street on the tightrope. Use the Audio Scan Point to locate the scrambled audio (it can be found on the bottom left). Follow the button prompts to unscramble it, revealing that Bucky Butler is going to interview for the gang. Time to track him down. Drive over to the police symbol to reveal an Audio Scan Point. Use it to listen into the scrambled conversation (it can be found towards the top of the building). Bucky will then leave the building, causing Chase to blow his cover. Ram his car with your vehicle to take out his four hearts. He will then flee on foot. Chase him down and arrest him.

Time to head to your job interview. Drive to Chan's limo place and step into the police symbol. You will be tasked with picking up Forrest Blackwell. You will have 3 minutes to pick him up, however, this is more than enough time. The challenging part however, comes with dropping him off at the theater. You will have around 2 minutes 30 seconds to do this. That is almost the exact time it takes to drive there. Turn around immediately after the cutscene (this shaves about 10 seconds off your time), then follow the sat nav studs normally. Eventually, you will come upon a fork in the road (this will be with less than a minute left). Take the left fork to save time. It may take you a few tries to get this, but it gets easier when you know the path. After dropping off Blackwell at the theater, you will be instructed to meet Chan in an alley. Drive to the marker, then step into the police symbol. After the cutscene, you will be given your first real criminal mission: stealing a car from one of Chan's rivals.

Follow the sat nav studs to your destination, a club by a pool party. In order to steal the car, you will need to distract the guards. To do that, you need to get the nearby party going. Head over to it and destroy the red objects to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a grill. Of course, you need some chicken. Head to the right towards the blue-and-white awning in the background. Underneath it is a box oh chicken. Pick it up and place it on the green panel next to the grill, then build the LEGO pieces into the chicken. This will cause one guard to abandon his post. Now for the music. Head over to the other side of the pool and build the LEGO pieces into a DJ stand. However, the DJ lost his record. INteract with the nearby magician to receive it, then place it on the stand. Follow the button prompts to complete the minigame. This will send the other guard over to the party. With both guards distracted, you can now steal the car. Head back to the garage and pry open the door. Before you can break in, however, you will be interrupted by costumed thugs. Arrest them all, then pry open the door. Hop into the car, then drive it to the marker without destroying it to successfully steal it. Watch out for the police officers, who can damage your car. Once the car is hidden, Chan will call, so pick up. Chan will then ask you to head to his limo place, so drive over there and step into the police symbol.

After the cutscene, you'll have to chase down the ninja. Follow the path the ninja takes, then step on the launch pad to cross the street. Continue after the ninja, running across the wall. The ninja will then head through the door. Hop up the walls, then use the tightrope to catch up to the ninja.

After the cutscene, you will unlock the Free Run course in Pagoda.
Chapter 6 - All in the Family
Chan will call, so pick up. He will tell you you need to bust Moe de Luca out of prison. Ellie will then call. You convince her to let you borrow a police truck. Head behind and station and Chuck will ask you to fix his bike. Grab the nearby box and place it on the panel. Build the pieces onto the bike. Chuck will then inform you that two wheels are missing. The first is in the room behind the police station. Pry open the door, then head left and destroy the object to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a ladder, then climb up and head right. Smack the wheel to release it from its cage, then pick it up and place it on the bike. The second wheel can be found on the pier by the ferry. Build the LEGO pieces into a fishing pole, then use it. Follow the button prompts to reel this in. Pick it up and carry it to the bike. Place it on. Once both wheels are on, Chuck will ask you to take the bike out for a spin. Hop on the complete the Time Trial. Once that's done, you will unlock Time Trials in the hub. Chuck will then finally grant you use of the police truck, so hop in and follow the sat nav studs to pick up Moe.

After the cutscene, you'll be driving Moe towards his hideout away from the police. You have no time limit, but you do have four hearts, so keep your car together to Moe's hideout. Once you get Moe home safely, he'll ask you to help him with a job at the airport. Head over to the police symbol, then Moe will give you a car. Hop in and ram into the truck, taking out four hearts. Hop in yourself and drive it to Pappalardo's restaurant. After the cutscene, you will receive the color gun. Follow the sat nav studs to the garden in front of LEGO City Bank. Head to the police symbol, then pry open the manhole. Drop down inside to start Special Assignment 5 - Dirty Work.
Dirty Work-Story Mode
LEGO City Hero: 180,000

1. Climb down the ladder, then destroy the barrel in front of the door. Pry it open, then grab the valve. Place it in the slot, then turn it to open the hatch, revealing a key. Pick it up and place it in the lock, then turn it to open the gate. Continue to the right and notice the red button on the wall. You are going to need to turn it green, but the color in your gun is purple. Head right and hop over the gas. Pull the lever to shut off the first valve. Hop over the gas and pry open the cage, then pull the lever to shut off the second valve. Hop over the gas and smash through the boulders, then pull the lever to shut off the third valve. Continue to the right and turn the wheel to reveal a green color swapper. Use it to change your color to green. Head left and shoot the red button to open the door, revealing a box. Pick it up and place it on the green panel to the left, revealing LEGO pieces. Build them onto the wall, then climb up. Hop onto the ledge on the right, then pry open the door. Head inside.

2. Head to the right and drop down, then destroy the green barrel to reveal a Clue Spot. Follow the trail to find a stick of dynamite. Pick it up and place it in the barrel to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into an air mattress. Hop on it and steer it like a vehicle to cross the toxic sludge. Head up the stairs and to the left, then slide underneath the poles. Pry open the door and grab the valve, then place it in the slot. Turn it to create a water spout. Ride it to the upper ledge, then head right. Destroy the red barrel to reveal a stick of dynamite. Pick it up and place it in the barrel to destroy the door, allowing you to use the red color swapper to change your color to red. Head back right and smash the boulders to reveal a button. Shoot it, changing its color to red. This will lower a platform. Climb the drainpipe, then climb up the ladder.

3. Head to the right and destroy the boxes to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a box, then push it to the left. Use the grapple point to tear the structure off the wall, then use the box to reach the ledge. Head right and grab the dynamite tucked behind the cones, then place it in the barrel to reveal a vent. Pry it open, then head inside.

4. You're now inside the vault. Pry open the panel by you to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a silver color swapper, then change your color to purple. Push the box to the edge of the tiles, then turn it silver to reflect the laser. You can now continue by going forward while on the right side of the mirror. Use the grapple point to pull the other mirror into place, revealing a box. Pick it up and place it on the green panel, then build them into a blue color swapper. Change your color to blue, then shoot the wall to your left. Climb up it, then use the computer to open the gate to the right. Crack the safe to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a green color swapper, then use it to change your color to green. Shoot the button to turn it green, opening the three gates. Pick up each of the three valves and place them in the slots, then start turning them. Stop each valve when the colors line up to open the vault. Head inside. After the cutscene, it's time to make your escape! Climb back up the wall and head out the now open door to your left.

5. Time to bust out of the bank. You need to complete the Relocator Super Build. You need 30,000 bricks to complete it. Luckily for you, there are 3 2x4 Super Bricks hidden in the area. First, use the grapple points on the pictures on the left to knock them down. Rebuild them, revealing roman numerals. These, along with the red tapestry, are a code. Use the wheels on the left to input the correct code (X for red, VII for green, and III for blue). Once that's done, a key will appear. Pick it up and place it in the lock, then turn it to open the door. Head inside and snag the Super Brick. Use the dynamite vending machine to grab a stick of dynamite, then place it in the barrel to the right. This will destroy the barrier to the left. Head inside and crack both safes to reveal the other two Super Bricks. Complete the Super Build to complete this Special Assignment.
Chapter 6 cont.
After completing the Special Assignment, you are going to have to get the emerald to the drop off point. Unfortunately, the game doesn't want to tell you the fastest way there. If you look at the map, taking a right at the first fork in the road, followed by a left, will get you to the first bridge faster. This took me a while, mostly because the time seems a little short. When you reach the police barricade on the bridge, head to the center off the bridge and go down the ramp, then up the ramp at the other side. Once you finally complete this, Chief Dunby will call asking for pictures that you can use as evidence against Chan. Best to oblige him. Ellie will upgrade your communicator with the camera so you can.

Follow the sat nav studs to the police shield, where you will officially unlock the surveillance camera. An Audio Scan point will then appear. To get up there, pry open the nearby door, then use the red color swapper to change your color to red. Exit the building and head left, then hop up the green awning onto the railing. Hop up onto the ledge, then shoot the green button to shut off the electricity. Use the launch pad to reach the audio scan point, then use it to listen in on the criminal's conversation. They will discuss the location of three crimes. Time to take some pictures. Head over to the large pagoda and use the grapple point on the back to climb up. Climb the ladders to reach the camera spot. Your first criminals are on a ledge on the pharmacy, the large red building. Zoom in and take their picture. If the picture is acceptable it will be sent to HQ. If not, you can try again. Once they're busted, look to the alley to the left. Zoom in and take a picture of the thugs, then look to the right to spot the stolen car in a lot. Take a picture of it. Unfortunately, Chase will want a closer look. You will automatically be transported to the final picture spot. Take a picture of the car, then arrest the thugs that attack you. You will then unlock the camera. Use it to take a random picture to complete this chapter.
Chapter 7 - One Small Job for Chan
Chan will call you and ask you to do a job for him. Follow the sat nav studs to the wharf. Step into the police symbol and Chan will call you again. You will then unlock Boats. Hop in Chan's boat and follow the sat nav studs to Apollo Island. Once you land on the island, Chan will tell you he wants you to steal a moon buggy. Head towards the space center, then press the button to open the gate. Follow the sat nav studs to the space center, where the game will show you some boxes. Pry open the door and head inside the building. Destroy the objects to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a locker, then hop inside to receive the Astronaut disguise. Head back to the other box the game showed you and destroy it to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a space crate. Open it to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a wall, then head back into the building and assemble the Blue Color Swapper. Use it to turn the wall blue, then hop up. Swing across the gap on the pole, then use the grapple point to reach the ledge on the left. Build the LEGO pieces into a teleporter, then use it to start Special Assignment 6 - Astronaughty.
Astronaughty - Story Mode
LEGO City Hero: 68,000

1. Head to the left and open the space crate to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a teleporter, then use it to reach the right ledge. Destroy the objects to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a space shuttle which will reveal LEGO pieces. Build then into a space crate, then open it to reveal more LEGO pieces. Build them into a green color swapper, then head right and shoot the red button to open the door. Head inside and up the stairs, then use the grapple point on the left to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them onto the tiles, then push the battery into the wall. This will reveal dynamite, so pick it up and place it in the barrel. This will create an opening, so head onto the lift. Step on the button to go up. You are going to have to find 3 plugs. Destroy an object on the left to reveal a Clue Spot. Follow the trail to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into the first one. Use the grapple point on the left to reveal the second, and pry open the lockers to reveal the third (it's always in the last one you open). Place all three plugs into the machine, then use the teleporter. Hop onto the cart and pull the lever to move to the other side of the room. Hop onto the ledge and hit the button to reveal a chain. Hop on and climb up.

2. Time to power the shuttle. Press the button in the corner to reveal a pattern. Hop on the buttons to repeat the pattern, revealing a silver color swapper. Use it, then shoot the dish on the right to start a laser going. Climb the ladder on the left, then shoot the large gold dish silver. Destroy the box to the right to reveal LEGO pieces, then build them into a space crate. Open it to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a dish, then shoot it silver to connect laser one. Head to the right and destroy the box on the tiles to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a dish, then push it to the end of the tiles. Shoot it silver, then destroy the box by the shuttle to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a red color swapper. Change your color to red, then shoot the green light red to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a dish, then shoot it silver to connect laser two. Connecting both lasers will open the lift on the right. Press the button to lower it, then hop on and ride it up. Head down the path and cross the beam, then use the launch pad to cross the gap. Continue along the path, then pry open the door. Head inside and crack the safe to reveal a keycard. Pick it up and place it in the slot to move the bridge into position. Cross, then press the button to drop the buggy to the ground. Drop down and build the LEGO pieces into the buggy, then hop in. Drive it onto the red panel on the right to open the door, then drive through it to complete this.
Chapter 7 cont.
After completing the Special Assignment, Chan will ask you to stall while his men head to the pier. Drive around the island for 1 minute and avoid getting destroyed. After the time expires, head to the police symbol on the pier to finish this chapter.
Chapter 8 - The Rescue
Chief Dunby will call, so pick up. He'll inform you that Forrest Blackwell is being kidnapped. Follow the sat nav studs to the museum. Chase will mention needing a blue color swapper. Run away from the wall to reach a building with a box in front. Destroy it, then build the LEGO pieces into a teleporter. Use it to enter the building, then use the blue color swapper to change your color to blue. Shoot the wall blue, then climb up the wall and railings. Swing across the poles, then cross the tightrope. Continue to the left, then open the astro crate to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a wall, then shoot it blue. Climb up, then follow the free run course to the top of the building. Once at the top, arrest the thugs to rescue Blackwell. He will then ask you to drive him back to the police station. Do so.

After the cutscene, you will unlock the free run course you just ran. Natalia will then call you and tell you that she is in trouble. Follow the sat nav studs to start Special Assignment 7 - Scrapyard Scrap.
Scrapyard Scrap - Story Mode
LEGO City Hero: 110,000

1. You have Studsky and Clutch with you, but all they do is follow you around and make jokes. You need to grab three fuel containers and place them in the vat to the left. Smash the green dumpster by your starting point t reveal a Clue Spot. Follow the trail to reveal the first fuel container. The second container is laying right next to the vat. For the third, smash the green dumpster to the right. Once all three fuel containers have been emptied into the vat, the fan will start. Ride the current up to the ledge, then hop in the crane to drop a pipe and a 2x4 Super Brick. Pick it up, as you'll need it for later, then hop on the pipe. Ride it into the slot on the right, opening the gate. You need 21,000 Super Bricks to complete the Car Crusher Super Build. You grabbed 10,000 from the pipe in the first section, so destroy the nearby box to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a green color swapper, then use it to change your color to green. Smash through the boulders in the back, then push the fridge to the left, revealing a dynamite vending machine. Use it to grab a stick of dynamite, then place it in the barrel to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a dog house, clearing the dog from the front of the house. Pry open the door, then head inside and grab the 2x4 Super Brick. Head to the pool of water and hop up the blocks, then walk across the beam. Grab the valve and place it in the slot, then turn it to raise a button. Shoot it green to drain the water. Smash the cage and grab the 2x2 Super Brick. You now have enough bricks to complete the Super Build, so do so. Pull the lever to crush the car, creating a platform. Use it to hop onto the ledge, then cross the beams. Cross the gap, then hop onto the pipe. Carefully cross the grinder, then pull the lever to reveal LEGO pieces. Drop down and build them into a wall, then climb up and head through the opening.

2. Head to the right, then smash through the boulders in the back to reveal a box. Pick it up and place it on the green panel, revealing LEGO pieces. Build them onto the car, revealing a manhole cover. Pry it open, revealing a stick of dynamite. Pick it up and hop up the poles, then place the dynamite into the barrel, destroying the plane cockpit. Build the LEGO pieces into a teleporter, then use it to get on the other side of the fence. Arrest the thugs, then climb the drainpipe. Run across the gap, then drop down and hop into the crane to end this Special Assignment.
Chapter 9 - Bringing Home the Bacon
Answer the call from the Chief, who will tell you you've been transferred to Bluebell National Park. Follow the sat nav studs to the police symbol.

After the cutscene, hop on the horse and follow the sat nav studs to the farm. After the cutscene, you will be tasked with hunting down three pigs. Repair the tractor, then use the Clue Spot to find the oil can. Pick it up and use it to repair the tractor. Hop in and drive into the field, then plow the four corn patches to reveal a key. Pick it up and place it in the lock, then turn it to open the garage door. Grab the Farmer disguise from the locker, then water the plant by the barn. Climb up, then shimmy along the ledges. Climb the chain onto the roof, then chicken glide across the gap. Head left and cross the beam, then chicken glide across the gap. Water the plant, then climb up and onto the roof. Climb the ladder, then use the Audio Scan point to locate the first pig. Head right and chicken glide across the gap, then hop on the pig and ride it back to the pen. An Audio Scan point will then appear. Head over to it, then hop up onto the hay bale and use it to locate the second pig. Head to the marker, then use the Clue Spot. Follow the trail to uncover a valve. Pick it up and place it in the slot, then turn it to wake up the second pig. Ride it back to the pen. One more to go. Follow the sat nav studs to the castle, then water the plant. Climb up, then swing across the gap on the poles. Shimmy across the ledge, then climb the chain. Hop onto the roof to find the third pig fast asleep. To wake it up, you will need an apple and a banana. Pry open the door on the right, then water the plant to grow an apple tree. Pick up the apple and place it in the trough, then head left. Climb the ladder to reach the upper ledge, then water the plant. Climb up, then shimmy across the ledge. Climb up the side of the tower, then chicken glide across the gap. Water the plant to grow a banana tree, then grab the banana. Head left and use the teleporter to return to the castle, then place the banana in the through. Placing both fruits in the trough will wake the pig. Hop on and place the pig in the cannon, then launch him back to the farm. After returning the final pig you will unlock a Free Run course and complete this chapter.
Chapter 10 - Back on the Case
Vinnie will call and give you a new job: stealing the Tyrannosaurus Rex from the museum. Follow the sat nav studs to the museum. Ellie will then inform you that the only way into the museum is through the roof. Go get there, you'll need to chicken glide from the roof of the art gallery. Head over to the museum, then water the center plant. Climb up the vines, then continue to the right along the ceiling. Use the railings to reach the ledge, then destroy the AC unit. Slide under the barrier, then use the red color swapper to change your color. Shoot the light red, then head through the opening.

Water both plants to create flowers, allowing you to hop up to the ledge. Hop up each of the ledges, then destroy the three small windmills to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a fan, then ride the current up to the ledge. Run up the slope, then destroy the AC unit to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them onto the wall, then climb up to the top. Chicken glide to the museum roof, then climb the wall in the back. Grapple up to the upper ledge, then hop up the pillars. Pry open the door, then drop down the hole to start Special Assignment 8 - The Colossal Fossil Hustle.
The Colossal Fossil Hustle - Story Mode
LEGO City Hero: 62,000

1. Head to the right and pry open the door, then grab the part of the lever. Place it in the slot, then pull the lever to draw back the curtains. Use the grapple point to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a dynamite vending machine, then use it to grab a stick of dynamite. Place it in the barrel to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them onto the pipes to move the train, then smash the object to the left of the gate to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a cart, then push it onto the button to lower the bars. Smash the object inside, then build the LEGO pieces onto the cart. Push it to the right again, then grab the valve and place it on the cart. Turn it to raise the stairs, then hop up. Head left and destroy the engines to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a green color swapper. Use it to change your color, then shoot the red light green to lower the bars to the right. Grab the crystal and place it in the slot below you, revealing a key. Pick it up and place it in the lock, then turn it to open the gate. Grab the 2x4 Super Brick, then head back to the second floor. Grab the box and carry it to the green panel on the left, revealing LEGO pieces. Build them onto the oil drill, creating an oil fountain. Ride it to the third floor, then head left and pull the lever to lower a submarine. Stand in the circle and take control of it, steering it into the brick. Drive the submarine back into the light, then pull the lever again to reveal a 2x2 Super Brick. Another 2x4 Super Brick is in front of the lasers. Complete the Yellow Devil Super Build (requiring 21,000 bricks) to extend a bridge to the pirate ship. Walk on and climb the ladder, then hop onto the ledge. Swing right across the gap on the poles, then drop down into the moon exhibit. Use the Clue Spot to uncover a rock, then pick it up and place it in the bucket. Build the LEGO pieces into a teleporter, then use it to enter a new exhibit. Pull the lever to reveal a red color swapper, then turn the valves so the arrow is in the green section. Doing this for both lights will power a fan. Ride the current up to the ledge, then use the red color swapper to change your color. Drop back down and shoot the light red to power down the lasers, then head through the opening.

2. Head left and destroy the large egg to reveal a Clue Spot. Use it to find a feather, then head right and use it to tickle the Stegosaurus skeleton. This will smash through the hut to the right, allowing you to hop inside. Grab the stick of dynamite, then place it in the barrel on the left. This will allow you to head inside the left hut. Press the button to open the exhibits on the second floor. Head to the second floor, where the T. rex Super Build is. You need 30,000 bricks for this. There are four exhibits on the second floor, each with a challenge to complete. Completing each challenge will award you a 2x4 Super Brick. You only need to complete three of these challenges. Let's start on the far left. Smash the box to reveal LEGO pieces, then build them into a caveman. Use the grey computer to smash the four rocks, inventing the wheel and revealing the Super Brick. Smash the box in the forest exhibit to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a woodsman, then use the grey computer to shoot the target, revealing the Super Brick. On the right side, smash the box to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a Native American, then pull the lever to start the totem poles spinning. Step on the button when the pole matches the image on the wall. Match all three to reveal the Super Brick. Smash the box in the Egyptian exhibit, then build the LEGO pieces onto the sphinx. Use the grey computer, then press the buttons to match the images, revealing this Super Brick. Once you have enough bricks, complete the Super Build and hop on to complete this Special Assignment.
Chapter 10 cont.
After completing the Special Assignment, follow the sat nav studs to deliver the T. rex to the drop off point. Afterwards, Vinnie will give you another assignment: steal a boat from the fire department. Follow the sat nav studs to the fire department, then step into the police shield to start Special Assignment 9 - Hot Property.
Hot Property - Story Mode
LEGO City Hero: 85,000

1. Time to get a new disguise. Pull the nearby lever to open the garage, then destroy the box inside to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into an astro crate, then open it to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a red color swapper, then use it to change your color. Shoot the four panels on the middle garage red to open it, then use the locker to pick up the Firefighter disguise. You will now have to complete firefighter training. Put out the nearby fires, then pick up the nearby Axe to unlock it. Chop through the door in the back, then grab the valve. Place it on the fire hydrant, then turn it to shut it off. Lopez-Delgado will then head left. Follow him and step into the light, then direct the firefighters to catch the four firefighters in the building. After rescuing them, hop into a water cannon and use it to put out the 9 fires. You will then need to rescue the cat at the top off the building. Grab the box and place it on the green panel, then build the LEGO pieces into a ladder. Climb up, then grab the railing to enter the building. Head left, then use the trampoline to reach the next floor. Chop down the door, then cross the beam. Chop down the door, then drop down onto the ledge below you. Climb the drainpipe, then enter the building. Chop down the door, then use the dynamite vending machine to grab a stick of dynamite. Place it in the barrel to clear the path ahead, then cross the gap on the ceiling. Drop down and chop down the door, then use the grapple point to lower the ladder. Climb up, then head right. Smash the boxes to reveal a circle, then use it to control the RC car. Drive it into the silver pillars, clearing the way forward. Continue to the right and complete the cat rescue. You will then be back at ground level. Head through the door.

2. Head to the left and use your extinguisher to complete the party game. Fill all five balloons within the time limit and the Chief will leave his office. Head up the stairs and to the right, then destroy the objects by the door to reveal a Clue Spot. Use it to find a key. Pick it up and place it in the lock, then turn it to open the door. Destroy the pile of presents to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a trampoline, then bounce on it to reach the ledge. Hop across the lights to reach the top of the chief's office (you'll need the chicken to make the final jump), then pry open the skylight. Drop down inside, then crack the safe to reveal a key. Pick it up, then press the button to open the office door. Head out and place the key in the lock, then turn it to open the door. Slide down the pole.

3. Time to grab that boat. Head to the right and smash the hat rack to reveal a Clue Spot. Use it to find a valve, then pick it up and place it in the slot. Turn it to raise the platform, then swing across the poles. Drop down, then destroy the large box to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into an astro crate, then open it to reveal a dynamite vending machine. Use it to grab a stick of dynamite, then head left. Pry open the door, then place the dynamite in the barrel to destroy the bars. Use the red color swapper to change your color, then shoot the light red to shut off the fans. Head back left and use the valve to raise the platform, then swing across the poles. Chicken Glide across the gap, then drop down behind the fence. You will have to get Chan's guys over to you. Pry open the door, then destroy the large blue-and-white object to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a launch pad, then step on it to be launched across the gap. Shoot the green light red to shut off the electricity. Head back left, then pry open the door. Hop in the water cannon, then shoot water at the water symbol to fill the weight, opening the gate and completing this Special Assignment.
Chapter 10 cont.
After completing the Special Assignment, Natalia will call you and tell you that she's in trouble at the hospital. Hop in the boat, then follow the sat nav studs to a pier. Head to the police symbol to see Natalia on the roof somehow. To get to her, put out the fires, then enter the garage. crack the safe to reveal a keycard, then pick it up and place it in the slot to open the elevator. Grab the 2x4 Super Brick, then head inside. Use the dynamite vending machine to grab a stick of dynamite, then head right. Put out the fires, then place the dynamite in the barrel to destroy the tunnel. Head towards the screen and put out the fires, then build the LEGO pieces into a plant. Water it, then head left and cross the beam on the tunnel. Put out the fires, then pry open the skylight. Drop down, then use the red color swapper to change your color. Pry open the door, then climb back up the plant. Shoot the green light red to shut off the fan. Continue to the right, then shoot the other green light red. Put out the fires, then arrest the thugs. Chop down the door, then use the teleporter. Head right, then use the blue color swapper to change your color. Use the teleporter to return, then shoot the wall blue. Chop down the door, then cross the beam on the tunnel. Head left and hop up the railings, then hop up the wall. Arrest the thugs, then chicken glide to Natalia. Complete the Helipad Super Build, which requires 20,000 bricks. You got 10,000 earlier, and you really should have 10,000 in the bank now. if not, you can drop down from the helipad to find one, but you will have to climb back up. Completing the Super Build will unlock helipads. Use the terminal to call in a helicopter, then hop in. Fly to the police symbol, then land to complete this chapter.
Chapter 11 - The Proof of the Pudding is in the Meeting
Follow the sat nav studs to Pappalardo's, then step into the police symbol to talk with Moe. He will tell you where Vinnie went, so follow the sat nav studs to the Honey Hotel. Follow the studs, then climb the ladder. Hop up the railings, then head right. Climb the drainpipe, then hop onto the ledge. Pry open the door, then destroy the table to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a green color swapper, then use it to change your color. Shoot the red light green to begin raising the bee. Hop on and ride it to the top, then hop onto the ledge. The bouncer on the left won't let you enter, so use all three pieces of fitness equipment to convince him to let you inside. Use the dynamite vending machine inside to reveal a stick of dynamite, then pick it up and place it in the barrel. Head into the elevator. After talking with Frank, chicken glide across the gap. Water the plant, then climb up. You will need to plug up three spouts of water. Pry open the door in the back, then crack the safe inside to reveal one. Destroy a lawn chair on the right to reveal another. Smash the lawn chair on the left, then follow the Clue Spot to reveal the third. Plug up all three water spouts, then ride the water spout that appears onto the ledge. Climb the wall, then smash the box to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a wall, then climb up. Slide down the tightrope, then drop down and pry open the door to receive a 2x4 Super Brick. You'll need that for later. Head right and water the plants, then hop up onto the beam. Cross the gap with the rope, then hop down onto the roof. Chop down the door, then grab the 2x4 Super Brick inside. Destroy the dumpster on the right to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a blue color swapper, then use it to change your color. Shoot the wall blue to the left, then climb up. Cross the gap with the rope, then pry open the door on the right. Head inside to grab the final 2x4 Super Brick. Complete the Paradise Pool Super Build, then fill it with water. This will release the beach ball, so hop on and ride it into the slot on the right. Hop onto the ledge, then use the launch pad. Destroy the boulders, then use the teleporter. Grab the box on the right and place it on the green panel, then build the LEGO pieces into an RC car. Drive it into the silver pillars to destroy them, revealing LEGO pieces. Build them into a green color swapper, then use it to change your color. Return to the teleporter and use it, then shoot the red light green to reveal a launch pad. Use it, then shimmy across the railing and climb the wall. Run across the wall, then chop down the door. Crack the safe inside to reveal a key. Pick it up and place it in the lock on the left to open the door. Head inside, then use the Audio Scan point to listen in on the conversation. After listening to the conversation, follow the sat nav studs to the fire boat. Step into the police symbol to start Special Assignment 10 - Smash 'n' Grab.
Smash 'n' Grab - Story Mode
LEGO City Hero: 60,000

1. Head to the left, then destroy the toolbox to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them onto the fence, then vault it. Chop down the door, then continue along the path. Hop across the gap on the pillar, then put out the fires. Turn the valve to shut off the waterfall, revealing a grapple point. Use it to swing across the gap, then chop down the door. Pull the lever to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a vent, then ride the current to the ledge. Head right, then hop down and destroy the large box to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into an astro crate, then open it to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into gears, then pull the lever to open the gate on the left. Grab the valve, then pull the lever again to open the gate on the right. Place the valve in the slot, then turn it to raise a bridge. Cross it, then smash the barrel to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a plant, then water it. Climb up, then hop off onto the ledge on the right. Pry open the grate, then drop down through the opening. Use the red color swapper to change your color, then shoot the green light red to open the gate. Grab the box and place it on the green panel, then build the LEGO pieces into a button. Press it to open the elevator. Head inside.

2. Time to break into the vault. Answer Moe's call, then destroy the desk on the right to reveal a box. Pick it up and place it on the green panel, then build the LEGO pieces into a button. Press it, then destroy the tables to right to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a red color swapper. Use it to change your color, then shoot the green light red. For the other button, climb the ladder on the left. Use the grapple point to pull down the portrait, revealing a Clue Spot. Use it to find LEGO pieces. Build them into the second button, then press it. Shoot the green light red, then enter the safe to complete this Special Assignment.
Chapter 11 cont.
After completing the Special Assignment, follow the sat nav studs to the Promenade Gardens. Defeat the enemies, then answer the call from Moe. He will ask you to head to Pappalardo's. Follow the sat nav studs to the police symbol, then climb the blocks and hop across the pillars. Pry open the skylight, then drop down inside to start Special Assignment 11 - They All Scream for Ice Cream.
They All Scream for Ice Cream - Story Mode
LEGO City Hero: 87,000

1. Use the grapple point on the left to tear down the door, then head left. Use the grapple point above the counter to free Vinnie, then grab the box and place it on a green panel to the right. Smash the box of ice cream on the left, then build the LEGO pieces into a box. Pick it up and place it on the other green panel, then build the LEGO pieces onto the machine. Turn the valve to create stairs, then walk up and head left. Destroy the boulders, then chop down the door. Head inside.

2. Destroy the chair in the back left corner to reveal a Clue Spot. Use it to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a red color swapper, then use it to change your color. Shoot the button on the right green, then crack the safe to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into an ice cream cone, then push it along the tiles into the slot. This will activate one of the buttons. Destroy a chair on the right to reveal another Clue Spot. Follow it to find a key. Pick it up and place it in the slot, then turn it to reveal a safe. Crack it to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into another ice cream cone, then push it into the slot. This will activate the other button, opening the door. Head inside.

3. Press the button in the back to reveal a box. Hop in it and use it to pass the icy blasts, then use the dynamite vending machine to reveal a stick of dynamite. Pick it up and place it in the barrel, clearing the rubble. Step on the button to stop the ice blasts, then push the pipe into place. Use it as a boost to reach the left ledge, then push the box off the ledge to reveal LEGO pieces to the right. Before dropping down, turn the valve to fill the left vat with ice cream. Drop down and head right, then build the LEGO pieces into a fan. Ride the current to the ledge, then put out the fires. Turn the valve to fill the other vat with ice cream. Drop down and climb the ladder, then interact with the console to complete this Special Assignment.
Chapter 12 - The Con in Construction
Follow the sat nav studs to the construction site, then step into the police symbol to start Special Assignment 12 - High Steal.
High Steal - Story Mode
LEGO City Hero: 92,000

1. Time to get the final disguise. Push the barrel left along the tiles, then pry open the door. Head inside and open the locker to receive the Construction disguise. Repair the fusebox, then destroy the large crate to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into an astro crate, then open it to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a green color swapper, then use it to change your color. Shoot the button green to open the gate. Hop into the steamroller and drive it onto the button, opening the gate. Continue to the right. Your goal in this area is to destroy 4 patches of tiles to release water pressure. All have objects on top of them that will need to be destroyed to reveal the tiles. Once all four are destroyed, the pool will drain. Destroy the box inside, revealing an astro crate. Open it to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into the hoist controls, then pull the lever to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a ladder, then climb up. Head left and grapple down the ladder, then climb up and head right. Pry open the door, then use the dynamite vending machine to grab a stick of dynamite. Head back left and drop down, then place the dynamite in the barrel to clear the path. Continue to the left and grapple up to the next level. Fix the fuse box on the elevator, then drop down inside and pull the lever to head up. Head left and put out the fires, then water the plant. Climb up, then head right. Drop down by the ladder, then turn the valve to shut off the gas. Climb back up, then continue right. Drop down from the beam and chop down the door, then head inside.

2. Follow the studs and drop down the pipe, then head right. A construction worker will say that the guard dog has the key to the shed. Smash the boulder by the dog house to reveal a Clue Spot. Follow it to find a bone. Pick it up and place it in the dish to move the dog, allowing you to grab the key. Pick it up and place it in the lock, then turn it to open the gatehouse. Pull the lever to open the gate. Head left to find the Crane Super Build. You will need 40,000 bricks to complete it. There are 4 2x4 Super Bricks to find. For the first, head left from the Super Build and hop up the boxes. Pry open the building and enter to grab this. The second one can be found by drilling through a tile floor on the right, then riding the water spout. For the third, drill through a tiled floor on the far right, then ride the water spout up to the ledge. Head right and smash all of the objects to reveal this. For the fourth, smash some boulders to reveal a Clue Spot. Follow it to find LEGO pieces. Build them into an RC crane, then use it to dig up one of the dig spots to reveal this. Complete the Super Build, then hop in and drive it to the light. Place the pipes in the correct colored slots, then drive to the right and past the gate to complete this Special Assignment.
Chapter 12 cont.
After completing the Special Assignment, follow the sat nav studs to the observatory. Destroy all 16 rocks, then defeat the guards. Pick up the key the guard drops, then place it in the lock. Turn it to open the door, then climb up the ladder. Fix the fuse box to open the dome. Hop into the crane, then use it to place the telescope onto the back of the truck. Follow Eddie to the drop off point, avoiding the police. Once you reach the drop off point, this chapter will end.
Chapter 13 - Secrets
You will start right away with Special Assignment 13 - Disruptive Behavior.
Disruptive Behavior - Story Mode
LEGO City Hero: 155,000

1. Head to the far right and fix the fuse box to shut off the tesla coils. Destroy the large box to reveal a smaller box. Pick it up and place it on the green panel to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a button, then press it to open the door. Head inside and use the terminal to open the door. Head outside, then destroy the objects at the end of the platform to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a diving board, then use it to free fall. After landing, destroy the objects near the crane to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them onto it, then open the astro crate to reveal a stick of dynamite. Pick it up and place it in the barrel to reveal more LEGO pieces. Build them onto the crane, then use the terminal to reveal an engine. Use the panel to hop in and destroy the door, then put out the fires and head inside.

2. Head into the room and pry open the door, then head inside and destroy the crate to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a ladder, then climb up. Head onto the ledge and head right, then chop down the door. Head inside and use the green color swapper to change your color, then head back left. Shoot the light green to reveal a jet pack. Pick it up and add it to the astronaut costume. Head back onto the ledge, then hover across to the right. Hop up the boxes on the right, then jetpack up to the ledge. Climb the ladder, then follow the studs and hover across the gaps. Press the button to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a dynamite vending machine, then use it to reveal a stick of dynamite. Pick it up and place it in the barrel on the right. Build the LEGO pieces into a teleporter, then use it. Grab the lever, then hover across the gap. Place the lever in the slot, then pull it to lower the cart. Hover to the right twice, then hover onto the railing. Hop up onto the ledge, then use the teleporter. Pry open the door, then fix the fuse box to open a hatch. Climb up the ladder, then pull the lever. Head left and hover to the ledge, then open the astro crate to reveal a box. Destroy it to reveal a stick of dynamite. Pick it up and place it in the barrel to blow open the door. Head inside.

3. After the cutscene, head to the right and use the grapple point to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a tesla coil, then use the console to turn it on. Head to the right and destroy the objects to reveal a box. Pick it up and place it on the green panel, then build the LEGO pieces into another tesla coil. Use the console to turn it on. Turn both tesla coils on to reveal a UFO. Pry open the door on the right, then fix the fuse box to power a fan. Ride the current to the ledge, then destroy the box to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a teleporter, then use it. Use the console to rescue Dr. Kowalski. Hop into the UFO to complete this Special Assignment.
Chapter 13 cont.
After completing the Special Assignment, follow the red rings to Blackwell's Mansion. After landing, follow the stud trail and hover across the gaps and up the ledges, then climb up and over the fence. Step into the police symbol to begin Special Assignment 14 - Breaking and Reentering.
Breaking and Reentering - Story Mode
LEGO City Hero: 100,000

1. Head up the path, then drill through the tile floor to reveal a stick of dynamite. Pick it up and place it in the barrel to reveal a keyhole. head to the right and chop down the door, then crack the safe inside to reveal a key. Pick it up and place it in the lock, then turn it to open the doors. Head inside and grab the box, then place it on the green panel to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into an RC car, then drive it into the silver panel, destroying it. Fix the fusebox inside the garage to shut off the electricity. Head right and walk up the stairs, then destroy the chairs and umbrella to the left to reveal a Clue Spot. Follow the trail to reveal a valve. Pick it up and place it in the slot, then turn it to drain the pool. Use the red color swapper to change your color, then shoot the light red. Climb up the wall, then head right. Water the plants, then hop up and head left. Smash the boulders to reveal a fuse box, then fix it to raise the barrier above a door. Drop down and pry it open, then head inside.

2. Destroy the objects in the room to reveal two Clue Spots. Use them both to reveal a button. Press it to reveal a safe. Crack it to reveal a stick of dynamite. Pick it up and place it in the barrel to end this Special Assignment.
Chapter 14 - Savings and Loans
Call in a helicopter and fly it to Dr. Kowalski's lab. You only have 5 minutes, so hurry. Once there, chop down the door and hop into the van. Drive it to Blackwell Tower within 3 minutes, then assemble all of the generators within 3 minutes to complete the chapter.
Chapter 15 - Far Above the Call of Duty
Follow the sat nav studs to the launch pad, where you will find a Super Build. It costs 50,000 bricks. Luckily, there are 5 2x4 Super Bricks on the launch tower. Climb the ladder and use the grapple point to reach the next ledge. Hover across the gap, then open the astro crate to reveal the first Super Brick. Swing across the pole and grab onto the railing, then head right. Drop down and pry open the skylight, then drpo down inside and grab the Super Brick. Head back to the railing, then head right. Use the teleporter to reach the third Super Brick. Head back to the railing and head left. Slide under the bar to reach the Super Brick you called in earlier. Hover up the ledges, then cross the beams to reach the fourth Super Brick. Continue right and hop up the walls, then climb the drainpipe to reach the final Super Brick. Complete the Space Shuttle Super Build, then head to the police symbol on the launch tower to begin Special Assignment 15 - Fly Me to the Moon.
Fly Me to the Moon - Story Mode
LEGO City Hero: 120,000

1. Destroy the boxes to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a button, then step on it to raise the elevator. Hover across the gap, then hover across the gap where the bridge used to be. Hop on the chain and swing across the gap, then pull the lever to lower the lift. Hop on and pull the lever again to go up. Destroy the boxes to reveal a stick of dynamite. Pick it up and place it in the barrel to destroy the entrance to the dome. Head inside and destroy the objects, then drill through the tiles to reveal a water spout. Ride it up, then continue along the path. Ignore the enemies (they keep coming) and hover across the gap. Destroy the two large boxes to reveal two piles of LEGO pieces. Build the right pile into a green color swapper, then use it to change your color. Build the other pile of LEGO pieces into an astro crate, then open it to reveal LEGO pieces. Shoot the light on the dome green to open it, then grab the box and place it on the green panel to reveal more LEGO pieces. Build them into a moon buggy, then hop in and park it on the red panel to extend the bridge. Drive across, then shoot the lights green to open the lift. Drive inside. Once on the upper level, hover onto the ledge, then pry open the door. Head inside and pull the lever to reveal a red panel. Drive the moon buggy onto it to extend a bridge. Drive across it to enter the base.

2. Fix the fuse box on the left, then head left and use the red color swapper to change your color. Shoot the light red, then hop into the mech. Drive it over to the console, then use it to align the pipes so the power goes through the generator on the right. After the cutscene, it's time to fight Rex. Pick up a container, then throw it at Rex to stun him. Head up to him and follow the button prompts to stun him, then step into the circle and follow the button prompts to throw him into one of the blue tanks. Repeat this process two more times.

3. Rex will once again show up. Grapple with an enemy, then throw him into Rex's shield. This will knock Rex to the ground. Throw another enemy at him to stun him, then grapple him. Repeat this process two more times, then arrest him.

4. You are now falling towards the command module. Speed up your fall because there is a time limit. Reach the command module to complete this Special Assignment and the story.
Some Assaults - Free Play Mode
Area 1: Vehicle Token 1: After swinging across the first gap, use the teleporter to reach a ledge. Pry open the door, then use the green color swapper to change your color. Use the teleporter to return to your starting position, then shoot the light green to open two doors. Head into the door on the right, then fix the fuse box inside to reveal this.

Police Shield 1: Water 5 plants. The first can be found inside the left room on the first floor. See above for how to open the doors. The second is on the roof with the first criminal. The third is on the same roof as the Red Power Brick. Vault the fence on the left to reach it. The fourth is shortly after sliding down the tightrope. The fifth can be found after swinging across the poles.

Police Shield 2: Build 3 satellites. For the first, destroy a street cart by the first criminal to reveal the LEGO pieces. The pieces for the second can be found by destroying a refrigerator by the second criminal. The pieces for the third are by the fourth tobber. Once he runs away, destroy the box to reveal the pieces.

Police Shield 3: Repair 3 fuse boxes on satellite dishes. The first is to the right of the first criminal. Drop down onto the ledge. The second is on the ledge above the first criminal. The third is on the roof you reach by climbing the drainpipe.

Character Token 1: On the roof with the first criminal, chop down the door on the left, then crack the safe inside to reveal this.

Character Token 2: On the ledge above the first criminal, drill through the tiles to reveal a water spout. Ride it up to the balcony on the water tower, then pull the lever to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into an RC car, then use it to collect this.

Red Power Brick: On the ledge above the first criminal, glide to the left, then destroy the three AC units to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into solar panels, powering the fan. Ride the current up to the ledge with this.

Vehicle Token 2: After hopping up the wall by the second criminal, slide under the pipe and open the astro crate to reveal a stick of dynamite. Head back right and hop onto the roof with the pillars. Place the dynamite in the barrel to destroy the fan, allowing you to enter the room with this in the bottom left corner.

Police Shield 4: Arrest the first 3 robbers to receive this.

Vehicle Tokens: Bastion (3,000)
Broadcaster (5,000)

Character Tokens: Snakes Squealer (20,000)
Conrad Peters (2,000)

Red Power Brick Extra: Fast Build
Trouble in Stir - Free Play Mode
Area 1: Police Shield 1: Put out 6 fires in barrels. All 6 are on the first floor.

Red Power Brick: Pry open a door on the second floor, then head inside. Smash through the wall on the left to reach the room with this.

Police Shield 2: Destroy 4 brown piles. For the first, chop down the door on the second floor to reach it. The second is inside an open cell on the third floor. For the third, fix the fuse box on the third floor to open the door, then climb up the chain. Head left and chop down the door, then drop down to reach this. For the fourth, head to the far left on the top floor, then chop down the door to reach it.

Character Token 1: On the top floor, head right and destroy a street cart to reveal a Clue Spot. Follow it to find a stick of dynamite. Pick it up and place it in the barrel to destroy the gate, allowing you to collect this.

Area 2: Police Shield 3: Hop onto the bucking bronco and complete the minigame to receive this.

Character Token 2: Destroy the desk on the right to reveal a Clue Spot. Follow it receive this.

Area 3: Vehicle Token 1: Chop down the door on the left, then head inside. Destroy the objects on the back wall to reveal a safe. Open it to reveal a stick of dynamite. Pick it up and place it in the barrel to reveal a water spout. Ride it up to this.

Vehicle Token 2: After collecting Vehicle Token 1, destroy the box on the left to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into an RC car, then drive it onto the button to open the door. Head inside and grab the valve, then place it in the valve. Turn it to open the door, then put out the fires to this.

Police Shield 4: Use the bench press in Rex's cell, then destroy the red couches to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a drum set, then use it to reveal this.

Vehicle Tokens: Scoot (5,000)
Rhino (1,000)

Character Tokens: Blue Whittaker (40,000)
Prisoner (10,000)

Red Power Brick Extra: Studs x2
Miner Altercation - Free Play Mode
Area 1: Character Token 1: Use the grapple point to the left to pull the pallet closer, allowing you to collect this.

Police Shield 1: Smash the boulders on the far left on the bottom level.

Police Shield 2: Put out 5 fires to receive this. 3 are on the ground floor, 1 is on a ledge to the left, and is near the locker with the miner disguise.

Character Token 2: Repair the fuse box on the crane to drain the pool. Pry open the manhole to reveal this.

Vehicle Token 1: Hover across the electrified floor, then pull the lever to shut off the electricity. Repair the fuse box to turn on the green color swapper, then use it to change your color. Hop up the wall on the left, then shoot the light green to open the door. Get into the lift, then ride it up to this.

Area 3: Vehicle Token 2: Head to the right and jetpack to the top of the elevator, then grab the box. Place it on the green panel, then build the LEGO pieces into gears. This will raise the elevator with this inside.

Police Shield 3: Destroy 5 gold clusters. The first is by the first launch pad. The second is by the poles you swing across. The third is after you climb the ladder. The fourth is after you fall off the cable car, on the wall. The fifth is on your way to the Red Power Brick.

Police Shield 4: Release 4 birds from cages. The first is by the poles. The second is after you climb the ladder and swing across the pole. The third is found after falling from the cable car, on the far right. The fourth is on the far right of the upper ledge.

Red Power Brick: On the upper ledge, chicken glide to the left, then head left. Climb up the ladders, avoiding the boulders to reach the Power Brick.

Vehicle Tokens: Dumper (10,000)
Steadfast (1,000)

Character Tokens: Guy Newberry (2,000)
Spikey Don (20,000)

Red Power Brick Extra: Unlimited Dynamite
Kung Fool - Free Play Mode
Area 1: Police Shield 1: Build and use 3 practice dummies. Destroy a lion statue on the right for the pieces for the first. For the second, destroy the lion statue behind the labyrinth puzzle. For the third, destroy the lion statue on the left side of the third level.

Vehicle Token 1: Destroy the boulders on the right to reveal a tile floor. Drill through it to reveal this.

Police Shield 2: Shoot and destroy 5 red lanterns. 4 are hanging from the first level of the dojo, above the main entrance. The last 1 is on the right by the ladder.

Character Token 1: Grab a torch and use it to light the square lantern on the left side of the ground, revealing this.

Area 2: Police Shield 3: Water 6 plants. All are on the bottom level and easy to find.

Red Power Brick: Use the teleporter in the back right corner of the room to reach the upper level. Once there, drop down to see a pattern of four disguise images. Return to the upper level and turn the valves to match the pattern, revealing this.

Character Token 2: On the upper level of the dojo, destroy the boxes on the right to reveal a small statue. Pick it up and place it on the pedestal on the right side of the ground floor to lower the barrier, revealing this.

Police Shield 4: On the upper level of the dojo, build the LEGO pieces on the left into a trampoline, then use it to bounce up to the ledge above you. Hop across the blocks and climb across the drainpipe, then use the gold color swapper to change your color. Shoot 4 statues gold (two on the upper level, two on the ground floor) to receive this.

Vehicle Token 2: On the upper level of the dojo, destroy the box to the left of the disguise images to reveal a stick of dynamite. Pick it up and place it in the barrel to destroy the silver panel, revealing this.

Vehicle Tokens: Roar (15,000)
Hairdryer (5,000)

Character Tokens: Karate Master (10,000)
Barry Smith (10,000)

Red Power Brick Extra: Super Throw
Dirty Work - Free Play Mode
Area 1: Character Token 1: In the first section of the sewer, hop into the water to find a teleporter on a concrete island. Use it to teleport to an alcove, revealing this past a platform. Hover over to it.

Police Shield 1: In the second section of the sewer, hop into the water to see a large crate on a concrete island. Use the super strength handle to destroy it, then drive the RC boat through the lights to receive this.

Area 2: Police Shield 2: Shoot 4 ducks yellow. To find the yellow color swapper, use the super strength handle on the far right to destroy the crate. The first is down the stairs by your starting point. The second is on the platform you land on after hopping off the air mattress. The third is on the left ledge by the valve. The fourth is to the right of the exit. Slide under the pipes to reach it.

Vehicle Token 1: Hop in the water and swim to the right. You can find this behind a metal grate you can swim behind.

Red Power Brick: Pry open the door next to the red color swapper, then head inside to grab this.

Area 3: Vehicle Token 2: Drill through the tile floor, then head away from the screen to grab this.

Area 4: Police Shield 3: Crack 4 safes. All are on the bottom level.

Area 5: Police Shield 4: Hop on the floor buffer in the bottom left corner, then ride it over the 5 black spots on the floor to receive this.

Character Token 2: Open the astro crate in the bottom right corner to reveal a teleporter. Use it to reach the upper level, then head left. Use the brown color swapper to change your color, then continue left and shoot the chair brown. Continue left and fix the fuse box to power the blue color swapper, then use it to change your color. Shoot the stand blue to open the doors, allowing you to collect this in the right room.

Vehicle Tokens: Gotland (5,000)
Relocator (20,000)

Character Tokens: Intergalactic Girl (10,000)
Bank Manager (4,000)

Red Power Brick Extra: Studs x4
Astronaughty-Free Play Mode
Area 1: Police Shield 1: Hop into the rocket ride to receive this.

Police Shield 2: Build 3 pictures onto the wall. The first 2 can be found by destroying boxes on the right ledge, and the third can be found by destroying a box on the left ledge.

Character Token 1: Use the super strength handle to pull apart the large box, revealing this.

Character Token 2: After knocking down the solar system mobile, destroy the planet on the floor to reveal this.

Area 2: Vehicle Token 1: Drill through the tiled floor on the left to reach this.

Police Shield 3: Destroy 5 moon buggies. The first is on the left by the beginning of laser one. The second is by the fuse box in the back left corner. For the third, fix the fuse box in the back to repair the elevator, then ride it up. Follow the path towards the screen, then hover to the right to reach this. The fourth is by the fuse box used in collecting Police Shield 4. The fifth is on the upper right ledge.

Red Power Brick: Fix the fuse box in the back left corner to repair the elevator. Ride it up, then use the dynamite vending machine to reveal a stick of dynamite. Pick it up and place it in the barrel to blow open the hatch. Drop down inside and pry open the door on the right, then use the teleporter to reach a new ledge. Drop off the roof and chop down the door, then head inside and crack the safe to receive this.

Police Shield 4: After blowing open the hatch, drop down inside and fix the fuse box on the left to reset the button pattern. Press the button to reveal a new pattern, then input it correctly to receive this.

Vehicle Token 2: Up on the ledges on the right, fix the fuse box to shut off the electricity on the wall. Climb up, then shimmy across the railings to the right to reach this.

Vehicle Tokens: L.E.R.V. (5,000)
Garrano (1,000)

Character Tokens: Space Villain (10,000)
Space Scientist (20,000)

Red Power Brick Extra: Super Astro Crate
Scrapyard Scrap - Free Play Mode
Area 1: Police Shield 1: Destroy 4 broken down cars. 2 are in the first part of the area and the other 2 are in the second.

Vehicle Token 1: Drill through the tiles to reveal a water spout, then ride it up to this.

Police Shield 2: After draining the water in the pool, crack the safe inside to receive this.

Character Token 1: Inside the house by the dog, crack the safe inside to receive this.

Red Power Brick: Use the super strength handle on the box to the right to reveal a launch pad. Step on it to be launched to this.

Area 2: Police Shield 3: Build 4 scrap objects out of LEGO pieces. For the first, destroy a car towards the beginning of the area. For the second, destroy a load lifter by the poles. For the third, destroy a fridge by the poles. For the fourth, destroy a fridge in the second part of the area.

Police Shield 4: Put out 6 fires in barrels. The first is to the right of the starting point. The second is behind the wrecked car. The third, fourth, and fifth are all on the ground level of the second part of the area. The sixth is by the crane.

Vehicle Token 2: Drill through the tile floor to reveal a gear. Pick it up and place it on the catapult, then pull the lever to reveal this.

Character Token 2: Chop down the door in the second part of the area, allowing you to head inside and grab this.

Vehicle Tokens: Schmoozer (1,000)
Jalopy (1,000)

Character Tokens: Chase Suit (80,000)
Studski (100,000)

Red Power Brick Extra: Super Safe Crack
The Colossal Fossil Hustle - Free Play Mode
Area 1: Police Shield 1: Water 5 plants. The first is in front of the aquarium. The second is on the second floor by the fuse box. The third is by the mad scientist exhibit on the third level. The fourth is by the Yellow Devil Super Build. The fifth is on the upper rafters on the left side.

Police Shield 2: Destroy 5 T-rex pictures. The first is in the right corner of the gift shop. The second and third are on the wall behind the aquarium. The fourth is on the upper left rafters. The fifth is above the mad scientist exhibit.

Character Token 1: Fix the fuse box on the second level, then pry open the door to reach this.

Vehicle Token 1: After moving the boat, fire the cannon to reveal this.

Area 2: Character Token 2: Use the super strength handle on the right to destroy the cage, revealing this.

Police Shield 3: Use both super strength handles in the back part of the first area.

Red Power Brick: In collecting Police Shield 3, you will reveal two bones. Pick them up and place them on the Triceratops fossil. Head to the exhibit in the back left corner and use the super strength handle to reveal another bone. Pick it up and place it on the fossil to reveal this.

Police Shield 4: Complete all four exhibit challenges on the second level to receive this.

Vehicle Token 2: Fix the fuse box on the second level to power the teleporter, then use it. Destroy the support under the dinosaur's neck to lower it, then climb up. Grapple onto the Pteranodon to reach the lever, then pull it to smash through the glass, allowing you to collect this.

Vehicle Tokens: Ancestor (100,000)
Silversmith (50,000)

Character Tokens: Mummy (10,000)
Caveman (10,000)

Red Power Brick Extra: Super Break and Enter
Hot Property-Free Play Mode
Area 1: Police Shield 1: Destroy 5 fire alarms. The first 3 are in the first part of the area, and the last 2 are in the second part of the area.

Character Token 1: Put out the fire in the barrel surrounded by firefighters to reveal this.

Vehicle Token 1: In the second part of the area, use the super strength handle to destroy the large box, revealing this.

Vehicle Token 2: Use the super strength handle in the building to destroy the box, revealing part of a lever. Pick it up and place it in the slot, then turn it to lower the car jack. Hop in the vehicle to reveal this.

Area 2: Red Power Brick: Chop down the door by the entrance, then head inside to reach this.

Character Token 2: Successfully run on a treadmill to reveal this.

Police Shield 2: Destroy 5 piles of presents. 3 are on the ground floor. 1 is in the room on the left side of the upper level, and the final pile is in the chief's office.

Area 3: Police Shield 3: Put out 3 fires in barrels. The first is by your starting point. The second is in front of the green light. The third is close to the water after the gate.

Police Shield 4: After stepping on the launch pad, pull the lever to drop an air mattress into the water. Hop on and follow the stud trail to reach this.

Vehicle Tokens: Extender (5,000)
Fire Tracker (500)

Character Tokens: Ramon Lopez-Delgado (30,000)
Jade Crosby (20,000)

Red Power Brick Extra: Costumes
Smash 'n' Grab - Free Play Mode
Area 1: Police Shield 1: Destroy 3 signs with life preservers on them. The first is just to the left of your starting point. The second is by the stack of blue and white boats. The third is by the elevator you use to exit.

Police Shield 2: Pry open 4 lockers. The first is behind the first fence. The second is by the stack of blue and white boats. The third is by the elevator you use to exit. The fourth is in the room with Vehicle Token 1.

Character Token 1: Fix the fuse box to open the gate, then head inside and pull the lever to reveal this.

Vehicle Token 1: After climbing up the plant, head left and shimmy across the ledge. Chop down the door, then use the teleporter behind it to reach the room with this.

Red Power Brick: After collecting Vehicle Token 1, use the teleporter to return to the ledge. Swing across the poles to the left, then slide down the rope. Fix the fuse box, then chop down the door to open the door to this.

Area 2: Police Shield 3: Destroy the box in front of the piano, then build the LEGO pieces onto the piano. Play it to receive this.

Vehicle Token 2: Pry open the metal plate on the right, then crack the safe to receive this.

Character Token 2: Use the super strength handle on the right to reveal a fuse box. Fix it to destroy the glass around this.

Police Shield 4: Pry open the metal plate on the left, then use the punching bag to receive this.

Vehicle Tokens: Buzzer (3,000)
Scout (10,000)

Character Tokens: Moe de Luca (50,000)
Forrest Blackwell Suit (250,000)

Red Power Brick Extra: Attract Studs
They All Scream for Ice Cream - Free Play Mode
Area 1: Police Shield 1: Destroy 3 ice cream statues. The first is to the right of your starting point. The second is behind the counter. The third is behind the large cabinet on the right side of the upper level.

Character Token 1: Fix the fuse box by the piano to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a launch pad, then use it to reach the ledge with this.

Character Token 2: After rescuing Vinnie, reassemble him.

Vehicle Token 1: Destroy the large cabinet on the upper level to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a ball, then ride it to the left and park it on the red button to power the teleporter. Use it, then climb across the ceiling to reach this.

Police Shield 2: Destroy 4 boxes on the upper level to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into ice cream stands to receive this.

Red Power Brick: After exiting the starting room, jetpack up and grab onto the bar. Pull yourself onto the ledge, then use the astro crate to call in LEGO pieces. Build them into a green color swapper, then use it to change your color. Shoot all 3 red lights green to reveal this.

Area 2: Police Shield 3: Destroy all 8 chairs around the table.

Vehicle Token 2: Water the plant on the right.

Area 3: Police Shield 4: Destroy 3 green machines. The first is by your starting point. The second is on the ledge on the left, and the third is on the ledge on the right.

Vehicle Tokens: Aceso (1,000)
Ironback (15,000)

Character Tokens: Jimmy Grossman (20,000)
Vinnie Pappalardo (100,000)

Red Power Brick Extra: Extra Hearts
High Steal - Free Play Mode
Area 1: Police Shield 1: Smash 5 piles of boulders. The first one is behind the steamroller. The other four are in each corner of the second part of the area.

Police Shield 2: Take 3 coffee breaks. The first is to the right of the gate you open with the steamroller. The second is by the cement mixer used in Vehicle Token 1. The third is inside the building, underneath the fires.

Red Power Brick: After the large gate is a cabin located towards the screen. Chop down the door, then head inside to reach this.

Vehicle Token 1: Turn the valve on the small cement mixer to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a lift, then step on the button to raise yourself up to this.

Character Token 1: Inside the building, after using the grapple point to lower the ladder, climb up to the ledge. Use the jetpack to reach the railing in the back, then hop onto the ledge and destroy the locker to reveal this.

Area 2: Vehicle Token 2: Before dropping down the tube, destroy the brown bin in the lower left corner to reveal this.

Police Shield 3: Build 3 LEGO objects. The pieces for the first are under a pile of bricks to the left of the gate. Building it gets you a duck. The pieces for the second are by the exit gate under some bricks. Building it gets you the Tt Games logo. The pieces for the third are to the right of Character Token 2. Building it gives you a LEGO head.

Character Token 2: Fix the fuse box on the right side of the area to power the blue color swapper. Use it to change your color, then shoot the wall blue. Climb up and destroy the brown bin.

Police Shield 4: While controlling the RC excavator, dig up all 4 piles.

Vehicle Tokens: Foundation (5,000)
Roller (3,000)

Character Tokens: Construction Foreman (20,000)
Will Miles (10,000)

Red Power Brick Extra: Studs x6
Disruptive Behavior - Free Play Mode
Area 1: Police Shield 1: Use super strength handles to destroy 3 boxes. The first is in the first part of the area, on the left side. The other 2 are to the right of the submarine.

Police Shield 2: Destroy the box in front of the basketball hoop, then make three baskets to receive this.

Character Token 1: Use the super strength handle on a box to the right of the submarine to reveal a fuse box. Fix it to open the container with this inside.

Area 2: Police Shield 3: Pry open 5 lockers. The first is by your starting point in the lift. The second is inside the room with the ladder. The third is to the left of the energy bridge. The fourth is by the teleporter. The fifth is on the right side of the area.

Police Shield 4: Destroy 5 potted plants. The first is right next to the green color swapper. The second is on the stairs to the left of the energy bridges. The third is by the lever part behind the lasers. The fourth is on the right side of the area. The fifth is by the fuse box you fix.

Red Power Brick: Use super strength to destroy the box by the truck, then use the astro crate to call in a lever. Pull it to lower the barrier around this.

Character Token 2: After jetpack hovering across the gaps, drop down and shimmy across the ledge to reach this.

Area 3: Vehicle Token 1: Use the super strength handle to destroy the box, revealing this.

Vehicle Token 2: Drill through the tiled floor to reach this.

Vehicle Tokens: Jupiter (25,000)
Rex's Brute (20,000)

Character Tokens: Henrik Kowalski (40,000)
Submarine Captain (5,000)

Red Power Brick Extra: Studs x8
Breaking and Reentering - Free Play Mode
Area 1: Police Shield 1: Put out fires on 6 torches. The first is right by your starting point. The second is by the basketball hoop. The third is to the left of the pool. The fourth is on the right side of the third level. The fifth and sixth are right next to each other on the top level.

Police Shield 2: Destroy 3 precious boulders. The first is in the small garden in front of the stairs. The second is by the basketball hoop. The third is on top of the mansion.

Vehicle Token 1: Pry open the manhole on the left to reveal this.

Police Shield 3: Water 3 plants. The first is by the silver door on the left. The second is on the right by Vehicle Token 2. The third is right above the wall you climb.

Vehicle Token 2: After chopping down the door on the right, head inside and destroy the chair on the right to receive this.

Red Power Brick: Use the astro crate on the third level to reveal a red mailbox. Destroy it to reveal this.

Character Token 1: On top of the mansion, use the super strength handle to destroy the box, revealing this.

Character Token 2: On the top of the mansion, slide down the rope on the left, then use the teleporter. Destroy the sandcastle to reveal this.

Area 2: Police Shield 4: Shoot all 3 targets to receive this.

Vehicle Tokens: Dullahan (3,000)
Cloud (100,000)

Character Tokens: Forrest Blackwell Casual (250,000)
Sentinel Decker (20,000)

Red Power Brick Extra: Attract Bricks
Fly Me to the Moon - Free Play Mode
Area 1: Police Shield 1: Use super strength handles to destroy 3 boxes. The first is near your starting point. The second is at the base of the elevator. The third is at the top of the elevator, to the left.

Police Shield 2: Destroy 4 lunar rovers. The first is by your starting point. The second is in front of a dome with a shiny door. The third is to the right of the base of the elevator. The fourth is at the top of the elevator.

Character Token 1: After riding the elevator by your starting point up, head left and climb the drainpipe. Fix the fuse box to power the red color swapper, then use it to change your color. Return to your starting ledge and drop down, then shoot the light red to lower the barrier around this.

Red Power Brick: After riding up the large elevator, use the super strength handle on the left to destroy the box, revealing LEGO pieces. Build them into a red light, then shoot it green to open the dome, allowing you to collect this.

Area 2: Police Shield 3: Crack 2 safes. There is 1 at each end.

Vehicle Token 1: Use the super strength handle on the right to destroy the box, revealing this.

Area 3: Vehicle Token 2: Destroy the pile of bones to reveal this.

Police Shield 4: Destroy 3 small boxes with the astronaut logo on them.

Area 4: Character Token 2: This is in a silver stud ring towards the end of the fall.

Vehicle Tokens: Payload (10,000)
Rex's Tempest (1,000,000)

Character Tokens: Haydxn Gemson (10,000)
Rex Fury (1,000,000)

Red Power Brick Extra: Studs x10
Exploring LEGO City
This section will cover how to collect all of the items hidden around LEGO City.
LEGO City Police Station
Gold Bricks

Gold Brick 1: Destroy the box next to the Gold Brick purchase computer in the basement.

Gold Brick 2: Destroy the box next to the Red Brick purchase computer in the basement.

Gold Brick 3: Chop down the door by the Character purchase computer to reveal this.

Gold Brick 4: Head into the Character Customizer by Ellie, then destroy the box on the left.

Gold Brick 5: Destroy the box by the Vehicle purchase computer.

Gold Brick 6: In the Lobby, destroy the vending machines on the right to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a ride, then hop in.

Gold Brick 7: Build 4 pictures in the Lobby. The pieces for the first can be found by destroying a box on the right. The second can be found by destroying a locker in the back right. The third can be found by destroying a bookcase in the back left corner. The fourth can be found by destroying a box on the left.

Gold Brick 8: Use the dynamite vending machine in the Lobby to grab a stick of dynamite, then place it in the barrel to reveal this.

Gold Brick 9: Grab some popcorn from the stand in the Briefing Room.

Gold Brick 10: In the Briefing Room, pry open the door, then head inside and grab the box. Pick it up and place it on the green panel to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a donut table to reveal this.
Cherry Tree Hills Part 1
Gold Bricks

Gold Brick 1: Complete the Ferry Super Build behind the Police Station. You will do this automatically in Chapter 1. Completing the Super Build allows you to purchase Pumpkin for 1,000 studs.

Gold Brick 2: Complete the Call-In Point Super Build next to the Police Station. It costs 8,000 bricks and will allow you to purchase Imprisoner for 1,000 studs.

Gold Brick 3: Complete the Time Trial next to the Police Station. You will also be able to purchase Lantos for 25,000 studs.

Gold Brick 4: Complete the Helipad Super Build on top of the Police Station. To reach it, chop down the door by the prison cells to reveal a blue color swapper. Use it to change your color, then shoot the nearby wall blue. Climb up, then head right and up the stairs to reach the build. The build requires 20,000 bricks and will also allow you to purchase Responder for 10,000 studs.

Gold Brick 5: Complete a Pig Return. Climb the wall on the Red Cafe, then use the grapple point to reach the roof. Water the plant, then climb up and Chicken Glide across the gap. Climb the ladder, then Chicken Glide to the left. Continue left, then use the teleporter. Water the plant, then climb up and cross the beam. Head to the right, then jetpack up to the ledge with the pig. Run him over to the cannon by the train station, then launch him away.

Gold Brick 6: Complete the ATM Smash on the side of the Red Cafe.

Gold Brick 7: Activate the Train Station. You will do this during Chapter 3.

Gold Brick 8: Complete the Wishing Fountain Super Build behind the train station. It costs 15,000 bricks and will also allow you to purchase Ice Skater for 10,000 studs.

Gold Brick 9: Activate the Disguise Booth. The pieces can be found to the right of the train station. Activating it will allow you to purchase Demolition Dummy for 10,000 studs.

Gold Brick 10: Destroy the Boulder. To reach it, hop onto the train tracks and follow them up and behind the Police Station. You will eventually reach a clearing with this on the left side.

Gold Brick 11: Complete the Free Run. The token to reveal it is at the end of a long run. At the red cafe, climb the wall and use the grapple point to reach the roof. Cross the rope, then run across the roofs. Climb the wall on the left and continue along the course to reach the token. Completing the Free Run will allow you to purchase Baseball Player for 10,000 studs.

Gold Brick 12: Extinguish the Barbeque Fire. This can be found during the course of the Free Run, in a backyard.

Gold Brick 13: Complete the Emergency Crash Mat Super Build. It costs 10,000 bricks to complete. It can be found next to the fourth satellite dish (see the TV Reporter Character Token). You can also purchase Revolver for 1,000 studs.

Gold Brick 14: Complete the Vehicle Stealing. To reach it, get into a helicopter, then use the crash mat on the Auto Shop to land on the roof. Pry open the skylight to start the mission. Successfully deliver the car to complete it. You can also purchase Valkyrie for 10,000 studs.

Gold Brick 15: Complete the Cat Rescue. To reach it, head to the beige colored house in the north part of the district. Chop down the door to reach the backyard, then head inside and climb the plant to reach a ledge. Use a grapple point to reach the roof, then head right and Chicken Glide across the gap. Continue along the roof and water the plant, then climb up and Chicken Glide to this.

Gold Brick 16: Complete the Drill Thrill. On the roof with the Cat Rescue, fix the fuse box, then step on the button to reveal this.

Gold Brick 17: Take a Coffee Break. It can be found on the roof of a grey brick house. To reach it, hop up the wall on the side, then head along the ledge.

Gold Brick 18: Complete a Pig Return. To reach this pig, water a plant on the side of a building to the north, then climb up to reach the roof with this pig.

Gold Brick 19: Complete the Alien Capture. The astro crate can be found in the northeast corner of the district by the water.

Gold Brick 20: Destroy the Silver Statue. It can be found at the very top of the hill in the north part of the district.

Gold Brick 21: Conquer the District. This is right next to the Anchor Man Character Token.

Gold Brick 22: Arrest the Gang. Use the grapple point on the side of a building, then head left and climb the walls to the roof. Open the astro crate to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a ladder, then climb up. Pry open the door, then head inside. Smash the AC unit to reveal LEGO pieces, then build them into a trampoline, then use it to reach the ledge. Use the ledge on the left, then grab the railing to reach the Audio Scan point. Use it to discover the gang's plans. Arrest all 5 at the basketball court.

Gold Brick 23: Complete the Hillside House Super Build. It costs 30,000 bricks to complete and is by the Auburn border.

Gold Brick 24: Water the flowers. They are found behind the house to the left of the Hillside House Super Build.

Gold Brick 25: Arrest the Vehicle Robber. To start it, head to the left side of the roof with the tennis courts (you run through this during the free run). Drill through the tiled floor to reveal the Criminal Scan point. Scan to find the criminal stealing a lawnmower, then destroy the vehicle and arrest him to complete this. You can also purchase Grassman for 3,000 studs.

Character Tokens

Grubby Grubster: Pry open a door on top of the Police Station to open the cell to this. You can purchase him for 10,000 studs.

Security Guard: Pry open the door to the security hut behind the Police Station, then head inside to reach this. You can purchase him for 20,000 studs.

Butch Patterson: Pry open the door to the security hut on the pier behind the Police Station, then head inside to reach this. You can purchase him for 20,000 studs.

Street Racer: Build 5 gumball machines by the train station. The pieces for all of them can be found in boxes. The first is behind the train station, to the left of the Wishing Fountain Super Build. The second is inside the train station. Use the dynamite machine on the back side to grab a stick of dynamite, then place it in the barrel to blow up the entrance. Head inside to find the box on the left. The third is by the dynamite vending machine. The fourth is in a small courtyard to the left of the train station. The fifth is on the left side of the train station, down a small flight of stairs. You can purchase him for 5,000 studs.

Taxi Driver: Head to the top level of the train station, then use the umbrellas to bounce up to the roof. Use the teleporter to reach the top of the arch. Head left to reach this. You can purchase him for 2,000 studs.

Train Driver Bill: Head to the top level of the train station, then pry open the door on the right. Head inside and crack the safe on the left to reveal this. You can purchase him for 2,000 studs.

Louise Andrew: Hop onto the train tracks and head into the tunnel by the train station. You will eventually see this. jetpack up to it. You can purchase her for 2,000 studs.

Shaky Harry: During the course of the Free Run, there is a roof with a launch pad in a corner. Step on it, then climb the drainpipe and cross the beam on the roof. Follow studs and slide down the tightrope, then use the teleporter to reach the room with this. You can purchase him for 100,000 studs.

Dave Something: Use the grapple point on the front of Security Bank to reach the ledge, then use the teleporter to reach the room with this. You can purchase him for 2,000 studs.

Troublemaker Phil: Use the color gun to shoot 3 trees green. A green color swapper can be found by the nearby Herbert Hotel. You can purchase him for 3,000 studs.

Detective: Head up to the hill in the north part of the district, then use the Clue Spot by the stunt ramp to uncover this. You can purchase him for 10,000 studs.
Cherry Tree Hills Part 2
Anchor Man: After destroying the Silver Statue, Chicken Glide over to the base of the tower. Head left, then use the teleporter to reach the upper ledge. Run around and quickly step on all four buttons to power the fan inside the dome. Ride the current up to this. You can purchase him for 3,000 studs.

Rapper: Place a stick of dynamite in a barrel near the park to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a wall, then hop up. Run across the gap to the left, then use the trampoline to reach the roof. Pry open the door, then water the plant. Climb up, then cross the tightrope. Destroy the blue barrel to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a trampoline, then use it to bounce up to the beam with this. You can purchase him for 10,000 studs.

Tennis Player: During the course of the Free Run, you will run through tennis courts. Drill through the tile floor to the right of the courts to reveal this. You can purchase her for 10,000 studs.

Werewolf: Destroy 3 trees to reveal LEGO pieces that you can build into doghouses. The first tree is on the far left of the area. The second is by the yellow house with the duck pond. The third is by a red house. Build all of them to reveal this Character Token. You can purchase him for 10,000 studs.

TV Reporter: Build 4 satellite dishes on roofs. The first is on a beige colored house in the north (see Gold Brick 15 for how to reach it). The second is on a yellow house. To reach it, use the grapple point on the side to reach the ledge. Head right and hop up the wall, then climb onto the roof. Head past the 2x4 Super Brick and drop down to reach the ledge with this. The third is on a grey brick house. After taking the Coffee Break, hop up onto the railing, then head right and climb the ladders to reach this. The fourth is on top of a red house. To reach it, water a plant in the backyard, then climb up. Bounce on the umbrella to reach the roof with this. Build all 4 to reveal the token. You can purchase her for 3,000 studs.

Clown Robber Lou: The first pig to rescue is on a circular roof (on top of the bank). Head towards the corner of that roof, then drop down onto the ledge to reach this. You can purchase him for 10,000 studs.

Sleepyhead: This appears after completing the Hillside House Super Build. You can purchase him for 10,000 studs.

Mail Man: Turn 3 mailboxes red. The color swapper can be found on top of Jenny's Diner. Smash the AC units to reveal the LEGO pieces for it. The first mailbox is across the street from the second pig. The second is by the first tree for the Werewolf token. The third is at one corner of the foundation of the Auto Shop. Shoot all 3 red to reveal this Character Token on top of a building. Simply climb up the drainpipe to reach it. You can purchase him for 2,000 studs.

George Fartarbensonbury: Head inside the 'SHOP', then turn the couch and lamp red to reveal this. Swing across the poles to reach it. You can purchase him for 3,000 studs.

Red Power Bricks

Data Scan Upgrade - City Challenges: Pry open a door on top of the Police Station to open the cell to this.
Albatross Island
Gold Bricks

Gold Brick 1: Activate the Disguise Booth. The LEGO pieces can be found on the docks. Activating this will allow you to purchase Prison Guard for 20,000 studs.

Gold Brick 2: Destroy the Boulder. It can be found in plain sight on the beach.

Gold Brick 3: Complete the Pig Return. To reach the pig, chop down the door to the guard tower on the docks, then climb up. Head to the left on the roof to reach the pig.

Gold Brick 4: Take a Coffee Break. It can be found on the side of the basketball court in the main prison yard.

Gold Brick 5: Catch the Alien. The astro crate can be found on the roof above the marker to replay Special Assignment 2.

Gold Brick 6: Extinguish the BBQ Fire. It can be found behind the fence in the main prison yard.

Gold Brick 7: Complete the Helipad Super Build. To reach it, drill through the tiled floor to the right of the BBQ Fire, then ride the water spout to the ledge. Head up the stairs to reach this. It requires 20,000 bricks to complete and will allow you to purchase Chopper for 20,000 studs.

Gold Brick 8: Complete the Cat Rescue. To reach it, head up the stairs from the Helipad Super Build, then use the grapple point to pull down the AC Unit. Build the LEGO pieces into a trampoline, then use it to reach the railings. Shimmy across them to reach the ledge with this.

Gold Brick 9: Water the Flowers. They can be found in the rear prison yard. To reach it, destroy a box on the beach to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a teleporter, then use it to reach the rear prison yard.

Gold Brick 10: Smash the ATM. It can be found in the rear prison yard.

Gold Brick 11: Complete the Free Run. To reach it, head up the stairs in the rear prison yard to the large guard tower. Water the plant on the side, then climb up and hop up the blocks. Chicken glide twice across the rooftops, then hop onto the railing and climb the wall. Pry open the door, then head inside the room. Head to the right, then shimmy across the railing and leap up and over the fence. Completing this will allow you to purchase Warden Stonewall for 30,000 studs.

Gold Brick 12: Complete the Drill Thrill. It can be found on the roof of the prison at the end of the Free Run.

Gold Brick 13: Destroy the Silver Statue. To reach it, destroy a box on the roof of the prison to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a teleporter, then use it to reach this.

Gold Brick 14: Conquer the District. It can be found on top of the large guard tower you climb during the Free Run.

Gold Brick 15: Arrest the Gang. The Audio Scan Point can be found on top of a building you chicken glide to during the Free Run. The gang will gather right below you.

Character Tokens

Press Photographer: On the beach of the island is a sewer outflow. Smash the rock below the pipe to receive this. You can purchase him for 2,000 studs.

Tribal Hunter: Assemble 3 sand castles from LEGO pieces on the beach. Two are found by destroying wooden pallets, and the last one is found by destroying a box. You can purchase him for 10,000 studs.

Butcher: Hop up the wall on the sandy path to the prison, then run up the slope. Shimmy across the ledge all the way to the left to reach this. You can purchase him for 10,000 studs.

Hot Tub Harry: On the exterior prison wall with the smaller guard towers, use the teleporter underneath one of them to reach the roof. Jetpack hover across to the roof of another guard tower to reach this. You can purchase him for 10,000 studs.

Boxer: Turn 3 punching bags yellow. The first 2 are in the main prison yard, and the last is in the rear yard. You can purchase him for 10,000 studs.

Verne: Head up the stairs by the Helipad Super Build, then hop onto the railing on the guard tower. Hop onto the ledge to reach this. You can purchase him for 10,000 studs.

Beefy Baker: Before prying open the door in the Free Run course, destroy the wooden pallet to the left to reveal this. You can purchase him for 10,000 studs.

Vehicle Tokens

Detainer: This can be found in plain sight to the right of the main prison entrance. You can purchase it for 2,000 studs.

Red Power Bricks

Police Siren Hat: In the rear prison yard, head up the steps to the large guard tower. Pry open the door at the base to be able to grab this.
Auburn Part 1
Gold Bricks

Gold Brick 1: Complete the Stunt Ramp Super Build. It costs 10,000 bricks to complete and will allow you to purchase Race Car Driver for 10,000 studs.

Gold Brick 2: Build the Disguise Booth. The LEGO pieces can be found in front of the Stunt Ramp Super Build. Completing it will allow you to purchase Mechanic for 10,000 studs.

Gold Brick 3: Complete the Helipad Super Build. To reach it, hop up the boxes on the side of a building by the docks to reach the roof. Head towards the center, then climb up the wall to reach it. It costs 20,000 bricks to complete and will allow you to purchase Hera for 3,000 studs.

Gold Brick 4: Complete the Robbery Arrest. To reach it, open the astro crate by the Helipad Super Build to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a launch pad, then step on it to reach the top of the water tower. Hop up to the top to reach the scan point. Arrest the robber to complete this. You can also purchase Sphinx for 25,000 studs.

Gold Brick 5: Extinguish the barbeque fire. It can be found on the beach.

Gold Brick 6: Complete the Call-In Point Super Build. It can be found on the docks and costs 8,000 bricks to complete. It also allows you to purchase Dragger for 1,000 studs.

Gold Brick 7: Complete the Time Trial. It can be found on the docks. Completing it allows you to purchase Brawn for 1,000 studs.

Gold Brick 8: Complete the Free Run. The token can be found on top of a building. To reach it, place a stick of dynamite in the barrel by the docks to destroy the silver gate. Head inside, then head to the left and climb up to the roof. Head across, then chop down and door. Pull the lever to open the garage, then put out the fires. Hop up the walls, then continue along the course. Water the plant, then climb to the ledge. Chicken Glide across the gap, then continue along the roof and up to the token. Completing the course will allow you to purchase Docks Foreman for 10,000 studs.

Gold Brick 9: Complete the Auburn Chimney Super Build. It costs 12,000 bricks to complete and is found during the course of the Free Run.

Gold Brick 10: Complete the Pig Return. The pig can be found at the end of the Free Run course.

Gold Brick 11: Water the flowers. The flower bed can be found behind a building by the docks labeled "AJ".

Gold Brick 12: Complete the Vehicle Stealing. To start the mission, put out the fires in front of a door, then pry it open. Successfully deliver the vehicle to complete the mission, allowing you to purchase Enberg for 10,000 studs.

Gold Brick 13: Complete the Call-In Point Super Build. It can be found near the Cherry Tree Hills border and costs 8,000 bricks to complete. Completing it allows you to purchase Trasher for 3,000 studs.

Gold Brick 14: Water another set of flowers. This can be found to the left of Paul Flanagan's Character Token.

Gold Brick 15: Destroy the boulder. It can be found underneath a pile of regular boulders underneath Auburn Bay Bridge.

Gold Brick 16: Take a Coffee Break. To find it, drill through the tiles floor in front of a gate, then ride the water current up and over. Head right and climb the ladder, then continue to the right. Hop the fence and continue right, then climb the drainpipe. Hop the fence, then run across the gap to the left. Continue left past the boarded up door, then slide under the barrier to reach this.

Gold Brick 17: Arrest the Gang. To reach the scan point, after taking the Coffee Break, head left and jetpack onto the ledge. Water the plant, then climb up. Use the teleporter to reach the rooftop with the Audio Scan Point. Quickly head to the beach, then arrest the thugs to complete this.

Gold Brick 18: Capture the Alien. The astro crate can be found underneath a wooden ramp by the gas station.

Gold Brick 19: Destroy the Silver Statue. Smash the boulders on the bridge, then build the LEGO pieces into a trampoline. Use it to reach the ledge with this.

Gold Brick 20: Complete the Sky Glide Super Build. It requires 12,000 bricks to complete. To reach it, jetpack over a brick fence in the north part of the district, then head to the front of the buildings to reach a small concrete lot. Climb the ladder on the water tower, then fix the fuse box to lower the water level, allowing you to complete this.

Gold Brick 21: Complete the Drill Thrill. On the way to collect Bobby Hammer's Character Token, instead of using the first teleporter, head right and fix the fuse box to power the button.

Gold Brick 22: Rescue the Cat. This can be done immediately to the right of the Drill Thrill.

Gold Brick 23: Complete a Vehicle Robbery. Use the super strength handle on a box by a shed near the bridge, then pry open the door to start this. Deliver the car and you will be able to purchase Rex's Riot for 50,000 studs.

Gold Brick 24: Activate the train station. The train station is partially under the bridge. Head inside and destroy the green lockers to reveal the LEGO pieces.

Gold Brick 25: Smash the ATM. It can be found inside the train station.

Gold Brick 26: Conquer the District. To complete this, you will need to venture onto Auburn Bay Bridge. At the third set of concrete pillars, jetpack up to the wall on the north side, then climb up. Chicken Glide to the crane, then head to the end of the arm. Jetpack across the gap to the next crane, then head to the back to reach this.

Character Tokens
Violet de Burgh: Turn 3 boxes of cherries red. The red color swapper can be found inside a building on the docks. Chop down the door to open the garage with this inside. The first is to the left of the color swapper. The second is by the flower bed used in Gold Brick 11. The third is near a semi-circular shaped building. Turn all 3 red to reveal this. You can purchase her for 2,000 studs.

Garage Worker: Destroy 4 objects on the beach to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into 4 objects. The first is underneath a red box. Build the LEGO pieces into a palm tree. The second is underneath a brown box. Build it into a lifeguard chair. The third is underneath a yellow box. Build the LEGO pieces into a palm tree. The fourth is underneath a wooden pallet. Build the LEGO pieces into a sandcastle. Build all 4 objects to reveal the token. You can purchase him for 10,000 studs.

Hot Hub McCreedy: Turn 5 buoys in the water red to reveal this. You can purchase him for 10,000 studs.

Samson Crow: Turn 3 pallets of bananas yellow. All 3 are right next to each other on the docks. The yellow color swapper can be found inside a shipping crate you can pry open. You can purchase him for 2,000 studs.

Deborah Graham: During the course of the free run, after running across the second gap, drop down to reach this. You can purchase her for 2,000 studs.

Tow Truck Driver: On the docks, there are a series of shipping crates arranged in a maze pattern. Collect the token at the start, then reach the end of the maze before the time expires to reveal this. You can purchase him for 10,000 studs.

Allie Jaeschke: Climb up a short wall behind a building near the docks, then chop down the door to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a wall running panel, then use it to run across the gap. Swing left and continue, then climb the wall and run across the gap. Head right and use the Clue Spot to uncover a valve. Pick it up and place it in the slot, then turn it to lower the water spout. Cross the beams, then continue along the roof. Jetpack up the chimneys to reach this. You can purchase her for 2,000 studs.

Paul Flanagan: Near Cherry Tree Hills, use the grapple point to lower a ladder. Climb up, then head left and pry open the skylight, then drop down inside. Crack the safe to reveal this. You can purchase him for 2,000 studs.

Hazmat Guy: After completing the Auburn Chimney Super Build, ride up the chimney smoke to reach this. You can purchase him for 10,000 studs.

Sarah Horner: Climb to the top of the cargo ship to reach this. You can purchase her for 2,000 studs.
Auburn Part 2
Richard Thomas: Pry open the door to the gas station, then enter to find this. You can purchase him for 2,000 studs.

Henrik Kowalski Astronaut: Next to a semi-circular building, hop onto the ledge, then run over the roof. Continue to the edge, then hop left to land in a pool of water. Jetpack hover to the next ledge, where you can reach this. You can purchase him for 60,000 studs.

Bobby Hammer: Jetpack over a brick fence in the northern part of the district, then follow the stud trail through the fence to reach a small concrete lot. Water the plant, then climb up. Grab onto the railing, then destroy the blue barrel to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a trampoline, then bounce up onto the roof. Climb the small ladder, then head right across the gap. Put out the fires, then continue. Use the teleporter, then continue left along the rooftops. Slide down the tightrope, then fix the fuse box to power the fan. Ride the current to the ledge, then run up the slope and step on the launch pad. Use the teleporter, then jetpack hover to this. (Alternatively, you could just jetpack up to this from the beginning). You can purchase him for 10,000 studs.

Harbor Worker: After completing the Sky Glide Super Build, hop in the air current to reach this. You can purchase him for 10,000 studs.

Docks Crane Driver: Head to the southern crane at the docks, then hop up the blocks on a leg. Shimmy across the railing, then head left and use the grapple point to swing across the gap. Climb the ladders and railings, then run up the sloped crane arm to reach this. You can purchase him for 10,000 studs.

Clown Robber Max: Pry open the door at the base of a blue crane, allowing you to reach this. You can purchase him for 10,000 studs.

Avery Cruise: After taking the coffee break, head left and water the plant. Climb up, then hover to the right and grab onto the wall. Climb up, then hop up the blocks to reach the top of the chimney. Ride the smoke across to the next chimney, then up to this. You can purchase her for 80,000 studs.

Louie Mitchell: Head up a small grassy hill by the docks to see this floating. To reach it, destroy the blue barrel to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a trampoline, then use it to bounce onto the ceiling. Climb across it to reach this. You can purchase him for 2,000 studs.

Red Power Bricks

Data Scan Upgrade - Character Challenges: Near the Cherry Tree Hills border, destroy a green trashcan to reveal a Clue Spot. Follow it to reach this.
Auburn Bay Bridge
Gold Bricks

Gold Brick 1: Destroy the Boulder. To reach it, head down a ladder by a support, then slide down the drainpipe. Climb down the wall, then down the ladder again. Drop down to the lower level to reach this.

Gold Brick 2: Complete the Free Run. To reach it, destroy a blue barrel to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a trampoline, then bounce up onto the wall. Follow the course to the very top of the bridge, where the token for this is. Completing the Free Run will allow you to purchase Fitness Instructor for 10,000 studs.

Gold Brick 3: Conquer the District. It can be found by the Free Run token.

Gold Brick 4: Complete the Time Trial. It can be found near the Bluebell border. Completing it will also allow you to purchase Wrath for 500,000 studs.

Character Tokens

DaMumbo: This it at the top of the bridge. You'll run into it during the Free Run. You can purchase him for 100,000 studs.

Red Power Bricks

Data Scan Upgrade - Red Bricks: After bouncing up the trampoline, cross the rope to reach this.
Fort Meadows
Gold Bricks

Gold Brick 1: Complete the Call-In Point Super Build. It can be built next to the gas station and costs 8,000 bricks to complete. Completing it allows you to purchase Trooper for 1,000 studs.

Gold Brick 2: Conquer the District. To reach it, climb up the blocks on the back of the gas station sign, then chicken glide onto the roof. This is on the right side.

Gold Brick 3: Complete the Pig Return. It can be found on the roof of the gas station. See above for how to reach it.

Gold Brick 4: Build the Disguise Booth. The pieces can be found by the gas station. This will allow you to purchase Gas Station Manager for 3,000 studs.

Gold Brick 5: Complete the ATM Smashing. It can be found next to the gas station.

Gold Brick 6: Complete the Lumberjack's Log Cabin Super Build on the hill. It costs 30,000 bricks to complete.

Gold Brick 7: After completing the Lumberjack's Log Cabin Super Build, water the plant in the front, then climb up. Cross the rope in the back to reach this.

Gold Brick 8: Destroy the Silver Statue. On top of the hill, water a plant, then climb up to the roof. Swing across the poles, then cross the roofs and chicken glide to the top of the train tunnel to reach this.

Gold Brick 9: Complete the Emergency Crash Mat Super Build. It can be found right next to the Silver Statue and costs 10,000 bricks to complete. It will allow you to purchase Slicker for 5,000 studs.

Gold Brick 10: Complete the Fort Meadows Train Station Super Build. It costs 40,000 bricks to complete.

Gold Brick 11: Complete the Call-In Point Super Build. It can be found near the Bluebell border. It costs 8,000 bricks to complete and will allow you to purchase Torsion for 1,000 studs.

Gold Brick 12: Complete the Free Run. You will unlock this automatically during Chapter 9. Completing it allows you to purchase Vampire for 10,000 studs.

Gold Brick 13: Capture the Alien. Place a stick of dynamite into the barrel near the gas station to blow up the entrance to the cave. Head inside and open the astro crate to reveal the alien.

Gold Brick 14: Destroy the Boulder. It can be found in the cave with Gold Brick 13.

Gold Brick 15: Extinguish the Barbeque Fire. It can be found on the right side of the farm.

Gold Brick 16: Complete the Time Trial at the farm. Completing it will allow you to purchase Armadillo for 5,000 studs.

Gold Brick 17: Complete the Gang Arrest. The Audio Scan be found on top of a stack of hay bales. Follow the gang to the sawmill, then arrest them.

Gold Brick 18: Take a Coffee Break. It can be found right next to the sawmill.

Gold Brick 19: Complete the Drill Thrill. Fix the fuse box on the sawmill, then step on the button to start it.

Gold Brick 20: Take a Coffee Break. It can be found in the farm fields.

Gold Brick 21: Water the flowers. They can be found behind the pig pen.

Gold Brick 22: Activate the train station. You will automatically receive this after collecting Gold Brick 10.

Character Tokens

Buddy Weingartner: Chop down a door on a house on a hill, then head inside to reach this. You can purchase him for 10,000 studs.

Lumberjack: After completing the Lumberjack's Log Cabin Super Build, pry open the door and head inside to reach this. You can purchase him for 10,000 studs.

Farm Worker Bill: Jetpack to the top of a house on the hill, then cross the rope to reach this. You can purchase him for 20,000 studs.

Train Driver Bob: After completing the Fort Meadows Train Station Super Build, head inside the booth on the left to reach this. You can purchase him for 2,000 studs.

Cave Woman: After collecting Gold Brick 14, continue down the cave and destroy the rock to reveal this. You can purchase her for 10,000 studs.

Rooster: Underneath the stone arches is a wall. Jetpack up to it, then climb it to reach this. You can purchase him for 10,000 studs.

Farm Worker Bob: Water a plant by the sawmill, then climb up to the roof to reach this. You can purchase him for 20,000 studs.

Bea Heckerson: Build 3 scarecrows. The pieces can be found underneath hay bales in the fields. You can purchase her for 10,000 studs.

Stinky Fletcher: Turn 3 bales of hay yellow. The color swapper can be found in the barn. All 3 can be found in the farm area. You can purchase him for 30,000 studs.

Highland Battler: Turn 3 wheelbarrows blue. The color swapper can be found in the barn. The first is by the pig pen. The second is out in the fields. The third is on the roof of the castle. You can purchase him for 10,000 studs.

The Monster: Climb to the top of the castle (where the chicken glide is) and chop down the door. Build the LEGO pieces into a launch pad, then step on it to reach this. You can purchase him for 10,000 studs.

Dougy Dungarees: Pry open the door or a cabin on the hill, then head inside to reach this. You can purchase him for 10,000 studs.

Red Power Bricks

Data Scan Upgrade - Tokens: Inside the cave (see Gold Brick 13) smash a stack of boulders to reveal this.
Bluebell National Park
Gold Bricks

Gold Brick 1: Complete the Serenity Bridge Super Build. You will do this during Chapter 4.

Gold Brick 2: Activate the train station. You will do this in Chapter 3.

Gold Brick 3: Destroy the Boulder. This is beneath some regular boulders by the ramp that leads to the back of the Dojo.

Gold Brick 4: Arrest the Gang. The Audio Scan Point can be found atop some rocks in the water. Jetpack up to reach it. After listening in on their plans, head to the mines and arrest them.

Gold Brick 5: Destroy the Silver Statue. To reach it, hop up the blocks immediately to the right of the mine, then head right. Jump to the right, then run up the slope. Place a stick of dynamite in the barrel to clear the path, then continue right. Use the grapple point to pull down the ledge, then destroy the parts left behind. Build the LEGO pieces into a ladder, then climb up. Climb up the wall, then head right to reach this.

Gold Brick 6: Take a Coffee Break. You can reach it during your way to the Silver Statue. After tearing down the ledge, jetpack up to the railing to reach this.

Gold Brick 7: Complete the Bluebell Tree Super Build. To reach it, head right from the Silver Statue and chicken glide across the gap. It costs 30,000 bricks to complete.

Gold Brick 8: Complete a Time Trial. It can be found at the dock by the Police Station. Completing it will allow you to purchase Oldster for 15,000 studs.

Gold Brick 9: Complete a Time Trial. It can be found near the Serenity Bridge. Completing it will allow you to purchase Chan's Ironback for 50,000 studs.

Gold Brick 10: Complete the Call-In Point Super Build. It can be found near the Dojo and costs 8,000 bricks to complete. It will allow you to purchase Vigilant for 5,000 studs.

Gold Brick 11: Extinguish the Barbeque Fire. It can be found in a campsite by the Dojo.

Gold Brick 12: Water the flowers. They can be found by a hut in the woods.

Gold Brick 13: Capture the Alien. To reach it. Destroy a tree to the left of the large rocky outcropping to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a boulder, then roll it into the slot. Hop up the ledges to reach this.

Gold Brick 14: Complete the Drill Thrill. Fix the fuse box on a cabin near the dam.

Gold Brick 15: Complete the Cat Rescue. To reach it, water a plant on the side of the dam, then climb up to the railings. Head left and drop down to reach this.

Gold Brick 16: Complete the Free Run. To reach it, head towards the dam after completing the Cat Rescue, then place a stick of dynamite in the barrel to destroy the opening. Head inside and use the blue color swapper to change your color. Turn the wall to your left blue, then follow the trail to reach the top of the dam. You will also be able to purchase Brickett for 100,000 studs.

Gold Brick 17: Complete the Pig Return. At the top of the dam (you'll get here during the Free Run), drill through the tiled floor, then ride the water spout up to the railings. Hop up them, then chicken glide over to the pig.

Gold Brick 18: Conquer the District. This can be found at the top of the dam next to the chicken glide used to reach the pig.

Gold Brick 19: Smash the ATM. It can be found by the Police Station.

Gold Brick 20: Arrest the Vehicle Robber. The Criminal Scan Point can be found on top of the tower by the Police Station's dock. Completing this will allow you to purchase Hero for 100,000 studs.

Gold Brick 21: Build the Disguise Booth. The pieces can be found in front of the Police Station. Completing it will allow you to purchase Ranger Barber for 30,000 studs.

Gold Brick 22: Complete the Stunt Ramp Super Build. It costs 10,000 bricks to complete. You will be able to purchase Duke Huckleberry for 100,000 studs.

Gold Brick 23: After completing the Stunt Ramp Super Build, you will be able to complete another Time Trial. Complete it and you will be able to purchase Tracker for 500 studs.

Gold Brick 24: Complete the Helipad Super Build. To reach it, chop down a door by the Police Station, then head up the stairs. It costs 20,000 bricks to complete and will allow you to purchase Skybringer for 50,000 studs.

Gold Brick 25: Destroy a Boulder. It can be found underneath a pile of regular boulders to the left of the dam.

Character Tokens

Jesse Weingartner: Put out 5 campfires. The first is in a grove of trees near the Fort Meadows border. The second is in a patch by the 180 turn in the road. The third is in a clearing across the gap from the Dojo. The fourth is right next to the Bluebell Tree Super Build. The fifth is by the Police Station. You can purchase him for 10,000 studs.

Rex Fury Bare Chest: Jetpack up some boxes to the right of the mine, then pry open the crate at the top. Head inside to reach this. You can purchase him for 1,000,000 studs.

Forestman: After completing the Bluebell Tree Super Build, use the grapple point to pull down the ladder, then climb up to reach this. You can purchase him for 10,000 studs.

Ben Moseley: Change the color of two tents. One requires a purple color swapper, which can be found near the mine. For the second tent, use the Clue Spot on the dock by the Police Station to uncover a key. Pick it up and place it in the slot, then turn it to open the door. Climb the ladder inside, then grab the box and place it on the green panel. Build the LEGO pieces into a fishing pole, then use it to grab a fish. Pick it up and give it to the bear, causing him to run off. Build the tent, then turn it orange. An orange color swapper can be found at the police station. Head to the roof and pry open the skylight, then drop down inside to reach it. You can purchase him for 10,000 studs.

Ted Greywacke: This can be found near the astro crate used in the Alien Capture. You can purchase him for 10,000 studs.

Elf: Destroy 3 large trees to reveal the LEGO pieces for birdhouses. The first is to the right of the Drill Thrill. The second is to the right of the stone bridge. The third is in front of the large rocky hill. You can purchase him for 10,000 studs.

Karate Champ: On top of the Police Station, use the grapple points to aright the 2 satellites. You can purchase him for 5,000 studs.

Ranger Lewis: On the roof of the Police Station, pry open the skylight, then drop down to reach this. You can purchase him for 30,000 studs.

Karate Guy: This appears on the Serenity Bridge after completing the Super Build. You can purchase him for 5,000 studs.

Samurai Warrior: Ring 3 gongs by the Dojo. All 3 are located at the top of small towers surrounding the Dojo. You can purchase him for 10,000 studs.

Snowboarder: Turn 3 road signs yellow. All 3 are found by the side of the road. The yellow color swapper is next to the Helipad Super Build. You can purchase her for 10,000 studs.

Sam Penn: Climb up the ladder on the side of the red bridge, then cross the beams to reach this. You can purchase him for 2,000 studs.

Trouserless Barry: Head to the front door of the Dojo, then head right. Walk on the boardwalk, then run across the gap and cross the ledge. Water the plant to reveal this. You can purchase him for 11,000 studs.

Rob Shepard: Jetpack onto the roof of a cabin by the dam to reach this. You can purchase him for 2,000 studs.

Red Power Bricks

Data Scan Upgrade - Clues: Place a stick of dynamite in the barrel in front of the mine to destroy the silver box, revealing this.
Blackwell Bridge
Gold Bricks

Gold Brick 1: Conquer the District. To reach it, climb the drainpipe on the bridge, then walk across the beams to reach it.

Gold Brick 2: Destroy the Boulder. To reach it, run up the slope to the right of the Red Power Brick.

Character Tokens

Vitus Tinkleman: Head across the water from Gold Brick 2 to see this. Run up the slope to reach it. You can purchase him for 10,000 studs.o

Red Power Bricks

Nitrous for All: Run down the bridge until you see a drainpipe. Drop down into the water, then run up the slope underneath a support to reach this.
Gold Bricks

Gold Brick 1: Complete the Call-In Point Super Build by the art museum. It costs 8,000 bricks to complete and will allow you to purchase Hestia for 3,000 studs.

Gold Brick 2: Complete the Vehicle Stealing. To start it, pry open the door on a building across from the museum. Completing this will allow you to purchase Smallisimo for 10,000 studs.

Gold Brick 3: Complete the Free Run. The beginning is the wall outside of Wheatley's Bakery. Completing it allows you to purchase Cowboy for 10,000 studs.

Gold Brick 4: Capture the Alien. The astro crate can be found early along the Free Run course.

Gold Brick 5: Arrest the Vehicle Robber. During the Free Run, after using the launch pad, jetpack up to the wall on the right and climb up to reach the Criminal Scan Point. Completing this allows you to purchase Flare for 5,000 studs.

Gold Brick 6: Complete the Gang Arrest. The Audio Scan Point can be found at the end of the Free Run.

Gold Brick 7: Build the Disguise Booth. The pieces can be found on the boardwalk. Completing this allows you to purchase Bus Driver for 2,000 studs.

Gold Brick 8: Destroy the Boulder. It can be found near the boardwalk underneath a pile of regular boulders.

Gold Brick 9: Destroy the Silver Statue. It can be found right in front of the museum.

Gold Brick 10: Conquer the District. At the very top of the art museum, climb up the pipe, then slide down the rope to reach this.

Gold Brick 11: Complete the Pig Return. The pig is on the top of the museum dome.

Gold Brick 12: Complete the Drill Thrill. Fix the fuse box on the museum roof.

Gold Brick 13: Complete the Call-In Point Super Build. It costs 8,000 bricks to complete and will allow you to purchase Hazard for 1,000 studs.

Gold Brick 14: Take a Coffee Break. This can be found next to the entrance to the Herbert Hotel.

Gold Brick 15: Complete the Cat Rescue. To reach it, use the green color swapper in the art museum to change your color, then head to the building across from the Free Run. Turn the light on the right green, then hop up the block and climb the wall. Catch a ride on the right platform to reach the ledge with this.

Gold Brick 16: Activate the Train Station. Head down the subway stairs behind the museum, then destroy the green locker to reveal the LEGO pieces for the Ticket Machine.

Gold Brick 17: Smash the ATM. It can be found near the border with LEGO City Airport.

Character Tokens

Paul Wimpenny: This is in the park in a concrete circle. You can purchase him for 2,000 studs.

Pharaoh: Turn the Pharaoh statue in front of the museum gold. A gold color swapper is behind a nearby building, as well as inside the art museum. You can purchase him for 10,000 studs.

Bucky Butler: Turn the 2 knight statues by the museum gold. 1 is by the front door, and 1 is by the back door. You can purchase him for 10,000 studs.

Mike Northeast: On the roof of the museum, instead of climbing up the wall to the secret entrance (like you do before the Special Assignment), shimmy across the ledge to reach this. You can purchase him for 2,000 studs.

Gladiator: Destroy 3 fishing poles to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into fishing poles. All 3 are on the boardwalk. You can purchase him for 10,000 studs.

Officer Park: Use the grapple point above the entrance to the Herbert Hotel to reach this. You can purchase her for 20,000 studs.

Janitor: Destroy 4 boxes to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into gumball machines. The first is on one side of the square building with the courtyard in the center. The second is across the street from the Free Run. The third is inside the arcade by the museum. The fourth is on the boardwalk. You can purchase him for 2,000 studs.

Roman Soldier: This actually requires you to go into LEGO City Airport. Water the plant on the back side of Fin's Restaurant, then climb up. Run up the slope on the roof, then chicken glide onto the billboard. Hop up the blocks, then cross the beams and ropes to the building. Head to the right on the ledge to reach this. You can purchase him for 10,000 studs.

Kevin Jacobs: This is inside the arcade by the museum. You can purchase him for 2,000 studs.

Red Power Bricks

Super Color Gun: Follow the same steps you take for Gold Brick 15, but turn the left button green. Ride up the platform to the ledge, then use the teleporter to reach this.
LEGO City Airport
Gold Bricks

Gold Brick 1: Water the Flowers. The flower box can be found on the second level of Fin's Restaurant.

Gold Brick 2: Complete the Stunt Ramp Super Build. It can be found next to Fin's Restaurant and requires 10,000 bricks to construct. It will allow you to purchase Pilot for 10,000 studs.

Gold Brick 3: Destroy the Silver Statue. It can be found in a clearing by Fin's Restaurant.

Gold Brick 4: Catch the Alien. To reach him, chop down the door to a building on the tarmac, then head inside. Open the astro crate to reveal him.

Gold Brick 5: Complete the Vehicle Robbery. To start it, pry open the door to a building on the tarmac. Completing the mission will allow you to purchase Rugged for 5,000 studs.

Gold Brick 6: Smash the ATM. It can be found in front of the main airport building.

Gold Brick 7: Complete the Cat Rescue. To reach it, drill in front of the main airport building to reveal a water spout. Ride it, then head right on the ledge. Climb up the drainpipe, then jetpack hover to the left twice to reach this.

Gold Brick 8: Extinguish the BBQ Fire. It can be found in a right hand corner of the main airport building.

Gold Brick 9: Complete the Call-In Point Super Build. It can be found on the runway and costs 8,000 bricks to complete. It will allow you to purchase Protector for 10,000 studs.

Gold Brick 10: Arrest the Vehicle Robber. The Criminal Scan Point can be found on top of a building on the runway. To reach it, pry open the door, then climb up the ladder. Run to the right, then climb the drainpipe. Use the grapple point to reach the roof, where you can find the Criminal Scan Point. Completing this will allow you to purchase Shifter for 1,000 studs.

Gold Brick 11: Activate the Disguise Booth. The LEGO pieces can be found in front of the main airport building. Activating this will allow you to purchase Airline Attendant 1. You can purchase him for 3,000 studs.

Gold Brick 12: Complete the Loop de Loop Super Build. It can be found on the runway and costs 30,000 bricks to complete.

Gold Brick 13: Complete the Free Run. To reach it, grab a box inside a garage on the main airport building. Place it on the green panel to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a trampoline, then bounce up onto the wall. Climb up, then follow the free run course to reach the token. Completing this will allow you to purchase Skater Girl for 10,000 studs.

Gold Brick 14: Complete the Drill Thrill. It can be found during the Free Run course. Head left after crossing the first set of roofs to find the fuse box you can fix for this.

Gold Brick 15: Water the Flowers. It can be found on the other side of the roof as the Drill Thrill.

Gold Brick 16: Take a Coffee Break. It can be found on the roof of the main airport building.

Gold Brick 17: Complete the Helipad Super Build. It can be found on the roof of the main airport building. It costs 20,000 bricks to complete and will allow you to purchase Camel for 15,000 studs.

Gold Brick 18: Complete the Pig Return. To reach the pig, jetpack hover next to the Helipad Super Build to reach railings. Hop up them, then cross the beam to the right to reach the pig.

Gold Brick 19: Complete the Time Trial. It appears near the runway after completing the Loop de Loop and Stunt Ramp Super Builds. Completing this will allow you to purchase Vor for 1,000 studs.

Gold Brick 20: Complete the LCX Control Tower Super Build. It can be found at the end of the Free Run course and costs 50,000 bricks to complete.

Gold Brick 21: Conquer the District. This is right next to the Airline Pilot Character Token.

Gold Brick 22: Destroy the Boulder. It can be found by a pillar under the overpass.

Gold Brick 23: Extinguish a BBQ Fire. It can be found in a park area.

Gold Brick 24: Complete the Call-In Point Super Build. It can be found near the parking lots and requires 8,000 bricks to complete. Completing this will allow you to purchase M.O.V. for 10,000 studs.

Gold Brick 25: Activate the Train Station. Destroy the locker on the metro stairs to reveal the LEGO pieces for the Ticket Machine.

Gold Brick 26: Arrest the Gang. The Audio Scan Point can be found on top of the bus stop. Water the plant on the side, then climb up to reach it. The gang is at a warehouse. Quickly head there, then arrest them.

Character Tokens

Pizza Delivery Boy: Turn 4 phone booths orange. An orange color swapper can be found inside of a building on the tarmac. The first is in front of the main building. The second is by a building on the coast. The third is in a left hand corner of the main airport building. The fourth is on the far right side of the main airport building. You can purchase him for 2,000 studs.

Cleaner: Change the color of three trash cans. One needs to be turned red, one yellow, and one blue. There is a cluster of color swappers inside a building on the tarmac. The first is in a right hand corner of the building. The second is by a building by the coast. The third is on the left side of the main building. You can purchase her for 2,000 studs.

Airline Pilot: After completing the LCX Control Tower Super Build, climb the ladder, then use the grapple point to reach this. You can purchase him for 3,000 studs.

Air Host: On the far right side of the main airport building, jetpack up to a small railing, then hop up onto the ledge. Shimmy to the right, then hop across the poles and up the railings. Climb the wall, then follow the stud trail and pry open the door, allowing you to reach this. You can purchase him for 3,000 studs.

Alexandra Greenwood: Walk behind the fence by the mountains, then head towards the large airport parking lots to find this. You can purchase her for 2,000 studs.

Clown Robber Wes: Turn 4 plants the color of their pot. They are in front of a large building by the parking lots. You can purchase him for 10,000 studs.

Airline Attendant 2: This can be seen behind large glass windows on the back side of the main airport building. To reach it, head to the roof above it and drill through the tiles, allowing you to collect this. You can purchase her for 3,000 studs.

Air Hostess: Hop up the wall underneath a small overpass to reach this. You can purchase her for 3,000 studs.

Vehicle Tokens

Grounddog: After completing the Loop de Loop Super Build, drive a vehicle through it to reach this. You can purchase it for 10,000 studs.

Justice: This is in front of a large statue by the main airport building. You can purchase it for 3,000 studs.

Red Power Bricks

Super Fast Travel: Use the super strength handle on the door to a building on the runway to open it. Head inside to reach this.
Paradise Sands
Gold Bricks

Gold Brick 1: Complete the Cat Rescue. It can be found by the roller coaster starting point on the boardwalk.

Gold Brick 2: Complete the Orion's Rockets Super Build. It can be found on the boardwalk and requires 50,000 bricks to complete.

Gold Brick 3: Complete the Drill Thrill. It can be found on the boardwalk.

Gold Brick 4: Destroy the Boulder. It can be found underneath the boardwalk.

Gold Brick 5: Complete the Super Sand Castle Super Build. It can be found on the beach and requires 30,000 bricks to complete.

Gold Brick 6: Complete the Loop de Loop Super Build. It can be found on the beach and requires 30,000 bricks to complete.

Gold Brick 7: Complete the Stunt Ramp Super Build. It can be found along the beachfront and requires 10,000 bricks to complete. Completing this will allow you to purchase Ice Fisherman for 10,000 studs.

Gold Brick 8: Complete the Call-In Point Super Build. It can be found on the coastal road and requires 8,000 bricks to complete. Completing this will allow you to purchase Traveller for 1,000 studs.

Gold Brick 9: Activate the Disguise Booth. The LEGO pieces can be found on the coastal road. Completing this will allow you to purchase Coastguard for 2,000 studs.

Gold Brick 10: Complete the Free Run. To reach the token, climb up the Honey Hotel. When you reach the level with the fitness equipment, jetpack hover to the blocks on the sign, then hop up to reach the ledge with this. Completing this will allow you to purchase Frank Poolside for 80,000 studs.

Gold Brick 11: Conquer the District. It can be found next to the Free Run Token on top of the Honey Hotel.

Gold Brick 12: Complete the Paradise Pool Super Build. This will be done during Chapter 11 of the story. Completing this will allow you to purchase Talos for 3,000 studs.

Gold Brick 13: Arrest the Gang. On the top level of the Honey Hotel (with the pool), chicken glide across the gap to reach another building. Climb up the plant, then ride the water spout to the ledge. Jump across the gap and climb the wall to reach the Audio Scan Point. Use it to locate the criminals underneath the boardwalk. Arrest them to complete this.

Gold Brick 14: Water the Flowers. From the Audio Scan Point, continue along the roofs, following the same path you take in Chapter 11. This can be found on a roof after the Paradise Pool Super Build, to the right of a pile of boulders.

Gold Brick 15: Arrest the Vehicle Robber. After Collecting Gold Brick 14, head left and hop onto the ledge. Shimmy to the left, then hop up onto the ledge with the Criminal Scan Point. Completing this will allow you to purchase Lusca for 10,000 studs.

Gold Brick 16: Capture the Alien. The Astro Crate is on top of the Herbert Hotel, right next to the Red Power Brick.

Gold Brick 17: Take a Coffee Break. It can be found underneath a blue awning.

Gold Brick 18: Complete the Vehicle Robbery. Pry open the door near a garage to start this. Completing this will allow you to purchase Athena for 10,000 studs.

Gold Brick 19: Extinguish the BBQ Fire. It can be found to the right of the entrance to Crosstown Tunnel.

Gold Brick 20: Activate the Train Station. Head down the metro stairs and destroy the green locker to reveal the LEGO pieces.

Gold Brick 21: Smash the ATM. It can be found near the Train Station.

Gold Brick 22: Complete the Time Trial. It can be found near Blackwell's Helipad in the water. Completing this will allow you to purchase Galleon for 10,000 studs.

Gold Brick 23: Water the Flowers. They can be found behind the Honey Hotel.

Gold Brick 24: Destroy the Silver Statue. To reach it, climb up the drainpipe on the side of the Herbert Hotel entrance.

Gold Brick 25: Complete the Pig Return. To reach it, fly a helicopter and land on the Emergency Crash Pad. The pig will be right there.

Gold Brick 26: Complete the Bluffbeard's Lighthouse Super Build. It can be found on the island in the far north of the area and requires 50,000 bricks to complete.

Character Tokens

Crazy Scientist: After completing the Orion's Rockets Super Build, ride the roller coaster. You can purchase him for 10,000 studs.

Viking: Fix the fuse box behind a viking statue on the boardwalk, then hop in the ride to reach this. You can purchase him for 10,000 studs.

Surfer: After completing the Super Sand Castle Super Build, use the grapple point on it to pull down the drawbridge, revealing this. You can purchase him for 10,000 studs.

Beach Dude: Destroy 3 lone surfboards on the beach to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into 3 sandcastles. All can be found around the Loop de Loop Super Build. You can purchase him for 4,000 studs.

Surfer Girl: Turn 3 surfboards yellow. All 3 are along the coastal road. You can purchase her for 10,000 studs.

Doorman: Grapple up to the awning above the entrance to a building to reach this. You can purchase him for 2,000 studs.

Rudolph Pianola: Turn 3 flamingo statues pink. They are all found around the building with pink neon lights. You can purchase him for 10,000 studs.

Maraca Man: Destroy 3 boxes to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into 3 jukeboxes. The first is underneath an awning with 2 2x2 Super Bricks on top. The second is along the course you take during Chapter 11. It is inside the room by the fountains. For the third, instead of hopping to the blue building with the wall, drop straight down to find this in an alcove. Build all 3 jukeboxes to reveal this. You can purchase him for 10,000 studs.

Danielle Crossley: Fill a fountain with water, then ride the water spout up to the awning with this. You can purchase her for 2,000 studs.

Rodney Baxter: Drill through the tiled floor in front of a building, then ride the water spout up to the awning with this. You can purchase him for 20,000 studs.

Troublemaker Tom: Turn 3 palm tree trunks brown. The first is by the Spirit Vehicle Token. The second is by the four plants you have to turn different colors. The third is on the coastal road. You can purchase him for 3,000 studs.

Hula Dancer: Turn 4 plants different colors. One red, one yellow, one blue, and one pink. They are all found in a corner between two buildings. You can purchase her for 10,000 studs.

Captain Bluffbeard: After completing the Bluffberad's Lighthouse Super Build, pry open the door, then head inside to reach the ledge with this. You can purchase him for 10,000 studs.

Blubs: This is immediately to the right of the Spirit Vehicle Token. Destroy the rock to reveal it. You can purchase him for 100,000 studs.

Vehicle Tokens

Sweetie: After completing the Loop de Loop Super Build, drive a vehicle through it to reach this. You can purchase it for 100 studs.

Spirit: This is underneath a rock fountain to the right of the Honey Hotel. You can purchase it for 25,000 studs.

Red Power Bricks

Ring Tone - Gas: On the very top of the Herbert Hotel, shimmy across the ledge to the right to reach this.
Gold Bricks

Gold Brick 1: Destroy the Boulder. It can be found between two piles of regular boulders by the Fusileani Tower.

Gold Brick 2: Complete the Call-In Point Super Build. It can be found by Fusileani Tower and requires 8,000 bricks to complete. Completing it allows you to purchase Crater for 1,000 studs.

Gold Brick 3: Destroy the Silver Statue. It can be found in the park across the street from Fusileani Tower.

Gold Brick 4: Conquer the District. It can be found at the top of Fusileani Tower.

Gold Brick 5: Complete the Stunt Ramp Super Build. It can be found near the docks and requires 10,000 bricks to complete. Completing this will allow you to purchase Mikey Spoilers for 20,000 studs.

Gold Brick 6: Activate the Train Station. Head down the metro stairs and destroy the green locker to reveal the LEGO pieces for the Ticket Machine.

Gold Brick 7: Return the Pig. To reach it, head to the top of Pappalardo's, then water the plant. Climb up to reach the pig.

Gold Brick 8: Complete the Time Trial. It can be found on the docks and requires that you complete the Stunt Ramp Super Build in Paradise Sands. This will not appear on the docks until you complete that Super Build. Completing this will allow you to purchase Muncher for 5,000 studs.

Gold Brick 9: Complete the Cat Rescue. To reach it, head left from the Byrony Muska Character Token and head across the street on the roof. Head to the right to reach it.

Gold Brick 10: Arrest the Vehicle Robber. The Criminal Scan Point can be found atop a garage on the docks. To reach it, climb the wall on the side. Completing this will allow you to purchase Transter for 3,000 studs.

Gold Brick 11: Complete the Vehicle Stealing. To reach it, pry open the door in the garage with the Criminal Scan Point on top of it. Completing this will allow you to purchase Falchion GT for 15,000 studs.

Gold Brick 12: Activate the Disguise Booth. The LEGO pieces can be found towards the center of town. Completing this will allow you to purchase Gangster for 10,000 studs.

Gold Brick 13: Take a Coffee Break. It can be found near the canal tunnel.

Gold Brick 14: Complete the Call-In Point Super Build. it can be found near the south of the district and requires 8,000 bricks to complete. Completing this will allow you to purchase Squeaky for 3,000 studs.

Gold Brick 15: Complete the Gang Arrest. To reach this, after collecting the Lucky Pete Character Token, use the launch pad above you to reach the Audio Scan Point. The gang will meet at the docks.

Gold Brick 16: Complete the Free Run. To reach the token, water the plant next to a building with green awnings, then climb up and follow the Free Run course to reach this. Completing this will allow you to purchase Snowboarder Guy for 10,000 studs.

Gold Brick 17: Smash the ATM. It can be found in a corner between two buildings.

Gold Brick 18: Extinguish the BBQ Fire. It can be found up some steps in an alley.

Gold Brick 19: Water the Flowers. To reach them, water the plant in front of a building, then climb up. Hop across the balcony and shimmy across the ledge, then climb the drainpipe to reach the roof with this.

Gold Brick 20: Catch the Alien. The Astro Crate can be found to the right of the Flowers.

Gold Brick 21: Complete the Drill Thrill. To reach it, while on the way to the Red Brick, you will cross a beam. After doing so, slide down the rope to the right to reach the fuse box to repair.

Gold Brick 22: Complete a Time Trial. it can be found near a yellow boat on the docks. Completing this will allow you to purchase Squadmobile for 15,000 studs.

Gold Brick 23: Destroy the Boulder. It can be found near the King's Court border, underneath some regular boulders by a small ramp.

Character Tokens

Soccer Player: Use the grapple point on the soccer ball on the soccer player statue to receive this. You can purchase him for 10,000 studs.

Carlo Jerome: In front of Pappalardo's is a statue with ice cream scoops inside. The other statue has no ice cream scoops. You are going to have to find 3 missing ice cream scoops. For the first, after collecting the Soccer Player Character Token, ride the soccer ball to the sculpture. For the second, after destroying the Silver Statue, build the LEGO piece left behind into the scoop. For the third, water the plant next to a building near the canal, then climb up. Shoot the wall blue (a blue color swapper can be found behind the door you can pry open), then hop up onto the ledge. Shimmy across the railing, then hop up onto the roof. Climb the wall, then head along the roof. Use the teleporter, then hop up the blocks and continue along the roof. Hop up the blocks, then cross the beam. Open the Astro Crate to reveal the pieces for the third scoop. You can purchase him for 10,000 studs.

Vinnie Tracksuit: After returning the scoops, turn one of them brown and one pink. The color swappers can be found on the side of Pappalardo's. Turn both the correct colors to reveal this. You can purchase him for 100,000 studs.

Byrony Muska: Water the plant on the side of a building by the canal, then climb up. Shimmy across the ledge, then hop into the arches. Head to the right on the ledge, then use the teleporter to reach the roof above you. Cross the beams, then hop across the poles and continue along the roof to reach this. You can purchase her for 2,000 studs.

Lucky Pete: Drill through the tile floor at the south end of the district, then ride the water spout up to the roof. Run to the right across the slope, then hop up the blocks. Use the launch pad to cross the gap, then run up the slopes and slide down the rope. Pry open the door, then head inside to reach this. You can purchase him for 20,000 studs.

Salavore Calzone: Water the plant next to a building near the canal, then climb up. Shoot the wall blue (a blue color swapper can be found behind the door you can pry open), then hop up onto the ledge. Shimmy across the railing, then hop up onto the roof. Climb the wall, then head along the roof. Continue along the roof past the teleporter, then chop down the door. Head inside to reach this. You can purchase him for 20,000 studs.

Paulie Blindfolds: After collecting the Salvatore Calzone Character Token, destroy the brown box to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a launch pad, then use it to reach this. You can purchase him for 20,000 studs.

Sentinel Channard: Hop up the railings and blocks on a building at the southern end of the district, then climb up the drainpipe. Shimmy across the ledge to the left to reach a balcony. Grapple up to reach this. You can purchase him for 20,000 studs.

Tony One-Time: Continue to the right on the rooftops with the Drill Thrill, then use the launch pad to reach a new roof. Hop up the blocks, then use the teleporter to reach this. You can purchase him for 20,000 studs.

Forrest Blackwell Tuxedo: After collecting the Sentinal Channard Character Token, shimmy across the ledge to the left, then enter the small room. Use the super strength handle on the mammoth fossil to reveal this. You can purchase him for 250,000 studs.

Tim Welch: Grab a helicopter and land it on Blackwell's Helipad. Follow the path to reach the entrance to the mansion, then head to the right down the stairs. Hop the fence when you can, then destroy the rock to reveal this. You can purchase him for 20,000 studs.

Vehicle Tokens

Dasher: This can be found on a bridge above the canal. You can purchase it for 1,000 studs.

Red Power Bricks

Fall Rescue: After watering the Flowers, head right and hop over the obstacles. After exiting the scaffolding, head down and back left through the scaffolding to reach the ladder. Climb up, then cross the beam. Head left on the rooftops to reach a teleporter. Use it to enter the greenhouse with this inside.
King's Court
Gold Bricks

Gold Brick 1: Complete the Vehicle Robbery. To reach it, use dynamite to destroy a silver gate by the coast, then climb up the drainpipe and pry open the skylight. Completing this will allow you to purchase Downforce for 1,000 studs.

Gold Brick 2: Complete the Ferry Super Build. It can be found on the docks and requires 15,000 bricks to complete. Completing this will allow you to purchase Sevila for 3,000 studs.

Gold Brick 3: Catch the Alien. The astro crate can be found on top of the building on the ferry docks. Climb the wall on the side to reach it.

Gold Brick 4: Complete the Call-In Point Super Build. it can be found near the coast and requires 8,000 bricks to complete. Completing this will allow you to purchase Bristler for 500 studs.

Gold Brick 5: Complete the Drill Thrill. To reach it, drill through the tiled floor in front of the theater in the southern part of the district, then ride the water spout up to the ledge. Climb the ladder, then fix the fuse box behind the sign to begin this.

Gold Brick 6: Smash the ATM. It can be found by the tunnel leading to Downtown.

Gold Brick 7: Complete the Emergency Crash Mat Super Build. Climb the wall on the side of a building, then cross the rope. Climb up the wall, then hop up the railing. Hop up the wall and use the launch pad, then continue along the rooftops, running up the slope. Hop across the poles, then drop down and hop the fence. Drop down the ledge, then run across the gap and climb up the wall to reach this. It requires 10,000 bricks to complete and will allow you to purchase Kowalski's Shifter for 30,000 studs.

Gold Brick 8: Return the Pig. It can be found right next to the Emergency Crash Mat Super Build.

Gold Brick 9: Arrest the Vehicle Robber. The Criminal Scan Point can be found right next to the Emergency Crash Mat Super Build. Completing this will allow you to purchase Arbalest for 5,000 studs.

Gold Brick 10: Water the Flowers. This is directly behind the Graduate Character Token.

Gold Brick 11: Take a Coffee Break. It can be found to the right of the Graduate Character Token.

Gold Brick 12: Complete the Time Trial. it can be found in an alleyway between buildings. Completing this will allow you to purchase Taxi Cab for 10,000 studs.

Gold Brick 13: Complete the Cat Rescue. To reach it, drill through the tiled floor next to a Herbert Hotel sign, then ride up the water spout to reach the ledge with this.

Gold Brick 14: Extinguish the BBQ Fire. It can be found near the basketball courts.

Gold Brick 15: Arrest the Gang. To reach the Audio Scan Point, hop a fence by the basketball court, then climb the drainpipe on the building. Hop up the railing onto the glass roof, then jetpack onto the building. Chop down the door, then head inside and climb the ladder. Jetpack up to the ledge with this.

Gold Brick 16: Complete the Free Run. To reach it, slide down the rope by the Audio Scan Point, then follow the trail to this. It begins by an Emergency Crash Mat, so you can reach it either by using that, or just jetpack over from the token. Completing this will allow you to purchase Street Skater for 10,000 studs.

Gold Brick 17: Activate the Train Station. Head down the Metro steps and destroy the green locker to reveal the LEGO pieces for the Ticket Machine.

Gold Brick 18: Activate the Disguise Booth. It can be found near the Train Station. Activating this will allow you to purchase Horace Cone for 100,000 studs.

Gold Brick 19: Conquer the District. It can be found by the Free Run Token.

Gold Brick 20: Destroy the Boulder. It can be found in a park in front of the courthouse.

Gold Brick 21: Destroy the Silver Statue. It can be found on the roof of the courthouse. (See the Ezra Baxter Character Token for how to reach it).

Gold Brick 22: Return the Pig. It can be found on the roof of the courthouse. See the Ezra Baxter Character Token for how to reach it).

Character Tokens

Doorlock Holmes: Turn 4 phone booths red. All 4 are in generally wide open spaces and are easy to spot. You can purchase him for 100,000 studs.

Mayor Gleeson: Use the super strength handle to tear off the metal cage, allowing you to collect this. You can purchase her for 80,000 studs.

Cal Wainwright: On the ferry docks, chop down the door, then head inside to reach this. You can purchase him for 10,000 studs.

Drew Calhoun: On the ferry docks, climb up the wall on the side, then hop on top of the sign. Jetpack up to this. You can purchase him for 10,000 studs.

Dr Whatsit: There is a LEGO brick sculpture missing some color. Turn one brick yellow, one blue, and one red to reveal this. You can purchase him for 100,000 studs.

Graduate: Climb up the drainpipe on the side of a red archway, then pry open the door. Head inside to reach this. You can purchase him for 10,000 studs.

Royal Guard: Water a plant by the basketball court, then climb up the stem. Use the teleporter on the ledge to reach this. You can purchase him for 10,000 studs.

Ezra Baxter: Water the plant on the side of the courthouse, then climb up. Shimmy across the ledge and swing across the poles, then water the next plant. Climb up to reach the roof. This is underneath a small tower at the center of the roof. You can purchase him for 80,000 studs.

Vehicle Tokens

Rescuer: This can be found right by the Free Run Token. You can purchase it for 5,000 studs.

Red Power Bricks

Invincibility: This can be found along the Free Run course. Pry open the door on the roof of the building with drainpipes, then enter the room to reach it.
Apollo Island
Gold Bricks

Gold Brick 1: Complete a Time Trial. It can be found right by the docks. Completing this will allow you to purchase Atlas for 3,000 studs.

Gold Brick 2: Complete the Space Shuttle Super Build. It requires 50,000 bricks to complete and you will do this as part of the story in Chapter 15. Completing this will allow you to purchase Spaceman for 10,000 studs.

Gold Brick 3: Activate the Disguise Booth. The LEGO pieces can be found on the docks. Completing this will allow you to purchase Brantford Cubbery for 10,000 studs.

Gold Brick 4: Complete the Super Satellite Super Build. It can be found above the bunker and requires 40,000 bricks to complete.

Gold Brick 5: Complete a Time Trial. To get it to appear, after building the Super Satellite Super Build, press the button on it to activate it, revealing a teleporter. Use it, then use dynamite to destroy the silver door. Head inside and fix the fuse box to activate the buttons. Press the buttons as they light up to open the bunker, revealing this Time Trial on the docks. Completing this will allow you to purchase Cocoon for 10,000 studs.

Gold Brick 6: Extinguish the BBQ Fire. It can be found by the small fairground.

Gold Brick 7: Complete the The Spinning Shuttle Program Super Build. It can be found in the fairground and requires 50,000 bricks to complete. Completing this will allow you to purchase Dutch Danish for 20,000 studs.

Gold Brick 8: Destroy the Silver Statue. To reach it, hop up the wall on the side of the space center, then head right.

Gold Brick 9: Complete the Free Run. To reach the token, hop up the walls on the side of the space center, then head left. Swing across the pole, then water the plant. Climb up, then slide down the rope and follow the Free Run course to reach the token. To complete the Free Run, you will need to use the launch pad on the roof. Completing this will allow you to purchase Oscar Steel for 10,000 studs.

Gold Brick 10: Complete the Cat Rescue. It can be found to the right of the start of the Free Run course.

Gold Brick 11: Complete the Drill Thrill. The fuse box can be found on the roof of the space center.

Gold Brick 12: Conquer the District. It can be found on the roof of the space center.

Gold Brick 13: Complete the Helipad Super Build. It can be found on the roof of the space center and requires 20,000 bricks to complete. Completing this will allow you to purchase UFO for 5,000 studs.

Gold Brick 14: Catch the Alien. The astro crate can be found on the roof of the space center.

Gold Brick 15: Take a Coffee Break. It can be found in a corner of a building of the space center.

Gold Brick 16: Water the Flowers. They can be found inside a space center building with a blue color swapper.

Gold Brick 17: Complete the Loop de Loop Super Build. It can be found near the warehouses and requires 30,000 bricks to complete.

Gold Brick 18: Complete the Stunt Ramp Super Build. It can be found near the warehouses and requires 10,000 bricks to complete. Completing this will allow you to purchase Chat Show Host for 3,000 studs.

Gold Brick 19: Destroy the Boulder. After building the Stunt Ramp Super Build, use it to reach the small island where this is hidden under some regular boulders.

Gold Brick 20: Complete the Pig Return. After collecting the Jonlan Regnix Character Token, chicken glide to the next platform, then cross the beams to reach this.

Gold Brick 21: Take a Coffee Break. To reach it, fix the fuse box in front of a smaller warehouse to open it, revealing this.

Gold Brick 22: Complete the Gang Arrest. The Audio Scan Point can be found at the end of the Free Run.

Gold Brick 23: Complete the Call-In Point Super Build. It can be found by the shuttle launch pad and requires 8,000 bricks to complete. Completing it will allow you to purchase Wanderer for 3,000 studs.

Character Tokens

Garbage Man: Turn 4 containers yellow. The first one is on the docks. The second is between two buildings of the space center. The third is on the side of the warehouse. The fourth is on the space shuttle launch pad. You can purchase him for 2,000 studs.

Radio DJ: Destroy 3 boxes to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into small satellite dishes. The first is on top of the bunker by the shuttle launch pad. The second is on the roof of the space center. The third is on top of the warehouse. You can purchase him for 3,000 studs.

Classic Alien: After completing the Super Satellite Super Build, press the button on it to reveal a teleporter. Use it to receive this. You can purchase him for 10,000 studs.

Forrest Blackwell: Use the super strength handle on the large box by the spherical tank to destroy it, then slide under the obstacle to reach this. You can purchase him for 100,000 studs.

Jonlan Regnix: Drill through the tiled floor in front of the warehouse, then ride up the water current. Climb up the wall, then hop onto the roof. Jetpack hover to the rope, then slide down to receive this. You can purchase him for 10,000 studs.

Gemma Jones: On the roof of the warehouse, cross over the roof to reach a chicken glide. Use it to reach the roof of the smaller warehouse where this is. You can purchase her for 20,000 studs.

Vehicle Tokens

Slogger: This is on top of the bunker. You can purchase it for 5,000 studs.

Wash Wagon: After completing the Loop de Loop Super Build, ride through it to receive this. You can purchase it for 1,000 studs.

Red Power Bricks

Super Ray Gun: After completing the Stunt Ramp Super Build, use it to reach the small island. Quickly step on the four buttons to open the shaft, then drop down inside to reach this.
Gold Bricks

Gold Brick 1: Complete the Call-In Point Super Build. It can be found near the coast and requires 8,000 bricks to complete. Completing this will allow you to purchase Earwig for 3,000 studs.

Gold Brick 2: Complete the Vehicle Robbery. It can be found by prying open the door across the street from a small bank. Completing this will allow you to purchase Bearer for 10,000 studs.

Gold Brick 3: Complete the Free Run. It is unlocked automatically in Chapter 8. Completing this will allow you to purchase Ninja for 10,000 studs.

Gold Brick 4: Take a Coffee Break. It can be found along the Free Run course.

Gold Brick 5: Extinguish the BBQ Fire. It can be found in a wooden area by the pig cannon near the coast.

Gold Brick 6: Destroy the Silver Statue. It can be found on the coast.

Gold Brick 7: Complete a Pig Return. To reach the pig, water one of the plants on the side of the pig-nose shaped building to reach the roof, where you can find it.

Gold Brick 8: Activate the Disguise Booth. It can be found by the pig-nosed shaped building. Activating this will allow you to purchase Hugh Hunter for 5,000 studs.

Gold Brick 9: Arrest the Gang. Water a plant on the side of the pig-nose shaped building, then climb up to the roof. Use the chicken glide to reach the statue's pallet, where the Audio Scan Point is.

Gold Brick 10: Complete the Fabulous Ferris Wheel Super Build. It can be found near the coast and requires 100,000 bricks to complete.

Gold Brick 11: Activate the Train Station. Head down the stairs of the metro, located by the ferris wheel, and destroy the green locker to reveal the LEGO pieces for the Ticket Machine.

Gold Brick 12: Water the Flowers. They can be found in front of a building with flowers on the awnings near King's Court.

Gold Brick 13: Rescue the Cat. After collecting the Red Power Brick, continue to the left and climb up the wall, then run across the gap to reach this.

Gold Brick 14: Destroy the Boulder. It can be found across the street from the main bank, in between some regular boulders.

Gold Brick 15: Smash the ATM. This is found on a building near the coastal road.

Gold Brick 16: Catch the Alien. Water a plant by a building near the ring statue, then head along the roof. Pry open the skylight, then drop down inside and use the teleporter to reach the astro crate.

Gold Brick 17: Complete a Pig Return. To reach it, use the chicken glide by the astro crate for Gold Brick 16 to reach a ledge. Head to the right on it to reach the pig.

Gold Brick 18: Complete the Time Trial. It can be found by the coast. Completing this will allow you to purchase Drakonas for 15,000 studs.

Gold Brick 19: Complete the Call-In Point Super Build. It can be found near the ferris wheel and requires 8,000 bricks to complete. Completing this will allow you to purchase Patrollo for 5,000 studs.

Gold Brick 20: Complete the Drill Thrill. Drill through the tiled floor on the side of a building by the bull statue, then ride the water spout to the ladder. Climb up, then hop up the railings on the billboard. Chicken glide to the roof of the bank, then head to the right. Climb up the wall, then hop onto the roof, where the fuse box is.

Gold Brick 21: Arrest the Vehicle Robber. From the billboard used to reach the Drill Thrill, cross the rope to the left, then hop up the wall. Hop up the railings on the billboard, then chicken glide across the gap. Hop up the wall, then hop up the railings on the billboard to reach the Criminal Scan Point. Completing this will allow you to purchase Narym for 10,000 studs.

Gold Brick 22: Conquer the District. From the rooftop with the Criminal Scan Point, slide down the rope to the right, then hop up the railings on the billboard. Climb the ladder, then cross the beam. Cross the rope to reach the rooftop with this.

Character Tokens

Traffic Cop: Turn 3 pylons yellow. One is in front of a small bank near Festival Square. The second is in an alley by the ring sculpture. The third is in a wooded area on the side of the pig-nose shaped building. You can purchase him for 10,000 studs.

Mime: Climb up the wall on the side of a bank near Festival Square, then run along the ledge. Climb the wall and shimmy across the ledge, then hop across the poles. Shimmy across the ledge, then hop up to this. You can purchase him for 10,000 studs.

Artist: Next to the large stone statue of an artist is a painting. Turn the head yellow and the body red to reveal this. You can purchase him for 10,000 studs.

Ringmaster: After completing the Fabulous Ferris Wheel Super Build, drive a vehicle over the ramp and through the ferris wheel to receive this. You can purchase him for 10,000 studs.

Lauren Colclough: This is behind a cannon near the King's Court border. You can purchase her for 2,000 studs.

Minotaur: Turn the large bull statue across the street from the main bank gold to reveal this. You can purchase him for 10,000 studs.

Cacey: Drill through the tiled floor on the side of a building by the bull statue, then ride the water spout to the ladder. Climb up, then hop up the railings on the billboard. Chicken Glide to the roof of the bank, where you can grab this. You can purchase her for 100,000 studs.

Weather Girl: This is right next to the Conquer District. You can purchase her for 3,000 studs.

Yasmin Down: This is underneath the steps to one of the ramps by the docks (the second ramp you jump in the Time Trial). You can purchase her for 2,000 studs.

Red Power Bricks

Wonder Whistle: Drill through the tile floor in front of a building near the ring-shaped statue, then ride the water spout to the ledge. Running left, this is behind the second door you reach. Pry it open.
Lady Liberty Island
***NOTE*** To even reach this place the first time, head to the pig-nose shaped building in Downtown, then use the super strength handle on the box to reveal a teleporter. Use it to reach the island. After this, you can build the ferry connecting Lady Liberty Island with Crescent Park.

Gold Bricks

Gold Brick 1: Complete the Time Trial. It can be found around the base of the statue. Completing this will allow you to purchase Redeemer for 10,000 studs.

Gold Brick 2: Smash the ATM. It can be found by a small pavilion at the base of the statue.

Gold Brick 3: Take a Coffee Break. It can be found by a small pavilion at the base of the statue.

Gold Brick 4: Activate the Disguise Booth. The LEGO pieces can be found by a small pavilion at the base of the statue. Activating this will allow you to purchase Security Supervisor for 20,000 studs.

Gold Brick 5: Water the flowers. They can be found at the base of the statue.

Gold Brick 6: Complete the Ferry Super Build. It can be found by the docks and requires 15,000 bricks to complete. Completing this will allow you to purchase Cabrakan for 1,000 studs.

Gold Brick 7: Complete the Drill Thrill. The fuse box can be found by a large drainpipe by the base of the statue.

Gold Brick 8: Complete the Free Run. To reach the token, climb up the large drainpipe by the Drill Thrill, then slide down the rope. Shimmy across the ledges, then use the teleporter. Put out the fire on the torch, then slide down the rope and walk across the beam to reach this. Completing this will allow you to purchase Hockey Player for 10,000 studs.

Gold Brick 9: Conquer the District. To reach it, instead of using the teleporter during the Free Run, continue shimmying around the ledges, then climb the ladder.

Gold Brick 10: Complete the Cat Rescue. It can be found at the end of the Free Run.

Gold Brick 11: Destroy the Silver Statue. It can be found on the statue base.

Gold Brick 12: Catch the Alien. The astro crate can be found around the statue base.

Gold Brick 13: Extinguish the BBQ Fire. It can be found around the statue base.

Gold Brick 14: Return the Pig. He can be found hiding on the statue base.

Gold Brick 15: Destroy the Boulder. It can be found on the statue base.

Character Tokens

Ellie Phillips: Pry open the door to a small pavilion, then head inside to reach this. You can purchase her for 100,000 studs.

Troublemaker Tim: Turn 4 trees brown. They can all be found near the base of the statue. You can purchase him for 3,000 studs.

Maintenance Worker: Head up the steps underneath the statue, then jetpack up to this. You can purchase him for 10,000 studs.

Explorer: Build 4 periscope viewing devices. The LEGO pieces can be found by destroying benches around the perimeter of the island. You can purchase him for 10,000 studs.

Vehicle Tokens

Guardian: This can be found while sliding down the rope during the Free Run. You can purchase it for 3,000 studs.
Festival Square
Gold Bricks

Gold Brick 1: Complete the Helipad Super Build. You will build it during Chapter 10 and will receive the Swooper for free.

Gold Brick 2: Destroy the Boulder. It can be found by the hospital parking lot, surrounded by regular boulders.

Gold Brick 3: Catch the Alien. Grapple up to the ledge in the back of the hospital, then head left to reach the astro crate.

Gold Brick 4: Complete the Vehicle Robbery. Pry open the door by the garage in the back of the hospital to start it. Completing this will allow you to purchase Panacea for 1,000 studs.

Gold Brick 5: Activate the Disguise Booth. It can be found at the side of the road by Downtown. Activating this will allow you to purchase Doctor Smith for 5,000 studs.

Gold Brick 6: Complete the Drill Thrill. It can be found on the roof of the hospital.

Gold Brick 7: Conquer the District. It can be found at the very top of the hospital.

Gold Brick 8: Complete the Call-In Point Super Build. It can be found under the bridges and require 8,000 bricks to complete. Completing this will allow you to purchase Douser for 1,000 studs.

Gold Brick 9: Take a Coffee Break. To reach it, hop the fence behind a building, then head left to reach it.

Gold Brick 10: Complete the Free Run. To reach it, after taking the Coffee Break, destroy the blue barrel to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a trampoline, then hop onto the railing. Run around to the other side of the building, then water the plant. Climb up, then climb the drainpipe. Run around to the other side of the building, then build the LEGO pieces into a trampoline. Bounce up onto the wall, then climb up. Jetpack onto the platform, then hop across the poles to reach the token. Completing this will allow you to purchase Robot for 10,000 studs.

Gold Brick 11: Smash the ATM. It can be found on the side of the building with the Free Run.

Gold Brick 12: Activate the Train Station. Head down the metro stairs by the building with the Free Run, then destroy the green locker to reveal the LEGO pieces.

Gold Brick 13: Water the Flowers. They can be found between two buildings by the mountains.

Gold Brick 14: Complete the Cat Rescue. It can be found in front of a brick building by the mountains.

Gold Brick 15: Smash the ATM. It can be found just to the right of the ledge with the pig.

Gold Brick 16: Extinguish the BBQ Fire. It can be found across the path from the tower slide.

Gold Brick 17: Arrest the Vehicle Robber. Head into the tower slide to reach the Criminal Scan Point. Completing this will allow you to purchase Inferno for 3,000 studs.

Gold Brick 18: Complete the Pig Return. To reach the pig, destroy a blue barrel by a set of three pig balloons to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a trampoline, then use it to bounce up to the first pig. Bounce up the pig balloons onto the roof, then head right. Hop across the sign, then follow the ledge. Swing across the poles, then hover across the gap and drop straight down to reach the pig.

Gold Brick 19: Complete the The Deep Sea Spin Super Build. It can be found in the festival area and requires 50,000 bricks to complete. Completing this will allow you to purchase Deep Sea Diver for 10,000 studs.

Gold Brick 20: Arrest the Gang. To reach the Audio Scan Point, use the chicken glide on the roof of the building with the Free Run to reach the chicken balloon. Cross the rope to the shark balloon, then slide down the rope to the pig balloon. Hop onto the block on the second pig, then hop onto the third pig and then the alligator. Run to the head of the alligator to reach the scan point. The gang meets by the festival.

Character Tokens

Surgeon: Grapple up to the ledge in the back of the hospital, then head right to reach this. You can purchase him for 10,000 studs.

Tribal Chief: Pry open the door to a library, then head inside and head left to reach this. You can purchase him for 10,000 studs.

Natalia Kowalski: At the very top of the hospital, chop down the door, then head inside to reach this. You can purchase her for 40,000 studs.

Doctor Jones: Hop up the wall between two buildings by the mountains, then follow the course to the left, allowing you to reach this. You could also jetpack up to this pretty easily. You can purchase him for 5,000 studs.

Gorilla Suit Guy: You need to complete 9 basketball mini-games. They are large and purple and can be found around the festival area. You will need to turn 3 of them red before you play them. Complete all 9 to reveal this. You can purchase him for 10,000 studs.

Vinnie Clown: Climb the ladder on the clock tower, then head around to the back to find a teleporter. Use it, then teleport back to the clock tower. Turn the clock gold to open it, then drop down inside to reach this. You can purchase him for 100,000 studs.

Circus Clown: There are 4 balloons around the festival that need to be changed a different color. One needs to be turned red, one blue, one yellow, and one green. One can be found near the clock tower, one can be found near the Pagoda border, and one can be found by a strength test challenge. You can purchase him for 10,000 studs.

Weightlifter: Complete 3 strength challenges. All 3 can be found around the festival area. You can purchase him for 10,000 studs.

Sumo Wrestler: Bounce on the bouncy castle 5 times to receive this. You can purchase him for 10,000 studs.

Vehicle Tokens

Giant: This is on the alligator balloon. See Gold Brick 20 for how to reach it. You can purchase it for 3,000 studs.

Red Power Bricks

Longer Vehicle Boost: At the end of the Free Run, drop down from the ending platform and head behind the ledge to reach this.
Heriage Bridge
Gold Bricks

Gold Brick 1: Complete the The Model Citizen Super Build. To reach it, drill through the tiled floor by Cherry Tree Hills and ride the water spout up. Hop up the blocks to reach it. It requires 30,000 bricks to complete.

Gold Brick 2: Destroy the Silver Statue. To reach it, destroy a blue payphone to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a trampoline, then use it to hop up to the blocks. Hop up the blocks to reach this.

Gold Brick 3: Complete the Free Run. To reach it, jetpack over the fence to land on a bridge support, then run around the ledge to reach a tiled floor. Drill through it, then ride the water spout to the top. Follow the course to eventually reach the token. Completing this will allow you to purchase Skier for 10,000 studs.

Gold Brick 4: Complete the Pig Return. The pig can be found during the Free Run course.

Gold Brick 5: Conquer the District. After collecting Ted Baxter's Character Token, head to the right to reach this.

Character Tokens

Frank Honey: This appears after completing The Model Citizen Super Build. You can purchase him for 120,000 studs.

Ted Baxter: Use the grapple point on some tiles on the side of a bridge support to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a trampoline, then use it to bounce up onto the wall. Climb up, then swing across the gap. Shimmy across the railings and bars, then follow the course to the top to reach this. You can purchase him for 20,000 studs.

Red Power Bricks

Collect Sat Nav Studs: This can be found during the Free Run course, at the end of the final rope you slide down.
Gold Bricks

Gold Brick 1: Complete the Frightful Free Fall Super Build. It can be found near Festival Square and requires 40,000 bricks to complete.

Gold Brick 2: Complete the Gang Arrest. To reach the Audio Scan Point, jetpack up the ledges on a rock sculpture, then jetpack across the gap to the Audio Scan Point. The gang meets up by the Garden of Peace and Tranquility.

Gold Brick 3: Complete the Call-In Point Super Build. It can be found on the side of the road and requires 8,000 bricks to complete. Completing this will allow you to purchase Indulga for 25,000 studs.

Gold Brick 4: Complete the Free Run. You will unlock it automatically during Chapter 5. Completing this will allow you to purchase Disguised Natalia for 30,000 studs.

Gold Brick 5: Complete the Cat Rescue. During the Free Run, after climbing the ladder, head to the right on the metal ledge to reach a teleporter. Use it to reach the roof with this to your left.

Gold Brick 6: Complete the Drill Thrill. It can be found on the same ledge as the Cat Rescue.

Gold Brick 7: Complete the Robbery Arrest. From the Drill Thrill, climb the wall, then hop onto the roof on the right to reach the Criminal Scan Point. Completing this will allow you to purchase Tigerella for 50,000 studs.

Gold Brick 8: Water the Flowers. They can be found on a roof you cross during the Free Run.

Gold Brick 9: Take a Coffee Break. During the Free Run, instead of hovering across the gap to the next building, head behind the wooden fence to reach it.

Gold Brick 10: Complete the Stunt Ramp Super Build. It can be found between two buildings near the small river and requires 10,000 bricks to complete. Completing this will allow you to purchase Lagney for 100,000 studs.

Gold Brick 11: Complete the Arches of Tranquility Super Build. It can be found in the park and requires 30,000 bricks to complete.

Gold Brick 12: Complete the Arches of Tranquility Super Build. It can be found in the ark and requires 30,000 bricks to complete.

Gold Brick 13: Destroy the Silver Statue. It can be found by the coast.

Gold Brick 14: Complete the Pig Return. To reach the pig, drill through a tiled floor near Brights Lights Plaza to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a launch pad, then use it to reach the roof with the pig on it.

Gold Brick 15: Complete the Vehicle Robbery challenge. Pry open the door by a garage to start it. Completing this will allow you to purchase Chan's Drakonas for 100,000 studs.

Gold Brick 16: Activate the Disguise Booth. It can be found on the side of the road near Chan's Scrapyard. Activating this will allow you to purchase Hai Chen for 10,000 studs.

Gold Brick 17: Destroy the Boulder. It can be found beneath some regular boulders in the corner of the park.

Gold Brick 18: Extinguish the BBQ Fire. It can be found in a small alley underneath a bridge.

Gold Brick 19: Catch the Alien. Climb the drainpipe on the side of a building, then cross the bridge to reach the astro crate.

Gold Brick 20: Activate the Train Station. Head down the metro stairs and destroy the green locker to reveal the LEGO pieces for the Ticket Machine.

Gold Brick 21: Conquer the District. After collecting the Red Brick, jetpack up the ledges to reach this.

Gold Brick 22: Complete the Pig Return. After ringing the bell that you need to turn gold, then pig will appear right in front of the bell.

Gold Brick 23: Smash the ATM. It can be found in front of the bank.

Character Tokens

Punk Rocker: After completing the Frightful Free Fall Super Build, hop in the ride to reach this. You can purchase him for 10,000 studs.

Quentin Spencer: During the Free Run, after sliding down the first rope, climb up the ladder, then head left down the AC units to reach this. You can purchase him for 20,000 studs.

News Reader: Destroy 3 boxes to reveal LEGO pieces for bonsai trees. The first can be found on the same roof with the Flowers for Gold Brick 8. The second is by the Arches of Tranquility Super Builds. The third is by the astro crate for the Alien Catch. You can purchase her for 3,000 studs.

Fu: After completing the second Arches of Tranquility Super Build, hop up onto the roof of the pagoda and follow the beams to reach this. You can purchase him for 20,000 studs.

Li: After completing the first Arches of Tranquility Super Build, hop up onto the roof of the pagoda and follow the beams to reach this. You can purchase him for 20,000 studs.

Oliver Duffy: Fill 3 pools with water. The first is in front of the Silver Statue. The second is outside of the circular maze. The third is by the Arches of Tranquility. You can purchase him for 10,000 studs.

Shui Xue: Ring 3 bells. You will have to find the mallets for each of them. The first mallet is hidden underneath some boulders near the bell. The second mallet can be found by using the Clue Spot near a bell. The third needs to be turned gold to reveal the mallet. You can purchase him for 10,000 studs.

Chao Hui: Turn 4 lamps red. They are all on the brick building by the Chinese takeout building. You can purchase him for 10,000 studs.

Chase Suit: Destroy the silver gate in front of the circular maze in the park, then head inside and reach the center of the maze to reach this. You can purchase him for 80,000 studs.

Feng: Turn 3 lampposts by the large pagoda yellow. You can purchase him for 20,000 studs.

Clutch: On the roof with the astro crate for Gold Brick 19, use the grapple point to reach the ledge. Cross the rope, then chop down the door to reach this. You can purchase him for 100,000 studs.

Chan Chuang: Use the Super Strength handle to tear open the cage with this inside. You can purchase him for 100,000 studs.

Miles Rebar: Drill through a tiled floor, then ride the water spout to the ledge. Head to the right, then shimmy across the ledges. You can purchase him for 10,000 studs.

Red Power Bricks

Super Axe Smash: Grab a helicopter and land it on the Emergency Crash Mat, then jetpack across the gap. Use the launch pad to reach the next roof, then cross the rope to reach the roof with this.
Grand Canal
Gold Bricks

Gold Brick 1: Destroy the Boulder. It can be found beneath some regular boulders on a ledge.

Gold Brick 2: Take a Coffee Break. It can be found on a ledge.

Character Tokens

Brad Hoggle: Chop down the door on a ledge to reach this. You can purchase him for 10,000 studs.

Red Power Bricks

Ring Tone - Pig: Pry open a door on a ledge to reach this.
Bright Lights Plaza
Gold Bricks

Gold Brick 1: Arrest the Gang. To reach the Audio Scan Point, drill through the tiled floor close to Pagoda, then ride the water spout up to the ledge. Climb the drainpipe, then climb the ladder to reach it.

Gold Brick 2: Catch the Alien. The Astro Crate can be found immediately to the right of the Magician Character Token.

Gold Brick 3: Complete the Cat Rescue. Drill through the tile floor in front of a building, then ride the water spout onto the ledge. Cross the rope, then head left on the ledge. Climb the wall, then head along the ledge. Use the teleporter, then use the launch pad to reach another ledge. Climb the drainpipe, then head left to reach this.

Gold Brick 4: Complete the Drill Thrill. After completing the Cat Rescue, head to the right to reach this.

Gold Brick 5: Conquer the District. To reach it, after completing the Drill Thrill climb the ladder to reach the highest ledge where this is.

Gold Brick 6: Arrest the Vehicle Robber. The Criminal Scan Point can be found to the right of the Conquer District, on the lower ledge. Completing this will allow you to purchase Gersemi for 15,000 studs.

Gold Brick 7: Activate the Disguise Booth. The LEGO pieces can be found by the stair ramp. Activating this will allow you to purchase Paparazzo for 2,000 studs.

Gold Brick 8: Smash the ATM. It can be found on the side of the building with the large statue.

Gold Brick 9: Complete the Free Run. To reach the token, destroy a payphone in front of the LEGO store to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a trampoline, then use it to reach the ceiling. Follow the trail up the building to reach the token. You will need to use the launch pad at the end to complete the Free Run. Completing this will allow you to purchase Cheerleader for 10,000 studs.

Gold Brick 10: Destroy the Silver Statue. To reach it, use the nearby Clue Spot to reveal a key. Pick it up and place it in the lock, then turn it to open the door, allowing you to destroy this.

Gold Brick 11: Return the Pig. The pig can be found at the very end of the Free Run course.

Gold Brick 12: Activate the Train Station. Head down the metro steps and destroy the green locker to reveal the LEGO pieces for the Ticket Machine.

Gold Brick 13: Smash the ATM. It can be found on the side of a building near Crosstown Tunnel.

Gold Brick 14: Destroy the Boulder. It can be found underneath some regular boulders near Crosstown Tunnel.

Gold Brick 15: Complete the Call-In Point Super Build. IT can be found near Crosstown Tunnel and requires 8,000 bricks to complete. Completing this will allow you to purchase Chaser for 3,000 studs.

Gold Brick 16: Water the Flowers. These can be found right on the border with Crescent Park.

Gold Brick 17: Complete the Vehicle Robbery. Pry open the door on the side of a building with the garage to start. Completing this will allow you to purchase Cetan for 10,000 studs.

Gold Brick 18: Extinguish the BBQ Fire. It can be found on the roof with the Helipad. Press the button on the ground floor of Wheatley's Bakery to reach the roof.

Gold Brick 19: Water the Flowers. They can be found on the roof with the Helipad.

Gold Brick 20: Take a Coffee Break. It can be found on a small pier by Pagoda.

Character Tokens

Disco Dude: Hop up the blocks on the second level of the building with the large statue, then head to the left. Shimmy across the railings, then continue left on the ledges. Run across the gap, then climb the ladder and head to the right. Use the teleporter to reach this. You can purchase him for 10,000 studs.

Clockwork Robot: Hop up the blocks on the second level of he building with the large statue. The blocks are on the back side of the level. Hop across the poles, then cross the beam. Continue along the ledge, then run across the gap. Drop down the railings, then continue to the left past the large sign. Hop up onto the railing to reach the ledge with this. You can purchase him for 10,000 studs.

Magician: After collecting the Clockwork Robot Character Token, continue to the left across the ledges. Jetpack hover to the theater, then head left. Slide down the rope, then swing across the poles. Continue to the left, then use the teleporter to reach this. You can purchase him for 10,000 studs.

Ryan McLaughlin: Destroy 5 boxes to reveal LEGO pieces for water coolers. The first is immediately to the left of the Magician Character Token. The second is inside of a room. Destroy the silver door, then head to the right to reach the box. The third is inside Wheatley's Bakery. Use the teleporter by the entrance to reach the inside where the box is. The fourth is inside the Planetarium. Turn the red light green to open the doors, allowing you to reach the box. The fifth is inside the Herbert Hotel building. Fix the fuse box to start the doors moving, then head inside and head left to reach the box. You can purchase him for 10,000 studs.

Pat Patterson: Turn the "L" in the large "HOTEL" sign yellow to reveal this. You can purchase him for 20,000 studs.

James Curry: Underneath the large statue, smash a payphone to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a trampoline, then use it to bounce up to this. You can purchase him for 10,000 studs.

Lizard Man: Use dynamite to destroy the silver door leading to the LEGO store, allowing you to enter. Head inside, then destroy all of the LEGO boxes to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into 3 models, revealing this. You can purchase him for 10,000 studs.

Ste Bate: During the Free Run course, instead of hopping up the blocks on a large billboard, head to the right on the ledge instead to reach this. You can purchase him for 2,000 studs.

Zombie: You'll run into this during the Free Run course. You can purchase him for 10,000 studs.

Eddie JoJo: Turn 3 street carts pink. To reach the first, destroy a silver door, then head inside the room to find it. The second is underneath the building with the large statue. The third is on the side of the theater. You can purchase him for 20,000 studs.

Spartan Warrior: Drive a vehicle up the ramp near Crescent Park to fly by the statue, collecting this. You can purchase him for 10,000 studs.

Luke Cashmore: Pry open the door on the roof with the Helipad, then head inside. Run around the room to reach this. You can purchase him for 2,000 studs.

Vehicle Tokens
Hanker: Underneath the awning of the building with the large "HOTEL" sign, shoot the red light to turn it green, powering the doors. Head inside and to the right to reach this. You can purchase it for 3,000 studs.

Red Power Bricks

Instant Vehicles: Head down the stairs by the Helipad, then enter the room and head to the left to reach this.
Crosstown Tunnel
Vehicle Tokens

Rex's Galician: Use a Super Strength handle on the side of the tunnel to destroy the door, allowing you to collect this. You can purchase it for 50,000 studs.

Red Power Bricks

Super Drill Ride: Use a Super Strength handle on the side of the tunnel to destroy the door, allowing you to collect this.
Crescent Park
Gold Bricks

Gold Brick 1: Conquer the District. After collecting the Patty Hayes Character Token, climb the ladder to reach this.

Gold Brick 2: Complete the Vehicle Robbery. From the top level of the tree house, drop down onto the ledge above the garage, then pry open the skylight to start this. Completing this will allow you to purchase T.R.E.V. for 1,000 studs.

Gold Brick 3: Arrest the Gang. The Audio Scan Point can be found on the hill by the coffee shop. The gang will meet at the bandstand.

Gold Brick 4: Smash the ATM. It can be found on the side of the coffee shop.

Gold Brick 5: Activate the Disguise Booth. It can be found next to the coffee shop. Activating this will allow you to purchase Waitress for 3,000 studs.

Gold Brick 6: Take a Coffee Break. It can be found at the coffee shop.

Gold Brick 7: Catch the Alien. The astro crate is located behind the waterfall.

Gold Brick 8: Destroy the Boulder. It can be found underneath a pile of black boulders on the beach.

Gold Brick 9: Complete the Free Run. The token can be found in a park by Uptown. Completing this will allow you to purchase Skater for 10,000 studs.

Gold Brick 10: Complete the Pig Return. To reach the pig, hop up the blocks on the border with Uptown, then chicken glide twice across the gaps. Hop up the blocks and cross the rope to reach the pig.

Gold Brick 11: Activate the Train Station. Head down the metro steps and destroy the green locker to reveal the LEGO pieces for the Ticket Machine.

Gold Brick 12: Destroy the Silver Statue. Use the teleporter on the bandstand to reach it.

Gold Brick 13: Complete the Cat Rescue. It can be found on the stone structure by the bandstand.

Gold Brick 14: Water the Flowers. To reach them, jetpack onto the roof of the coffee shop, then drop down onto the back ledge.

Gold Brick 15: Complete the Drill Thrill. It can be found right on the border with Bright Lights Plaza.

Gold Brick 16: Extinguish the BBQ Fire. It can be found near the sand park near Uptown.

Character Tokens

Zookeeper: Destroy trees to reveal LEGO pieces for 3 birdhouses. The first is directly behind the tree house. The second is by the bandstand. The third is by Uptown. You can purchase her for 10,000 studs.

Patty Hayes: Jetpack up to the ladder on the tree house, then climb up. Hop up the railing, then chop down the door to reach this. You can purchase her for 30,000 studs.

Nurse: On the bridge, turn 1 set of flowers pink, 1 yellow, and 2 red to reveal this. You can purchase her for 10,000 studs.

Sailor: Turn 3 steering wheels on the coffee shop orange to reveal this. You can purchase him for 10,000 studs.

Chef: On the hill to the side of the coffee shop, ride a vehicle off the ramp facing the large cup to collect this. You can purchase him for 3,000 studs.

Fisherman: Use the fishing pole on the docks to reel this in. You can purchase him for 10,000 studs.

Musketeer: Destroy piles of boulders on the beach to reveal the LEGO pieces for 3 sandcastles. Build them all to reveal this. You can purchase him for 10,000 studs.

Carlo Cone: Turn 2 balloons on the bandstand yellow and 1 red to reveal this. You can purchase him for 10,000 studs.

Maximillian Jarvik: Use the teleporter on the bandstand to reach this. You can purchase him for 10,000 studs.

Lifeguard: Turn 3 life preservers red on the docks by the Ferry to reveal this. You can purchase him for 10,000 studs.

Paramedic: Head into the underwater tunnel, then turn 4 pylons yellow in the parking lot to reveal this. You can purchase him for 5,000 studs.

Otto Hornfels: In the underwater tunnel, destroy a blue barrel to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a trampoline, then use it to bounce up to the wall. Climb up to this. You can purchase him for 10,000 studs

Vehicle Tokens

Nipper: There is a large hill near the coffee shop. Follow the path behind it near the coast to reach this. You can purchase it for 5,000 studs.

Red Power Bricks

Super Ram: After collecting the Nipper Vehicle Token, hop into the water and swim to the right to reach this.
MortusEvil 3 Jun, 2023 @ 8:26pm 
I tried to "sdfdf" like it says in the High Steal section, but I couldn't figure out how.
lego boi 31 Dec, 2022 @ 1:53am 
this man has serious dedication for making an entire word for word guide on this game. well done, true gigachad :steamthumbsup:
legogamesguy  [author] 11 Feb, 2022 @ 5:30pm 
I will be once I rework this guide
ⓥⓔⓡⓢⓐⓒⓔ ⓑⓞⓨ 11 Feb, 2022 @ 3:32pm 
can you be more specific
hooplidoopler 21 Sep, 2020 @ 6:26am 
thanks for making all these guides
it must a lot of work but so much help
really appreciated
AMG 15 Jun, 2020 @ 1:01pm 
♥ silly bumble bee!! 11 Dec, 2017 @ 8:21am 
add all silver statues on a map... and vehicle chases...
legogamesguy  [author] 23 May, 2017 @ 12:41pm 
Check the section for Lady Liberty Island exploration, it explains how to get there.
[HTTYD] GLADOSCHELL 15 May, 2017 @ 2:02pm 
Where is the ferry station for Liberty Island?
CinnamonBunGaming 15 Apr, 2017 @ 12:26pm 
i can't get past the 'hot property level' i can't latch on to the ceiling
do you know how to fix that?