CropDuster Supreme

CropDuster Supreme

CropDuster Supreme All Achievements
由 Chris 制作
Here is a Guide to CorpDuster Supreme
Title: CropDuster Supreme
Genre: Action, Casual, Indie
Developer: kChamp Games
Publisher: kChamp Games
Published: Feb. 24, 2017
Estimated difficulty: 4/10
Offline Achievements: 22
Online Achievements: none
Minimum time to 100%: 3 Hrs
Minimum playthroughs needed: Each Chapter is repeatable
Cheats affect Achievements: No
Difficulty affects Achievements: Yes, see on a Section Different Difficulty
Missable Achievements: none
Glitchy Achievements: none
Unobtainable Achievements: none
"Be honest, you’re already a crop-dusting veteran. Put your flatulent skills to the test in this fast-paced toot-shooting gas-passing masterpiece.
CropDuster Supreme follows one man’s thunderous quest for love. Fueled by “Burrito Hut” burritos, young Buster must blast his way through 9 everyday arenas in order to win the heart of his sweet-smelling crush."
Burrito Hut

Clear Burrito Hut
Parking Lot

Clear the Parking Lot
Gas Station

Clear the Gas Station

Clear the Airport

Clear the Airplane

Clear the Hotel

Clear the Elevator

Clear the Gym

Clear the Wedding
Munch X Burritos
From the Level Parking Lot, you can Burritos and Clocks collected.

Munch 5 Burritos

Munch 25 Burritos

Munch 100 Burritos
Collect X Clocks
From the Level Parking Lot, you can Burritos and Clocks collected.

Collect 5 Clocks

Collect 25 Clocks

Collect 100 Clocks
Gas X Civilians

Gas 100 Civilians

Gas 500 Civilians

Gas 1000 Civilians

Gas 5000 Civilians
Different Difficulty

Complete the 'Toot' Difficulty
Is free from the beginning.

Complete the 'Fart' Difficulty
Is released after successful completion of the 'Toot' Difficulty.

Complete the 'Shart' Difficulty
Is released after successful completion of the 'Fart' Difficulty.
Play with a Steam controller or a XBox controller and it becomes easier.

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