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[GUIDE] The Best Way To Make Flux
By z3
This guide is for all players, but a little bit more towards the beginner players. I will cover the following topics: What is Flux? What can I do with it? How do I earn it? And what is the fastest way to earn flux?
This guide isnt 100% done because new methods are always popping up and there are methods even I dont know about
Please leave your methods that you use in the comments below.

If you are lower then mastery rank 20, use my code to get yourself a free starter class coin!
What is "Flux"?
Flux is an item in trove that is used as a currency to buy items at the market. This can also be used to trade, buy items at treasure ships and more. Flux looks like this:

They look like a 3D yellow cross
What can I do with "Flux"?
With Flux, you can do the following:
  • You can "Forge" your gear to make them better, change your stats with "Chaos Forge" and add a stat with "Enchanted Forge"
  • You can trade your flux with a another person
  • You can buy items at different shops and at the marketplace
If you have a really good amount of flux, you can bassicly get anything you want. Flux is the key to get "nearly" whatever you want (expect untradeable stuff like dragons eggs)
How do I earn flux?
You can make flux in so many different ways. I'll cover 3 ways [Click on the images to zoom in]
  • You can earn flux by opening specific chests like chaos chests or titan's treasure.

  • You can earn flux by selling items on the market (You need to reach Mastery Rank 20 to use market)

  • You can earn flux by gaining gear in adventure worlds and loot collecting them. The higher rarity, the more flux
What is the best way to earn flux?
Down here are the best ways to earn a good amount of flux. It might not be the fastest, but some of the methods can get you flux fast.

Sunlight Bulb Farming:
Sunlight Bulb is an item that can only be found easily in Peaceful hills biomes.
They look like this and can be found here:

Peacful Hills biomes can be found in any portal. The beginner portals (Blue, Purple and Orange) are the ones that spawns the biggest Peaceful Hills biomes.

When you are at a Peaceful Hills biome, you should seek for big sunflower buildings because it has around 100+ Sunlight Bulbs around it.

These bulidings looks like this:

Now, here comes the use of the market. What you do is you go to the market, check the "Sort By Unit Price" and search for sunlight bulbs. Then you will see what people are selling their sunlight bulbs for each. For me the cheapest on the market right now is 8.5 unit price, but the price can be different for you (depends on when you came to this guide)

Now, what we want to do is we want to sell our sunlight bulbs 0.1 unit price lower (8.4 unit price)
Why? Its because we want to be on the first page at the first slot, so when people want to buy sunlight bulbs, they are going to buy yours first. Keep in mind that people may do the same thing to you, but as long as you are at the first page, you are good to go!

But how can I sell my sunlight bulbs if I cant write decimals for "Price per unit"?
Here comes the part when you need to use math. Take an calculator and put how many sunlight bulbs you want to sell and multiply that by the "Price per unit" price you want to sell it for.
Example: 200 sunlight bulbs X 8.4 unit price = 1,680 flux
Now, you will get the total price and what you do is you sell your sunlight bulbs for that price.
You wait... and congrats! You have made some flux!

Tips and Tricks:
Farm with friends! It will go much much faster, I promise you!
Farm on "Harvest Day" aka Monday! You will earn 20% more Sunlight Bulbs that day. If you have "Patron" (Membership pass that grants you more % of everything) you will earn 40% more shards.
Radiant Shard Farming
Radiant shard is an item that can ONLY be found in Sky Realm.
They look like this and can be found in this portal
Keep in mind that these portals ONLY exists in Club Worlds. You can either join a Club that has a sky realm portal or you can make a own club (costs atleast 5k flux) and craft a sky realm portal in "Builder's Crafting Bench" (100 flux and 50 infinium ore).

Once you are in the Sky Realm, you will see yellow-blue blocks with little "things" going upwards. Use your wings when you are on it and you will fly!
When you are flying, seek for these golden buildings that looks like this:
When you are inside, you will see a "Dark Heart". Click E on it and a timer will start.
There will be blocks spawning everywhere inside the golden building and your job is to destroy as many blocks as you can. The more blocks you destroy, the more radiant shards you will get.

The Dark Heart looks like this and when you start the challenge, it will look like this:

After you have farmed for a while, sell it on the market. (Do the market method like we did on the sunlight bulbs) You wait... and congrats! You have some flux!
Tips and Tricks:
Farm With Friends! Like I said before, it will go so much faster!
Farm on "Shard's Day" aka Friday! You will earn 50% more shards that day. If you have "Patron" (Membership pass that grants you more % of everything) you will earn 100% more shards.
"Flipping/Manipulating the Market"
"I dont know what you call this method but I call it flipping"
"Flip/Manipulating The Market" method is little bit hard to explain (for me), but I can try.
Its a method you can use on the market. Its buying a item or items that are "mispriced". Meaning that someone has maybe sold a item that is worth normally 50k flux, but has instead sold it for 40k flux.

What I do normally is to buy items that people really want to use for crafting. An example is Radiant Shards. I go the market, search the item I want to make profit on, check the "Sort By Unit Price" and I look first on the unit price that the first 3 people are selling the item for. Let's say that the first guy is selling... radiant shards for 4 unit price and the 2 other guys are selling their radiant shards for 4.7 unit price. You buy the radiant shards from the first guy that sells it for 4 unit price and then YOU sell it for 0.1 lower unit price (4.6 unit price) then what the second and third guy are selling it for.

This means that you have made a total of 0.6 unit price profit. Let's say that the guys were selling 200 radiant shards.
First guy is selling for 200x4=800 flux
The other 2 guys are selling 200x4.7=940 flux
You buy from the first guy and sell it for 200x4.6=920 flux
That is 120 flux profit.

Now, i know what you might thinking right now: 120 flux profit? That is nothing! How is this a good method? Isn't farming better?
Well, yes and no. The thing is that it depends on what you are flipping and how much the unit price profit is. Maybe you find 10 guys selling 1k radiant shards for 1 unit price and then you resell it for 4.6. That is going from 10k flux to 46k flux in just a few clicks. It also depends on how much flux you have. You can start flipping with only 1k flux but you will not make as much flux as if you had 100k flux. "The More Flux You have, The More You Will Earn" -Underrated54

You can also make profit on mounts and allys. But if its an item like Radiant Shards, people buy stacks (more then 2 radiant shards each) and thats why you check "Sort By Unit Price" It gives you an accurate view on what people are selling it for. If we would not check "Sort By Unit Price", then it would just show people selling only 1 radiant shard for a much higher price.

Like I said, you can make profit on mounts, allys and everything! But because I haven't flipped mounts, costumes and allys in many weeks or months, I can't really say anything about it. But I have made some nice profit from allys like the event ally "Tranquill Tentacle".

But there is one thing that I would never flip and that is costumes. I tried to do it multiple times but I just cant sell it and I was forced to sell my costumes very low and I lost maybe 20k flux.

If you didn't understand the flipping method, here is a video by Underrated54 explaining about the marketplace:
btw Underrated54 is my senpai
Last words
Thank you for reading my guide! It took a little bit of my freetime so I would appreicate if you would rate and favorite this guide. It would really mean much to me and it would motivate me to make more guides! As I said, this guide isnt 100% because there is some methods that I haven't covered and some that I don't even know about yet.

If you have any methods, any guide suggestions or you need help with anything. Please comment!
If I have wrote some false info, please let me know in the comments also!

I hope this guide has helped you!
Kendaro 11 Mar, 2020 @ 2:41am 
market fliping op
z3  [author] 25 Jun, 2017 @ 10:20am 
hehe i also hate to do this but its the only way to make a ton of flux
idoking12 25 Jun, 2017 @ 4:38am 
so people like you are the reason why the market cant be cheap huh?
well, looks like i have to become what i hate the most ^^