1,355 평점
Ultimate Chaos
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태그: mod, Overhaul
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209.251 MB
2017년 3월 29일 오후 3시 47분
2018년 6월 9일 오후 6시 17분
업데이트 노트 45개 (보기)
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Ultimate Chaos


Ultimate Chaos; a total overhaul of the Chaos Faction!
The mission is to make Ultimate Chaos a DLC level mod in terms of quality.
Please be aware that you must also subscribe to the Ultimate Chaos Texture Pack and Ultimate Chaos Models Pack for this mod to work.


One time donations option!
You can now make a one time donation instead of using Patreon!
Please see the donate link below.
Thank you!

The next update for Ultimate Chaos is now out adding a round of bug-fixes, balance changes and new features including Chaos Sorcerors for all the gods!

Ultimate Chaos and it's sub mods are now updated for the Norsca DLC.
Enjoy and please consider supporting me!

If you like this mod and appreciate all the time that’s gone into it please consider supporting me so I can continue insisting to my wife that I don't need a real job and can continue making Total Warhammer content instead of doing boring stuff for money.
You can also make a one time donation instead of using Patreon!
I have a Paypal account (a non business one) So you can send your donations via paypal by clicking below!
Thank you!

Lords and Heroes of all four Chaos Gods including Daemons, each with custom artwork, icons, models, and skillsets!
Ditch those boring Exalted Champions and recruit Unique champions dedicated to each god with their own skills, playstyles, powers and actions - or go old school and play with the original undivided hero, now with Chaos Marks - or.. do both!
New Mounts for Lords and Heroes!
Rivalry and animosity between the gods!
Fully optimised for custom battles with four armies of the gods to use!
Completely new Chaos tech tree based around the star of chaos, with paths for all four gods and improvements to custom units.
All new revamped building tree with special god paths and unique chains for all the added custom units.

Over 100 new character skills to use with custom artwork.
Customise your undivided heroes with powerful Marks of Chaos.
Customised Agent actions for Champions of all four gods.
New innate abilities and skills themed at each different god for their lords and champions.
A whopping 120 new effects used for improving your troops, heroes and hordes.
Over 50 new units! All re-balanced and edited for conformity with all descriptions properly added in.
New Chaosified load screens.

Counter the Enemy Agents and see great distances with your Tzeentch sorcerers scrying the future. Use these heretics to further boost your research efforts plunging deep into the forbidden lore of Chaos, or obliterate your enemies in battle by outmanoeuvring them or blasting then with torrents of arcane bolts from these masters of magic!

Unleash great plagues upon the enemy armies sapping their strength and morale, grant diseased boons to your own troops with vile potions to keep the horde on its feet, or wear your enemies down in battle with poisoned weapons and infinitely regenerating, vomiting lords and heroes!

Dissolve your enemies will to fight with these depraved warriors, fast, deadly and armour piercing, these fighters are expert at dealing damage and moving quickly to smite down enemy heroes. Devotion to Slaanesh means these warriors won't be breaking from combat any time soon and with the lure of Slaanesh their enemies wont either...

Take the direct approach with these unsubtle but excellent killers. Slaughter enemy Agents on the campaign map to earn the blessings of Khorne, decimate your enemies in battle with frenzied murderous killers that excel in dealing pure damage. Lots and lots of damage!

Here is a list of the sub-mods I’ve designed to be plugged on top of Ultimate Chaos.
They are not required for it to work, but are recommended.

A great deal of effort has gone into this mod, really hope you enjoy it. It wouldn't have been possible at all though without some of the great mods created by the mod developers below. Be sure to check them out! Ado's Retexture Packs by AdoPotato (Who worked alongside me doing all the re-texturing) Chaos Divided by Daemon Spider (The inspiration for this mod) Glory mod Chaos by Major Spankage Chaos Cultists by Hardrim Building Progression icons by Spartan VI Aisriyths Skill Points Chaos Water by SableDrake
Thanks guys!

I’ve actually originally designed this to compliment my personal lists of mods so a few things to bear in mind:

#1 This mod should make the Chaos Faction very strong when compared to the others, therefore its designed to be played with the player as chaos running some kind of high difficulty mod.
I have designed two AI Sub mod's now specifically for Ultimate Chaos! You can grab them in the Sub-Mods section!
#2 Thanks to the busted autoresolver in TW:WH it will claim you have a ridiculous chance to win in every battle. Theres no easy way around this sadly, but try fighting the battles and it might not be as easy as you think!

Q: Will you make this compatible with "X" mod?
A: ***As of Version 2.0+ I will no longer be actively attempting to make Ultimate Chaos compatible with any specific mod, however it will continue to be written with maximum compatibility in mind and that's as far as I'm taking it. Other mod authors have taken this attitude and unfortunately I must now do the same or risk going insane.

Q: Can I use your tech tree/building tree/models/some other chunk of this in a different mod?
A: I actually got asked this within an hour of it being out.
Basically the idea of this mod is to create a big and chunky all in Chaos experience that you can then compliment by plugging in smaller mod-mods on top. Lifting chunks of it would defeat that purpose.
So basically, No, please don't.
인기 토론 모두 보기(8)
2020년 3월 29일 오전 5시 21분
Known Issues in 2.0
2019년 1월 18일 오전 11시 37분
Mod Compatibility -Lists and Developer's Note.
2017년 11월 14일 오후 7시 32분
Balancing Ideas/recommendations
댓글 1,913
Kaput Mundi 2024년 4월 3일 오전 6시 39분 
Still working
preponderantsamael 2022년 4월 12일 오후 7시 46분 
Defeating Chaos with this mod is impossible, I love the contents of the mod but they just way too overpowered playing against them. Please make another mod to tone their strength them down.
Monocled 2021년 12월 2일 오후 7시 11분 
I was about to stop playing this game before i found this, i am definitely going to try this
c-rasilainen 2021년 9월 6일 오전 10시 52분 
Anyone else having an issue with sorcerer hero and fallen knights of chaos being invisible except for their weapons?
The Dutchman 2021년 6월 28일 오후 11시 01분 
I see, thanks for the answer :)
Steel  [작성자] 2021년 6월 23일 오전 6시 25분 
Nah, theres no submod for arty only.
The Dutchman 2021년 5월 24일 오전 7시 36분 
Is there a submod for just the artillery batteries? They're awesome and it'd be excellent as a standalone add-on as well
crispymonkey85 2021년 4월 15일 오후 7시 55분 
How do we recruit Greater daemons? it never changes the max number allowed from 0.
Graybaby 2021년 1월 5일 오전 9시 43분 
Same issue, reliquiary of chaos doesn't exist apparantly, half the top tier units are unaccessable.
junglestrike 2020년 8월 12일 오전 5시 50분 
so have a problem when trying to recruit chosen built required building yet it still says i need to build it and wont let me recruit them other then that love mod any ideas