Tabletop Simulator

Tabletop Simulator

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Heroscape: Bloodred River Battlefield
Number of Players: 2, 3, 4
Etiquetas: Dungeons, Templates
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301.042 KB
25 MAR 2017 a las 2:09 p. m.
27 MAR 2017 a las 8:09 p. m.
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Heroscape: Bloodred River Battlefield

En 1 colección creada por LoveTrousers
Heroscape Community Map Collection
39 artículos
Unusually warm currents from Volcarren flow through the Bloodred River, separating the frozen wasteland from the temperate forest as if a line were drawn between them. On one side: glaciers. On the other side: forests. The warriors who inhabit the territories on both sides of the bridge have been feuding over the land that surrounds the Bloodred River for centuries. Many battles are so fierce that the river becomes a dark red channel that flows back into the sea, warning others to stay away. Every year the Armies get larger and the battles more fierce. It seems that the Bloodred River shall forever live up to its name.

The rest of the mod required to play is here.

Map Rules:
(Ctrl+F Bloodred River Battlefield to shortcut to rules)