Clone Drone in the Danger Zone

Clone Drone in the Danger Zone

36 人が評価
How to Easily Beat Hard Levels
作者: the__robot
How to beat hard levels in an easy, unintended way.
Okay, this is my first guide so it might not be that good...

I have been playing this game since the day it has been available to buy, and I really like the game. But throughout playing the game, I have found some levels in all catagories that I am been able to beat without much effort. I will (try to) describe the levels, in order from Bronze to Titanuim, and tell you how to easily beat them. The levels will appear either where they can first show up, or where I encounter them the most frequently. I will add more levels and pictures in the future.
  • In the level with the 3 hammer bots and two 3x1 sets of spikes, the only thing you have to do is to train around a row of spikes. The hammer bots will try to get to you by walking over the spikes, which will cause them to die.
  • In the level with the 3 islands and fire jets, you only have to do a couple things to win. You want to first walk around the bottom area and shoot all 3 of the mark 2 archer bots. Then, jump up onto the islands, but stop at the second one. After you jump on the third island, jump back onto the second. This will cause the bot to chase you, but unless it gets a lucky jump, it will fall either into the lava, or on the fire jet.
  • You can easily beat Death Cube 2.0 without even having to use a weapon. What you want first is to is jump up on top of the Death Cube. Then, circle around the gap in the middle, making sure all the bots are chasing you. Every bot chasing you will just fall into the gap and get destroyed. This will leave only the archers, which you can just kick into the gap.
  • In the level with the jump pads that will knock you into the lava, what you want to do is get THEM to get knocked into the lava. What you want to do first is to run in-between two of the jump pads along the wall. This will result in the bots running into the jump pads in an attempt to get to you. This will not work on the kick bots though, as they run fast enough to avoid falling into the lava. After you do this, either kick the archer bots into the lava, or just deal with them as you normally would. Finally, get the kick bots to run into the one lone jump pad in the middle, as this one will knock them far enough away so that they will fall into the lava.
  • In the level with the 3 story structure, first pick off all of the archers on the blocks beside the structure. After you have done this, beat each level one at a time by getting the bots to run into the spikes between the blocks and the structure.
  • In the Fire Duck level, don't jump up onto the table until you do the following:1. Go around behind the table and kill Spidertron with your bow.
    2. After this, make your way around the table killing all the archers.
    3. Walk around the ground, seeing if you can see and hit any bots' heads.
    After you do these things, you want to jump up onto the table, and run around one of the plates of lava/soup, so that all the remaining bots will jump into it.
  • In this jetpack bot level, there are two methods that I have found work best on this level, as well as jetpack bots in general. Both work very well and are very easy to do.
    1. Wait until a jetpack bot starts to come at you using its jetpack. Don't move, rather, get out your bow, and at the very last second before it slices you shoot its head off.
    2. Once again, you want to wait unitl a jetpack bot starts to come at you. Dodge out of the way a bit, and as it starts to go by you kick it. Before it has the chance to get up, shoot and decommission it.
  • In the level with the Spidertron 5000 on a platform with spikes in front of it, what you want to do first is shoot Spidertron 5000. Next, run behind one of the rows of purple triangles so that the archers can't shoot you. Make sure not to get killed by the sword robots hiding behind them though. Making sure the bots are chasing you, run all the way until you get to the platform that SpiderTron 5000 was on. Making sure not to get hit by the archers, train around the row of spikes until all bots chasing you get killed by them. Lastly, either use your bow to shoot the archers, or use the jump pads to kill them with the sword or hammer.
  • In the pyramid level, what you want to do is first kill the Spidertron with a bow, make sure not to go up and melee kill it. After this, get the all of the bots already chasing you to go into the spikes by either running around the pyramid, or hiding in the one gap in the corner between the spike ramps on either side. Thirdly, you want to kill all of the archers. Finally, you want to get the last bot to start chasing you, then jump off the bridge onto the pyramid, making sure that it is chasing you. The final step is to just reclimb the pyramid and get onto the bridge. It will try to come up and get you by going up a jump pad, which is behind a ramp of spikes.
  • In the level with 2 Spidertrons above on blocks to the left and right of you, what you want to do is to make sure you don't go up the ramp triggering the robots. What you always want to do first is to pick off the archer(s). There are two ways of doing the level for me, which are both equally good.

    Option 1: Shoot one or more legs of both Spidertrons, so that they can't accurately shoot at you, they will most likely fall down with you, or into the lava behind them. Now go up the ramp and kill the bots, making sure not to get killed by the archers on the Inside upper corner of the U shaped structure (if you were looking at a U from above). Then kill the archers and jump up, then the only thing left to do is kill the other bots.

    Option 2: Don't try to kill the Spidertrons, instead, go under the structure and kill every robot there, as well as the archers if there are any. After you do this, just shoot the Spidertrons from under the structure. This way, they cannot hit you and knock you down. Then just jump up and kill the other bots.
  • There is a way to easily beat both the Tunnel of Death and also the Tunnel of Fire, but, you still want to make sure you are careful, as in both tunnels you can still die if you are not.

    - In the Tunnel of Death, you are first going to need the jetpack upgrade to do this method. If you have a jetpack, what you first want to do once you get into the level is to wait for all the bots to spread out. After you do this, you want to go in between them, preferibly by jetpacking whilst kicking, if you have enough energy. You want to go all the way to the end of the level, and boost along the left row of spike pads. You will get damaged a bit, but you will survive as long as you keep boosting. All the bots will try to follow you, and get skewered. If any bots do happen to make it through by chance, just kick them back into the spike pads.

    - The Tunnel of Fire is also a level you can beat without needing to use a weapon. It would help if you had a jetpack for this level, but you don't need one to do this. Once again, you want to start by letting the bots to come to you, all the way back to where you come up. Then, go all the way down the tunnel until you are at the edge where the ground drops off into lava. As you go through the tunnel, hopefully a good amount of bots got burned by the flame jets. If there are any jetpack bots remaining, get them to jetpack right into the lava. If there are any normal bots remaining, kick them into the lava as well.
36 件のコメント
ASulkyDragon 2023年6月27日 7時34分 
@melisaacopeland you press alt and it takes a menu which you can select emotes from
Mason721 2023年5月2日 15時09分 
Captaintoast903 2023年2月17日 10時40分 
how do you emote
MNSnowMan 2022年3月3日 17時12分 
good one
ψ 2021年9月19日 9時21分 
just get better and die trying:sacrificed:
kmxtmrw 2021年4月10日 5時46分 
bro those guys are ez. just get good
Drumkommandr 2020年12月25日 7時19分 
please update!
eschnak1472 2020年11月10日 6時46分 
this guide is 3 years outdated, it wont have insanium
not schizophrenic 2020年11月5日 15時43分 
where are the insanium, those fucking enornmous hammer bots with armor are impossible
cgreenwald2539 2020年10月4日 1時45分 
you missed quite an easy one. In the level where you have a corridor with spikes at the end and some spikes at the side as well as past the end spikes some jump pads back. run past all enemies and jump into the spikes. jump and land on the high edge of the jump pad and hold forward. this will keep you near the wall. either jetpack to get on top of the wall or just keep holding forward to stay near it and the enemies will come and die on the spikes. if one makes it to the jump pads it bounces back and dies on the next run.