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Unturned guida | id oggetti | istruzioni per creare un server|
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creare un server
Per Creare Un Server Bisogna:
1)Dirigerci nella cartella del Gioco: C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\Unturned
2)Creare Un Collegamento Del file Unturned.exe
3)Tasto destro sul file appena creato, Proprietà
4)Nella casella Destinazione Aggiugere (senza rimuovere quello scritto all'iterno):
-nographics -batchmode +secureserver/NOME_VOSTRO_SERVER
5)Premere OK e cliccare 2 volte su collegamento per avviarlo
6)Aspettare che Loading level arrivi al 100% quindi chiudere la finestra.
7)Ora Bisogna andare nella cartella Servers (C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\Unturned\Servers) Aprire la cartella all'interno che avra il nome che avete scelto in precedenza, Quindi aprire la cartella Server.
8)Qui và aperto il file Commands . dat con il blocco note o qualsiasi altro editor di testi e vanno inseriti i comandi riportati qui sotto.

Name |Questo è Il nome
Password | Questa è la password ( la password non è obbligatoria )
Map | Scegli la mappa
Maxplayers (10) | Il Numero massimo Di Player, Max(24)
Port |Default port:27015
perspective | firstperson | thirdperson | both
mode | easy | normal | hard | gold |
pvp | pve
Cheats Enable | Disable
Decay | Es: [7/7] Barricades time/Structures time
Votify | Es: [y/5/60/15/0.75/3] y is yes/successfully kick wait time/not successfully kick wait time/ voting time/%of players vote/min players in server to vote
cycle 16000 | Il Tempo nel server
Owner | Il tuo id di Steam Es:76561198543974302
Sync | Dà la possibilità di usare gli oggetti del single player
Welcome | Messaggio di Benvenuto Es:Benvenuto Nel Server(color)/255/0/0 (RGB, rosso verde blu da 0 a 255)
Comandi server
PS: Alcuni comandi funzionano solo per l'admin del server.
Server con mod si una la "@" senza mod si usa "/"

Name [text] - Set name for server.
Port [port] - Set port for server.
password [text] - Set password for server.
Maxplayers [amount] - Set max amount of players online.
Map [mapname] - Set map for server.
PvP - Allow PvP in server.
PvE - Allow PvE in server (NO PVP).
Mode [Easy/normal/hard/gold] - Set mode for server.
Cycle [Number] - Set time cycle for day/night.
Day - Set day to Dawn.
Night - Set day to Dusk.
Investigate [playername or ID] - Gives information of selected Player, Console visible only.
Kick [playername or ID]/Reason - Kicks player with reason or without.
Ban [Name or ID]/Reason/Duration - Bans player with reason or with out reason. In seconds.
Unban [playername or ID] - Unbans player.
Bans - Shows banned players in Console.
Admin [SteamID / Player] - Gives admin priviledge to Player selected.
Unadmin [SteamID / Player] - Revokes admin priviledge to Player selected.
Admins - Shows Admin players in console.
Permit [SteamID / player] - Whitelists Selected Player.
Unpermit [SteamID] - Removes player from Whielist.
Permits - Shows whitelisted players in console.
Experience - [playername or SteamID]/Amount - Gives experience to selected player.
Decay | Ex: [7/7] Barricades time/Structures time
Loadout (id)... - You spawn with this items.
Players - Shows list for current players.
Say [text] - Says text in chat in-game as SERVER.
Welcome [Text] - Put welcome Message when joining in.
Slay [Steam ID / Player] - Kills + PermaBans player.
Give [playername or ID]/ItemID/Amount - Gives item(s) to player.
Vehicle [Player name or ID]/VehicleID - Spawns in air in front of player selected car.
Zombie [player name or ID]/Amount- Spawns zombie. (Doesn't work for now.)
Teleport [playername or id]/[playername or ID] - First name will TELEPORT to second player.
Timeout [number] - Closes server for given time.
Chatrate [number] - I assume this is Flood protection in chat.
Debug - Gives all funny information about server in Console.
Bind [IP] - Binds server in to one IP address.
Save - Saves current world + players.
Shutdown - Shutdowns server, remember to SAVE first!
Comandi giocatore singolo
@vehicle Vostro Nome/Id Veicolo
Questo Comando Vi Spawnerà Il Veicolo Con L'Id Da Voi Scelto.

@experience Vostro Nome/Ammontare Di Esperienza
Questo Comando Vi Darà L'ammontare Di Esperienza Da Voi Scelto

@teleport Vostro Nome/Città)
Questo Comando Vi Teleporterà Al Luogo Da Voi Inserito.

@loadout id/id/id
Esempio: @loadout 018/20/20
Questo Comando Vi darà (In Questo Caso) Il ♥♥♥♥♥♥ Timberwolf Con 2 Caricatori

@time 100 | @time 10000 || @day - @night
100 = Alba
10000 = Tramonto

@zombie Vostro Nome/Numero Zombie
Questo Comando Spawnera Zombie intorno a voi.
Id oggetti "armi"
Assault Rifles:
ID 4: Eaglefire
ID 122: Zubeknakov
ID 363: MapleStrike
ID 1037: Heartbreaker
ID 1360:Teklowvka
ID 1366:Vonya
ID 1369: Bulldog
ID 1379: Calling Card

ID 116: Honeybadger
ID 1024: PeaceMaker
ID 1027: Viper
ID 1041: Yuri
ID 1362: Augewehr
ID 1375: Fusilaut
ID 1377: Nightraider
ID 1364: Hell's Fury
ID 1382: Ekho
ID 1447: Scalar

Machine guns:
ID 126: Nykorev
ID 132: Dragonfang

ID 18: Timberwolf
ID 129: Snayperskya
ID 297: Grizzly Sniper Rifle
ID 101: Schofield
ID 109: Hawkhound
ID 1000: Matamorez
ID 1018: Sabertooth
ID 484: Sportshot

ID 97: Colt
ID 99: Cobra
ID 107: Ace
ID 488: Desert falcon
ID 1039: Kryzkarek
ID 1021: Avenger

ID 112: Bluntforce
ID 380: Master Key
ID 1436: Quadbarrel

ID 346: Crossbow
ID 353: Maple bow
ID 355: Birch bow
ID 356: Pine Bow
ID 357: Compound Bow

ID 300:Shadow Stalker
ID 1441: Shadow Stalker Mk. II

ID 1393: Precision Charge

ID 474: Maple rifle
ID 479: Birch rifle
ID 480: Pine rifle

Rocket launcher:
ID 519: Rocket launcher

ID 1337: Paintball gun
Id oggetti "corpo a corpo"
ID 105: Baseball Bat
ID 106: Hockey Stick
ID 142: Rake
ID 135: Golf Club
ID 136: Sledge Hammer
ID 138: Hammer
ID 1023: Police baton
ID 1030: Frying pan
ID 1031: Shovel

Cut Melee:
ID 120: Kitchen Knife
ID 121: Military Knife
ID 137: Butcher Knife
ID 139: Swiss Knife
ID 140: Butterfly Knife
ID 1035: Machete
ID 1036: Katana
ID 1032: Crowbar

ID 16: Camp Axe
ID 104:Fire Axe

ID 16: Camp Axe
ID 76: Blowtorch
ID 141: Saw
ID 138: Hammer
ID 276: Flashlight
ID 277: Carjack
ID 490: Chainsaw
ID 1033: Paddle
ID 1034: Pitchfork
IDs 1165-1166: Nail gun
ID 1174: Scythe

ID 487: Makeshift Bat

ID 506: Birch rod
ID 507: Maple rod
ID 508: Pine rod
ID 503: Fishing Rod
ID 1432: Upgraded Fishing Rod

ID 1195: Handcuffs
ID 1196: Handcuff key
ID 1197: Cable tie

Mine tools:
ID 1198: Pickaxe
ID 1199: Headlamp
Id oggetti "munizioni|equipaggiabili"
ID 43: Military Ammunition Crate
ID 44: Civilian Ammunition Box
ID 113: Shells
ID 119: Ranger Ammunition Box
ID 347 Arrow
ID 348: Maple Arrow
ID 351: Birch Arrow
ID 352: Pine Arrow
IDs 1192-1193: High caliber box
ID 1209: Explosive arrow
ID 1302: Misile
IDs 1339: Paintball hoppers
ID 1395: HMG Box
ID 1448: Scalar Iron Sights
ID 1449: Scalar Magazine

ID 6:Military Magazine
ID 17:Military Drum
ID 20:Timberwolf Magazine
ID 98:Colt Magazine
ID 100: Cobra Magazine
ID 103: Schofield Clip
ID 111: Hawkhound Magazine
ID 123: Ranger Magazine
ID 125: Ranger Drum
ID 127: Nykorev Box
ID 298: Grizzly Mag
ID 130: Snayperskya Magazine
ID 133: Dragonfang Box
ID 108: Ace Clip
ID 301: Rail
ID 381: 20 Gauge Shell
ID 485: Sportshort Magazine
ID 489: Desert Eagle Magazine
ID 478: Rifle clip
ID 520: Rocket
ID 1003: Matamorez Magazine
ID 1005: Extended Matamorez magazine
ID 1006: Extended Cobra magazine
ID 1020: Sabertooth Magazine
ID 1022: Avenger Magazine
ID 1026: Peacemaker Magazine
ID 1029: Viper Magazine
ID 1040: Kryzkare Magazine
ID 1042: Yuri Magazine
ID 1200: Military fragmetation magazine
ID 1361: Teklowvka Magazine
ID 1368: Vonya Magazine
ID 1371: Bulldog Magazine
ID 1381: Calling Card Drum
ID 1365: Hell's Fury Drum
ID 1384: Ekho Magazine
ID 1443: Shadow Stalker Mk. II Drum

ID 7: Military Suppresor
ID 8: Vertical Grip
ID 21: 8x Scope
ID 22: Red Cross Scope
ID 143: Bipod
ID 144: Ranger Suppressor
ID 145: Horizontal Grip
ID 146: Red Dot Sight
ID 147: Red Halo Sight
ID 148: Red Chevron Scope
ID 149: Military Barrel
ID 150: Military Muzzle
ID 151: Tactical Laser
ID 152: Tactical Light
ID 153: 7x Scope
ID 296: 16x Scope
ID 302: Shadowstalker Scope
ID 476 : Makeshift scope
ID 477 : Makeshift muffle
ID 1007: Adaptive chambering attachement
ID 1008: Rangefinder attachement
ID 1004: Red kobra sight
IDs 1190: Ranger muzzle
IDs 1191: Ranger Barrel
ID 1201: Nightscope
ID 1438: Bayonet
ID 1442: Shadow Stalker Mk. II Scope
Id oggetti "cibo|bevande"
Canned foods:
ID 13: Canned Beans
ID 77: Canned Tomato Soup
ID 78: Canned Chicken Soup
ID 79: Canned Tuna
ID 87: Canned Pasta
ID 88: Canned Bacon
ID 89: Canned Beef
ID 90: Canned Sardines
ID 469: Canned jam

ID 14: Bottled Water
ID 80: Canned Cola
ID 91: Apple Juice
ID 92: Grape Juice
ID 93: Bottled Energy
ID 94: Bottled Coconut
ID 462: Milk box
ID 463: Orange juice
ID 472: Bottled cola
ID 473: Bottled soda
ID 465: Soda

ID 81: MRE
ID 337: Canteen

ID 115: Pink Berry
ID 270: Amber Berry
ID 271: Indigo Berry
ID 272: Jade Berry
ID 273: Russet Berry
ID 274: Teal Berry
ID 275: Vermillion Berry

ID 329: Carrot
ID 335: Corn
ID 338: Lettuce
ID 340: Tomato
ID 342: Potato
ID 344: Wheat

ID 82: Chips
ID 83: Chocolate Bar
ID 84: Candy Bar
ID 85: Granola Bar
ID 86: Energy Bar
IDs 1398-1407: Sandwiches

ID 481: Maple bottle
ID 482: Birch bottle
ID 483: Pine bottle

ID 464: Chesse
ID 466: Grilled cheese sandwich
ID 467: BLT sandwich
ID 468: Ham sandwich
ID 470: Eggs
ID 471: Cake
ID 460: Bread
ID 461: Tuna sandwich
ID 514: Raw Venison
ID 515: Cooked venison
ID 504: Raw trout
ID 505: Raw Salmon
ID 512: Cooked trout
ID 513: Cooked Salmon
IDs 1076-1082: Berrie pies
IDs 1117-1118: Pork
IDs 1120-1121: Beef
IDs 1159-1164: maple syrup, dough, pancakes, waffles, doughnuts and pizza
Id oggetti "zaini|letti"
ID 200: Black Daypack
ID 201: Blue Daypack
ID 202: Green Daypack
ID 203: Orange Daypack
ID 204: Purple Daypack
ID 9: Red Daypack
ID 205: White Daypack
ID 206: Yellow Daypack

ID 245: Black Travelpack
ID 246: Blue Travelpack
ID 247: Green Travelpack
ID 248: Orange Travelpack
ID 249: Purple Travelpack
ID 250: Red Travelpack
ID 251: White Travelpack
ID 252: Yellow Travelpack

IDs 1182-1189:Dufflebag

ID 253: Alicepack

ID 1014: Leather Pack

ID 288: Black Bedrolls
ID 289: Blue Bedrolls
ID 290: Green Bedrolls
ID 291: Orange Bedrolls
ID 292: Purple Bedrolls
ID 293: Red Bedrolls
ID 294: White Bedrolls
ID 295: Yellow Bedrolls

ID 1800++: Hang Gliders
Id oggetti "medicine"
ID 15: Medkit
ID 96: Splint
ID 389: Antibiotics
ID 390: Painkiller
ID 391: Vitamins
ID 392: Tablets
ID 404: Cough syrup

ID 269: Vaccine
ID 387: Adrenaline
ID 388: Morphine (CAUSA ASTINENZA)
ID 395: Bloodbag

ID 95: Bandage
ID 393: Rag
ID 394: Dressing
Id oggetti "vestiti"
ID 154: Orange Shirt
ID 158: Purple Shirt
ID 163: Green Shirt
ID 167: Red Shirt
ID 171: Yellow Shirt
ID 175: Blue Shirt
ID 179: White Shirt
ID 183: Black Shirt
ID 211: Plaid Shirt

ID 155: Orange Tee
ID 159: Purple Tee
ID 164: Green Tee
ID 168: Red Tee
ID 172: Yellow Tee
ID 176: Blue Tee
ID 180: White Tee
ID 184: Black Tee

ID 156: Orange Parka
ID 160: Purple Parka
ID 162: Green Parka
ID 166: Red Parka
ID 170: Yellow Parka
ID 174: Blue Parka
ID 178: White Parka
ID 182: Black Parka

ID 157: Purple Hoodie
ID 161: Green Hoodie
ID 165: Red Hoodie
ID 169: Yellow Hoodie
ID 173: Blue Hoodie
ID 177: White Hoodie
ID 181: Black Hoodie
ID 188: Orange Hoodie

ID 185: Black Bandana
ID 186: Blue Bandana
ID 187: Green Bandana
ID 189: Purple Bandana
ID 190: White Bandana
ID 191: Yellow Bandana
ID 011: Red Bandana

ID 012: Ushanka
ID 192: Black Toque
ID 193: Blue Toque
ID 194: Green Toque
ID 195: Orange Toque
ID 196: Purple Toque
ID 197: Red Toque
ID 198: White Toque
ID 199: Yellow Toque
ID 423: Engineer hat
ID 424: Fedora
ID 433: Beret
IDs 423-432: Cap

ID 2: Jeans
ID 207: Designer Jeans
ID 208: Cowboy Jeans

ID 209: Cargo Pants
ID 212: Kahki Pants
ID 213: Corduroy Pants
ID 214: Trouser Pants

ID 226: Khaki Shorts
ID 227: Cargo Shorts
ID 228: Corduroy Shorts
ID 229: Trouser Shorts

Face Wear:
ID 1: Shades
ID 210: Buds
ID 334: Night Vision
ID 418: Headphones
ID 409: Aviators
IDs 434-441: Balaclava

ID 223: Police Top
ID 224: Police Bottom
ID 225: Police Cap
ID 230: Chef Top
ID 231: Chef Bottom
ID 232: Construction Top
ID 233: Firefighter Top
ID 234: Firefighter Bottom
ID 235: Ghillie Top
ID 236: Ghillie Bottom
ID 237: Ghillie Hoodie
ID 238: Ghillie Vest
ID 239: Chef Hat
ID 240: Construction Helmet
ID 241: Firefighter Helmet
ID 242: Farmer Top
ID 243: Farmer Bottom
ID 244: Farmer Hat
ID 278: Santa Hat
ID 279: Santa Top
ID 280: Santa Bottom
ID 303: Prisoner Top
ID 304: Prisoner Bottom
ID 305: RCMP Bottom
ID 306: RCMP Top
ID 307: Military Top
ID 308: Military Bottom
ID 309: Military Helmet
ID 310: Military Vest
ID 311: Doctor Top
ID 312: Doctor Bottom
ID 313: RCMP Hat
ID 314: Grocer Top
ID 315: Grocer Bottom
ID 405: Mechanic top
ID 406: Mechanic bottom
ID 407: Engineer top
ID 408: Engineer bottom
ID 421: Suit top
ID 422: Suit bottom
ID 419: Flight Jacket
ID 420: Biker Jacket
ID 509 Fishing Hat
ID 510: Fishing Top
ID 511: Fishing Bottom
ID 1010:(Desert) Military Helmet
ID 1011:(Desert) Military Top
ID 1012:(Desert) Military Bottom
ID 1013:(Desert) Military Vest
ID:1009:(Desert) Beret
ID 1015-1017: Biohazard Suit
ID 1358-1359: Pilot Suit

ID 1156: Thief Top
ID 1157: Thief Bottom

ID 1419: Bottom
ID 1420: Ensign Top
ID 1421: Lieutenant Top
ID 1422: Major Top
ID 1423: Commander Top
ID 1424: Captain Top
ID 1425: Vest
ID 1426: Cap
ID 1427: Helmet
ID 1428: Beret
ID 1429: Captain Hat

Bullet Vest:
ID 10: Police Vest
ID 310:Military Vest
ID 1425: Coalition Vest

Sweater Vest:
ID 215: Back Sweatervest
ID 216: Blue Sweatervest
ID 217: Green Sweatervest
ID 218: Orange Sweatervest
ID 219: Purple Sweatervest
ID 220: Red Sweatervest
ID 221: White Sweatervest
ID 222: Yellow Sweatervest

ID 410: Black Poncho
ID 411: Blue Poncho
ID 412: Green Poncho
ID 413: Orange Poncho
ID 414: Purple Poncho
ID 415: Red Poncho
ID 416: White Poncho
ID 417: Yellow Poncho

For Players With Gold Memberships:
ID 23: Tuxedo Pants
ID 24: Tuxedo Shirt
ID 25: Gold Bowtie
ID 26: Monocle
ID 27: Tophat

ID 517: Leather Top
ID 518: Leather bottom

Stalker pack:
ID 1270: Gas mask
ID 1271: Radiation filter

ID 1122: Blue Umbrella
ID 1123: Green Umbrella
ID 1124: Orange Umbrella
ID 1125: Purple Umbrella
ID 1126: Red Umbrella
ID 1127: White Umbrella
ID 1128: Yellow Umbrella

ID 1464: Blindfold

ID 1133: Black Scarf
ID 1134: Blue Scarf
ID 1135: Green Scarf
ID 1136: Orange Scarf
ID 1137: Purple Scarf
ID 1138: Red Scarf
ID 1139: White Scarf
ID 1140: Yellow Scarf
Id oggetti "da lancio"
ID 254: Grenade
ID 1100: C4
ID 1101: Landmine
ID 1102: Claymore
ID 1132: Snowball

ID 255: Blue Flare
ID 256: Green Flare
ID 257: Orange Flare
ID 258: Purple Flare
ID 259: Red Flare
ID 260: Yellow Flare

ID 261: Black Smoke
ID 262: Blue Smoke
ID 263: Green Smoke
ID 264: Orange Smoke
ID 265: Purple Smoke
ID 266: Red Smoke
ID 267: White Smoke
ID 268: Yellow Smoke
Id oggetti "materiali|utensili"
ID 28: Gas
ID 1440: Industrial Gas Can
ID 64: Rope
ID 65: Wire
ID 66: Cloth
ID 67: Metal Scrap
ID 68: Metal Sheet
ID 69: Tape
ID 70: Glue
ID 71: Nails
ID 72: Can
ID 73: Explosives
ID 74: Bricks
ID 75: Chemicals
ID 333: Binoculars
ID 516: Leather
IDs 1114-1116: Makeshift Jerry cans
ID 1175: Chart
ID 1176: GPS
ID 1051: $5 Note
ID 1052: $10 Note
ID 1053: $20 Note
ID 1054: $50 Note
ID 1055: $100 Note
ID 1056: Loonie
ID 1057: Toonie
ID 1353: Stealy Wheely Automobiley


ID 1430: Upgraded Cake
ID 1433: Upgraded Fishing Rod
ID 1437: Quadbarrel
ID 1439: Bayonet


ID 1450: Vehicle Battery
ID 1451: Car Tire
Id oggetti "agricoltura"
ID 330: Carrot Seed
ID 336: Corn Seed
ID 339: Lettuce Seed
ID 341: Tomato Seed
ID 343: Potato Seed
ID 345: Wheat Seed
ID 1104: Amber Berry Seed
ID 1105: Indigo Berry Seed
ID 1106: Jade Berry Seed
ID 1107: Mauve Berry Seed
ID 1108: Russet Berry Seed
ID 1109: Teal Berry Seed
ID 1110: Vermillion Berry Seed

Plant Tools:
ID 331: Planter
ID 332: Fertilizer
Id oggetti "struttura"
ID 29: Maple Fortification
ID 30: Maple Barricade
ID 31: Maple Foundation
ID 32: Maple Doorway
ID 33: Maple Wall
ID 61: Maple Plank
ID 34 Maple Window
ID 35: Maple Roof
ID 36: Maple Pillar
ID 39: Maple Log
ID 40: Maple Stick
ID 281: Maple Door
ID 316: Maple stairs
ID 319: Maple Hole
ID 322: Maple Ramp
ID 325: Maple Ladder
ID 366: Maple Crate
ID 359: Maple Torch
ID 383: Maple Spikes
ID 442: Maple rampart
ID 443: Maple post
ID 450: Maple garage
ID 451: Maple gate
ID 1414: Ramp Wall

ID 41: Pine Log
ID 42: Pine Stick
ID 46: Pine Barricade
ID 48: Pine Fortification
ID 50: Pine Doorway
ID 52: Pine Foundation
ID 54: Pine Pillar
ID 56: Pine Roof
ID 58: Pine Wall
ID 60: Pine Window
ID 63: Pine Plank
ID 283: Pine Door
ID 317: Pine Stairs
ID 320: Pine Hole
ID 324: Pine Ramp
ID 327: Pine Ladder
ID 368: Pine Crate
ID 361: Pine Torch
ID 385: Pine Spikes
ID 445: Pine rampart
ID 448: Pine post
ID 453: Pine garage
ID 456: Pine gate
ID 1415: Ramp Wall

ID 37: Birch Log
ID 38: Birch Stick
ID 45: Birch Barricade
ID 47: Birch Fortification
ID 49: Birch Doorway
ID 51: Birch Foundation
ID 53: Birch Pillar
ID 55: Birch Roof
ID 57: Birch Wall
ID 59: Birch Window
ID 62: Birch Plank
ID 282: Birch Door
ID 318: Birch Stairs
ID 321: Birch Hole
ID 323: Birch Ramp
ID 326: Birch Ladder
ID 367: Birch Crate
ID 360: Birch Torch
ID 384: Birch Spikes
ID 444: Birch rampart
ID 447: Birch post
ID 452: Birch garage
ID 455: Birch gate
ID 1416: Ramp Wall

IDs 1396-1397: Ghillie Netting

ID 284: Jail Door
ID 285: Metal Bars
ID 286: Vault Doors
ID 287: Bars Fortification

ID 369: Metal floor
ID 370: Metal Doorway
ID 371: Metal Wall
ID 372: Metal Window
ID 373: Metal Roof
ID 374: Metal Pillar
ID 375: Metal Stairs
ID 376: Metal Hole
ID 377: Metal Ramp
ID 378: Metal Door
ID 379: Metal Ladder
ID 328: Locker
ID 386: Barbed Wire
ID 449:Metal post
ID 454: Metal garage
ID 457: Metal gate
ID 446: Metal rampart
ID 1113: Snare
ID 1119: Barbed wire fence
ID 1417: Ramp Wall

IDs 1408-1409: Mannequins.
IDs 1410-1413: Plaques.

IDs 1210-1218: Brick structures
ID 1418: Ramp Wall

ID 362: Campfire

ID 365: Sandbags

ID 458: Generator
ID 459: Spotlight
ID 1050: Safezone radiator
ID 1208: Rain barrel
IDs 1223-1226: Shutters
ID 1219: Oil Derrick
ID 1222: Cage lights
IDs 1223-1226: Shutters
ID 1230: Industrial generator
ID 1345: Farm plot
IDs 1372-1373: Friendly/Hostile Sentry
ID 1194: Horde Beacon

IDs 1095-1097:Wood sights
ID 1098: Locket metal sight

IDs 1235-1238

IDs 1083-1090: Door/garage frames
IDs 1091-1094: Freeform metal
IDs 1058-1075: Freeform wood

ID 1158: Claim flag
IDs 1231-1234: Flags

IDs 1329-1332:Hatch

IDs 1202-1204: Rifle storage racks
IDs 1205-1207: Trophy cases
ID 1220: Metal rack
ID 1221: Metal trophy
ID 1244: Sentry
IDs 1257-1260: Librery
ID 1261: Oxygentor
IDs 1245-1248: Counter cup boards
IDs 1251-1254: Counter Sinks
ID 1243: Cot
IDs 1309-1314: Colored Cot
ID 1249: Fridge
ID 1250: Oven
ID 1255: Lamp
ID 1256: Couch
IDs 1303-1308: Colored Couch
IDs 1272-1277:Wall mount flares
IDs 1278-1281: Wardrobes
ID 1282: Umbrella
IDs 1321-1326: Colored Umbrellas
ID 1283: Cooler
IDs 1284-1295: Tables
ID 1296: Beach chair
IDs 1315-1320: Colored Beach Chair
IDs 1297-1299: Weak, Bulletproof and Oneway Glass
Id oggetti "veicoli"
Offroaders [] []
1 = Black Off Roader (4 seats)
2 = Blue Off Roader (4 seats)
3 = Green Off Roader (4 seats)
4 = Orange Off Roader (4 seats)
5 = Purple Off Roader (4 seats)
6 = Red Off Roader (4 seats)
7 = White Off Roader (4 seats)
8 = Yellow Off Roader (4 seats)

Hatchback [] []
9 = Black Hatchback (4 seats)
10 = Blue Hatchback (4 seats)
11 = Green Hatchback (4 seats)
12 = Orange Hatchback (4 seats)
13 = Purple Hatchback (4 seats)
14 = Red Hatchback (4 seats)
15 = White Hatchback (4 seats)
16 = Yellow Hatchback (4 seats)

Trucks [] []
17 = Black Truck (5 seats)
18 = Blue Truck (5 seats)
19 = Green Truck (5 seats)
20 = Orange Truck (5 seats)
21 = Purple Truck (5 seats)
22 = Red Truck (5 seats)
23 = White Truck (5 seats)
24 = Yellow Truck (5 seats)

Sedans [] []
25 = Black Sedan (4 seats)
26 = Blue Sedan (4 seats)
27 = Green Sedan (4 seats)
28 = Orange Sedan (4 seats)
29 = Purple Sedan (4 seats)
30 = Red Sedan (4 seats)
31 = White Sedan (4 seats)
32 = Yellow Sedan (4 seats)

Vans [] []
35 = Black Van (5 seats)
36 = Blue Van (5 seats)
37 = Green Van (5 seats)
38 = Orange Van (5 seats)
39 = Purple Van (5 seats)
40 = Red Van (5 seats)
41 = White Van (5 seats)
42 = Yellow Van (5 seats)

Roadsters [] []
43 = Black Roadster (2 seats)
44 = Blue Roadster (2 seats)
45 = Green Roadster (2 seats)
46 = Orange Roadster (2 seats)
47 = Purple Roadster (2 seats)
48 = Red Roadster (2 seats)
49 = White Roadster (2 seats)
50 = Yellow Roadster (2 seats)

51 = Ural (8 seats) [] []
52 = Humvee (4 seats) [] []
53 = APC (5 seats) [] []
55 = Desert Ural (8 seats) [] []
56 = Desert Humvee (4 seats) [] []
57 = Desert APC (5 seats) [] []
87 = forest millitary jeep (4 seats) [] []
88 = desert millitary jeep (4 seats) [] []

Snowmobiles [] []
59 = Black Snowmobile (1 seat)
60 = Blue Snowmobile (1 seat)
61 = Green Snowmobile (1 seat)
62 = Orange Snowmobile (1 seat)
63 = Purple Snowmobile (1 seat)
64 = Red Snowmobile (1 seat)
65 = White Snowmobile (1 seat)
66 = Yellow Snowmobile (1 seat)

Quad's [] []
67 = Black Quad (1 seat)
68 = Blue Quad (1 seat)
69 = Green Quad (1 seat)
70 = Orange Quad (1 seat)
71 = Purple Quad (1 seat)
72 = Red Quad (1 seat)
73 = White Quad (1 seat)
74 = Yellow Quad (1 seat)

Racecar's [] []
77 = Black racecar (1 seat)
78 = Blue racecar (1 seat)
79 = Green racecar (1 seat)
80 = Orange racecar (1 seat)
81 = Purple racecar (1 seat)
82 = Red racecar (1 seat)
83 = White racecar (1 seat)
84 = Yellow racecar (1 seat)

Snow vehicles:
58 = Explorer
59-66 = Snowmobile

Airplanes [] []
92 = Sandpiper (2 seats)
96 = Otter (2 seats)

93 = Huey [] [] (4 seats)
94 = Desert Huey [] [] (4 seats)
95 = SkyCrane [] [] (1 seat)
106 = Police Helicopter [] [] (4 seats)
107 = Hummingbird [] [] (4 seats)
108 = Police launch

Jetskis [] []
98 = Black Jetski (1 seat)
99 = Blue Jetski (1 seat)
100 = Green Jetski (1 seat)
101 = Orange Jetski (1 seat)
102 = Purple Jetski (1 seat)
103 = Red Jetski (1 seat)
104 = White Jetski (1 seat)
105 = Yellow Jetski (1 seat)

97 = Runabout [] [] (4 seats)
108 = Police Launch [] [] (4 seats)

33 = Police Car (4 seats) [] []
34 = Fire Truck (2 seats) [] []
54 = Ambulance (5 seats) [] []
58 = Explorer (2 seats) [] []
75 = Golfcart (2 seats) [] []
76 = Taxi (4 seats) [] []
85 = Tractor (1 seat) [] []
86 = Bus (10 seats) [] []

1099 = Makeshiftcar
1111 = 6 Seater makeshift vehicle
1112 = 1 Seater makeshift vehicle
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