Hearts of Iron IV

Hearts of Iron IV

196 ratings
Hoi 4 Console Commands
By jon
Console commands for hoi 4

Console Commands
add_equipment (amount) (type) (e.g., “add_equipment 1000 Strategic Bomber I”)
Adds the specified number of the specified equipment type (Note that equipment must already be researched, and names are case-sensitive)

AI will always accept diplomatic actions

Toggles the AI's ability to perform naval invasions

Allows you to attempt any diplomatic action, but does not guarantee success

annex (country tag) (e.g., "annex USA")
Annexes the specified country

civilwar (ideology) (country tag) (e.g. “civilwar communism USA”)
Starts a civil war with the specified ideology in the specified country

Allows nuking of any province

delall (country tag) (e.g., "delall USA")
Deletes all units belonging to the specified country

Disables fog of war

Toggles instant construction

manpower (amount) (e.g., "manpower 1000")
Gives the specified amount of manpower (Leaving the amount blank will give 10,000,000)

nu (amount) (e.g., "nu 100")
Gives the specified amount of national unity

pp (amount) (e.g., "pp 1000")
Gives the specified amount of political power (Leaving the amount blank will give 999)

Toggles debug info in province tooltips (Useful for finding country tags and state/province IDs)

research all
Instantly completes all research branches

Click on any technology in the tree to instantly research it

setcontroller (country tag) (province ID) (e.g., "setcontroller USA 7622")
Sets the controlling nation of the specified province

setowner (country tag) (state ID) e.g., "setcontroller USA 315")
Sets the owning nation of the specified state

Gives the AI control of your country

threat (amount) (e.g, "threat 100")
Adds the specified amount of threat to your country (Leaving the amount blank will give 999)

Gives maximum war score in all active wars

wp (country tag) (e.g., "wp USA")
Grants white peace with the specified country

xp (amount) (e.g., "xp 100")
Gives the specified amount of all types of experience (Leaving the amount blank will give 999)
Georgiamyost 23 Mar @ 5:11pm 
is there a command power code?
Railingo 26 Jan @ 8:25am 
Never mind, I found it by pressing the Tab key when the Console Commands were open. "FA" instantly finishes any focus you click on.
Railingo 26 Jan @ 8:20am 
Is there one for the Focus Tree?
The Texan Crusader 24 Apr, 2021 @ 5:20pm 
Here we go, use "set_ruling_party (party ID)" to set the ruling party, for an example if I used set_ruling_party DEM it will change the party to democratic. This can work for mods too.
The Texan Crusader 24 Apr, 2021 @ 5:18pm 
Yes use "Auto.focuscomplete" (With out the quotation marks) to instantly complete focuses, as for the elections I believe there is a way but I forgot the command. Also I am not the writer, just here to help.
Duke of Yorkshire 20 Nov, 2020 @ 10:11pm 
also is there a command for electionslike in vicky 2
Duke of Yorkshire 19 Nov, 2020 @ 6:27pm 
is there a command to insantly get focuses
Captain Crack Spazzo 2 Oct, 2020 @ 9:54pm 
Is there a cancel agression pact command?
Kaadjo 7 Jul, 2020 @ 7:03am 
winwars doesent work
Kuaruchi 29 Feb, 2020 @ 6:09pm 
i can use a commands in mp?