US Special forces?
"The next episode in my series of Crysis videos."
9 comentarios
FlyBoogy  [autor] 28 NOV 2021 a las 4:23 p. m. 
@Aster Viridian Thanks! I'm pretty proud of this one lol
σ Aster 28 NOV 2021 a las 2:37 p. m. 
Lol the timing in this was hilarious. Great clips. I'll show to this to someone when I want to show them how fun and destructive Crysis is.
Mileo Inc. 27 MAR 2021 a las 6:10 p. m. 
If you want a good excuse to boot up this game again, you can actually send cars flying with strength mode punches.
There are quite a few good spots in the game where you can stand on the side of the road in cloak, and as a car drives by, switch to strength, crouch down, and uppercut the top of the car (just aim up from a crouching position to send it upwards) and you can send it spinning into the air while the passengers are still inside.
I've had tons of fun just yeeting jeeps with the drivers still in them and sending them off cliffs.

Great video, by the way. Crysis 1 is best Crysis.
Dahaka 18 NOV 2020 a las 5:01 p. m. 
Thats why Crysis 1 was the best. The physics are so fun in this game!:steamhappy:
Teddyhamster 4 OCT 2020 a las 12:16 a. m. 
FlyBoogy  [autor] 12 JUN 2020 a las 5:38 a. m. 
@puggles2g thanks appreciate it
Puggles2g 12 JUN 2020 a las 4:52 a. m. 
That was freaking hilarious! Bro you have a future in the movie editing buisness, or the blowing up US special forces buisness, LOL I absolutely shit myself laughing bro...... Bloody funniest thing Ive seen in donkeys ears! I gotta friend you bro.... Lmao
FlyBoogy  [autor] 25 FEB 2020 a las 2:14 p. m. 
Thanks! Didn't think anyone would find this at this point :D
Fristajlo 25 FEB 2020 a las 7:56 a. m. 
Nice Dude :)