Wallpaper Engine:桌布引擎

Wallpaper Engine:桌布引擎

1,362 次評價
League of Legends Arcade 2015
類型: 視訊
評等: 全年齡
內容類型: 遊戲
解析度: Other resolution
類別: 桌布
196.201 MB
2017 年 3 月 10 日 上午 1:31
1 項更新註記 (檢視)

League of Legends Arcade 2015

在 Bafelmauk 的 1 個收藏中
League of Legends
118 個項目
League of legends Arcade 2015
Image: Leauge of legends Arcade 2015 login screen
Music: orginal music
tested on aspect ratio: 4:3, 16:10, 16:9, 21:9
FPS: 25fps

16:9 recommendation (try both covered and stretched and find out what fits you more)

COVERED - so u dont lose any quality but abit top and bottom(u wont even notice it)
STRETCHED - it will stretch abit from sides, on some wallpapers u even don't notice it


if you see some bug or something then don't be shy and comment.
if you like it use your buttons to express yourself
7 則留言
timor 2018 年 6 月 1 日 下午 7:35 
i only want to say it's so cool~
Jun.40th 2017 年 4 月 2 日 下午 11:08 
i like it
姚。◕‿◕。姚 2017 年 3 月 16 日 上午 7:18 
Bafelmauk  [作者] 2017 年 3 月 14 日 上午 1:48 
thanks for feedback.
I had no idea that people want also music :D
But i uploaded this and here is link: League of legends Arcade 2015 (Music) [soundcloud.com]
Hulkstern 2017 年 3 月 13 日 下午 6:29 
okay I know it's orginal music but could you provide a way to get it? though I may not be crazy for the wallpaper (to each his/her own) the music is amazing. Do you have a soundcloud are something similar with it posted? I must get my hands on this music!
Bafelmauk  [作者] 2017 年 3 月 11 日 上午 8:39 
subscribe not working ? i don't know any other way
alucard 2017 年 3 月 11 日 上午 8:28 
Im using a cracked version of Wallpaper engien can u tell me how I can add this wallpaper cuz I love it
pls reply