The Stanley Parable

The Stanley Parable

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All Endings in Stanley Parable (Part 1)
Por GoldMember
This is Part 1 of the Endings of The Stanley Parable.Hope you enjoy and i might be making part 2 in the future if i'm not that lazy.
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Endings of The Stanley Parable(Part 1)
All Endings (Part 1):
Freedom Ending - Play the game normally.Do not disobey the Narrator at least once.When you reach Mind Control Facility Controls press the OFF button.

Explosion Ending - Play the game normally until you reach Mind Control Facility Controls,then disobey the Narrator by pressing ON button.There's nothing really to do after,only to wait 2+ minutes and that's it.

Coward Ending - Simply close your office and you will get this ending.

Insane/Mariella Ending - Choose the Left door and instead of going upstairs,go downstairs.You will then enter a paradoxical loop of rooms.The Narrator says some nonsense,that Stanley is dreaming and tries to wake him up,but after it fails Stanley goes insane and dies.Mariella bypasses Stanley.

Museum Ending - Obey the Narrator until you reach Mind Control Facility.When you get there go Left where the Escape sign is written.Go all the down the hall and enter the Metal Jaw trap.Simply wait until you are crushed and then,the Female Narrator stops the Metal Jaws and drops you down into a catwalk.Get in the museum and explore as much as you want until you reach a black room with "The Stanley Parable" banner along with On/Off lever.Push the lever and you will be transported to the Metal Jaws.There's really nothing left for you to do after that,because the Female Narrator will say "There is no other way to beat this game. As long as you move forward, you'll be walking someone else's path".Just simply restart the game or get crushed to death.

Confusion Ending - Take the Right door and walk past the Employee lounge,then walk Left into a Maintenance Room,then turn left and take the elevator down.When you get out of the elevator just follow what Narrator says until he opens "The Right Path" for you.You will be lead to the Monitor room and the Narrator will be forced to restart.When Narrator restarts,the Two-Door Room will change this time,instead of 2 doors now you will have 6 doors and the Narrator opens all doors to wander around.The rooms will be an endless loop and after 30 seconds,the Narrator will restart again.Go to Two-Door room only to find dead end.The Narrator suggests going back to see if he missed anything.After you go back,you reach another dead end.Since Narrator completely forgot what they were doing he says "YOU WIN" ,but then he regrets the decision and restarts once again.This time Narrator has used help of "The Stanley Parable Adventure Line™".Just follow the line,until you go back to the office and the Line™ will take you to the Monitor room.The Narrator gets angry at the Line™ for spoiling the game, and restarts again.Instead of following the Line™ again,the Narrator suggests you go through door 437.After you reach the room with 2 doors,the Narrator opens the right door and discover The Confusion Ending Schedule.That's really it for this ending.

Phone Ending - Take the Right door,get past the Employee lounge,then walk straight forward to the Warehouse and get on the platform.When you reach the other side of the Warehouse,reach the black room that contains a phone.Answer it and you'll be taken to your apartment.The Narrator tricks you to think that Stanley has a loving wife and invites him in.After that press the words and numbers that will automatically appear on your screen and that's really it.

Not Stanley Ending - Same as the previous ending,but this time unplug the phone.Once you unplug the phone,Narrator will say that "You're not Stanley.You're a real person" and will show you a educational video about making choices.After the video,return to the 2 Door Room and first,take the door on the Right and then take the Left door.The Narrator gets angry at you for destroying his made story and shuts the game down.After that,you will be teleported to the 2 Door Room and this time take the door on the Left all the way to the Boss office.The Narrator will say to speak the Voice Code into a Voice receiver.Since Stanley cannot talk,the Narrator gets mad at him to the point where he starts to scold him:"Speak! Say something to me! EXPLAIN YOURSELF,YOU COWARD!".You,the Player appear above the 2 Door Room,while Stanley is below you and he is frozen in place.Since the Player is not in Stanley's physical body,Stanley is motionless and unable to think for himself.That's really it.

Powerful Ending - Simple.When you enter the Warehouse,simply jump to your death without boarding the platform.

Games Ending - Enter the Warehouse,board the platform,jump to the catwalk,go to the Blue and Red Door Room and all 3 times choose the Blue door.The Narrator reveals that there's nothing there,only broken developer textures and that's it.Narrator will teleport you back to the 2 Door Room,which now has the Third door.Go through the 3rd door and rate your experience in anyway you want to from 1 to 5,then the Narrator will bring you back to the Doors and will show you a Worldwide leaderboard and you are on the last place.Now the Narrator wants you to rate the experience again.The Narrator will show you a simple game,where you have to save the baby from going into the fire.DO NOT PLAY THE GAME and let the baby burn.Since the Narrator is out of ideas for a game,he takes you to Minecraft and builds a house.Narrator wants to rebuild the house out of diamond and you are forced to go into a cave.Since it's too dark,the Narrator teleports you to the First level of the original Portal game.Grab the Storage cube and place it on the button.The elevator arrives,but the Narrator takes the elevator away and he has enough of these games and leaves you alone.Go down the hole into the remains of the original office building,then fall again and then you will be in the HL2 version of the office.Find your office and then walk back.That's it.