Star Wars: Battlefront 2 (Classic, 2005)

Star Wars: Battlefront 2 (Classic, 2005)

471 avaliações
How To Watch Those Wrist Rockets
Por Rogue
In this guide I will be explaining the basics of how to operate effectively as a member of the 501st on the battlefield.
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Wrist Rockets
Whilst on the battlefield you may encounter a variation of explosive known as "wrist rockets". These rockets are capable of dispatching multiple Clones on a large scale.

Your teammates will often call out when there is a risk of wrist-rockets being fired in your direction. Use this to your advantage, as it provides a warning as to when you should watch those wrist rockets.

To watch wrist rockets effectively, you must first; pay close attention to when somebody shouts "Watch those wrist rockets!" (also known as "now hearing this" - see: "NOW HEAR THIS" announcer callout). This tells you when you should start looking. Second, you should always make sure to watch them, and while watching them, taking out those Supers at the same time.

Example of excellent co-ordination when faced with a wrist-rocket risking scenario:
Notice how all four participants in this specific scenario are collectively watching those wrist rockets and even shouting it to their comrades so that they too can watch those wrist rockets, effectively increasing the survival chance of their clone comrades.
During combat, you may be faced with dwindling or depleting reinforcements, be sure to keep an ear out for when your commanding officer tells you this over communications as this can be an extra-helpful bit of intel while on the field.

When you hear that you're reinforcements are being depleted you must remember to take care in your actions so that you don't get caught by the enemies when they start sending in the Supers!

During these times of low reinforcement counts, you may be subject to a reinforced garrison of troops. This will bolster your teams reinforcement count so that they may not deplete and you may take back what is rightfully the Republic's. For the Chancellor!

If you lose all of your reinforcements in your garrison, even if it has been reinforced, you will be greeted by a nice red block of text saying "DEFEAT". This means that the CIS has captured your command posts and you have lost the battle, but not the war.

Reference image of losing the battle, but not the war.
The Chancellor
During your time on the battlefield, you are required to shout "For the Chancellor!" as many times as you possibly can during the span of the battle. This brings great honor to the Supreme Chancellor who provides you with your reinforced garrison of troops, command posts, and the fact that nobody messes with the 501st!

Glorious photo taken of our Supreme Chancellor before his attempted assassination.

For the Chancellor!
Super Battledroid (Take It Down!)
You may encounter a variation of droids known as "Supers" on the battlefield, these are elite, enhanced droids used for heavy assault and front-lines combat. They are equipped with a dual wrist blaster on their right wrist, and a rocket-launcher on their left wrist (watch those wrist rockets!).

Their wrist rockets can dispatch an entire detachment of clones in one swift strike, make sure to watch them.

If you ever hear another clone shout "they've sent in the supers!", make sure to stay on your toes and shout "For the Chancellor!" to frighten the droid clankers into submission.

Whenever you hear another clone shout "Super battledroid! Take it down!" be sure to concentrate all of your blaster shots and shouting towards the super bat- WATCH THOSE WRIST ROCKETS!

Super Battledroid! Take it down!
142 comentários
Nozzy 15 mai. 2020 às 16:41 
Instructions unclear, still can't watch those wrist rockets
Cola 7 fev. 2018 às 13:13 
!stekcor tsirw esoht hctaW
thatguyfromtraderjoes 24 out. 2017 às 20:34 
I always love that in my games the clones will run up to tanks, point blank throw grenades, and yell "FOR THE CHANCELLOR!" right as they kamikaze
Rehmanpa 12 out. 2017 às 15:20 
My biggest take away from this guide: WATCH THOSE WRIST ROCKETS
Gustavus Adolphus 12 out. 2017 às 11:02 
Darth Plagueis was a Dark Lord of the Sith, so powerful and so wise he could use the Force to influence the midichlorians to create life...He had such a knowledge of the dark side that he could even keep the ones he cared about from dying. Unfortunately, he taught his apprentice everything he knew, then his apprentice killed him in his sleep.It's not a story the Jedi would tell you.The dark side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unatural. Ironic. He became so powerful...the only thing he was afraid of was losing his power, which eventually, of course, he did. Did you ever hear the tradgedy of Darth Plagueis The Wise? I thought not
Vanta 10 out. 2017 às 2:21 
W A T C H T H O S E M O T H E R F U C K I N G W R I S T R A W K E T S!
Half-Hazard 6 out. 2017 às 10:53 
Half-Hazard 6 out. 2017 às 10:53 
Half-Hazard 6 out. 2017 às 10:52 
Half-Hazard 6 out. 2017 às 10:52