Homefront: The Revolution

Homefront: The Revolution

Ocen: 303
Homefront The Revolution Achievement Guide
Autorstwa: SilverFox
Achievement Guide For Homefront the Revolution
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Achievement guide for Homefront the Revolution and DLC.
Unmissable Achievements (8)
These achievements are earned automatically as you progress through the game with the exception of "Home of the Brave". You must set the difficulty to Deathwish prior to starting to earn it. Achievements are shown in the order they appear in the game.

Welcome to the Resistance - Join the Philadelphia Resistance Movement.

Red Dawn - Enter Elmtree red zone.

Hit and run - Escape the ambush at Ned's Armoury.

Heist of the century - Steal the Goliath.

Declaration of Independence - Escape the trap at Independence Hall.

We Can Be Heroes - Incite a Revolution at City Hall.

Land of the free - Finish the single player campaign on any difficulty.

Home of the brave - Finish the single player campaign on Deathwish difficulty.
Game Play Achievements (Eagle) (9)
These achievements are earned through regular single player gameplay.

First-Strike - Capture a Strike Point.

Essentially unmissable. Capture any strike point to earn this achievement.

Striking Back - Capture 30 Strike Points.

Most players will earn this in a typical play through since there are 69 total.

This is our town, Nork - Capture all Strike Points.

There are 69 total strikepoints in the game spread over 7 areas (see chart). Note that Strikepoints are any capturable area including Transponders, Strongholds, Drone Control or Police Stations in addition to simple strike points.
Most people report capturing all strikepoints, but not earning the achievement, if this happens start a new game and continue capturing strikepoints until the achievement pops.

Elmtree Red Zone Strikepoints

Earlston Yellow Zone

Holloway Red Zone

Ashgate Yellow Zone


Old Town

Restricted Zone

Conqueror - Capture all KPA Strongholds.

There are 11 strongholds to capture (3 in each red zone except Lombard which has 2), you should get this automatically as you work to complete "This is our town, Nork". Strongholds look like a castle on your map.

Dear diary… - Collect 10 Journals.

Journals (see pic below) are common around stashes. Hit all the stashes you can find to finish this early.

Can't stop the signal - Activate 20 HAM radios.

Ham radios can be heard when you are close or found on your map if you have hacked a transponder. Press "E" when in front of one to change the signal to the resistance network.

Part-timer - Complete 5 jobs.

Jobs can be found in safehouses or captured strikepoints on a bulletin board. You can tell which locations have a job board by the thumb tack on the map. Complete any 5 to earn the achievement.

Jobsworth - Complete all jobs.

Same as part-timer, but more jobs. The achievement says "all", but the counter only requires 20 jobs to earn this achievement. Hint : Some are much easier than others, try to target jobs that require taking pictures or killing with a certain weapon.

Flash ah aaaahhh! - Capture / resolve 20 flashpoints.

Flash points occur in red zones (Elmtree, Holloway, Lombard and Oldtown). Parrish will call for you to help comrades being attacked by the KPA. You have a limited time to reach the zone and complete the mission. Note that once a red zone has all strikepoints captured, flash points will no longer occur. The best strategy is to make strikepoints a priority until you get the achievement or to delay capturing all strike points in Elmtree until you have resolved enough strikepoints for the achievement.

Green diamond symbol indicates flashpoint location and distance.

Flashpoint to be resolved (stop the Dusters in this case)
Game Play Achievements (GTK) (6)
Cooking up a storm - Manufacture a GTK item.

Manufacture a molotov, pipe bomb, hack tool or distraction (fire crackers). Virtually unmissable.

Guerrilla Master - Deploy every type of GTK item at least once.

Use each type of GTK item; molotov, pipe bomb, hack tool and distraction (fire crackers). Easily achieved through regular game play. Press the wheel on your mouse to bring up the GTK menu in game.

Micro Machine - Destroy an armored car with an RC car.

You will need to make sure you have purchased the RC car option from the Equipment category at a weapons locker with your KPA Tech points before attempting this. Once you have purchased the option, make sure you have a pipe bomb available. Find a suitable map (Ashgate works well), where there are multiple armored cars moving around. Deploy the RC car and drive it under the Armored car and detonate. You can detonate near the rear where the gas tank is for maximum effect. Before deploying the RC car be sure you are out of the line of sight of your target to avoid being attacked while maneuvering the RC car.

Oh a piece of candy! - Distract 30 KPA from their guard posts in yellow zone without being detected.

Anytime you see a KPA soldier standing around throw a distraction or brick to get them to chase it. Do this 30 times for the achievement. Seems to work on soldiers patrolling as well as standing still. Props to the developers for the Family Guy reference. Tedious achievement.

Gogigui - Kill 5 KPA with a molotov.

It can be tough to get 5 KPA in a tight enough radius for a single molotv to kill them. When an airship detects you, a large group of KPA will spawn, if you can be close enough to the spawn point it is possible to get 5 with a molotov. The other option is when you are helping Ned escape. There is a shipping container where the KPA attack from. Throw a distraction in the container to pin them in, then throw a molotov to kill 5 at once. Funfact: Gogigui = Korean BBQ.

Surprise! - Kill 20 KPA using proximity based GTK items.

Works best with the Teddy Bear option from the Equipment category at the equipment locker. Simply drop the bears in the path of patrolling soldiers and wait for the boom.

Game Play Achievements (Gun) (5)
There are many like it, but this one is mine - Convert a weapon.

Assuming you have purchased at least one new weapon either with cash or KPA tech points, you can convert your existing weapon to at least one other weapon type, press "X" and select a new weapon.

Switching from LMG to Assault rifle.

Accessorize - Add an attachment to a weapon.

Assuming you have purchased at least one attachment at a weapons locker, press "X" and attach it to a suitable weapon in your inventory.

Phased plasma rifle in a 40 watt range - Upgrade a weapon to its maximum level.

Upgrade any weapon to 3 stars at a weapon locker. Can take a lot of cash to do so depending on the weapon. The fully upgraded weapon will have 3 blue stars beside it. As seen here:

Robin Hood - Kill a KPA soldier with a crossbow bolt from over 50 meters away.

Purchase the crossbow from the weapons locker and at least one sight to make this much easier. When you travel to Old Town, look for the Resistance Hideout strikepoint.
In order to capture this strikepoint, you must kill 6 snipers on surrounding buildings. The snipers are fixed and will not move, they also have targets with distances posted over their heads. Make sure you are at least 50m and use the crossbow for the kill.

Adaptive warfare - Get a kill with every weapon and modification.

Not a difficult achievement, but you will have to purchase every weapon and attachment to complete it. There are 16 weapons and 9 attachments, which means you need to collect a lot of $ and KPA Tech points to purchase everything needed. You can get credit for multiple attachments on a single kill. For instance killing with the Marksman rifle with the muzzle break, tripod and sniper scope attached will earn you credit for 1 gun and 3 attachments. Typically the attachment portion can be done quickly, just keep track of what you have already used as you work your way down the gun list.

Game Play Achievements (Skull) (4)
These achievements are earned through regular single player gameplay.

Riding High - Drive the motorbike 60 meters above sea level.

There is a particular spot in Elmtree where this will trigger. Go to the location shown below and ride the bike up the ramp and across the roof to the middle of the catwalk to trigger.

Looking back down the ramp at the starting point.

Inside Job - Infiltrate a KPA Stronghold and deactivate the valve without being detected.

Best done in Elmtree at Biedul Maufacturing or the Axxco Garage. Both are accessible with bolt cutters and are much more lightly guarded than strongholds in later zones.

Star of the show - Remain in the searchlight of a KPA Airship for 2 minutes without dying.

If you are playing on easy and have upgraded weapons and equipment, you can pretty much stand in the middle of the road and mow down any KPA that spawn after the Airship spots you. A more nuanced approach is to climb to the roof of a building after the airship spots you and guard against incoming KPA that may or may not follow you to the roof.

It's a trap! - Kill 10 KPA using Resistance traps.

In Red zones there are barrel traps on buildings or flip traps on the ground that can be used to kill KPA soldiers. You will need to kill 10 KPA to earn this achievement. One good place to do this is in Holloway right outside the entrance to the zone (see pic below). Wait in the building and shoot the red barrel when the KPA soldier patrols over the flip pad. As long as you don't capture the strikepoint, you can do this multiple times as the soldier re-spawns. It's possible to draw in other KPA as well if they are nearby. This is tedious and takes time to get.

Take the ramp up into the building in front of you.

Map location

Aim for the red barrel to trigger the trap when the KPA step on the flip panel.
Game Play Achievements (Winged Skull) (6)
These achievements are earned through regular single player gameplay.

Fyre Starter - Set a KPA on fire by shooting a gas vent.

Pretty straightforward, it is not uncommon to see 2-3 KPA clustered around a gas vent in the street. Wait until the geyser of green gas shoots out and aim for the stream.

KPA standing near a gas vent.

King David - Destroy a Goliath.

This never popped for me on single player, but was fairly easy to do on Resistance Mode. You can kill one on the Boom Patrol map very close to the start of the mission.

The bigger they are… - Kill 20 heavies.

Heavies are the white soldiers in the heavy armor. Aim for the backpack they carry to kill them quickly. There are plenty in the Restricted Zone near the end of the game.

Silent but Deadly - Perform 5 take downs in a row without being spotted by the KPA.

A little bit difficult, but doable in yellow zones where soldiers can be found patrolling alone. The mall in Holloway red zone is also a good place, you can get a couple before entering from the open rear of the stronghold, then climb the catwalk and take out KPA in the towers and patrolling on the catwalks without much effort. Best done at night.

Fighting fire with fire - Kill 95 KPA with hacked drones.

Use hack tools on APCs or Wolverines so they attack KPA. Takes quite a bit of time to do, you can generally only get 2-3 per hack. Wolverines are more effective against KPA than APCs.

A hacked APC lights up some KPA. Note the pair of blue antenna on top of the APC indicating the vehicle is hacked.

Take me out - Perform 30 takedowns of KPA snipers.

Sneak up behind snipers and press "F" for a takedown. Some snipers count and others don't I couldn't determine if takedowns only counted in certain zones or if flashpoint snipers counted. Essentially keep killing snipers with takedowns whenever possible until the achievement pops. Snipers can be spotted by their laser sights pretty easily at night. Not known if snipers killed with a takedown in Resistance Mode count or not.

Make sure you use the "F" takedown action to kill the snipers and not just a knife swipe.
Resistance Mode Achievements (12)
Resistance Mode (Multiplayer) achievements can only be earned in resistance mode.

Danger Zone! - Create a character for Resistance Mode.

Automatic achievement, you will need to do this just to play multiplayer. You can create 4 different characters from 36(!) different categories. Each has it's own unique background skill.

Mayhem 101 - Purchase a skill.

Once you have earned some XP through completing missions you can pick skills from the skill tree in the menu for your character. Selecting any skill will give the achievement.

Professor Mayhem - Purchase 4 different active skills across any number of Resistance Mode characters.

This one has a glitch. Based on the description, you have to get 4 different characters to the 4th tier of the skill tree. However, selecting a Survivor character type and building to level 4 in the skill tree will earn the achievement.

Practical Mayhem - Deploy an active skill in a mission, and have at least one other player use the results.

After reaching level 4 of the skill tree, press "Z" to deploy your skill during gameplay. If another player uses that skill you get the achievement. Recommend picking a "Survivor" character. The top level skill is dropping a bucket with ingredients for GTK items, other players will usually pick it up when they see it. A dropped Tier 4 skill package is pictured below.

Peace in our time - Successfully complete a Resistance Mode mission on normal difficulty.
Peace of cake - Successfully complete a Resistance Mode mission on easy difficulty.
Peace your pants - Successfully complete a Resistance Mode mission on hard difficulty.
Straight forward, select the difficulty level of your choice and win the mission.

#Winning - Earn a team citation.

E Pluribus Unum - Earn 20 team citations.

Playing with at least 1 partner will earn you team citations. Grind it out until you hit 20. Best done on easy for quick results.

Son of Liberty - Earn 20 individual citations.

In addition to team citations, you will earn individual citations for your play in Resistance Mode. Grind it out until you hit 20. Best done on easy for quick results.

Minuteman - Earn 10 mission citations.

In addition to team and individual citations, you will earn mission citations specific to each mission in Resistance Mode. Each mission has it's own set of citations. Play multiple maps on easy to earn quickly. Various citations from a mission are shown below.

Everyone fights, no one quits - Revive 10 downed teammates over any number of Resistance Mode missions.

When teammates are wounded, save them by running over to them and holding "E" to revive them. Easy to earn quickly on Hard difficulty.
DLC - Voice of Freedom Achievements (8)
Unmissable Achievements

Welcome to Philly (Secret) - Enter Greentree Yellow Zone.

You will earn it as soon as you enter the zone.

Going underground (Secret) - Reach the subway.

Earned as soon as you enter the subway.

Witness me! (Secret) - Destroy the Bandit Car.

You cannot progress without destroying the bandit car.

Gameplay Achievements

Shadow Hunter - Takedown 5 Bandits without detection.

Self-explanatory, similar to Silent but Deadly in the regular main game. This can be done on the first 6 bandits you find in the subway system. Climb on top of the rail cars and keep to the right.

#1 - Climb down the ladder and up on to the platform behind the guard to take him down. You can do this as soon as you enter the area, or wait until the dialogue ends and the bandits split up. This bandit will go into a tunnel to the right and loot a KPA body. You can sneak up on him and take him down there.
#2 - Climb back up the ladder and walk across the top of the train cars and jump down onto some pallets, crouch walk around the back of the train car and take the guard down in the traincar doorway.
#3 - Go back the way you came staying on the opposite side of the barrier to the right of the forklift and climb over the top to the right of the guard and take him down (this one can be tricky). Go back over the barrier and re-enter the train car where you took down #2, continue through the train car to the next open door way.
#4 - Wait for him to turn his back and move down the platform a bit and when he is facing away from the rail car, move out onto the platform and take him down.
#5/#6 - After taking down #4 go to the tunnel to the left, turn right and come out of the tunnel where #1 was standing initially. Crouch walk to the nearest of the 2 scavengers at "X" and take him down.

Do you like to play with FIRE?! -Set 5 bandits on Fire.

This one is actually the same as Gogigui, you need to kill 5 bandits with a single molotov to get it to trigger. You can attract the bandits to you in the area where the armored car is by shooting at the first bandit you see. Several will come rushing down from the mezzanine and stand around the bottom of the stairs, a well timed and placed molotov will do the job. It is recommended you get this then re-load the checkpoint to get "Unbreakable".

Unbreakable (Secret) - Clear the bandit camp without taking damage.

You need to do the following without taking damage:
1) Take out the first 6 bandits in the subway.
2) Avoid damage from the armored car on the way to the station.
3) Clear the station of bandits and the armored car.

1) was covered above, 2) involves running as fast as possible through the tunnels to avoid getting hit by the armored car until you reach the station.

Most of the bandits in the station can be taken down easily with stealth. Clear a path to the far side of the station by going up and over the mezzanine area and down the far side stairs, killing bandits as you go. Move to the far end of the platform using the subway car as cover. When the armored car moves back toward the mezzanine, throw 4 proximity mines down on top of each other on the tracks. Move back behind the car for cover and detonate when the armored car moves over the prox bombs. Head for the door that opens at the end of the tunnel when the armored car is destroyed (when the car is destroyed any remaining bandits in the station seem to die automatically). Make sure you have looted enough items along the way to make 4 prox bombs. There are lots of ingredients in the mezzanine.

Bombs on track, armoured car approaching.

The Need for speed (Secret) - Escape the tunnel collapse in 50 seconds or less.

Grab the motorcycle and ride out of the tunnel. It needs to be a near perfect ride (ie no hitting obstacles) to get this.

Collectible Achievements

Documentarian - Collect 5 journals.

Similar to journals found in the main game, collect 5 of them to earn the achievement.

#1 - In "Mitchell's". Go left at the crashed drone and run through a blue container into "Mitchell's". The Journal is on a table.

#2 - After you knife the soldier and run through the sewers, you will open a door. There are stairs leading up to the left. The journal is directly in front of you on a table.

#3 - Vance sends you upstairs where you find a workshop with bolt cutters. The journal is to the right of the bolt cutters on a table.

#4 - After a spike trap nearly hits you when you leave a rail car, continue down the tunnel, turn left at the junction and make your way back through a cage area and into a room with cells. It is iin the back in a cell on a mattress.

#5 - After finding #4 go back down the tunnel, right after passing the junction, it's on a table in front of you.

#6 (Bonus) - Just after you escape the armoured car, you walk into an open area with a table on the right that has some items, journal is on a box in front of you.

DLC - Aftermath Achievements (8)
Unmissable Achievements

DAB Hand (Secret) - Arrive at the broadcast center.

Unmissable, automatically rewarded as you progress through the map.

Walker Stalker (Secret) - turn off the Walker recording.

Story line triggered, cannot be missed.

Cookie Monster (Secret) - Complete Aftermath.

Complete Aftermath and earn the achievement.

Gameplay Achievements

Signal To Noise - Enter the Broadcast Center without detection.

You need to make your way to the broadcast center without being detected by the patrolling KPA. Use takedowns on KPA as you encounter them. Play like it's Hitman Absolution.

Safe and Sound - Complete the upload sequence and escape the Broadcast Center without using a health kit.

After you turn off the Walker recording you will be attacked. Fight off the KPA without having to use a health kit. You can take damage however. Best to ensure your health is at 100% before turning off the recording as a precaution.

Death by Boom - Kill 2 KPA guards in the compound using explosive canisters.

In the compound most of the way through the map, you will need to fight through several KPA soliders in a large compound with explosive red canisters scattered around. Try to draw the KPA near the cannisters and then shoot the cannisters for the kills.

Collectible Achievements

Journalist - Collect 6 journals.

Similar to journals found in the main game, collect 6 of them to earn the achievement. Locations below.

#1 - Prior to entering the KPA zone, in the parking garage in a room to the left of the gate.

#2 - After killing the sniper and the KPA on the roof of the building, it is in the lobby of the next building on the ground floor.

#3 - In the broadcast center ground floor, on a desk near the door with the green light.

#4 - 2nd floor of wrecked building right after escaping the Broadcast center near duck #5

#5 - By a body on the opposite side of the enclosure where the fans are.

#6 - Cell 03 when searching for Walker.

DLC - Aftermath Achievement Duck Hunt
Duck Hunt - Destroy 9 rubber ducks.

There are 9 rubber ducks hidden throughout the map. Find and shoot all 9 to earn the achievement. Note there is a yellow paint splotch near each duck that acts as a guide.

#1 - When you pick up your dirt bike it is right in front of you.

#2 - In the roof of a container before you ride through 2 containers on the bike.

#3 - In the parking garage where the 1st Journal is found, opposite the gate behind a curtain.

#4 - 2nd floor of the building where the 2nd journal is found.

#5 - Main Broadcast hall on a desk, opposite side of Journal #3.

#6 - In wrecked builidng after escaping the Broadcast Center near Journal #4.

#7 - After exiting the sewer pipe you will need to get through an area with a number of KPA and seeker drones. The van is right after you enter the area.

#8 - After the RC Car hacks the fans, run through the fan tube and turn right.

#9 - In the compound area, under the stairs

DLC - Beyond The Wall Achievements (8)
Unmissable Achievements

Sanctuary - Find the agent in the church.

You must contact the agent to progress the DLC. Pops when you enter the basement room door and the cinematic starts.

Rocketman - Launch the rocket at the KPA satellite.

You will need to do this to complete the DLC. Pops when you hit the switch in the silo.

Gameplay Achievements (In order they can be earned)

Mixologist - Donate more than one Molotov to the Resistance in the HUB.

When asked to donate molotovs in the HUB donate at least 2 to earn the achievement. Look for this guy right after you start the mission. Collect the items on the table and make 2 molotovs, then donate them for the achievement.

Cooking With Gas - Destroy a Seeker with the gas trap in the HUB.

There is a sequence at the beginning of the level in the Hub where seeker droids will attack. Hit the switch when they are over the orange barrels to activate the gas trap and kill one.

Hydrophobia - Jump across the stepping stones without hitting the water.

After crashing the truck through the gate, use the rocks to jump over to the island without getting your feet wet.

Swamp Fox - Get 4 or more kills whilst in mud.

Just as it sounds, be standing in mud when you kill. The first opportunity to do this is at the church. Jump down into the mud and use the large rock for cover. Killing drones counts as well as killing soldiers.

DLC - Beyond the Wall Collectibles
Collectible Achievements

Swan Song - Destroy the last surviving rubber duck.

A single duck remains. Shoot it for the achievement. It can be found in a bathtub on the 2nd floor of the large white house where the silo is.

Learn Me A Book - Collect 10 journals.

Collect the 10 journals scattered across the map.

#1 - In the Hub on the table where the radio operator is.

#2 - In the shack right behind the truck next to a dead guy.

#3 - In the house in the same room as the bolt cutters.

#4 - In the church on a pew.

#5 - On the way to the diner after rescuing Lisa, beside a dead body.

#6 - On a table in the corner the diner.

#7 - In the big white house at the missle silo site on a table in the dining room.

#8 - In the bunker on a bunkbed right before you drop into the shaft.

#9 - In shack off the road on the way to the village.

#10 - 2nd floor of a house in the village.

Komentarzy: 35
Blackpot 11 sierpnia o 7:59 
Thanks! Ill do my 12 multi achs with my friend.
SilverFox  [autor] 22 lipca o 12:12 
@Agenciq, there are 12 multiplayer achievements in the "Resistance Mode" section
Agenciq 22 lipca o 7:58 
Is there multiplayer achievements or i can do this solo
Johnny Silverank 🦾 10 kwietnia o 15:54 
Is anyone still playing this? I'm looking for Resistance mode teammates.
Necronomicron 22 grudnia 2023 o 12:36 
Riding High can be achieved in Holloway Red Zone at Car Park Chop Shop.
couch2018 13 marca 2023 o 10:50 
easiest way to get star of the show is when you go to lombard and take the transciever, then wait for the airship to make that sound when it found you
TheKroody 10 lutego 2023 o 2:50 
Anybody knows, if you can farm the sniper takedowns in "Voice of Freedom DLC"?
r3l1csvk 28 grudnia 2022 o 13:51 
just me or you need to do Surprise! kills without dying? was thinking doing these at the end of Beyond the walls but each time i ran out of materials and died it reseted the counter
DeadFodder 4 lipca 2022 o 23:13 
I think that for the sniper kills the takedown have to be from behind. Frontal take downs don't count or at least in my game they do not.
CloneZZ 7 marca 2022 o 19:08 
@SilverFox U're right. Thank u so much!!!