Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

368 voti
Chill-park 6 x 5
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Assets: Park
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28 feb 2017, ore 2:16
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Chill-park 6 x 5

In 1 collezione di core79
My Parks (core79)
124 elementi
Chill-park 6 x 5 by core79

Für die stats schaut einfach auf das fünfte Bild.
Dieser Park ist frei Platzierbar.

For the stats look the fifth picture.
This park is free placeable.

Für diesen Park ein spezielen Dank an, GC Vos, Ston3D, BenTracker, MrMaison, KingLeno, Lost丶青柠 und xave

For this park a special thanks to GC Vos, Ston3D, BenTracker, MrMaison, KingLeno, Lost丶青柠 and xave

Danke an ALLE Modder, die so schöne Bäume und Props hochladen. Meine Parks würden nicht halb so gut aussehen ohne sie. Ich hoffe euch gefällt dieser Park . Bitte bewertet ihn, wenn er euch gefällt, danke!

Thank you on ALL modder that provide so beautiful trees and props. My parks would not look half as good without them ! I hope you like this park ! Please rate up,if you like it ,thanks ! Hier könnt ihr euch meine kollektion ansehen , dort sind alle Props und Bäume aufgelistet die ich für alle meine Parks benutzt habe Here you can watch my collection, there are all the props and trees listed that I have used for all my parks
33 commenti
Daemon Trooper 21 lug 2019, ore 12:29 
Oki doki, maybe when I'll install the game again, thank you anyway, and you don't have to apologize ! ^^
core79  [autore] 21 lug 2019, ore 10:21 
I'm so sorry. It seems to work for me and most people. Therefore I can not offer you a solution. I'm sorry.
Daemon Trooper 12 lug 2019, ore 12:47 
Of course I have xD
And I have the mod that list the assets at launch, where I can see if it loaded correctly or not
core79  [autore] 12 lug 2019, ore 10:26 
Do you have the required assets that I listed on the right? Without them, the corridor, the trees, etc. will not show up.
Daemon Trooper 10 lug 2019, ore 4:35 
No ^^ Not at all, just that the corridor doesn't show up ^^
core79  [autore] 6 lug 2019, ore 7:06 
@Daemon Trooper: Do you mean that people are walking a bit slower through the park?
Daemon Trooper 9 giu 2019, ore 6:10 
Sorry, I have to unsubscribe, the corridor don't disp correctly.
LordJamesX 9 set 2018, ore 7:13 
@core79 don't think it is possible, i digged around, you can list em, but it wont be auto subbed :( bad dependecny management, someone needs gradle :P LOL anywho again brilliant work, thank you so very much! :first_star:
core79  [autore] 9 set 2018, ore 6:19 
Thank you for your comment. I don't know if it possible, but I can try it.
LordJamesX 22 lug 2018, ore 12:15 
nice work yah. can't you not add the required list of props in required steam list so it gets auto subbed when am subbing to this?!