Dota 2
181 次評價
Necrophos 7.06B Old School
由 Lei 發表
First of all Necrophos is not a support everyone who tells you he\'s not is 1-3k scrub we take necro into the mid lane to get him farmed to level 6 with a vail of discord so we can start roaming and getting those important kills on enemy cores to stop there farm in the late game all u need is a bit of burst on your team so you can use your ultimate on enemy cores very similar to the early game and K.S-ing is completely ok your team will love you for that kill timer

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3 則留言
Lei  [作者] 2017 年 11 月 10 日 上午 6:42 
mirco 2017 年 8 月 4 日 上午 11:35 
tottally agree on the kill timer, long to make death even more painfull on the enemy xD
But must understand people call him a sup simply because he is able to heal really easy with death pulse, that is sometimes needed when a dedicated healer is missing. Your 1-3 k scrubs argument is kinda got some holes in it tough, but thats just from my experience :3
El Trentito 2017 年 7 月 29 日 下午 4:52 