Killing Floor 2

Killing Floor 2

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Collect all 30 volleyballs in Zedlanding FAST ('ALAN!!!!!!' achievement)
By K3vla
Get the 'ALAN!!!!!!' acheivement in the new map, Zedlanding, by shooting 10 volleyballs hidden around the map.

In this video, I'll show you where all 30 volleyballs are hidden at and you can pick any route to find 10 quickly - finish it under a minute and remember to help your fellow ZED killers!
Quick guide to getting the 'ALAN!!!!!!' achievement

1. Hidden in the skills
2. Hanging on a rope
3. Go down steps on your left and you’ll find one mid-way
4. Turn right, you’ll find one hidden in the boulder
5. Jump off and there’ll be one hiding in the trees
6. Look right and one is hidden in the rock wall
7. Traverse along the beach and you’ll find one sitting in a cage
8. And another hidden under a broken cardboard next to the beach trader
9. A sneaky bugger hidden amongst medic boxes
10. One on the shores next to the plane crash
11. Go up the steps and there’ll be one between 2 trees
12. Travel to a trader in a cave and one will be hiding in the wall
13. Up the steps to find one resting on top of a rock
14. Turn around and you’ll find another nested in a tree
15. Head down towards the water and there’ll be one semi-floating next to rocks
16. Once you come across a set of worn out doors, another will be hiding behind it
17. Turn around and you’ll find one at the top of the steps
18. There’ll be a tall pillar/structure nearby, head towards it and you’ll find another resting right at the top
19. Look right and another volleyball will be on the ground
20. And another on top of a boulder
21. Jump off and you’ll find another between 2 boulders
22. A wall nearby covered in foliage is where you’ll discover another, switch on your flash light if you don’t find it
23. Head towards the beach and a huge boulder will hide another collectible
24. Turn back and walk towards a cave filled with medic supplies, a volleyball can be found hidden in one of the open medic kits
25. And another across the cave on the ground next to 2 unopened medic kits
26. Go past the worn down door and another will be hiding in the wall
27. Go back into the cave and out the other exit to find another on the ground, in the bushes
28. Continue on the path and you’ll find another volleyball resting on the rock near a set of small steps
29. There’ll be another conveniently resting in the leaves in a ‘window’ opening to the medic cave
30. Turn around and follow the path to find the last collectible resting behind a tree on your right.

THAT'S IT! Congrats :) Remember, you just need 10 of these to get the achievo.
Sev501 5 Feb, 2017 @ 11:43pm 
Help! :D