Fallout 4
630 avaliações
How to get through survival mode
Por th_toothboy
You think you can handle it? No? Well I help you out.
Survival mode can be accessed in the options menu and can also be turned off.
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1. General things
  • You can only safe by sleeping and by exiting the game. (The exit save can only be loaded once!)
  • Fast travel is disabled.
  • You take but also deal more damage.
  • Threats are not visible on the compass.
  • Locations show much later up on compass.
  • You have to sleep, eat and drink.
  • All foods lose their healing properties and do not regain them until enough is consumed to make you "well-fed."
  • There are illnesses (Find a doctor or take antibiotics to cure them)
  • Healing rates of RadAway, stimpaks, and other healing items are significantly reduced.
  • RadAway and chems can negatively affect the immune system.
  • Sleeping in a bed for less than 7 hours does not heal Hit Points.
  • Ammunition has weight and total carry weight is significantly reduced for both you and your companions.
  • Companions will not get back up if downed in combat until healed. If left unattended, they will return home.
2. Perks
The here listed perks are very useful in survival mode. They mostly focussed on survivability.

You should focus on one of the damage increasing perks for your weapons like Rifleman or Big Leagues. I recommend to go with Rifleman because rifles and shotguns doesn't consume that much ammunition and rifles can be perfectly used on long range. It's always good to be undetected in survial mode.

Lead Belly - This let you take less radiation from eating or drinking and at rank 3 no radiation from eating or drinking. Some times you don't have any other choice and have to drink dirty water or eat pre-war food. This won't be a problem with this perk.

Aquaboy/Aquagirl - At rank 1 you no longer take radiation damage from swimming, and can breathe underwater. Rank 2 makes you become totally undetectable while submerged. This is pretty useful but not absolutely necessary.

Lone Wanderer - Rank 1: When adventuring without a companion, you take 15% less damage and carry weight increases by 50.
Rank 2: When adventuring without a companion, you take 30% less damage and carry weight increases by 100
Rank 3: When adventuring without a companion, you do 25% more damage.
Rank 4: When adventuring without a companion, you have 25 more action points. You can also take Dogmeat with you and the perk will still work. If you decide so, Attack Dog could be useful to you.

Local Leader - With this you are able to establish supply lines between your workshop settlements at rank 1. You can build stores and workstations at workshop settlements at rank 2. Later more to this perk and why it is so important in survival mode.

Scrapper - Works perfectly with Local Leader. You can salvage uncommon and rare components when scrapping weapons and armor. (Rank 1 and 2) At rank 3 you get more from salvaging. You always need these components to build in your settlement.

Chemist - You are able to craft your own chems at rank 1 but more important you can make antibiotics by yourself.

With high endurance you also have more HP. In survival mode you die fast any way, but it's an difference if you can endure 2 or 6 hits.
Depending on your playstyle you want some other skills too like Ninja, Sneak or Mister Sandman if you are into stealth.
Toughness or Life Giver if you are into open combat.
3. Settlements
Settlements are the way to survive in survival mode. In settlements you can socialize, sleep, drink and eat safely. I recommend you to build in every settlement at least one water pump. What the most people don't know is you can actually refill beer bottles, Nuka-Cola bottles and pretty much every other bottle in the game with purified water on a water pump. You can also directly drink from the water pump without taking any radiation. You should also have at least one bed (I mean no sleeping bag and no dirty mattress.) in which you can sleep 24 hours at a time. You won't be tied anymore after sleeping 8 hours. Settlements are spread all over the Commonwealth, so you have basically every time you are in trouble an settlement close to your current location.

Lokal Leader really helps you out by building in your settlements. You can set up supply lines which basically connect your settlements with each other. If you have for example 200 wood in Sanctuary but no wood at Bunker Hill set up an supply line and you can use all the materials you have in Sanctuary.
4. Fast Travel
*minor spioler in this section*

As you all should know, fast travel is turned off in survival mode. Some of you may not want to travel all the way by foot. Well there is an alternative for all of them.
If you become a member of the Brotherhood of Steel you will gain access to vertibird signal grenades, with these grenades you can call a vertibird from the brotherhood of steel which can fly to every location you have already discovered. (no you don't have to side with them at the end of the storyline)
How to use it: Equip the grenade like any other grenade in ur inventory. Then throw it on the ground. Wait for a few seconds and you will hear the noises of the veribird. After the vertibird has landed you can enter it. Open your pip boy and choose on the map the location you want to go to. The pilot will start the engine and you will actually fly to the location. It's far more faster than traveling by foot.
Where to purchase the grenades: You can buy the veribird signal grenades from Proctor Teagan on the Prydwen. (or from Tinker Tom at the Railroad HQ or from Ronnie Shaw at the Castle)

If you destroy the Brotherhood with for example the Minuteman, the vertibird fast travel service gets taken over by them. Same thing will happen if you destroy the Brotherhood with the Railroad. (Institute will not get the vertibird function)
5. Playstyle
You probably have to change the way you play the game. Hunt every animal down you find in order to get their meat. Stay hidden and have an eye on the environment. Keep your eyes open for mines and hidden enemies. Use V.A.T.S to easly spot enemies. Plan your travel routes to avoid enemies. Use every mattress you find to save the game (If your resources allow it). Focus on two or three weapons, for example I use an rifle, an shotgun and if I run out of bullets a machete. Take only with you what really need to survive. (You will not need 200 fusion cells if you don't use the weapon for it.) Don't fight a fight you can't win, run instead.
A few words about power armor:
Power armor is pretty useless if you want to sneak and some enemies can even hit you though it, but in the end it depends on your playstyle. (Power armor is still good and fun to play with) Be aware you can't swim in your power armor and some other things like sitting down on a chair aren't possible as well.

Leave a comment if you have any other useful tips.

If this guide helped you out please leave a thumbs up. =)
93 comentário(s)
Landvogt 19 de mai. às 14:04 
had to repeat quest 5 times cuz i couldnt save my game
ACSlater 30/dez./2023 às 10:36 
I mean, crashing will be your worst enemy
troj 29/nov./2023 às 11:37 
Hexor Tyr

Catsander 16/ago./2023 às 8:55 
Since you're an expert I'd love to see if your guide is any better, Blitz?
Hexor Tyr 15/ago./2023 às 23:51 
You can't read a guide in detail if the guide itself lacks detail. You should be updating the guide whenever you learn something new. You can't blame me for a subpar guide you wrote because I reasonably critiqued your guide and then go on to make a terrible excuse for not updating your own guide.

Your intentions are good, but nothing else is.
Daro Silvertail [PL] 15/ago./2023 às 6:27 
adrenaline actually increases the more enemies you kill and the longer you sleep the more you lose the bonus so adrenaline can be high risk high reward if you decide to not sleep which as you know is main method of saving on survival
th_toothboy  [autor(a)] 15/ago./2023 às 6:09 
U clearly didn't read the guide in detail (I wrote: power armor is pretty useless if you want to sneak, which is because of the noise true). But I have to admit, that I wrote the guide when I was like 60 hours in survival and I learned many things afterwards. I decided to let the guide as it is, because it could still help out many people as u can see in the commentsection.
Hexor Tyr 15/ago./2023 às 2:48 
Not a great guide. Lead Belly is unnecessary. Power armour isn't useless - it's actually even more useful in some situations.

I will also add that you do not make it clear how the adrenaline perk works. Yes, you take extra damage in survival, but the longer you are awake, the more damage you end up dealing until you sleep. It's a risk vs reward system that works really well.

This isn't a guide I'd recommend to anyone starting out survival. I wouldn't recommend any guide, in fact. I would just tell people that the only way to play FO4 is in survival mode.
Zalzadar_dz. 11/abr./2023 às 2:08 
Daro Silvertail [PL] 3/abr./2023 às 4:51 
you forgot to mention that you can pick up junk bottles and fill them with dirty water from puddles or water pump in settlements, really useful in survival