

62 ratings
Burning Hell's Fire Warlock - 1200+ Anomaly Guide v0.62.1
By Phantasma
My Fire warlock guide. Quite possibly the most powerful build in the game at the moment in terms of offensive ability, defensive ability, clear speed vs group, and clear speed vs bosses.
This is a Warlock Fire build using the Burning Hell's set. See that Anomaly 1200+ Boss right over there, the one with 10 billion+ HP? Want to kill him in less than 3 seconds? WELL NOW YOU CAN! WITH THIS BUILD!

This guide will basically focus on what the build is, the playstyle/mechanics, what skills I use and why, and also the equipment used. It will be very straight to the point. Note that this is an end game build, so good equipment is required for the full effect.


-Kills everything almost instantly
-Highly mobile
-Very high defenses
-Can play it both short range or long range
-Most powerful build in the game



To get an an idea of what this build looks like in action, here is a short video:

You can play this close range. You can play this long range. You can use warp to zip around. Or you can walk really fast. There are a few different play styles you can do with this build, all of them have one thing in common: that is, no matter what style you pick, you will nuke pretty much everything with this build.

The equipment set used is Regalia of Burning Hells. This turns Combustion into a nuclear bomb. The skills used are Fire Storm for close range, Hell Pit for long range/bosses, Warp for mobility and activating Sun+Moon. You also have the Demon Spawn ultimate to keep you alive whenever you warp around, as it pushes enemies out of your way, but they get hit by Firestorm and die as they get knocked back.

It's a very high damage and very mobile build, with no setbacks at all because due to not having any need for critical chance/critical damage, you can dump all your enhancements slots into HP. Because of this HP stacking, you can get about 37k HP, which means every time you get a soul, you get a shield that has about 17K HP to absorb damage. You get this shield NON STOP due to warping/killing enemies. This, plus maxed out resists and 25% evasion due to warp passive, plus any nearby enemy gets knocked back, makes it very difficult for anything to kill you.

The equipment I used is full Burning Hells set, combined with Sun+Moon for damage amplification. The burning Hells set amplifies the damage of Combustion, which has 55% to activate and deals all the damage of burning hells all at once. If you have a lot of effect duration, you can boost this damage by a lot. With the full set, you get 10 more seconds of burning hells, which his huge. Sun and moon further amplifies this damage by multiplying it by 3. The result is damage in the billions.

For most of my equipment, I rolled Cooldown Reduction, Effect Duration, Resist All, and Health. There is no need for critical chance/critical damage for this build (the damage is already high without it) unless you want even more damage. At high anomalies, defensive stats are preferred if you can manage it.

Here is a list of my equipment and their enchantments:

Helmet: Crown of Burning Hells

Accessory: Health Injector

Amulet: Moon

Offhand: Opus of Burning Hells

Armor: Robes of Burning Hells

Weapon: Staff of Burning Hells

Boots: Pathmakers

Ring: Sun

Skills and Masteries
Active skills in my skill bar:

Warp: Fire Storm : Demon Spawn : Soul Trap : Hell Pit : Ritual of Souls

Skill Trees:


Not much here, just a single point into Epidemic for some attack speed (it counts as cast speed and makes you spells less clunky.


You will want to get Warp and max it's passives. You want Frozen Veil and Frozen Core as well.


Max Soul Trap, Demon Heart, and also it is important that you get the passives Soul Empowerment and Demonic Appetite maxed. Max Fire Storm and get the Demon Spawn ultimate. Of course, max everything in the Burning Hells tree. Get 1 point into Hell Pit, and max the second passive.


The utility tree. VERY important to max Ritual of Souls, Soul Feast, and Soul Rip.


And here are the Masteries. You can be flexible here. Most of your points will go into Burning Hells for damage, but I've added points for more health. Don't need anymore damage, already have too much!

Very fun build to play, it reminds me of my poison warlock, which sadly does not do enough damage now that enemies can have hundreds of millions of HP and bosses, 10 billion+ HP. Damage over time will probably get buffed in the future, hopefully. I really hope the other classes can get their equipment/skills buffed so they can be fun to play too!.

Questions/Suggestions? Feel free to comment!

GrungeBro 17 Jun, 2021 @ 3:55pm 
dont expect an update anytime soon..seems guide writer does not play anymore
Demiurge 12 May, 2021 @ 3:02pm 
build update?
VaporKitten 2 Jul, 2019 @ 11:30am 
Materies for the new update ?
Orion 17 Nov, 2018 @ 9:38am 
Fantastic build to get through Act 1-4 in patch 0.82. First char, heroic difficulty. Was slow going in A1, rushed hell pit in demon tree. Then worked towards firestorm.

Used whatever gear I found, didn't farm gear. After a very slow A1, A2 was a breeze and I was lawnmowering away.

So much fun! Finished A4 (end of current game) at lv86 on heroic.

I could have easily upped the difficulty but some champions were still slow to kill, I assume due to the hellpit nerf.

Heading into anomolies, as other people said it probably doesnt reach as high as it used to, but I'm having a blast playing anyways! I can always respec later once I hit a wall.
AH-1 Cobra 15 Nov, 2017 @ 10:42am 
This build doesn't work anymore as of a couple patches ago. This was the most powerful build in the game, and now it's not.

I don't disagree with the nerf. because this build was too OP. Nothing else really compared, and none of the other classes had anything that could compete with this.

I would rather see a larger variety of end game builds than 1-2 super OP ones, with the rest being garbage.
jackaho 8 Oct, 2017 @ 6:40pm 
Looks fun, everybody seems to like the warlock but I struggle with him in early game. Upvoted.
I love Yeti 8 Oct, 2017 @ 3:45am 
Well this Buikd is Outdatet. Will you do an Update?
Fab 27 May, 2017 @ 7:18am 
This build has sort of ruined the game for me, being the first build I made. I find it difficult to even try out any other warlock build, or other classes for that matter. It's ridiculously strong.
AH-1 Cobra 24 May, 2017 @ 10:49am 
Here is the gem setup I'm using for my burning hell's fire warlock:

- x3 +20% chance to soul rip on accessory, amulet, ring. This gives me 100% chance to soul rip targets. Which means I get more HP/Mana, and frozen veil refreshes. Massive survivability boost. Also means I can use ritual of souls more frequently, and that gives me extended HP/mana and more damage.

x3 +12% reach on weapons and offhand. This extends the AOE range of firestorm so you can clear rooms easier.

x6 + 10% effect duration on armor, helm, boots. Burning hells fire warlock does damage based on "remaining total damage" which means more duration = equates to more damage. This = about +25% MORE damage.
MaxyDee 21 May, 2017 @ 8:35am 
Is Flaming Hells a Sorcery effect? I am trying to figure out taking Master Sorcery. :)