Counter-Strike 2

Counter-Strike 2

126 ratings
Advanced Config - Scripts, Binds, Launch Options, Settings
By atlas.
- Working,copyable config with minimal modification
- Instructions for configs & individual scripts
- Known and unique scripts and aliases
- Formatted in Steam & Notepad
Important - READ ME
Important Information
  • This auto exec config is a collection of scripts from various youtubers, reddit, the banana gaming forum and steam forum posts.
  • Some of these scripts are my creation while many others are not - I have modified many of the scripts to meet my specific needs and I encourage you to do the same. I take no credit for many of these scripts as I am not the creator of the original scripts. I have simply combined different scripts to produce different effects.
  • YOU CANNOT BE VAC BANNED FOR USING ANYTHING IN THIS CONFIG. Nothing in this config is cheating, it simply refines and improves game play by introducing more intuition into the controls and HUD.
  • If you are not running a top of the line gaming rig many of these config options can make your game run faster and smoother. If you do have a rig, these same options can utilize more of your expensive hardware.
  • 3rd Party Platforms such as ESEA and FACEIT have their own config rules. The settings in this config are NOT configured for ESEA or FACE IT and you will have to make a separate config for that platform if you wish to play. Their config rules are not listed here, you will need to research that yourself.
  • I use barely any of the default controls. Please check the controls list below and if you wish to make any changes, make them in the Scripts section within the applicable script.
  • The specific launch options and settings I use are unique to my system. Before booting csgo.exe with this config you MUST change the settings to suit your hardware. failure to do this may result in game crashes or BSODs. Make sure that the launch options are customised to your system as well.
  • If you are unsure on how to change something or want something to work differently, Steam forums and reddit are your best friend, a little research is much faster than bothering youtubers or your friends.
  • Alternatively, type cvarlist in console in the game to show the list of convars/concommands or click here to see an online list by Valve.
  • Check out Pumkins guide to learn about basic scripting in Source
  • [PIPES] CSGO Config []
    An updated link to my config is above. If you are new to writing scripts in source and wish to extract a script from this guide this is the best way.Copying & pasting a script from this link will ensure your script is working.
  • Formatting in notepad makes scripts in this guide much harder to read, so I have removed much of the syntax required to isolate the aliases. If you are experienced with scripts I have made any instructions or titles in italics and/or underlines, so that the aliases are visible.
  • Check out my collection of training maps and cs:go knowledge sources for advanced players here.
    -Cheers and enjoy,
    HUD Scripts
  • Ninja Defuse Goggles
  • Inspect Shows Netgraph Zooms Radar
  • Show advanced damage when you die
  • Netgraph with Scoreboard
  • In-Game leader Multi- Function Reload
  • See Teammates through walls toggle
  • Change hands
  • AWP Quick Switch

  • Demo Overwatch Controls

  • Advanced Grenade Script
  • Advanced Multi Function Bind Script
  • Custom Radio Messages
  • Bomb Drop
  • Clutch Bind
  • Voice Toggle
  • Left Handed Comms
  • Safe Rifle Drop
  • Voice Chat Volume w/ Volume Bar
  • Mic Check

  • Perfect Crouch Jump
  • Perfect Jump Throw
  • Shift Walk & Listen
  • Advanced Grenade Crosshairs w/ Smoke Jumpthrow

    Launch Options

  • Remove Video
  • Screen Refresh Rate
  • Server Tick Rate
  • Autoexec
  • Language
  • FPS Boost
  • CPU Prioritization
  • Thread Prioritization
  • Alt Tab Faster
  • Remove Joystick
  • FPS Boost -Preload Maps

    Devices [Mouse,Sound,Video]
  • Raw Input
  • Disable Mouse Acceleration
  • Voice Comms Volume
  • HTRF
  • Easy Footsteps
  • Speaker Config
  • Radial Pan
  • Menu Volume
  • Lobby Mic Mute
  • Brightness
  • TV Mode

  • Rates
  • Packets
  • Interpolation
  • Client Side Movement
  • Custom Server Downloads
  • Max Ping

  • Crosshair Generator
  • Crosshair Settings

    Net Graph
  • Height
  • Size
  • Text Fields
  • Latency

    Viewmodel, Bob, Radar
  • Viewmodel Generator
  • Bob Settings
  • Radar Settings

    HUD Settings
  • Game instructions
  • Freeze cam
  • Message of the day
  • Target Names
  • HUD Position
  • Buy Menu
  • Steam Overlay Position
  • Team mates through walls
  • Tean information through walls
  • Hide tracers
  • Screenshot of scoreboard

    Custom Radar Maps with Call-outs
  • With Callouts
  • Without Callouts

How to Save A Config
The Config Path Has Changed

  • The config path USED TO BE ".../Steam/steamapps/common/Counter Strike Global Offensive/csgo/cfg" but it has changed to the one shown below!
  • The location of your config has now changed so you can create individual configs for individual accounts on the same machine. The location where this config must be saved is listed below.
  • /C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\#########\730\local\cfg
  • The ###'s represent your Steam ID Number. To find this go to your inventory in steam and click trade offers, who can send me trade offers?
  • Under "THIRD PARTY SITES" your steam TRADE LINK url is listed. Your STEAM ID is listed inbetween "partner=" and "&token"

  • This number demarcates YOUR userdata folder. This is where we save our config.

    Saving This Config

  • Save this notepad in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\#########\730\local\cfg.
    Remember to put talking marks on either side so it saves as a .cfg and not a .txt. EG: "pipes.cfg" NOT myname.cfg.txt
  • NB: If there are two files in the cfg folder eg. pipes.cfg and pipes.txt or pipes.cfg and pipes.cfg.txt, make sure that the yourname.cfg is the only file of that name and is up to date. ".txts" may be read by steam and result in changes to your config not being picked up by the game.
  • Save a backup of your config somewhere in case you need to reset windows at some point, I recommend creating a paste at and saving the URL in your steam profile description.
  • Remember to put "+exec pipes.cfg" in Launch options. EG: +exec(space)yourname.cfg
  • Restart the game for config changes to take affect.
Launch Options
Launch Options
These are settings for CSGO.exe and affect the program as a whole every time you launch it on that steam account. They are not a functioning part of this config, but here is a useful place to list the ones that are useful
  • Right click on the game in Steam Library to Find the Run Window

  • CSGO Properties-> General -> Set Launch Options

  • Here are my current launch options NB: These are specific to my computer and may crash the game if you don't change them to be appropriate to your system
  • When writing commands in the launch options run window, separate each command by a single space only. Below is an exact copy paste of my current launch options.
  • -novid -refresh 60 -tickrate 128 +exec pipes.cfg -language custom +mat_queue_mode 2 -high -threads 4 -nod3d9ex -nojoy +cl_forcepreload 1

  • -novid
    removes the Valve logo video] before the home lobby

  • -refresh 60
    keeps the game refreshing your screen at the correct hertz (insert your screens refresh rate)

  • -tickrate 128
    ensures your server is 128 tick when you open your own

  • +exec pipes.cfg
    VERY IMPORTANT - ensures that this config loads with the game. this means you do not need to edit autoexecs in steam files. NB: if you change the name of this config change the name in your Launch options also.

  • -language custom
    Makes sure Banana Gamings Custom Text and Colour Mod v3 is the default.

  • +mat_queue_mode 2
    Can give better FPS.

  • -high
    Prioritizes CS:GO for CPU

  • -threads 4
    Dictates threads used by CPU (use 2 if you use a dual-core CPU)

  • -nod3d9ex
    Makes ALT+TAB faster

  • -nojoy
    Removes joystick support

  • +cl_forcepreload 1
    Increases FPS by preloading maps
Devices [Mouse,Sound,Video]
Make sure your gaming mouse is using "Raw Input" & "No Acceleration"

  • m_rawinput "1"
  • Enable Raw Input for perfect precision (Raw input is unavailable on OSX)

  • m_mouseaccel2 "0"
    Disables windows mouse acceleration initial threshold, safety precaution

  • m_mouseaccel1 "0"
    Disables windows mouse acceleration initial threshold, safety precaution

  • m_customaccel "0"
    Custom mouse acceleration disabled

  • m_mousespeed "0"
    Windows mouse acceleration disabled, just for precaution


    doesn't affect volume in-game, adjust that yourself

  • voice_scale 0.5
    Turns down the volume of other players voice to 50%

  • snd_use_hrtf 1
    Turn on/off Head-Related Transfer Function CURRENTLY ON

  • snd_headphone_pan_exponent 2
    Easier to hear footsteps

  • windows_speaker_config 1
    In-Game Audio Type Select// -1 auto-pick,1 headset, 3 four speakers, 4 two speakers, 5 surround

  • snd_headphone_pan_radial_weight 50
    Changes how close to the crosshair a sound source has to be before it is centered in your headphones. Scales 1-100.

  • snd_menumusicvolume "0.3"
    Turns down menu music, easier on the ears

  • lobby_voice_chat_enabled "0"
    Turns microphone off by default in lobby (it can still be activated by clicking the mic button on the rhs of the lobby.)

    Video - Brightness & Disabling TV Mode

  • mat_monitorgamma "1.6"
    Sets the Brightness to it's highest value, highly recommended

  • mat_monitorgamma_tv_enabled "0"
    Turn off TV Mode for less off-set light
These network settings are optimized for high speed internet
  • rate "500000"
    New rate values, this seems to work best for my matchmaking experience

  • cl_cmdrate "128"
    Max number of command packets sent to server per second

  • cl_updaterate "128"
    Number of packets per second you are requesting from the server

  • cl_interp_ratio "1"
    Sets the interpolation amount (final amount is cl_interp_ratio / cl_updaterate)

  • cl_interp "0"
    Sets the interpolation amount, always set this to 0

  • cl_lagcompensation "1"
    Lag compensation helps by eliminating combat latency from client side view

  • cl_predict "1"
    Skip waiting for server feedback and simulate client side movement in real-time

  • cl_predictweapons "1"
    Skip waiting for server feedback and perform client side prediction of weapon effects

  • cl_downloadfilter "nosounds"
    Doesn't download custom sounds on custom servers. Saves massive amounts of loading time.

  • mm_dedicated_search_maxping "50"
    Maxping Search in Matchmaking

Current settings are for a single embossed green dot in the centre of the screen, no crosshair lines and no movement from the crosshair.

You can try out different pro crosshairs on this workshop map -
  • cl_crosshairstyle "5"
    0="Default"-Spreads when moving,shooting (Dot w/circle+lines
    1= "Default Static"-Static (Dot w/lines)
    2=-"Classic"-Spreads when moving,shooting (No Dot, Lines, Outer Dots)
    3="Classic Dynamic"-Spreads when moving,shooting (No dot, just lines)
    4="Classic Static"-Static (just lines)// 5="Classic 1.6"-only spreads while shooting (just lines)

  • cl_crosshair_drawoutline "1"
    Embosses crosshair with black outline

  • cl_crosshair_outlinethickness "2"
    Thickness of embossed black outline

  • cl_crosshair_dynamic_maxdist_splitratio "0.35"
    Min 0 Max 1 ONLY FOR STYLE 2

  • cl_crosshair_dynamic_splitalpha_innermod "1"
    Min 0 Max 1 ONLY FOR STYLE 2

  • cl_crosshair_dynamic_splitalpha_outermod "0.5"
    Min 0.3 Max 1 ONLY FOR STYLE 2

  • cl_crosshair_dynamic_splitdist "7"
    This is the distance that the crosshair pips will split into 2

  • cl_crosshair_sniper_width "1"
    Width of scoped crosshairs

  • cl_crosshair_sniper_show_normal_inaccuracy "1"
    Blurs scoped crosshairs when moving

  • cl_crosshairusealpha "1"
    Toggles Crosshair Transparency

  • cl_crosshairalpha "255"
    Crosshair Transparency

  • cl_crosshaircolor "5"
    Crosshair Colour 0=Red 1=Green 2=Yellow 3=Blue 4=Cyan 5=Custom RGB
    cl_crosshaircolor_b "0"
    Amount of Blue in Custom
    cl_crosshaircolor_g "255"
    Amount of Green in Custom
    cl_crosshaircolor_r "0"
    Amount of Red in Custom

  • cl_crosshairdot "1"
    Toggle Dot in centre of screen

  • cl_crosshairgap "5000000000"
    Gap between the 4 lines and the centre of the screen.

  • cl_crosshairgap_useweaponvalue "0"
    Makes the crosshair dynamic - wider for shorter range weapons, tighter for longer range (Disabled for styles 0 and 1)

  • cl_crosshairscale "0"
    NO LONGER IN USE (used to determine size)

  • cl_crosshairsize "5"
    Size. Default 5 Min 0 Max -

  • cl_crosshairthickness "1.5"
    Thickness of Lines

  • cl_fixedcrosshairgap "5000000000"
    Fixed gap between lines
Net Graph
Net Graph
How much frames you have and solid graph

  • net_graph "1"
    Shows my network usage data

  • net_graphheight "99999"
    Changes height Currently set off screen so that other scripts can re-position it

  • net_graphmsecs "25"
    The latency graph represents this many milliseconds

  • net_graphpos "2"
    Positioning of Net Graph

  • net_graphproportionalfont "0"
    Makes font smaller- 0/larger -1

  • net_graphshowinterp "1"
    Shows interpolation value

  • net_graphshowlatency "1"
    Shows latency value

  • net_graphsolid "1"
    Solid Net Graph

  • net_graphtext "1"
    Shows text fields

  • net_maxroutable "1200"
    Requested max packet size before packets are 'split'

  • net_scale "8"
    Makes font smaller

  • fps_max "300"
    Map loads fast and allows high frames
Viewmodel, Bob, Radar

Viewmodel is set to "DOOM" style, the weapon is closer to the centre of the screen and pulled back and down to increase field of view. (Custom Viewmodels are against the rules in Pro Tournaments and ESEA, but are allowed in standard competitive queue.)
You can tweak your viewmodel live in this workshop map

  • viewmodel_offset_x "-2.0"
    Changes viewmodel view in X axis

  • viewmodel_offset_y "-2.0"
    Changes viewmodel view in Y axis

  • viewmodel_offset_z "-2.0"
    Changes viewmodel view in Z axis

  • viewmodel_fov "68"
    Highest viewmodel FOV is 68


    How much you move around with weapons

    Currently set to subtle movement to indicate movement inaccuracy but much less than default.
  • cl_bob_lower_amt "21"
    How much the view model lowers when running, set to lowest for less distraction

  • cl_bobamt_lat "0.15"
    How much the viewmodel moves side to side when running, set to lowest for less distraction

  • cl_bobamt_vert "0.15"
    How much the viewmodel moves up and down when running, set to lowest for less distraction

  • cl_bobcycle "0.98"
    The frequency at which the viewmodel bobs, set to default

  • cl_viewmodel_shift_left_amt "1.5"
    Removes shifting of arms

  • cl_viewmodel_shift_right_amt "0.75"
    Removes shifting of arms


  • cl_hud_bomb_under_radar "1"
    Draws bomb under radar, convenient

  • cl_hud_radar_scale "1"
    Radar Size, not too big and not too small

  • cl_radar_scale "0.4"
    Radar Map Scale Size, 0.4 is perfect on all maps

  • cl_radar_always_centered "0"
    Centers map instead of player in radar, important

  • cl_radar_square_with_scoreboard "0"
    If set to 1, the radar will toggle to square when the scoreboard is visible.

  • bind "kp_enter" "incrementvar cl_radar_scale 0.3 0.6 0.05"
    This lets you adjust radar scale with numpad enter
HUD Settings
HUD Settings

  • gameinstructor_enable "0"
    Removes in game lessons, very distracting when you don't need to defuse a bomb.

  • cl_showhelp "0"
    Removes on-screen help

  • cl_autohelp "0"
    Removes automatic help

  • cl_disablefreezecam "1"
    Disables Freezecam, very important to have off for team calling

  • cl_disablehtmlmotd "1"
    Removes "Message of the day" page when joining a server

  • cl_draw_only_deathnotices "0"
    For drawing only the crosshair and death notices (used for movie making)

  • cl_drawhud "1"
    Enable the rendering of the hud

  • hud_showtargetid "1"
    Enables display of target names, important

  • cl_teammate_colors_show 1
    Show teammates as separate colors in the radar, 2 is for letters

  • cl_hud_bomb_under_radar "1"
    Draws bomb under radar, convenient

  • cl_hud_color "7"
    Makes the hud color yellow, for banana style

  • cl_hud_playercount_showcount "1"
    Shows player avatars instead of numbers left

  • cl_hud_playercount_pos "1"
    Puts player information in the bottom instead of top

  • cl_hud_healthammo_style "1"
    Simplified information on HP/AP and ammo

  • cl_hud_background_alpha "0.2"
    Hidden but still visible black bars, easy on the eyes

  • cl_loadout_colorweaponnames "1"
    Weapon names are colored in loadout to match their rarity

  • cl_showloadout "1"
    So it doesnt fade out the weapon slots, very annoying otherwise

  • hud_scaling "0.95"
    Scales hud elements to maximum value

  • safezonex "1.0"
    Default Value is 1.0 // These commands make the hud go closer to the middle
  • safezoney "1.0"
    Default Value is 1.0 // These commands make the hud go closer to the middle

  • ui_steam_overlay_notification_position [bottom][right]
    determines position of steam overlay notifcation. Top/Bottom Left/Right

  • closeonbuy "0"
    Keeps the buy menu OPEN each time you buy an item.

  • cl_teamid_overhead_always 1
    Setting this to 1 keeps the coloured arrows above your teammates on permanently and visible through walls

  • +cl_show_team_equipment 1
    This will display target id and equipment as well.

  • r_drawtracers_firstperson "0"
    Hides bullet tracers in first person view

  • hud_takesshots "1"
    Takes a screenshot of the scoreboard at the end of each match
Custom Radar Maps
Custom Radar Maps
You can change the maps that your radar uses in game.
Many people have made custom maps to replace the default ones.
This is because visually they give you an advantage by labelling callouts, presenting key areas, corners or elevations more clearly, and removing much of the clutter found in the default maps.

You can download several matchmaking maps
    Check out Froosh's teams guide.
  • All of Froosh's Maps with callouts. Reddit post by Ninja Max Pro
    Simple Radar [] also makes great maps with better colours and clarity.
    This will not get you VAC banned.It works on MM, CEVO and FaceIT (not sure about ESEA)

    To install, simply extract the .dds files and replace them in the CS:GO /resource/overview folder in the appropriate folder.

  • C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Counter-Strike Global Offensive\csgo\resource\overviews (64-bit)
  • C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\common\Counter-Strike Global Offensive\csgo\resource\overviews (32-bit)

    Banana Gaming's Maxim also has a video on creating your own custom maps.
HUD Scripts
HUD Scripts

  • Ninja Defuse Goggles
    Shows where the bomb is when you hold down E. perfect for hunting for the bomb in smoke when Ninja Defusing.
    alias "+ninja" "gameinstructor_enable 1;+use"
    alias "-ninja" "gameinstructor_enable 0;-use"
    bind "e" "+ninja"

  • Multi Function Inspect v4
    Inspect Zooms & Inflates Radar + Shows Netgraph
    alias radar "+radar"//
    alias "+radar" "cl_radar_always_centered 1; cl_radar_scale 0.60; net_graphheight 0; alias radar -radar"//
    alias "-radar" "cl_radar_always_centered 1; cl_radar_scale 0.30; net_graphheight 9999; alias radar +radar"//
    bind "t" "radar;+lookatweapon"//

  • Advanced Damage
    Displays The Damage you did to each player at the END of each round in the TOP LEFT corner of the screen.
    alias displaydamage "displaydamage_on"//
    alias displaydamage_on "con_filter_text Damage Given To; con_filter_text_out Player:; con_filter_enable 2; developer 1; playvol buttons\blip1 0.7; say_team Advanced Damage On; alias displaydamage "displaydamage_off""//
    alias displaydamage_off "con_filter_enable 0; developer 0; playvol buttons\blip2 0.7; say_team Advanced Damage Off; alias displaydamage "displaydamage_on""//
    bind "f3" "displaydamage"// Bind to whatever you prefer (Default F5)

  • Advanced Display Damage Permanent
    Displays The Damage you did to each player at the END of each round and after you die in the TOP LEFT corner of the screen - A permanent alternative to the script above

    developer "1"
    con_filter_enable "2"
    con_filter_text "Damage given"
    con_filter_text_out "Player:"

  • Netgraph + Scoreboard
    Brings up the Netgraph when youre viewing the scoreboard. Red flashing numbers in the netgraph will attract your attention if there is something wrong with your connection and you are just checking the score.
    net_graph "1"//
    net_graphheight "9999"//
    alias scorenet "+scorenet"//
    alias "+scorenet" "+showscores; net_graphheight 0; alias scorenet +scorenet//
    alias "-scorenet" "-showscores; net_graphheight 9999; alias scorenet -scorenet"//
    bind "TAB" "+scorenet"//

  • IGL Multi-Function Reload
    Tap R to Reload, Hold down R to check your fps/ping, show your teammates names, economy and equipment through walls. Extremely useful as the netgraph and team equipment are not distracting during combat, but can be used to in-game lead with ease, and to check ones ping while in combat without obscuring fov.

    alias "+reloadnet"//
    alias "+reloadnet" "+reload; net_graphheight 0;+cl_show_team_equipment; cl_radar_scale 0.1"//
    alias "-reloadnet" "-reload; net_graphheight 9999; -cl_show_team_equipment; -radar"//
    bind "r" "+reloadnet"//

  • Team Equipment Toggle
    This will show your teammates names and equipment through walls.
    alias "toggleinfo" "info_on"
    alias "info_on" "+cl_show_team_equipment; alias toggleinfo info_off"
    alias "info_off" "-cl_show_team_equipment; alias toggleinfo info_on"
    bind "n" "toggleinfo"

  • Toggle Hand
    Toggles Left Hand/Right Hand

    alias togglehand "+togglehand" //
    alias +togglehand "alias togglehand -togglehand; cl_righthand 0"//
    alias -togglehand "alias togglehand +togglehand; cl_righthand 1"//
    bind m "togglehand"//

  • Toggle FPS during loading screen
    Loads maps faster if you are still running older generation hard drives.

    alias fpschange "fpschange_high"//
    alias fpschange_high "fps_max 999; playvol buttons\blip1 0.5; alias fpschange "fpschange_low"//
    alias fpschange_low "fps_max 60; playvol buttons\blip2 0.5; alias fpschange "fpschange_high"//
    bind "KEY" "fpschange"//
Controls Commands
Control Commands
  • bind "k" "say !R"
    Used together with CKSurf plugin for Bhop, Surf & Kz. Activates menu in surf servers.

  • unbind "q"
    miss-pressing W will not mess with you in game.

  • unbind "i"
    So you don't accidentally enable hud fade, which is very annoying

  • unbind "`"
    Unbinds Tilde (I hit it all the time when trying to press 1)

  • bind "1" "slot1;cl_righthand 1"
    Bind primary weapon to 1 and makes it righthanded

  • bind "2" "slot2;cl_righthand 1"
    Bind Pistol to 2 and make it right handed

  • bind "3" "slot3;cl_righthand 1"
    Bind 3 to Knife (double press Zuess)

  • bind "4" "slot4;cl_righthand 0"
    Bind Utility (all nades) to 4 and make it left handed

  • bind "6" "use weapon_flashbang;cl_righthand 0"
    Bind Flash to 6 and make it left handed

  • bind "7" "use weapon_decoy;cl_righthand 0"
    Bind Decoy to 7 and make it left handed

  • bind "8" "use weapon_smokegrenade;cl_righthand 0"
    Bind Smoke Grenade to 8 and make it left handed

  • bind "9" "use weapon_hegrenade;cl_righthand 0"
    Bind HE to 9 and make it left handed

  • bind "0" "use weapon_incgrenade; use weapon_molotov; cl_lefthand 0"
    Bind Molotov/Incendiary to 0 and make it left handed

  • bind "b" "buymenu"
    Binds B to open the buy menu

  • bind "]" "toggleconsole"
    Binds ] to Console Toggle

  • cl_use_opens_buy_menu "0"
    Disables E from opening buy-menu, really useful

  • cl_autowepswitch "0"
    Don't auto-pick weapons

  • cl_use_opens_buy_menu "0"
    Disables E from opening buy-menu
Control Scripts
  • AWP Quick Switch by Kulagan
    Press F2 to activate the Quick Switch when you have an awp. When you fire, both no scope and scoped, the awp will rapidly flick to another weapon and then back again, allowing you to rescope a few hundred milliseconds faster than when firing normally. This also disables the automatic rescope allowing you to control scoping and also giving you a no-scope advantage when repeatedly firing at mid-close range. Press F1 to turn the script off when not awping. The script automatically turns off if you throw your awp.

    bind "KeyForPrimaryWeapon" "slot1"
    bind "KeyForSecondaryWeapon" "slot2"
    bind "KeyForKnife" "slot3"
    bind "KeyForHeGrenade" "'slot6"
    bind "KeyForC4" "slot5"
    bind "KeyForFlashbang" "slot7"
    bind "KeyForSmokeGrenade" "slot8"
    bind "KeyForFireGrenades" "slot9"
    bind "KeyForDecoy" "slot10"
    bind "KeyToSwitchBetweenPrimaryAndSecondaryWeapon" "invnextnongrenade"
    bind "KeyToQuickSwitchBetween2LastUsedWeapon" "lastinv"
    bind "KeyToDropPrimaryGun" "dropgunnormal"

    bind "F1" "normal_binds"
    bind "F2" "awp_binds"

    alias eq_slot1 "slot1; set_slot1; set_slot1; bindawpshot; bind KeyToSwitchBetweenPrimaryAndSecondaryWeapon eq_slot2"
    alias eq_slot2 "slot2; set_slot2; set_slot2; bindnormalshot; bind KeyToSwitchBetweenPrimaryAndSecondaryWeapon eq_slot1"
    alias eq_slot3 "slot3; set_slot3; set_slot3; bindnormalshot; bind KeyToSwitchBetweenPrimaryAndSecondaryWeapon eq_slot1"
    alias eq_slot5 "slot5; set_slot5; set_slot5; bindnormalshot; bind KeyToSwitchBetweenPrimaryAndSecondaryWeapon eq_slot1"
    alias eq_slot6 "slot6; set_slot6; set_slot6; bindnormalshot; bind KeyToSwitchBetweenPrimaryAndSecondaryWeapon eq_slot1"
    alias eq_slot7 "slot7; set_slot7; set_slot7; bindnormalshot; bind KeyToSwitchBetweenPrimaryAndSecondaryWeapon eq_slot1"
    alias eq_slot8 "slot8; set_slot8; set_slot8; bindnormalshot; bind KeyToSwitchBetweenPrimaryAndSecondaryWeapon eq_slot1"
    alias eq_slot9 "slot9; set_slot9; use weapon_incgrenade; set_slot9; bindnormalshot; bind KeyToSwitchBetweenPrimaryAndSecondaryWeapon eq_slot1"
    alias eq_slot10 "slot10; set_slot10; set_slot10; bindnormalshot; bind KeyToSwitchBetweenPrimaryAndSecondaryWeapon eq_slot1"

    alias "normal_binds" "bind mouse1 +attack; bind KeyForPrimaryWeapon slot1; bind KeyForSecondaryWeapon slot2; bind KeyForKnife slot3; bind KeyForHeGrenade slot6; bind KeyForC4 slot5; bind KeyForFlashbang slot7; bind KeyForSmokeGrenade slot8; bind KeyForFireGrenades slot9; bind KeyForDecoy slot10; bind KeyToSwitchBetweenPrimaryAndSecondaryWeapon invnextnongrenade; bind KeyToQuickSwitchBetween2LastUsedWeapon lastinv; bind KeyToDropPrimaryGun dropgunnormal"
    alias "awp_binds" "bind KeyForPrimaryWeapon eq_slot1; bind KeyForSecondaryWeapon eq_slot2; bind KeyForKnife eq_slot3; bind KeyForHeGrenade eq_slot6; bind KeyForC4 eq_slot5; bind KeyForFlashbang eq_slot7; bind KeyForSmokeGrenade eq_slot8; bind KeyForFireGrenades eq_slot9; bind KeyForDecoy eq_slot10; bind KeyToSwitchBetweenPrimaryAndSecondaryWeapon eq_slot1; bind KeyToQuickSwitchBetween2LastUsedWeapon eq_lastinv; bind KeyToDropPrimaryGun dropgunawp; qs_slot2; eq_slot1"

    alias "+dropprimaryweapon" "slot1; use weapon_nova; use weapon_xm1014; use weapon_sawedoff; use weapon_m249; use weapon_negev; use weapon_mac10; use weapon_mp7; use weapon_ump45; use weapon_p90; use weapon_bizon; use weapon_galilar; use weapon_ak47; use weapon_ssg08; use weapon_sg556; use weapon_awp; use weapon_g3sg1; use weapon_mag7; use weapon_mp9; use weapon_famas; use weapon_m4a1; use weapon_aug; use weapon_scar20"
    alias "-dropprimaryweapon" "drop"
    alias "+dropsecondaryweapon" "slot2; use weapon_p228; use weapon_glock; use weapon_elite; use weapon_fiveseven; use weapon_deagle; use weapon_tec9; use weapon_hkp2000; use weapon_p250; use weapon_usp_silencer"
    alias "-dropsecondaryweapon" "drop"

    alias "+awpshot" "+attack"
    alias "-awpshot" "-attack; use weapon_knife; slot1"
    alias "bindawpshot" "bind mouse1 +awpshot"
    alias "bindnormalshot" "bind mouse1 +attack"
    alias "dropgunawp" "+dropprimaryweapon; normal_binds; bind <KeyToDropWeapon> dropgunnormal"
    alias "dropgunnormal" "+dropprimaryweapon"

    alias qs_slot1 "alias eq_invnext eq_slot2; alias eq_invprev eq_slot10; set_lastinv; alias set_lastinv alias eq_lastinv eq_slot1; alias set_slot1 ; alias set_slot2 qs_slot2; alias set_slot3 qs_slot3; alias set_slot5 qs_slot5; alias set_slot6 qs_slot6; alias set_slot7 qs_slot7; alias set_slot8 qs_slot8; alias set_slot9 qs_slot9; alias set_slot10 qs_slot10"
    alias qs_slot2 "alias eq_invnext eq_slot3; alias eq_invprev eq_slot1; set_lastinv; alias set_lastinv alias eq_lastinv eq_slot2; alias set_slot1 qs_slot1; alias set_slot2 ; alias set_slot3 qs_slot3; alias set_slot5 qs_slot5; alias set_slot6 qs_slot6; alias set_slot7 qs_slot7; alias set_slot8 qs_slot8; alias set_slot9 qs_slot9; alias set_slot10 qs_slot10"
    alias qs_slot3 "alias eq_invnext eq_slot5; alias eq_invprev eq_slot2; set_lastinv; alias set_lastinv alias eq_lastinv eq_slot3; alias set_slot1 qs_slot1; alias set_slot2 qs_slot2; alias set_slot3 ; alias set_slot5 qs_slot5; alias set_slot6 qs_slot6; alias set_slot7 qs_slot7; alias set_slot8 qs_slot8; alias set_slot9 qs_slot9; alias set_slot10 qs_slot10"
    alias qs_slot5 "alias eq_invnext eq_slot6; alias eq_invprev eq_slot3; set_lastinv; alias set_lastinv alias eq_lastinv eq_slot5; alias set_slot1 qs_slot1; alias set_slot2 qs_slot2; alias set_slot3 qs_slot3; alias set_slot5 ; alias set_slot6 qs_slot6; alias set_slot7 qs_slot7; alias set_slot8 qs_slot8; alias set_slot9 qs_slot9; alias set_slot10 qs_slot10"
    alias qs_slot6 "alias eq_invnext eq_slot7; alias eq_invprev eq_slot5; set_lastinv; alias set_lastinv alias eq_lastinv eq_slot6; alias set_slot1 qs_slot1; alias set_slot2 qs_slot2; alias set_slot3 qs_slot3; alias set_slot5 qs_slot5; alias set_slot6 ; alias set_slot7 qs_slot7; alias set_slot8 qs_slot8; alias set_slot9 qs_slot9; alias set_slot10 qs_slot10"
    alias qs_slot7 "alias eq_invnext eq_slot8; alias eq_invprev eq_slot6; set_lastinv; alias set_lastinv alias eq_lastinv eq_slot7; alias set_slot1 qs_slot1; alias set_slot2 qs_slot2; alias set_slot3 qs_slot3; alias set_slot5 qs_slot5; alias set_slot6 qs_slot6; alias set_slot7 ; alias set_slot8 qs_slot8; alias set_slot9 qs_slot9; alias set_slot10 qs_slot10"
    alias qs_slot8 "alias eq_invnext eq_slot9; alias eq_invprev eq_slot7; set_lastinv; alias set_lastinv alias eq_lastinv eq_slot8; alias set_slot1 qs_slot1; alias set_slot2 qs_slot2; alias set_slot3 qs_slot3; alias set_slot5 qs_slot5; alias set_slot6 qs_slot6; alias set_slot7 qs_slot7; alias set_slot8 ; alias set_slot9 qs_slot9; alias set_slot10 qs_slot10"
    alias qs_slot9 "alias eq_invnext eq_slot10; alias eq_invprev eq_slot8; set_lastinv; alias set_lastinv alias eq_lastinv eq_slot9; alias set_slot1 qs_slot1; alias set_slot2 qs_slot2; alias set_slot3 qs_slot3; alias set_slot5 qs_slot5; alias set_slot6 qs_slot6; alias set_slot7 qs_slot7; alias set_slot8 qs_slot8; alias set_slot9 ; alias set_slot10 qs_slot10"
    alias qs_slot10 "alias eq_invnext eq_slot1; alias eq_invprev eq_slot9; set_lastinv; alias set_lastinv alias eq_lastinv eq_slot10; alias set_slot1 qs_slot1; alias set_slot2 qs_slot2; alias set_slot3 qs_slot3; alias set_slot5 qs_slot5; alias set_slot6 qs_slot6; alias set_slot7 qs_slot7; alias set_slot8 qs_slot8; alias set_slot9 qs_slot9; alias set_slot10"
Overwatch & Lobby

  • bind"," "demo_togglepause"
    Toggle Pause/Play Demo - For Overwatch

  • bind "/" "demoui"
    Demo User Interface - For Overwatch


  • cl_join_advertise "2"
    Lets your friends join you when you're in community servers

  • lobby_default_access "1"
    Lobby default permissions (0: public, 1: private)

  • Knife Only
    Bind knife to f and make it right handed, removes Zuess from an F double press. (Taser can still be equipped with 3) Zooms & inflates radar and shows netgraph.

    alias "knifeonly" "use weapon_knife"
    bind "f" "knifeonly;cl_righthand 1;cl_radar_scale 0.60;"

  • Advanced Grenade Script
    Makes pressing K and 1-5 pick a specific grenade. I bind K to a button on my mouse and this allows me to accurately switch grenades at speed, while still being able to use the default 1-9 weapon slots.
    alias altE1 "use weapon_decoy"
    alias altE "bind 1 altE1"

    alias alt11 "use weapon_molotov; use weapon_incgrenade"
    alias alt1 "bind 2 alt11"

    alias alt22 "use weapon_hegrenade"
    alias alt2 "bind 3 alt22"
    //Fragmentation Grenade
    alias alt33 "use weapon_smokegrenade"
    alias alt3 "bind 4 alt33"
    //Smoke Grenade

    alias alt44 "use weapon_flashbang"
    alias alt4 "bind 5 alt44"

    alias defE "bind 1 slot1"
    alias def1 "bind 2 slot2"
    alias def2 "bind 3 slot3"
    alias def3 "bind 4 slot4"
    alias def4 "bind 5 slot5"
    alias +altbinds "alte; alt1; alt2; alt3; alt4"
    alias -altbinds "defE; def1; def2; def3; def4"

    bind k +altbinds
    //change your bind here

  • Advanced Multi-Function Bind Script
    Gives normal function keys a second function when combined with another key. For example tab = scoreboard vs shift + tab = steam overlay

    Part 1
    Make sure that what is inside the quotes is what you're currently using. You may also change the letters/numbers
    alias defA "bind q lastinv"//
    alias defB "bind e +use"//
    alias defC "bind b +buy"//
    alias defD "bind v drop"//
    alias defE "bind alt +voicerecord"//
    alias defF "bind 1 slot1"//
    alias defG "bind 2 slot2"//
    alias defH "bind 3 slot3"//
    alias defI "bind z radio32"//
    alias defJ "bind space +jump; -jump"

    Added -jump to turn off +jump in part 3

    Part 2
    If you changed any letters/numbers in part 1 make sure you make the same changes here. Don't change the keyXX part.
    alias keyA "bind q keyAA"//
    alias keyB "bind e keyBB"//
    alias keyC "bind b keyCC"//
    alias keyD "bind v keyDD"//
    alias keyE "bind alt keyEE"//
    alias keyF "bind 1 keyFF"//
    alias keyG "bind 2 keyGG"//
    alias keyH "bind 3 keyHH"//
    alias keyI "bind z keyII"//
    alias keyJ "bind space keyJJ"//

    Part 3
    Here you can change what the bindings do when you hold down your key.
    alias keyAA "buy flashbang; buy smokegrenade; buy molotov; buy hegrenade; buy defuser; buy vesthelm; buy m4"//
    alias keyBB "buy vesthelm; buy m4"//
    alias keyCC "buy m4; use weapon_m4; drop"//
    alias keyDD "c4drop"//
    alias keyEE "clutchon"//
    alias keyFF "use weapon_smokegrenade"//
    alias keyGG "use weapon_hegrenade"//
    alias keyHH "use weapon_flashbang"//
    alias keyII "+togglevoice"//
    alias keyJJ "+jump;-attack"

    +commands need to be turned off with -commands in part 1 to work

    Part 4
    alias +keybinds "keyA; keyB; keyC; keyD; keyE; keyF; keyG; keyH; keyI; keyJ"//
    alias -keybinds "defA; defB; defC; defD; defE; defF; defG; defH; defI; defJ"//

    Part 5
    Bind whatever key you want, this will be your main key
    bind k +keybinds//
Communication Binds, Commands & Scripts

    Radio Messages
  • bind z "radio3"
    Radio Menu (simplified Banana Version. Only one radio menu instead of 3.)
  • bind ins "radio2"
    Training Menu (Banana's Training Command Menu)
  • bind del "radio1"
    Command Menu (Bananas Command Menu for bots offline)
    Maxim@BananaGaming's Radio Menus
    1. Download here[]
    2. Open with Winrar/Winzip/7-Zip.
    3. Move the "radiopanel" file inside this folder:
      (Steam\steamapps\common\Counter-Strike Global Offensive\csgo\resource\ui)
    4. Replace with the default radiopanel inside the ui folder.
    5. Restart the game.
      Radio Shortcuts
      Shortcuts to Radio Message Commands, bypasses zxc radio menus.Command Radio Message
    • bind "#" "go"
    • bind "#" "fallback"
      Fall Back
    • bind "#" "sticktog"
      Stick Together Team
    • bind "#" "holdpos"
      Hold This Position
    • bind "#" "followme"
      Follow Me

      Standard Radio Message
    • bind "#" "roger"
    • bind "#" "negative"
    • bind "#" "cheer"
    • bind "#" "compliment"
    • bind "#" "thanks"

      Report Radio Message
    • bind "#" "enemyspot"
      Enemy Spotted
    • bind "#" "needbackup"
      Need Backup
    • bind "#" "takepoint"
      You Take the Point
    • bind "#" "sectorclear"
      Sector Clear
    • bind "#" "inposition"
      I'm in Position
      bind "#" "coverme"
    • Cover Me

    • bind "#" "enemydown"
      Enemy Down
    • bind "#" "takingfire"
      Taking Fire, Need Assistance
    • bind "#" "regroup"
      Regroup Team
    • bind "#" "getout"
      Get out of there, it's gonna blow!

    • bind home "ignoremsg"
      Toggle Ignore text chat by turning off enemies, teams and all messages

      Communication Scripts
    • Bomb Drop
      Switches to and drops bomb. Types in team chat that you are dropping the bomb, listing the position of the c4 for your team
      alias c4drop "+c4drop"
      alias "+c4drop" "use weapon_c4;drop;say_team <-Bomb Position; alias c4drop -c4drop"
      alias -c4drop "use weapon_lastinv; alias c4drop +c4drop"
      bind g "c4drop

    • Clutch Bind
      Toggles voice chat, bomb position message, removes blood stains, tells team you can/can't hear them.
      alias "clutch" "clutchon"//
      alias "clutchon" "voice_enable 0; clutchsoundon; cl_clearhinthistory; r_cleardecals; playvol buttons\weapon_confirm 0.5; say_team Clutching, can't hear you!; alias clutch clutchoff"//
      alias "clutchoff" "voice_enable 1; clutchsoundoff; playvol buttons\button2 0.5; say_team Unmuted, I can hear you now.; alias clutch clutchon"//
      bind "p" clutch//

      Clutch audio options
      alias "clutchsoundon" "volume 0.6; snd_musicvolume 0.0; snd_menumusic_volume 0; snd_deathcamera_volume 0; snd_mapobjective_volume 0; snd_roundend_volume 0; snd_roundstart_volume 0.0; snd_tensecondwarning_volume 0.1"//
      alias "clutchsoundoff" "volume 0.3; snd_musicvolume 0.3; snd_menumusic_volume 0.3; snd_deathcamera_volume 0; snd_mapobjective_volume 0; snd_roundend_volume 0.5; snd_roundstart_volume 0.1; snd_tensecondwarning_volume 0.3"//

    • Voice Toggle
      Simple clutch bind. disables voice chat only. Good for griefers or bad teams.
      alias "togglevoice" "togglev"//
      alias "togglev" "voice_1"//
      alias "voice_1" "voice_scale 0.2; playvol buttons\blip1 0.5; say_team "Voice Chat Enabled"; alias togglev voice_0"//
      alias "voice_0" "voice_scale 0.0; playvol buttons\blip2 0.5; say_team "Voice Chat Disabled"; alias togglev voice_1"//
      bind "end" "togglevoice"//

    • Left Handed Comms
      Switches your player to left-handed when you are calling in game, useful when the comms display in the bottom right is bugged and you can't tell if you are actually talking in the game.

      alias +commleft
      alias +commleft "+voicerecord; cl_righthand 0;
      alias -commleft "-voicerecord; cl_righthand 1;
      bind alt "+commleft"

    • Rifle Safe Buy & Drop
      Buys a Rifle and drops it for a teammate. but only when you press b and ' at the same time

      alias safedrop "+rifledrop"
      alias bindb "bind b safedrop"
      alias return "bind b buymenu"
      alias +rifledrop "buy m4a1; buy m4a1_silencer; buy akf7; slot1; drop"
      alias -rifledrop "unbind b; return"
      bind"'" +rifledrop

    • Voicechat Volume w/ Volume Bar by Isildur
      Changes the gain on both your microphone and other players, check console to see gain levels.
      alias "ngmin" "voice_scale 0;echo |*__________| VOICE 0% MINIMUM!;alias ngup ng1;alias ngdn ngmin"
      alias "ng1" "voice_scale 0.1;echo |_*_________| VOICE 10%;alias ngup ng2;alias ngdn ngmin"
      alias "ng2" "voice_scale 0.2;echo |__*________| VOICE 20%;alias ngup ng3;alias ngdn ng1"
      alias "ng3" "voice_scale 0.3;echo |___*_______| VOICE 30%;alias ngup ng4;alias ngdn ng2"
      alias "ng4" "voice_scale 0.4;echo |____*______| VOICE 40%;alias ngup ng5;alias ngdn ng3"
      alias "ng5" "voice_scale 0.5;echo |_____*_____| VOICE 50%;alias ngup ng6;alias ngdn ng4"
      alias "ng6" "voice_scale 0.6;echo |______*____| VOICE 60%;alias ngup ng7;alias ngdn ng5"
      alias "ng7" "voice_scale 0.7;echo |_______*___| VOICE 70%;alias ngup ng8;alias ngdn ng6"
      alias "ng8" "voice_scale 0.8;echo |________*__| VOICE 80%;alias ngup ng9;alias ngdn ng7"
      alias "ng9" "voice_scale 0.9;echo |_________*_| VOICE 90%;alias ngup ng10;alias ngdn ng8"
      alias "ng10" "voice_scale 1;echo |__________*| VOICE 100% MAXIMUM!;alias ngdn ng9"
      alias "ngup" "ng1"
      alias "ngdn" "ng1"

      bind "kp_plus" "ngup"
      bind "kp_minus" "ngdn"

    • Mic Check
      Relays your microphone back to you so you can see if you are too loud/quiet/background noise

      bind kp_multiply +relay
      alias +relay "voice_loopback 1;playvol buttons\blip1 0.5"
      alias -relay "voice_loopback 0;playvol buttons\blip2 0.5"

Movement - Binds, Settings, Commands & Scripts

  • bind leftarrow "+left"
    Turn left with arrow key

  • bind rightarrow "+right"
    Turn right with arrow key

  • Perfect Crouch Jump v3
    Makes the jump key also perform a perfect crouch jump when the space key is held down instead of a tap. Very consistent for strafes and difficult jumps.
    unbind space
    unbind ctrl
    ALIAS +rj "spec_mode;-duck;+cr;ALIAS checkrj +cr";
    ALIAS -rj "-cr;checkduck;ALIAS checkrj";
    ALIAS +crouch "checkrj;-jump;+duck;ALIAS checkduck +duck";
    ALIAS -crouch "checkrj;-jump;-duck;ALIAS checkduck";
    ALIAS checkduck "";
    ALIAS checkrj "";
    ALIAS +cr "+jump;+duck";
    ALIAS -cr "-duck;-jump";
    bind space +rj
    bind ctrl +crouch

  • Jump Throw (For Smokes)
    Jumps and throws utility at zenith of the jump. perfect for smokes.NB: You must have the smoke out and the pin out (hold attack.) before this bind works as intended.

    alias "+jumpthrow" "+jump;-attack"//
    alias "-jumpthrow" "-jump;say_team Smoke Out!"//
    bind "[" "+jumpthrow" [/b]

  • Shift Walk and Listen v7

    Walk with shift. Walking turns up volume, decreases the volume of team comms by 30 percent, zooms radar and clears blood spatter.
    alias +listen "+speed; volume 0.6; voice_scale 0.2; cl_radar_scale 0.60; r_cleardecals//
    alias -listen "-speed; volume 0.3; voice_scale 0.5; cl_radar_scale 0.30;//
    bind shift +listen//

  • Advanced Grenade Crosshairs w/ Smoke Jumpthrow v1 by [PIPES]
    While holding Q, the spacebar becomes the jumpthrow command instead of a normal jump, and the crosshair toggles to a smoke friendly crosshair. This allows you to line up a standard smoke by holding q and pressing m1, and to throw a jumpsmoke by holding q and m1 and then pressing spacebar.
    Key Switch

    alias switch +switch
    alias +switch "use weapon_knife; use weapon_smokegrenade; unbind space; bind space +jumpthrow; cl_righthand 0; +smokehair; alias switch -switch;"

    Switches to smoke, binds m1 to attack so smoke can be pulled back as normal, binds space to jumpthrow bind, switches to left handed, turns on smoke crosshairs, calls in position and tells your team the smoke is ready
    alias -switch "unbind space; bind space +rj; cl_righthand 1; -smokehair; alias switch +switch;"
    Returns to default right handed, default crosshair, and space can be used to jump normally again. Remember to change +rj to +jump if you are not using Perfect Crouch Jump v3.
    bind q +switch

    alias "+jumpthrow" "+jump;-attack"//
    Releases smoke at zenith of jump
    alias "-jumpthrow" "-jump"//

    alias +smokehair "cl_crosshairusealpha 100; cl_crosshairdot 0; cl_crosshairgap 4; cl_crosshairsize 5000; cl_crosshairstyle 4; cl_crosshairthickness 3; cl_fixedcrosshairgap 4; cl_crosshaircolor 0; cl_crosshair_drawoutline 0; alias switch -smokehair"
    The smoke throwing crosshair settings
    alias -smokehair "cl_crosshairusealpha 1; cl_crosshairdot 1; cl_crosshairgap 5000000000; cl_crosshairsize 5; cl_crosshairstyle 5; cl_crosshairthickness 1.5; cl_fixedcrosshairgap 5000000000; cl_crosshaircolor 5; cl_crosshair_drawoutline 1; alias switch +smokehair"
    Your default crosshair settings

  • Advanced Grenade Crosshairs w/Jumpthrow & Multi-Function Bind v2 by [PIPES]
    Pressing Q and 1-5 selects a specified grenade. Smokes and Molotovs will change your crosshair to allow you to line them up. Spacebar will be rebound to a jump throw. Pulling the pin on a smoke or incindiary will change your crosshair. Throwing the grenade will revert your cross hair.
    Attack 1
    alias m1hair +m1hair
    alias +m1hair "+attack; +smokehair; alias m1hair -m1hair"
    alias -m1hair "-attack; -smokehair; rebindoff; alias m1hair +m1hair"

    Attack 2
    alias m2hair +m2hair
    alias +m2hair "+attack2; +smokehair; alias m2hair -m2hair"
    alias -m2hair "-attack2; -smokehair; rebindoff; alias m2hair +m2hair"

    alias rebind rebindon
    alias rebindon "unbind mouse1; bind mouse1 +m1hair; unbind mouse2; bind mouse2 +m2hair; unbind space; bind space +jumpthrow; alias rebind rebindoff"
    alias rebindoff "unbind mouse1; bind mouse1 +attack; unbind mouse2; bind mouse2 +attack2; unbind space; bind space +rj; alias rebind rebindon"

    alias "+jumpthrow" "+jump;-attack"
    Releases smoke at zenith of jump
    alias "-jumpthrow" "-jump"

    alias smokehair +smokehair
    alias +smokehair "cl_crosshairusealpha 1;cl_crosshairalpha 125; cl_crosshairdot 0; cl_crosshairgap 4; cl_crosshairsize 5000; cl_crosshairstyle 4; cl_crosshairthickness 3; cl_fixedcrosshairgap 4; cl_crosshaircolor 0; cl_crosshair_drawoutline 0; alias smokehair -smokehair"

    The smoke throwing crosshair settings
    alias -smokehair "cl_crosshairusealpha 1;cl_crosshairalpha 255; cl_crosshairdot 1; cl_crosshairgap 5000000000; cl_crosshairsize 5; cl_crosshairstyle 5; cl_crosshairthickness 1.5; cl_fixedcrosshairgap 5000000000; cl_crosshaircolor 5; cl_crosshair_drawoutline 1; alias smokehair +smokehair"
    Your default crosshair settings

    Multi-Function Grenade Select Numerical Stip Q+(1-5)
    alias altE1 "use weapon_flashbang;"
    alias altE "bind 1 altE1"
    alias alt11 "use weapon_hegrenade;"
    alias alt1 "bind 2 alt11"
    alias alt22 "use weapon_smokegrenade; rebindon"
    alias alt2 "bind 3 alt22"
    alias alt33 "use weapon_molotov; use weapon_incgrenade; rebindon"
    alias alt3 "bind 4 alt33"
    alias alt44 "use weapon_decoy;
    alias alt4 "bind 5 alt44"
    alias defE "bind 1 slot1"
    alias def1 "bind 2 slot2"
    alias def2 "bind 3 slot3"
    alias def3 "bind 4 slot4"
    alias def4 "bind 5 slot5"
    alias +altbinds "alte; alt1; alt2; alt3; alt4"
    alias -altbinds "defE; def1; def2; def3; def4"
    bind q +altbinds
    change your bind here

End of Config
Ending to Config [IMPORTANT]
Copy and paste the code below to the end of your config. The first section will leave your cross hair settings and a list of controls at the end of the console in-game. The last two commands are VITAL and must not be edited or removed.

echo ===Current Crosshair Settings===
echo ===Controls===
key_findbinding +attack
key_findbinding +jump
key_findbinding +duck
key_findbinding strafe
key_findbinding +voicerecord
key_findbinding console
key_findbinding +walk
key_findbinding slot
key_findbinding grenade
key_findbinding decoy
key_findbinding flashbang
key_findbinding say
key_findbinding buymenu
key_findbinding reload
key_findbinding demo
key_findbinding +use
key_findbinding +right
mat_savechanges// //Saves Graphics options so they are the same every startup
host_writeconfig// // Ensures settings saved and enabled. Leave this as the last line. DO NOT REMOVE THIS COMMAND.
Update Log
I will list any changes to the guide here with dates so you can trace any scripts that may have been modified over time. Please add to favourites and thumbs up if you wish to keep up to date with new scripts and tweaks. If you do notice anything not working or if you have a question about anything in this guide please refer to the comments section below. Please don't add me on steam as I will almost certainly block you (it's nothing personal it just helps to avoid scammers). Any Coming Soon logs will list changes to this guide that are currently being worked on and will be coming in future updates.
  • Posted 31st January 2017 -
    Guide Posted, Pastebin Link Added

  • Update Log 25th March 2017 -
    Fixed Formatting, Added new scripts, removed broken and experimental sections, organised config into chapters, updated pastebin link.

  • Update Log 4th April 2017 -
    Added Shift Walk & Listen, Advanced Grenade Crosshairs, Mic Check, Mic Gain, Permanent Advanced Damage, Lobby Settings.
    Added Radar Section, Separated HUD into sections.
    Removed annoying audio cues, removed Team Chat messages, Removed Broken Demo Bind. Improved Bomb Drop, IGL Reload.
    Restructured chapters to make more sense. Updated Pastebin Link.

  • Update Log 5th April 2017 -
    Fixed Grenade Crosshair typo, removed updates from comment section. Added update log section. Added reference images. Updated Pastebin Link.

  • Update Log 7th April 2017 -
    Added reference images to Launch Options, How to Save Config.
    Coming Soon -
    Working on AWP quick switch in-game instead of my usual razer bind (COMPLETE). Working on removing bind starter key (Q) from Grenade crosshair script and isolating nade crosshair to smoke and molotov use only(COMPLETED). Still looking for a method of replicating wait function to create auto pop-flash.

  • Update Log 13th April 2017 -
    Fixed formatting in some areas, updated read me section with clearer instructions and added online link to cvars. Added Coming Soon Logs. Added Custom Radar Maps Section, Added Custom Radar Maps, Added Controls Scripts Section, Added AWP Quick Switch. Added links to workshop maps for viewmodel and crosshair. Added CSGO Training Guide link. Pastebin Link Updated
    Coming Soon - Replacing all written binds with <Key> to help with copying to config. Working on fully unbound config to make replacing settings from your config easier.

  • Update Log 14th April 2017 -
    Added Grenade Crosshairs V2 - Crosshairs now only pop up when the specific grenade is selected and the pin is pulled. Pastebin Link Updated
    Coming Soon -
    v3 will bind crosshairs permanently to a grenade, regardless of how you select it, movement pips so that you can time run throws, adding flashbang and he crosshair with unintrusive but distinct colour to assist in muscle memory for grenade selection.

  • Update Log 27th April 2017 -
    Added Contents Section
    Coming Soon - Improvements to Formatting. Individual Debug Links for Each Script
HeartlessKillaH 4 Oct, 2021 @ 11:41am 
pretty helpful config and such extended overlay!
Thymy 26 Jan, 2021 @ 1:36am 
thx :-)
Vico Shortman 13 Feb, 2020 @ 12:18pm 
I prefer to Bind the grenades to Y(Z in english keyboard), X, C and F for molly, he, smoke and flash. Find this easy and intuitiv when you getused to it and it's a lot faster
Pelusa 27 Jan, 2019 @ 4:20pm 
Hi @atlas, the script cl_loadout_colorweaponnames "1" isn't working anymore, I believe it stop working after the panorama update
✪ krispy keeN 22 Apr, 2018 @ 1:52am 
handy dandy
atlas.  [author] 5 Sep, 2017 @ 2:57am 
ahh ok- still - removing a key from the process :) you're quite welcome!
Wonggue 3 Sep, 2017 @ 3:23pm 
No it won't work, it will just quick switch with the pistol. Use it carefully, I would use it for just quick switching the AWP or the deagle. Btw thanks for the config ;)
atlas.  [author] 16 Aug, 2017 @ 2:27am 
Hi west - Does your alias still work if you accidentally choose pistol? An interesting take - I dont use a lastinv button so hence trying to get a bind that doesnt require input.
如果我的电脑崩溃了我 15 Aug, 2017 @ 8:33pm 
Thanks so much
Wonggue 15 Aug, 2017 @ 1:12pm 
Instead of the AWP quick switch. I use this instead:

alias "+knife" "slot3"
alias "-knife" "lastinv"
bind "q" "+knife"

I think this is more simplistic