Geometry Dash

Geometry Dash

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All Vault Codes 2.2
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All hidden codes to icons in Geometry Dash 2.2 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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The Vault - Need 10 user coins
-"Your Username"

Vault Of Secrets - Need 50 Diamonds to unlock
-Glubfub (keep talking to the 2.1 Vaultkeeper until he mentions Sparky. [he will not mention sparky if you havent done the 2.0 codes yet] then go to the 2.0 vaultkeeper and talk to him until he mentions Glubfub, and let him finish his green dialouge. you may then use the glubfub code in the 2.1 vault)

-COD3BREAKER (You get 6 random numbers (you can record them or take a screenshots) for example 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, then you do some maths. Take second number (2) and first number (1) (2-1=1) and next, third number and second number (3-2=1) do this at the end of numbers then code is 111111)

-(Amount of your stars)
-Brain Power
-The challenge

Chamber of Time

How to unlock Chamber of Time?
1.You need to collect 500 diamonds, for scratch in treasure room. (Unlocking 2nd shop)
2.Go to Coming Soon level.
3.Click above words "Download The Soundtracks". Door will be visible.
4.Buy Master Emblem in 2nd shop. (need 1000 orbs)
5.You can open the gate, and go to Chamber of Time.
109 commenti
JellyFlesh 15 apr, ore 1:15 
danny 17 mar, ore 2:56 
Did not work:GDDemon:
Hollowarrior11 13 mar, ore 20:54 
@Phoenix ...bruh
Twiaktzlud =D 4 set 2023, ore 7:27 
i did the cod3breaker
Ronin_ツ 22 ago 2023, ore 13:52 
i cant do the 8-16-30-32-46-84
Lamb Cheese 10 mag 2023, ore 17:50 
how do i get glubfub
Cheese Gaming 23 feb 2023, ore 18:03 
@ theboyceboys settings
theboyceboys 31 gen 2023, ore 17:25 
I have a question though. Where is the vault?
Dimitri (ijbiñij) 27 lug 2022, ore 20:25 
Thx 4 ur help. :GDCreep:
Omega351™ 23 gen 2022, ore 8:20 
For yall who can't get the door to pop up on chamber of time heres what you need to do. You first need to complete the level in the Vault Of Secrets. You unlock the level by having 200 diamonds and typing in The Challenge in the diologe box. Once you've beaten the level, the door bellow the play icon will unlock. You go down there, open the box, try to leave, and then talk to the monster. Once the keys appear or the key holes appear, read the diologe on all 3 of them. Then go back to coming soon and click where you need to click. You will click right above the download soundtrack icon. Hopefully this helps!