Ocen: 123
35MM - Detailed Achievement Guide
Autorstwa: Robin
This is a full achievement guide for 35MM. I noticed an awful lot of people had trouble acquiring quite a bunch of achievements in this game. The other achievement guide doesn't really detail quite a few achievements so I thought i'd just make one on my own.

NOTE: There are 3 ending achievements for this game. One requires you to get no collectibles, another requires you to get a few (but not alot) and the last requires you to get at least 90% of collectibles. If you want to get the ending where you need most collectibles, you can refer to the "Moral Point Location" guide that is also in the guides for this game, written by Deadbeard (link in the final achievement).

This guide will show achievements based on the order you can get them in the game so you don't need to jot down stuff or keep scrolling and checking.
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Angels Trumpeting

This achievement can be found in the first chapter. Once you get to the road with abandoned car (there is a photo and a bottle of water in the car), turn around and go back the way you came. After about a 15-20 second walk you can hear the trumpets blasting. If you havn't got the achievement yet just stand still for a little while and it should pop up.
What Happened?

Once you wake up in the hospital after the bear chase, go out your door. Go into the third door on the left (the first one can't be opened). At the back of the room is a radio on a table. Turn it on and listen for a bit and the achievement will pop.
Faith In God Will Help Us

After awakening in the barn, go out the front door and turn left. Head down the road and go into the second house on the left (the first one has no entrance). On some shelves in the right hand side of the house you will find a lighter. Pick it up and head outside. Continue down the road past all the houses and you will see a church on the right hand side. The entrance is facing the way you are coming so head inside. Inside this small room, activate the candles next to the altar on the right and the achievement will pop.

There are 3 locations the bucket can be in:
1. In the barn where you woke up. Go outside, turn right and run to the back of the barn. Find a door with some rope on it. Cut the rope with your knife (press 2) and the bucket may be laying on the floor in here.
2. In the house with the lighter. There is a brick stove next to the shelves and the bucket may be in here.
3. Between the last house on the right and the church is a small brick hut. The bucket might be on the floor here (there is also a photo in here).

After awakening in the day time, continue past the well where you got the water from. You are now in an area with more houses. Go to the second house on the left (the one with the smoke rising to the right of it) and head inside (the entrance is on the side/back somewhere). Right in front of you will be an axe (needed for story progression). Take the axe and head to the right into the kitchen. Read the letter on the table to get some info and head back to where you got the axe. Now stand to the left of the cabinet, right next to it and walk into it. You can push it out of the way. Once it is fully pushed out of the way head into the newly revealed door.

Use the axe on the person in the chair to unlock the achievement.

The canister can be found in either location you need the axe to break the door down
1. The first building on the left hand side after you pass the well
2. The third building on the right hand side (it looks more like a barn then a house).
Hanged People

In the next chapter where you are on the train rails keep heading forward. Soon into the ride you are supposed to change the rail line. Don't do this and continue heading forward. You'll reach a dead end and you will get the achievement.

Or, just literally hold down W when the chapter starts and you'll get the achievement.

After you hop off the train, go into the to the right of the rails and grab the crowbar. Use it on the locked gate and run down the path. Just keep following the path and you'll eventually see 4 people standing around. Use the activate key on one of them, do some simple quicktime events and the achievement is yours.

Note that you have to get to these people before your partner does or the achievement will not unlock. Luckily he's a very slow walker.
Remember Childhood

Straight after the last achievement you'll enter a cutscene. After the entire cutscene is over and you get up from the chair, turn around. There is a kid doing the jigsaw puzzle. Activate it, solve it and the achievement is yours.
Voice Of Hell

After you go to bed in the last chapter you'll enter a dreamlike sequence where you have to dial a number. Dial only the number 6 on the phone until it starts ringing, this will unlock the achievement.

To actually pass this section, dial the second number on the note at the top left.

After a series of cutscenes you'll jump out of a truck and have to make a run for it. The moment you take control of your character, run forward into the shipping container and pick up the medkit on the ground.

Continue the section. After you get to the third shipping container your partner will fall down and ask for a medkit. Give it to him to unlock the achievement.
Small World

At the start of the next chapter you'll be in an open lot. You'll see 2 destroyed busses on the left hand side. Go between these busses into a hidden alley and run all the way to the end. Look through the crack and you'll see a small event and the achievement will pop.

Before reading this, look down at the next achievement to see possible locations for a battery you need for the following achievement. 2 of the locations are outside so looking for it now will prevent you from having to come back outside.

In the same chapter as the last achievement, head into the building on the right. Turn left and go through the opening to some stairs. Head up the stairs and go into the room on the right. There is a painting of a woman on the wall. Look at it for a bit and you'll get the achievement.

If looking at that painting doesn't work, here is a solution from user MP5 and Tali:
"You don't have to look at the painting of the woman. Instead, go into the next room on the left. You will see a "strange" painting and that's the one you have to interact with."
"in the same room with the painting of the woman there is anohter door. walk in, next to the door there is an abstract painting. stare at it from close distance and the achieve will unlock"
Top Secret

You'll need a car battery for this achievement. It is in one of the 3 following places:

- At the start of the chapter, walk forward a few steps and look to the right. You'll see a tall white rectangle hut. Go around the fence to get to it and open the door. The battery might be here on the floor.
- In the start area where the two busses are (and where you need to go for "Small World"), go through them. Head down this hidden alley and you'll see a destroyed jeep. The battery might be next to it's front wheel.
- Head into the large building on the right. This one is tricky to explain, but near the door where you need to progress forward are a set of rooms. There is some metallic shelving in one of the rooms where the battery might be on. Check the other 2 locations first however. If they aren't there then the battery will be on the shelf and it's very easy to see if you're looking at the right shelf.

After you have the battery proceed on with the chapter a short while and you'll get to a MASSIVE room. There are stairs on the right hand side and an open doorway downstairs on the left. Head into the doorway on the left and go the the last door on the right.

In this red tinted room, use the battery on the crate on the floor to turn on the projector. On the screen you will see four numbers. Remember them and head back to the previous area (where the final battery location and Expert achievement are located).

Go to the top floor and into the left hand side room. There is a safe on the back wall. Use the numbers you remembered to unlock the safe. Read the document in there and the achievement will unlock.

An easy achievement. Once you get into the subway tunnels just proceed forward. After a minute the tunnel will open up into 2 big tunnels, one on the right and left. Left is where you're supposed to go (to the door the keypad). Instead go right. Walk down the tunnel until the achievement unlocks.
What The Numbers Mean?

After you unlock the keypad you'll reach a cutscene and go through a new door. Continue along. There will be a room on your left that is tinted red (this is where you need to go to progress). Instead head down and go into the last (I think it's last) room in the right. There is a radio at the back. Turn it on and the achievement is yours.

This is an achievement alot of people seem to have trouble with (this whole section even). Once you get to the area where you are attacked by wolves, you have to kill them all without reloading your weapon.

You can kill about 3 wolves with the starting clip. Once it runs out (this doesn't count as a reload because you don't have any more clips) pull out your knife or the axe and just go to the other wolves and start swinging. Once every wolf is dead the achievement will pop.

There is a first aid kit in the bag next to the guy where you found the AK. You shouldn't need more healing then this. The first 3 wolves can be killed without taking damage. Once they start running at you, just shoot them and they'll turn around.

When you start, turn around and head to the left. There is a wolf here that will run at you. Shoot it, it will turn around so finish it off. By this time another wolf will come so repeat the process. Just burst fire don't use all the ammo at once. Repeat the process for the third wolf then pull out the axe, use some food if you need to. When you start taking alot of damage use the medipak. Wolfs should go down in about 4-5 hits with the knife.
I Hate Mannequins!

Once you wake up from the statue fighting section, head outside. Turn right and go down the street. There is a big yellow building on the right (next to the blockade). Jump through the window, go through the door on the left and head down the hall. Turn right and jump out another open window. Go into another door slightly to the left of you and head down the stairs. Once you're down there the achievement will pop.

This is one of the locations a car battery needed for one of the ways to get a plot item will spawn. It will be in the first row, bottom floor of a shelf on the right. If it's not there then don't worry.

For the next achievement you'll need a safe combination. It is in building you came from (that you had to jump a window to get in). Make sure you get it before heading back to the street.

Just like the previous achievement, go outside the metro and turn right and jump into the window of the building.

Go through the door on the left, turn right when you can. You'll see another open window. Instead turn right again and open the door the the end of the hall. In there is a passport on a desk. At the top right are 4 circles numbered that you need to remember.

Head back outside, turn left go down the street until you can turn right down another street. Go down here and then turn left again. Continue all the way down. You'll see a guy trying to break into a hut. From here, turn right and you'll see a yellow building with an open door on the left. If you walk past it you will get the alleyway scene, so if you got that scene you went too far.

Go inside this yellow building, up the stairs and into the room on the right. There is a safe here. Open it with those 4 numbers, read the document and the achievement will pop. The key plot item can also be found in the safe.



This is one of the 3 ending achievements.

In order to get this, you basically want to speedrun the game. Do not get any moral points at all, do not trigger any moral events or do anything good.

When you walk past the alley at the end of the game you will be unable to not go in. You will get stabbed and start bleeding. Continue on until the end of the game and you'll get the achievement before the end credits.

The Past Is Always With Us

This is one of the 3 ending achievements.

In order to get this one you need a few moral points before the ending but not too much. Here are the moral points I activated (in order from first to last).

- First Chapter: Go into the forest (before the road) until you get to the second broken down tree. Turn left and you'll see more broken trees. Head to the second one, then the third and after the third you'll see a grey platform. Go up and look at it.
- Killing the grandmother in the day time village
- Helping the grandfather with the bandits
- Helped the kid complete the puzzle
- Moved the picture in the grandfathers house
- Watched the ballerina behind the barn at the old mans house

After the statue section you will get a cutscene. If your partner wakes you up you got too many moral points and need to start again. If not continue on:

- Note in the green house next to the dead body.
- Getting the "Burglar" achievement.

Basically, I got every morale point that didn't require me to read a note.

When you walk past the alley, your character should ignore the lady. If he does then when you reach the ending the achievement will unlock. If you still go in and get stabbed you got too few moral points and needed to pick up some more notes. However I only got the stuff listed above and got the achievement.

Some easy moral points are:

- First Chapter: Down the road there is a house on the right past some trees. Note on the table.
- Second Chapter: 3 notes in the hospital give easy moral points
- Metro Tunnels: Before you put the metal object into the door there is a barrel on the left with a note on it.

"Achievement "The past is always with us" is obtained by performing the above events and three points of karma in the last zone.3 points-we collect 2 batteries and give the guy near the alley with the main hero's house-read the note in the safe (the "burglar" achievement) - play several Chords on a guitar in a green house.That's enough." - Thank you to strider-alone for a bit more clarification.
Continue To Live?

This is one of the three ending achievements.

You need to get pretty much every moral point in the game. There is a very handy guide for this in the Steam guides section written by DreadBeard. Here is the link (he also details achievements).


Anyway, once you wake up after the statue section you should be woken up by your partner. If not you got too few moral points.

Once you pass the alley, your partner will tell you not to go in. Proceed to the end and you'll get this achievement.

One key note: make sure to give your partner the medpak when he asks. I think this is one of the biggest decisions effecting the ending.
Final Comments
Look I didn't really like the game. It was way too slow paced with unskippable cutscenes and nothing really happening. The achievements gave no hints whatsoever and I know some people probably got as frustrated as I did looking for stuff trying to figure out achievements so hopefully this guide helps even one person out.

If there is any spelling mistakes let me know and I will fix asap.

Good luck!
Komentarzy: 31
Lar Dass 14 czerwca 2023 o 7:26 
Is there a save online which has the 3 endings but with all the requirements done?
Robin  [autor] 14 stycznia 2022 o 1:56 
At minimum yes, as you can only get one ending per playthrough.
Robbo Mate 14 stycznia 2022 o 1:55 
Does it require 3 whole playthru's to get all achievements?
Tamaster 22 sierpnia 2020 o 21:11 

Well for me this scene played: the companion guy ended up in a metro tunnel near a ladder, picked up some photo or letter from the ground, sat down over the wall and said "i'm sorry, i hope you found what you were looking for" - but i didn't see him actually die. This was after i woke up from the dream in the metro where you fight the statues.

I thought he was supposed to wake you up from the statues dream if he was still alive? Guess he didn't do that in my case.
Robin  [autor] 22 sierpnia 2020 o 21:08 
I think that if you give him the medkit, but you don't get enough moral points previously he ends up dying anyway.
Tamaster 22 sierpnia 2020 o 19:59 
I have finished the game today and then came here to see some things i may have missed.

I have given my teammate the Medkit when he was wounded by the bandits. But i got the ending "Past is always with us" (reach the ending alone) anyway. Your guide says to not give him the pack, but it seems in my case i got it anyway.
Robin  [autor] 8 sierpnia 2020 o 19:49 
Like I said in an earlier comment, I wrote the guide EXACTLY as to what I did to get the achievement. I played through the game about 9 after getting every other achievement to work towards that ending. The achievement seems to be buggy and unlocks differently for people depending on what morale points they get. I don't know the exact number you need, all I know is that the ones that I wrote down are the ones that unlocked the achievement for me.
Achrdili 8 sierpnia 2020 o 17:57 
the past is always with us is wrong, I took 17 morale points (white flashes) up to giving medkit to friend and it worked fine. following the guide it didn't work.
Robin  [autor] 14 czerwca 2020 o 18:46 
The achievement is a bit buggy. What I wrote is exactly what I did to get the achievement but I know others have had problems not getting. The only thing I can suggest is follow that guide, but pick up one more "little moral point" (like one of the collectables lying around). If that doesn't work, do the same but pick up one less. Unfortunately I don't have any more advice. It's a very finicky achievement and took me about 6 playthroughs doing various things to get working.

Good luck!
Who? 14 czerwca 2020 o 8:01 
The Past Is Always With Us Guide isnt working.