

882 ratings
Customizing The Steam Desktop Client
By ABI TALENT and 1 collaborators
This is a master guide talking about customization of the Steam Client (the Steam Client is the desktop version of Steam which can be downloaded from here).

This guide is also available in: 简体中文 (Chinese), Русский (Russian), Español (Spanish), Français (French), Italiano (Italian) and Swedish (Svenska)
⁦⁧Steam skins
Jimo has a really helpful guide on how to install custom Steam skins.

Where to download Steam skins from?

Originally posted by Jimo in their guide on installing Steam Skins:
Whenever you use a third party website for downloading skins always practice safe browsing habits; Steam Support has a great article on this which can be found here.

Below is a list of some of the Steam skins I consider awesome in no particular order:

More community created skins here[]

How to create Steam skins yourself?

Steam Customizer has this really awesome tool to help you create them:

This tool provides pretty much everything you need to create your own custom Steam skin.

Custom Steam Notification Sounds
Here's a guide I have worked on about Custom Steam Notification Sounds:

I will go ahead and list down the steps here as well:
  1. You need to download your notification sounds with a .wav extension and rename them depending on what you would like them to serve as

    • message.wav - to replace the sound for getting messages
    • friend_online.wav - to replace the sound for a friends coming online

  2. Open up the Steam Friends folder, usually C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\friends and drag your .wav files there and swap the original ones out with them, feel free to create a backup of the original ones in case you ever want to switch back to the stock one.

  3. For preventing Steam from overwriting the custom file in future updates, we will need to disable file verification:

    • Click "Windows Key" + "R", type in "regedit" and hit "Enter"

    • You will see this folder:

    • Open this path:

    • Find Steam file

    • Right click and choose "Edit". Add the parameter "-noverifyfiles" at the end

    • Hit "OK" and it's done!

    • If you start Steam using its shortcut or if you ever exit Steam, then open it up again:

    • Find the shortcut you launch Steam with
    • Right click the shortcut file, choose Properties"
    • Select the "Shortcut" tab from the top part
    • Add "-noverifyfiles" at the end of the "Target" box

  4. Restart your PC

Important note:
Do not reload the Steam client when an update is being downloaded, because you will lose all your changes!
Changing Steam's Default font
  1. Follow step 3 from the "Steam Custom Notifications" section.

  2. Open up C:/ Program File (x86)/ Steam/ resource/ styles

  3. You can edit the font/ overall text style in both steam and gameoverlay using a simple text editor such as notepad. The stock font for Steam is "Arial", you can change to any other front.

  4. When done, save the changes and restart Steam.

Also, you can change size of the font. Type Ctrl+F and find all "font-size" strings, then choose the element whose font size you'd like to edit.

Enabling The Developer Console
The developer/developer tools can be enabled in the Steam Client

    • Find the shortcut you launch Steam with
    • Right click the shortcut file, choose Properties"
    • Select the "Shortcut" tab from the top part
    • Add "-console" and "-developer" at the end of the "Target" box

  1. Restart Steam, if you want this to work in case you have steam set to launch once you star up your computer, follow the steps in the Steam Custom Notification Sounds section.

A developer console is now located right next to your name and can be used to perform any of the task you'd normally perform using the one in your internet browser.

Steam String Editing
  1. Follow step 3 from the "Steam Custom Notifications" section.

  2. 64-bit Windows users: C:\ Program Files (x86)\ Steam\ public
    32-bit Windows users: C:\ Program Files\ Steam\ public

  3. Scroll down until you find the steamui_*language*.txt file for the language your Steam Client is in. In our case: English (steamui_english.txt). You can edit most Steam client strings there.

    Be sure to make a copy of files you are going to edit and files you have edited in order to restore then, in case you accidentally restart Steam using the Steam Client or after a Steam update is downloaded.

  4. Now edit what you want using a text editing program and then save the changes.
    Most important strings that you always in Steam:

    3776-3784 lines - net statuses:

    4023-4050 lines - main strings of Steam Client:

    Of course you can edit any line in that file, we are just showing you the main strings.

    If you want to edit file for another language:

    Open the respective file, do Ctrl+F and search "Friends_online" (with quotes) for net statuses and "steam_subnav_featured" (with quotes) for main strings of the Steam Client. We are mentioning this to give an idea to non-English speakers where certain things are located
    All files have this structure.
    e.g. Russian:


    In this case you should edit values which are in the language you choose, the string names regardless of the language in English.

  5. Restart your Steam client using shortcut or restart PC. If you restart any other way all edits will be lost.
Deaf 13 Sep, 2018 @ 7:12am 
Turned Steam into Ecchi Machine... Moaning sounds 24/7 xD
ss 8 Oct, 2017 @ 6:04am 
This doesn't vac u lmao
Odar 4 May, 2017 @ 6:51am 
Legendary 29 Apr, 2017 @ 12:34am 
+rep for +rep
AHORRO EN PESOS 7 Feb, 2017 @ 1:04pm 
Can I get VAC using another 'Customizing'?
RukatoMe 20 Jan, 2017 @ 4:29pm 
NimrodAbsolution⁧⁧98 14 Jan, 2017 @ 9:57pm 
I didn't find steam in regedit under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run
or in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run
⸻⸻⸻luty⁧󠀠⁧⸻⸻⸻  [author] 14 Jan, 2017 @ 10:32am 
@男Scratigan1☽, check this path HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run
Chokapik 14 Jan, 2017 @ 5:04am 
The Hiiro 14 Jan, 2017 @ 3:06am 
I dont have the steam value in my reg edit