Block Story

Block Story

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A basic Walkthrough to help you in your journey!
By Scientist and 1 collaborators
This Wil help you lvl up and become OP!
In the very beginning!
Start by Doing the wizards quest as the tutorial blah blah blah once you finish Get yourself 50

Wood 50 Stone and some meat (apples also work) for your dragon once you did that build a house

I recommend Finding a house (they are most common in the forest) Dont craft hammers YET (but

never iron hammers they are a waste of iron) you want A stone pick and a stone sword If you want

an axe go for it but make a few at a time don't make a bajillion But make a bajillion picks (and swords!) because your gonna need alot of underground rescources once you have at least 10
picks 2 swords (and maybe an axe...) its time to look for iron and gold Gold is a valuable resource you can spend it use it to make the second best stuff in the game so on and so forth also collect all cob webs for a later use you will be glad you did! provided you did those things you should be able to craft a few forges (maybe even a brewer!) craft yourself at least 4 furnaces (and maybe 2

brewers if you have the recipe) also collect the red flowers so you can make health potions! next make a 16x16 box wall thing and put those Cobwebs in there that you prevosly collected to make a nice DRAGON Xp farm remember dragon is gonna be your best friend (i think once he becomes fully grown you can ride him... im not 100% sure) by the time you finish you should be lvl

12(ish) Pick all but 5 points into dig speed and you can spend the 5 points on ANYTHING you want (preferly health or mana) A good idea is to build ALOT of chests (or find them in underground structures that spawn) Now a perfect idea is to deforest the forest as much as you can because you are going to need some spare buildings! also a good idea is building a basement while that might sound pointless it can protect you from unforseen accedents such at placing down tnt by accedent or getting a dragon attack (anything to keep you from dieing!) you also want a small building for furnaces , brewers , repair station ETC to help keep your home orginised Remember its your home so make it look nice! then back to the farming for XP untill you reach 20 (essentially 10 levels ahead) then pick a 3rd in sword damage 3rd in health and 3rd in mana if you make guns Use them spareingly becuase they need both bullets and gunpowder (very expensive!) but try to advoid them Now find a merchant (glad you kept the gold :D) that has potions buy at least 5 mana potions and 5 health potions (if you already have them GREAT! hold on to the gold for later purchases!) go into the sky and i know that sounds absurd but hold on there is a floating island high in the air drink your mana potions when your on your last piece of mana (you know conserve) (also i hope you have been doing your quests becuase they add recipies!) then when your up there start strategicly killing visitors (they will be hard you can do this when your stronger if you want)
they drop gravitons which will make VERY good stuff!
Mid game
Start this section once your level 40 or more
Now your gonna want gems a way to get gems is to kill things or break blocks you can also collect daily rewards for varying amounts at a time also it gets you free stuff.

This is a WIP I will work on it from time to time.
> Bluepixel 6 May, 2019 @ 9:04am 
so when are you going to finish it
ZanyScum 8 Apr, 2018 @ 2:12am 
Just put some empty lines somewhere and make this readable please. Currently it is a wall of text nobody will ever read.
I am in need of help but I will not read this wall of text.
Idioticguy70  [author] 7 Apr, 2018 @ 6:42pm 
You spelled "will" wrong. ;)