Dota 2
Not enough ratings
guide to help newbies in progress :D
If you have any tips i'll add it to my notes.
money tips appreciated at
hehehehehe thank you for supporting me (but noone ever donated :()
Summary I: Dota Mechanics
still editing
some info might be outdated
What to do when lane is pushed to enemy tower? check section: Last hitting
How to push / defend T3? Did you know T3 can deal 1000 dmg in 7 sec? this means 2 towers at T4 can deal the same in 3.5 sec. Or jungle increase value every 7.5 min? so only clear stacks 8 15 23 30 etc

Setting Options

some useful advanced settings: bring dota to foreground when match found, play sound on desktop, auto-repeat right mouse, double tap self cast, TP and channeling requires stop, right click force attack, summoned unit always auto attack, display network info, expose public match data (e.g. dotabuff. untick to hide from Overwolf, an app to suggest bans)
minimap: simple colours and Alt to show hero icons instead
change skill hotkey Q to T is an easy way to improve, as our index finger is designed to react faster than ring finger

few dota mechanics to remember:
  • RMB enemy heroes anywhere on map every 3 sec make nearby creeps / towers change target to you. 500 range is about 5 cm. Or simply move in front of ranged creep
  • press A (force attack) ally creep / hero anywhere on map stop creeps / tower attack on you if a valid other target is nearby
  • utilise these 2 mechanics to control lane. RMB to pull creeps + make ally ranged creep die first at start of each wave / interrupt last hit timing + lane not pushed. Check section: last hitting section for details
  • When blocking creeps just make ranged unit in front die first, so lane not pushed
  • Stack creeps at 52/55 when lane not pushed (Neutrals chase for 4 or 7 sec). 38 for ds ionshell. Lane pushed is fine too, can pull creeps at 20/50
  • Wards, mango and bottle, Hold Ctrl+click to share. Bottle can also be given
  • Clarity, tango and salve, press item hotkey / click then click to the other player. shared tangoes expire in 40 s. salve has half effect on allies
  • Gem, rapier + aegis cannot be put into backpack (the 3 extra slots)
  • aegis + dropped rapier cannot be picked up by courier. Locked to enemy who picked it up
  • rapier from stash cannot be picked up by courier, but can lock rapier parts before combine to deliver safely
  • Smoke to dodge some spells e.g. sniper ult, tinker rocket, zeus ult
Defending T3
BD protection turns off 15 sec when creeps reach logo outside base, not at tower atk range
3 ways to defend enemy push:
1. 5 ppl defend. Fight at tower for +5 armor. Clear creeps to delay push with BD protection
2. Push opposite lane at the same time (rat). Force TP back then you also TP back to chase remaining enemies pushing
3. cut lane (go behind enemy creep wave past river) and clear creep waves to maintain BD protection. Corners of map 0/30. halfway T1/T2 15/45

Attacking T3
several ways to push a lane and destroy rax..
1. 5v5 Push with creeps. Not recommended. Likely to lose teamfight, gold and XP advantage. Also bad if enemies rat other lanes
2. 5v5 Bait teamfight at rs. Not recommended, but has better chance to win with aoe skills
3. 5v4 after smoke gank. Easiest way. Stop when enemy pos 1 2 respawn
4. Split push 2+3 or 1+4. Pretend to group up and push 1 lane. Back and forth, bait teamfight to keep enemy busy while other group destroy tower / rax
5. Split push+1 smoked to use Meteor hammer on opposite lane
6. Pretend push as 5 while 1 blink to opposite lane w/o creeps. Surprise element gives you 5-10 sec but must tank tower
7. Pretend run away+smoke, wait enemy clear waves and gank
DO NOT dive T3 to chase heroes. Won't survive 172 dmg per sec by tower. As example, 1000hp hero with 35% resist (9 armor) die in 7 seconds ~10 hits x 110 dmg.
Always destroy tower first + wait to kill 1 before pushing T3

Below are just item suggestions. Buying items are like your personality so experiment on what to buy, observe its effects and have fun
1. Be aware of how long it takes for recipes. First 6-8 min ~2000g. then every 2-4 min ~1-2k
2. Think HP + dmg ratio. e.g. die too fast at 1400 hp with 250 dmg compared to 2000 hp with 150 dmg. but if team can support you with stuns etc might be fine.
3. Estimate how long can survive in teamfights. e.g. 1400 hp with bkb. Or 2500 hp without bkb

Pos 5 Hard Support Ward Slave
Confused about pos 5 4 3 2 1? 5 = poorest. Not expected much from you except to buy wards, sentries, smoke, share tangos and potions
watch map; tp ready to help other lanes in trouble; harass enemy in lane; stack and pull creeps; get bounty runes
1. save for bottle to give midlaner? or spam skills walk back fountain to tp + use on cores that needs it
2. aura items? headress+buckler? dominator let creep get gold / stack creeps
0:00 sentry mid
1:12 pull creeps + redirect to next camp. If not, lane pushed + double creep wave, but OK too as next wave can pull safely 17/47 or stack 53 because double creeps pushing lane
1:53 stack
2:12 pull, rotate mid / steal river rune maybe?
3 bounty rune

Pos 4 Support Roamer
If enemy invis / blink, maybe glimmer / forcestaff?
Atos / orchid to root / silence puck. meteor to help push early?
1. Divide tasks with pos 5 to get aura items. e.g. greave + other sup pipe?
2. headress + buckler stacks with vlad
3. drums + medallion to roam faster?
20 sec before every 2 or 5 min: stop laning / harass; pull 42 / stack 52; check river runes, bounty, push with siege unit start from mid if possible. Mid fastest ~10 sec > safelane > offlane
Once push failed / too many enemies defending, tp other lanes and try again. Back to farm / stack / pull once siege died. start warding again every 5 min ward duration and cover empty lanes

Pos 3 Offlaner
If melee vs ranged / hard lane, dont wait til creeps reach tower. Reach tower at minute 3 / 5 if you do nothing
1. save gold for early ring of health > vanguard 6 min. 2 vanguard stack chance
60% chance block 2-4 hits in 6 hits
2 vanguard block 5-6 in 6 hits
can disassemble 2nd vanguard into heart + hood
2. Escape e.g. blink / glimmer to stay in lane
2. Early vanguard + heart?
3. dom for vision / early push if can micro units
4. shroud / bm is great. Or aura items like greave / cuirass / meka / pipe.

0:00 contest bounty rune, 1st creep wave cannot be redirected
0:45 Redirect 2nd creep wave to stairs so it returns back to lane with next wave as shown below

Can also pull enemy creeps to jungle, if enemy heroes dont chase. Or bring creeps to mid so they level up faster
1:40 check river rune, or stack :52. consider rotating lane
2:47 safelane creeps finally reach enemy tower, pull creeps before this happen. check section: last hitting
2:47 pull creeps if possible
5:30 harass + cut lane to put pressure on tower with siege
Pos 2 Carry Midlane
midlane get most xp. try not to die. rotate once level 6?
1. ~2000 gold per 4-8 min. midas to lv up faster?
1. If not, bottle / wand to save river runes
2. Escape e.g. glimmer / sb / blink / eul / force staff to win ganks / 0 death. Or even tranquil to stay in lane vs tinker
2. Or look what's required to win ganks / farm faster e.g. dagon, kaya for mana regen. Don't forget dagon can be used to kill neuts fast. Rush orchid/atos vs puck etc
3. Can't go wrong with BKB / bm
4. heart+bm? Or linken + skadi. Or movement e.g. tp boot 2 + ynk + windlace into eul. v hard to kill a high level and fast moving midlaner
5. Hex / nullifier / bloodthorn to win ganks

Pos 1 Carry Safelane
just farm fast
1. ~2000 gold per 4-8 min. midas to lv up faster?
2. as melee, bfury (11-14 min) + 1 more item to farm even faster e.g. echosabre / deso / crit
2. as ranged, 2-3 wraithbands to tank up. maybe madness disassemble into butterfly+satanic or skadi / bkb. dragon lance + crit is nice too.
3. 3rd / 4th item maybe BKB / bm / linken, to push at ~30 min
4 heart / satanic / butterfly / abyssal
Summary II: Last hitting
maybe lane is hard. e.g. melee vs ranged. other players say you're too passive.
but what is being too passive in lane?
  • doing nothing too scared vs certain heroes e.g. MK / ursa at level 1.
  • doing nothing at half hp, just watching for xp.
  • doing nothing when creeps pushed to enemy tower, just watching for xp.
  • just last hitting in laning phase, not interrupting enemy last hit / deny or follow up skills when pos 4 5 use skills.
  • just farming until recipe complete, not fighting each time gold spent to buy parts.
  • wrong skills. axe no skill 2, level skill 1 but never use.
  • just farming when ult ready / on CD.
to be more active:
  • RMB enemy hero every 3 sec to make creeps chase you, which make ally creeps also chase creeps.
  • RMB + use skill when enemy about to last hit, especially ranged creep etc.
  • repeat when lane is pushed to enemy towers, this can pull creeps away from enemy towers.
  • repeat when it's hard to deny / last hit. easier deny when creeps stop attacking; easier last hit when creep chase you (RMB hero at 2 hits away to deny)
  • get used to estimate distance to move + last hit.
  • when blocking creeps at start, try make ranged creep in front so it die first. repeat RMB at start of each wave to make ranged creep die first.
  • too dependant on needing support plays? e.g. ask to pull creeps to jungle and not focused on denying / last hitting. they can also hang around where enemy pull to gain xp
  • dont harass enemy hero at start of wave, take too much dmg from creeps. lost 400 hp min 1. even 1 tango is 112 heal. use up all tangoes soon
  • dont be aggressive at level 2, wait lv 3.
  • wait til only 2 creeps left to try hit enemy hero. communicate with pos 4 5 to follow up skills.
  • Cut lane at good timing e.g. lv 3 axe, pull to jungle for more xp / towards stairs for miss chance.
  • starting item maybe need more regen items?
    e.g. 6 mango 3.6 regen = extra 216 hp per min.
    just tango to save for ring of health > vanguard 6 min
    1-2 ring protection for 8-15% reduction = basically 8-15 dmg block.
Creep Aggro (Ranged Creep pull)

Force attack - (RMB) on enemy hero anywhere on map
aggro nearby creeps / towers. Aggro has 3 sec CD 2.3 duration
Can be prevented by RMB outside creeps / tower attack range / RMB while invis / RMB ground to close in the distance first. Hit once then run otherwise you take too much damage from creeps. This way is better than RMB enemy hero from starting position
Force attack - (press A) on ally creeps / heroes anywhere on map
remove aggro.
Towers will target nearest attacking hero after current target is dead. Stop attacking tower and wait until new target selected. It prioritize hero > hero creeps > creeps > catapults > ward. Press A on ally creep 1-2x. During this time you can hit enemy hero 1x without being hit by tower if fast enough since aggro has 3 CD.
Ranged creep aggro pull
Move towards enemy creeps. RMB enemy hero anywhere on map. Move away to ally ranged creep. press A on ally creep to remove aggro as needed
Lane not pushed. creeps new target will be ally ranged creep. creeps attack at same time on same target. disrupt enemy last hit timing if done just before ally creep died, makes it easier to deny

Last hitting
  • Best practice (as melee) is to hide in trees, estimate enough distance to move in + last hit / deny.
  • RMB enemy hero to change creeps attack timing / target (make creeps attack same target, same time) / disrupt enemy last hit timing.
  • Ranged creep / siege are last hitters.
  • Look for attack pauses. Estimate the chunk of HP gone (about 2x attacks away from last hit, then RMB enemy hero to interrupt timing / pull aggro and get it closer to you then last hit.
  • Can start attack animation (my setting always on) but press H to cancel to trick enemy.
  • Can auto attack but stop when 2 hits away to trick enemy, then clear jungle between waves.
  • Start of wave / all creeps full hp = harass enemy hero by attacking them / ranged creep aggro pull to control the lane.
  • If 2 creeps attacked same time, hit one of them once so you get both.
  • Press A on ally creeps <50% HP and start denying. Helps prevent lane pushed.
  • if ally creep require 2 hits to deny/last hit, you can start hitting just before enemy try to last hit other creep. This allows you to hit twice.
  • Every 7:30 min creeps gain HP, so 300 dmg skills eventually require to hit ranged creep 1x.
  • Keep distance from enemy root / stun range. Cut trees for vision.
  • As offlane, try to pull creeps after :30 during laning phase as shown by yellow line below. This is better than just hiding in lane waiting for creeps to reach tower if the lane is really difficult.

  • at xx:40 move to stack creeps at 55 or 53. Check bounty per 5 min / river runes per 2 min as needed. Then block creeps (zig-zag motion + Press H every second) or jungle. This is better than hugging tower and waiting for creeps.
  • Mid game - usually roam + clear 2 creep waves before they reach tower. Clear ancient creeps then the rest of neutral camps and clear another 2 creep waves at other lanes. Clearing neutrals nearest to lane is very predictable and easy to be ganked. Remember to stack camps if time is near. Being visible on map over 15 sec is dangerous as it takes about 20 seconds to reach half map at 350 speed.
Last hitting at towers
T1 dmg = 90
T1 vs melee = 6 hits + 62 hp
T1 vs ranged = 3 hits + 31 hp
T1 vs siege = 4 hits + 40 hp.

T2-T4 dmg = 172
Denied team gets 50% exp. and 0% if it is played controlled units.
Towers can be denied <10%. 70-165g
Ally heroes can be denied at <25% ~ under specific skills.
Creeps, illusions, non-heroes can be denied <50%.
Basics I: For Newbies
Wait, I'm totally new to dota 2, what do i need to know?
Drafting -2g for 40 sec until game safe to leave
Day / Night cycles every 5 min
Smoke max stock 3. every 4:20
Wards max stock 4. every 2:15
Spawn Timer:
Creeps (0:30), Siege (5:00), Neutrals / ancients (1:00). All upgraded every (7:30) max 3h 45 min game time. Start from 3 melee 1 ranged, every 15 min +1 melee creep except at min 35 (+1 siege) and 40 (+1 ranged).
Expected max last hits:
5 min 41 (4 per waves, 1 from siege)
10 min 82
15 min 123 (5 per waves)
20 min 174
25 min 225
30 min 276 (6 per waves)
35 min 338 (8 from +2 siege)
40 min 400 (7 per waves)
45 min 472 (8 per waves)
50 min 554

*Flagbearer start min 2 then every (1:00)
* Ancient creeps has magic resist and immune to some spells e.g. pudge hook. Ancient unit types are: brewmaster ult, courier, roshan, visage familiar, warlock golem
Wisdom runes every (7:00)
Bounty runes every (3:00)
Water runes (40 hp 80 mp) min 2 and 4 only
River runes (2:00) from min 6, Bounty Runes (3:00)
*Arcane: CD -30%, mana cost -30% 50 DUR
*Double damage: dmg +100% 45 DUR
*Haste: ms 550. 22 DUR
*Illusion: 35% dmg 75 DUR
*Regeneration: 6% hp and mana per sec. 30 DUR. Dispelled by player dmg
  • Shop. Accessible by clicking NPC or gold.
  • Throne. Destroy this to win.
  • Fountain. Spawnpoint. restore hp + mp. Aura lingers for 3 seconds, leave area 3 sec earlier before full mana.
  • Top, mid, bot lanes. Radiant top for pos 3+4. bot for pos 1+5. vice versa Dire top for 1+5.
  • Scan. Pings enemy heroes in area shown as red.
  • Glyph. refresh after first T1, T2, and melee rax destroyed.
  • Hero. 3 skills + 1 special skill / ultimate.
  • 6 item slots and 3 backpack slots shown in that order. The order prioritise which item would be consumed / slot filled first. e.g. completed item recipe.
  • Courier max 9 items. Courier also has skills such as go to base (1) secret shop (2) return item to players stash (3) retrieve items from stash (4) send current items to player (5) 2 sec immunity (6).
  • Quick buy and Sticky. Allows shopping quickly. check setting options for hotkey.
  • Main menu, Setting, and Scoreboard. Share unit control and mute players here as shown.
    1. Combat log - to check healing / damage done.
    2. Show shared content - to use HUD and announcers used by other players.
    3. Shared unit control - Can be important if need help controlling minions.
    4. Show items - Show team inventories.
Scoreboard 3rd icon: Share control
  • Units (e.g. NP treants).
  • Hero (hero skills and movement).
  • Help disables ally skills e.g. oracle (2), OD (2).

T1-T4. Destroy T1-T3 in any lane to destroy T4 and finally Throne to win game.
2 secret shop: sell expensive items not available at fountain or side shop. +25 attributes, ring, booster, etc.
Roshpit. Roshan drops aegis (revive player). 2nd kill drops cheese (restore 2500hp), 3rd kill drops refresher shard (1x use) / aghs.
Some skills (Chen, Enchant, LS) or item (Dominator) convert neutrals to your side.

Backdoor (BD)
Some buildings cannot be attacked until a lane creep is nearby. This is BD protection. once it is off you have 15 seconds since the last time creep was there. Hero creeps does not count. BD has 90 HP regen / sec. Technically can BD with 90+ dmg / sec to buildings.
  • T1 BD off all times once first creep spawn.
  • T2 BD off as creeps at tower attack range. LS can backdoor T2.
  • T3 BD off as creeps at icon outside base, not tower so don't wait for creeps attacking tower.
Ok, what's next?

  • Level. Experience only gained within 1500 radius of dying unit
  • As shown in image dying melee creeps xp (~1000 radius) but may not get ranged creep xp (~1500 radius)
  • Hover mouse over skill or item e.g. before you blink to learn the casting range.
  • I usually start spamming skills / item with longest casting range e.g. Atos first.
  • There are 4 damage types: physical (reduced by armor), magic (reduced by magic resist), pure (cannot be reduced), and HP removal. HP removal is similar to pure but not increased by spell amplification items e.g. kaya.
  • At start, the lane might be really difficult e.g. expecting against trilane, so knowing how to pull and stack creeps are important during laning phase. Redirecting the wave of creeps would make the first 2 minute easier as an offlaner. Otherwise creeps only reach T1 every 5 min.
Stacking & Pulling Neutrals
  • Press Alt to see yellow neutral spawn box area (if setting is on). Placing ward / unit at :00 will block camp. Shown green circle only chase for 4 seconds, the rest 7 seconds.
  • This means all camps can be stacked at 55-56 mark. the rest can be stacked more at 52-53.
  • At 300ms ~5 sec to move 1000 distance. ~20 sec to walk half the map.
    As shown in image, pulling is usually done at 12 / 42 because of 7 sec chase time. Half pull (ranged creep only) is done 5-6 sec late e.g. 17/47.
    Top dire N1 can be pulled horizontally for radiant side at 17/47 or dire side 27/57.
    Bot radiant N5 can be pulled horizontally for radiant side at 27/57 or dire side 17/47.
  • As radiant, bot N3 cut trees towards T2 and tower will help when attacked.
  • As dire, top N3 stairs make it miss 25% attacks.
  • As melee, never fight neutrals at where it spawn. Hit 1x and kite 3-4 seconds to high ground / stairs for 2-3 free hits as creeps turn back + 25% chance miss attacks. Cut trees to make single paths where other creeps cant get through so you take less damage.
  • Be careful of enemy roamers looking for bounty runes, so actually it's safer to jungle at left radiant (as radiant), or right dire (as dire) since tower is near.
  • Silence = Active skills (Orchid)
  • Break = Passive skills (Silveredge). Cannot dispel.
  • Mute = Active items (Nullifier).
  • Disarm = Attacks (Halberd). Cannot dispel.
  • Leashed = Cannot tp / use mobility skills e.g. blink. Use force staff / bkb to dispel.
Basics II: Abbreviations / Demo
In-Game Commands
-ping laggy? check latency shown at top right.

Demo Hero / Lobby Cheat Commands
-lvlup 25, -levelbots 25, -lvlmax.

-gold 10000
-item heart, -givebots necronomicon_3 = give bots necro 3. Or simply select the bot and shop.
-wtf, -unwtf = turn on/off free spells
-refresh = refresh skills
-allvision, -normalvision = turn on/off vision
-trees = respawn trees
-killwards = remove sentries + obs.
-killcreeps = kill all creeps
-clearwards = remove obs.

-spawncreeps, -spawnneutrals, -spawnrune
-disablecreepspawn, -enablecreepspawn = turn on/off spawns
-createhero pudge = create radiant side pudge bot.
-createhero pudge enemy = create dire side pudge bot.
-createhero mini enemy = create tormentor
pud = pudge. (can type parts of hero/item name)
mini = tormentor
fur = nature prophet
us = zeus. (typing zeus = create nimbus)
rat = clockwerk (rattletrap)

alpha = wolf
khan = centaur
gole = mud golem
ogre_mau = brown ogre mauler
neutral_ogre_magi = blue ogre frostmage
trick = white satyr trickster / banisher
soul = blue satyr soulstealer
hell = purple satyr hellcaller

Maybe you just started and not sure what is get TK? CW?
(A) aghs skill
(S) shard skill
(U) ult
aoe area of effect
b back
BD Backdoor
BM Beastmaster / broodmother / blademail
bm blademail
cm cystal maiden / captains mode
CW clockwork / centaur warchief
DR drow ranger / divine rapier
DUR duration
ES Earthspirit / earth shaker
ET elder titan
fb first blood
FV faceless void
g go
GC gyrocopter
hex scythe of vyse
KK kunka
kns kaya and sange
kotl keeper of the light
LMB left mouse button
LP Low priority games, punishment for abandoning / too many reports.
LS Lifestealer
OD outworld devourer
OOM/OM out of mana
P push
RMB right mouse button
RS roshan
SB spiritbreaker
SB shadowblade
SG slithereen guard / sladar
SNY sange and yasha
SS shadow shaman
SS special skill / ult
WK tinker
TP teleport scroll
TW troll warlord
U ult
UD undying
UL underlord
WK wraith king
WL warlock
WR windranger
WW winter wyvern
ynk yasha and kaya

anjing ID dogs
anshit slur for s*** ancient
bobo PH idiot
feeder die too much
Indogs pejorative of indonesian players + dogs
Injoker for playing invoker like a joker / clown.
kontol ID D*** sounds like kotl
peenoise slur for pinoy
pignoise slur for pinoy
putang ina mo PH your mum is a B*****
ratting = Push opposite lane at the same time when enemies pushing
tang ina ka PH motherF*****
telorbread ID egg + bread slur for terrorblade. food / feeder.

Personal Game Data / Behaviour Reports
Enable console (steam library > dota 2, right click properties, set launch options, enter -console in text field. Then type developer 1, dota_game_account_debug to check your behaviour rank. usually ~9000. More commends = higher number and will protect you from reports.
Failing to ready up penalty: 5 min, 20 min, 24h.

If you wish to check dota 2 gifting history / further check incoming player reports
About Ranked
Ranked MMR starting calibration
This is important so you dont get upset getting <1500 because it takes forever to reach 3500+.
I observed starting MMR depends on unranked played + win/lose streak until 1st calibration.
Play vs bots; Demo Hero; lobby so games uncounted towards calibration.
50% win ~2000, 66% ~3000+, Max 3500.
Turbo ~750-1500.
Edit profile to check Total matches and wins.

Party MMR
Failing to ready up: 3 min > 30m> 1h > 24h?
Party MMR too far apart notice is ~2500 difference.
During party, disconnected party member that result in abandon at start of game (safe to leave) cause you to -20 mmr as well (not shown in recent games history).
Abandon 2x per games summary = LP (Can safely abandon 1x per 25 games).
immortals only vs other divine / immo.
AR3 can party with DI4
0 HE1
160? HE2
310? HE3
470? HE4
620? HE5
770? GU1
930? GU2
1080? GU3
1240? GU4
1410 GU5
1550 CR1 1% 1560 7%
1720 CR2 1696?
1860 CR3 2023-4 2%
2010 CR4 2023-4
2160 CR5
2320 AR1
2480 AR2
2619 AR3 2023-6
2772 AR4 2023-7 2800 14%
2940 AR5 2022-9 2930 98%
3082 LE1 2023-9
3234 LE2 2023-5 3230 93%
3400 LE3
3550? LE4
3710 LE5 2023-1
3856 AN1 2023-5
4020? AN2
4170 AN3
4320 AN4
4470? AN5
4620? DI1
4820? DI2
5020? DI3
5220? DI4
5420? DI5
5620? immortal
6950? immortal 1080

not an expert in analysis but here are a few ways to increase your chances of winning:
1. identify users
what time of the day do you play?
e.g.1 fridays, weekends around 5pm-midnight more likely to meet teenagers / students who just play for fun, not caring about winning or losing, trying new heroes.
e.g.2 weekdays after 2am teenagers / students sleep at this time as they have morning classes, so you're more likely to meet older, hardcore players who play until morning. better skills?
e.g.3 repeat the same time and day of the week you often win. avoid time zones when you lose a lot because you're more likely to meet the same players that annoyed you
e.g.4 check dota profiles. what are your pos 1 and 2 diagrams like?
high pushing = win a lot.
high fighting + farming but not pushing = might be feeders / dive a lot.
high farming low fighting = only join teamfights late game.
high support + low versatility / farm = bad sup. only buy wards and do nothing.
high support + high versatility = good sup. know how to counter heroes meta / synergize with team picks.

2. identify scope / goals.
dota algorithm is 50-50 win rate.
When are you more likely to lose? identify patterns.
e.g. i often lose 2-3 games after just ranked up; or need 1-2 games to rank up; or after 3-4 win streaks.
did my games quality become higher skilled when i have 3-4 win streaks? No. it's the same. im not versing enemy teams with win streaks, just worse players on losing streaks to balance it and vice versa when im on losing streak, better players on my team.
what needs to be changed during this time so I can win more instead of losing?
e.g. imagine like guilds, there's hidden percentile of players top 100 and bottom 100 of archon5. i think if you just ranked up you will start again from bottom 100 so more bad players around.

3. planning
what's different in current bracket? e.g. WD/NP/Gyro/PA meta?
Assuming enemy will pick these heroes, what's you plan to counter the heroes? Counter with items or heroes? What items do you need to win early teamfights / late game?

4. analysis
what went wrong? what time is your strongest? e.g. some heroes are v strong lv 6, 12 with their lv 2 ults. others might be level 10, 15, 20, 25 due to their talents. do you know the average time needed to get these levels?
min 6 mid is 5-6, others 3-4
min 10 mid is 10, others 6-7
min 15 mid is 10-12, others 8-10
min 20 mid is 13-15, others 11-13
min 24 mid is 18, others 15?
min 29 mid is 20, others 14-18?
min 41+ mid is 25, others 20?
min 60+ mid is 30, others 25

do you lag? maybe need shorter / new ethernet cable / new modem / overclock pc.
check role performance, my medal shown during pickphase as pos 2 is archon 4, but when i play pos 1 it's crusader 5 (i only play pos 1 like once a year), as pos 3 its archon 2. this means i should avoid recalibration as pos 1 3. then maybe play pos 1 3 to vs lower brackets.
This also means if your highest mmr is 3000 and start to lose, play other roles at least once to update old hidden number.

5. design
what's your ideal game?
your play style. do you often win early game 30-40 min or late game 40+?
do you use alt pings to communicate? e.g. ping before starting teamfights / warn teammates enemy coming / need help.

6. implementation
what works for you?

7. testing
repeat what works for you, test different heroes to counter?

8. maintenance
Ranked Recalibration
If uncalibrated, your number stays the same.
100 games winrate ~50-50 because the more you are on winning streak, the higher chance of being teamed up with players on losing streak? For balance vs. someone with similar medal / highest number in party.

What I observed about re-calibration:
  • Update anything on profile to see changes in % medal.
  • Your old number doesn't change. You dont jump ranks. you will be matched to only 1 enemy player.
  • ~3x mmr per game e.g. 70-80 mmr.
  • Tick only 1 role. Prepare 10 role queue before you quit playing. Check your best role (dotaplus).
    e.g. i calibrated AR5 mid only.
    As pos 3 i get AR2 (previously played pos 3 a lot, but stopped when I keep losing).
    As pos 4 5 i get AR4 then AR5 after few games.
    As pos 1 i get CR5 (very very rarely I play pos 1) after few win streaks it become AR1, 2 then 4 (skipped 3 for some reason?) then 5 current mmr.
    This could mean that if i queue mid then safe = waste 1 calibration game if my mid is higher.
    e.g. hidden start CR5 as pos 1, come out as AR1-2. means i would lose a lot more MMR even if i have 10 win streaks as pos 1.
    e.g. better if i keep playing as mid, then switch role if lose 2-3 games as mid, then try next best pos 4 or 5. Better to avoid recalibrating as pos 1 3 for me.
  • Estimated uncertainty: peak MMR, current MMR, profile level, total games last season e.g. in 2017 ~40 games required (since 40 games = 1000 mmr), win / lose streak. win 5 lost 5 yet -200 mmr?; Duration of game e.g. stomp / relative team rank balance
  • if most of the immortals, divines, ancients, and legends already calibrated, you might be left behind / lose a lot of mmr if theres no immortals left calibrating, because obviously you're left to vs other archons, crusaders calibrating if that's the kind of players available at that time in that region hence you can lose more mmr. Recalibrate faster at the same time with others for more player pool of the same rank.
Setting Options
Changing hotkeys is the easiest way to improve. Hand on keyboard should be relaxed, wrist not hurting when trying to press buttons quickly in the right sequence. e.g. skill 3, 1, ult, then 2.

Skill 1 (Q) changed to hotkey near index finger, such as T
Unless a typist, it can be difficult to press (Q) with little / ring ringer in the right sequence with other hotkeys. E.g. Invoker or WD, when trying to blink (B) with index finger, curse (E), stun (Q), then ultimate (R). BEQR. Or as sandking ult (R), shift blink (B), stun (Q), then sand (W). RBQW. I changed hotkeys as pressing BETG / GBTW much easier for me. By pressing more buttons with index finger, you will gradually be less prone to mistakes.

Thus my hotkeys are:
skill 1 (T) and ultimate (G).
skill 2 (W) and skill 3 (E) as default.
skill 4 (F) and skill 5 (R) for playing IO, to remember (F) is to pull closer and (R) for outwards.

Queue next actions
Shift+LMB shop items
Save items to quickbuy tab
Ctrl+Alt+LMB quickbuy area
Shows gold needed for item and buyback
Ctrl+Alt+LMB shop items
Suggest item
share ward / mango / potion to allies. Cannot share dust / smoke
show time, skills cooldown, remaining health and mana, items in shop
Alt+LMB hold+Drag
ping 5 chatwheel options e.g. attack, ward or move here
Alt+LMB minimap
(!) mark. ping to go / gank there
Ctrl+Alt+LMB minimap
(X) mark. Warn teammates to be careful
Ctrl+LMB+Drag minimap
draw lines e.g. show direction pathing

Unit Actions (Micro)
Select all controlled units (`) (Tilde key, Left to 1 key), to control Brood, Chen, Enigma, NP timed minions.
Through Demo Hero I usually Ctrl+select units to group them onto assigned number. E.g. Ctrl+3 for PL tanky image (yellow). This allows me to press 3 to select it and move it around quickly to trick enemies. This preference is saved for future games so you don't have to do it every time you play the hero.

Here are my setting:
Summoned units always auto attack.
Ctrl+1 for random units / my hero, such as controlling disconnected teammates. Brewmaster's Green Panda.
Ctrl+2 to select my hero.
Ctrl+3 to control Arc warden's image, Beastmaster's bird scout, Brewmaster's Blue panda, Elder titan's image, invoker's minions, juggernaut's healing ward, lycan's wolves, LD's bear, PL's tanky image, Shaman wards, Tusk's sigil, WD's deathward, warlock's golem.
(Spacebar) for control group: next unit. Easier to play meepo instead of pressing (Tab).

Item Hotkeys
(D) for dagon, hex, urn anything to click on enemies
(B) for blink, force staf, glimmer, any escape / doubletap items e.g bloodstone, bottle
(Z) for tp
(V) / (Spacebar) for any commonly used items e.g. armlet, phaseboots, glimmer.

Shop Actions
(X) Select courier
(Q) Quick buy. Open shop and press Shift+Left click on upgraded items you plan to buy. Now you can simply press Q to buy it. Useful to buy items before you die in teamfights.
(Capslock) Open Shop (under To Advanced Hotkeys).
(Tab) Take stash Item (under To Advanced Hotkeys).

(C) chatwheel
(S) Voice chat to party, team
Phrases: (U) get back, (F1) missing top, (F2) missing middle, (F3) missing bottom, (F4) help
Chatwheel: I use Spread out; bait; Invisible enemy nearby; Re-use courier; stack neutrals; Zeus ult now; [all] Good game, well played; Whoops.

Double Tap to self cast E.g. omniknight, instead of clicking your hero / portrait to heal, you can simply press skill 2x.
Teleport requires stop useful to prevent accidental tp cancellation by right clicks. Press Hold (H) to cancel manually.
Channeled abilities requires stop also useful.
Right click to force attack useful to simply right click to deny, but this option prevents you to right click someone to follow them.
Holding Alt show neutral spawnbox useful to prevent accidental neutral camp block when moving.

Advanced Options
Bring Dota 2 to front when match found If you often alt tab as you queue games, you'll need this.
Expose Public Match Data If you like to check your progress / history on websites such as or
Display Network Information Shows frame per second and latency to know whether it is pc or lag issue.
Strict Solo ranked Prevents matching up with parties of 2 in solo queue.
Guild / Battlepass notes
Cavern crawl need 2x turbo to clear.

Play 3 match in a row to win 20K shards.
If won 2nd round (semifinal) 20 min cant find opponent, you get default grandfinal win trophy.
If only won 1st round (quarterfinal) + 20 min, you get Sorry cant find opponent msg + no trophy.

relics - common 5xp, rare 30xp per Lv up
interrupt channeling - global silence does not count.

Brood kill 12 while affected by (1) must last hit as well. bug?

Guild Contracts
Guild challenges win/lose still count.
turbo counts for daily.

15 assists / 17500 magic dmg easiest.
Deny 20 - does not count with minions / illusions e.g. LD bear.
Deward 4 wards - Can buy then deny own wards.
kill / assist 7 while stunned - necro / tusk. enigma bh doesnt count.
stun 2 at once - pudge (dismember counts as 2..repeat 4x done)
kill 180 creeps with hero - does not count with minions e.g. necro 3
kill 75 with summoned units - ARC illu / manta does not count. Gyro 2nd skill and ult counts?
kill 2 courier - NP / bh.

To find same match
Lobby, 10 ppl party, shuffle, exit lobby, Add party leader on other team, find match with same settings (server, language, etc..) e.g. captain's mode in aus server.

-kill roshan does not count if non guild players get the last hit.
-Battlepass / Guild challenges / contracts If dc at anytime during game (including during drafting phase, dc and rc before 1st kill etc), the quest does not count for the rest of the game? automatic fail? bug?
Warding & Courier Hunting
Starting Ward
  • if unsure, ward river runes, shrines, bounty / river rune area.
  • Mid game ward ancient / neut stack closest to midlane or block camps.
  • Watch towers still standing. Ward lanes that will be ganked / pushed soon
  • Midlane needs ward. No vision of hero when creeps fight at river. This can make it difficult to do creep aggro pull.
  • Imagine sentry placed at river centre of map. Inside this area is easy to deward, so put slightly left or right on enemy trilaning side to watch for ganks.
    Left side gives vision of rune as well, but usually ganks are more unpredictable on right side as there are more trees.
  • Unnecessary to ward for a melee midlaner. Put only for ranged midlaner.

  • If possible, wait 2 min as you roam to look for bounty / river runes before you place wards. Unless theres some aggressive plays e.g trilane ganking you'll save extra 2 min. My 2 fav spots are shown below as circle (defensive wards) and star.
How to pinpoint wards
E.g. watching friends game, warded there near tree at top tower! this is confusing. Which tower?
Try to use this format:
1. radiant (R) / dire (D) / Roshan (rs)?
2. Toplane / Midlane / Botlane?
3. T1 / T2 / T3 / Rax / Shrine / Ancient / Secret shop / River rune / Cliff
4. Clock direction. use 3, 6, 9, 12 for simple direction or 2 4 8 10 to be more precise.
5. Nearby: Stairs / Inside Tree / blocked camp / Edge of map
Now we should be able to pinpoint the exact location.

Cliff examples:
dire top cliff 8 o clock near stairs
dire top cliff near edge of map
dire right cliff
dire right cliff near edge of map
dire secret shop cliff
dire midlane T2 9 o clock cliff where you cut tree
radiant bottom cliff
radiant bottom cliff near edge of map
radiant left cliff
radiant left cliff near edge of map
radiant secret shop cliff
roshan 2 o clock cliff where you cut tree

Other examples:
dire top tower 1, 4 o clock near stairs
dire top ancient 2 o clock near top stairs (there are 3 stairs, simply mention top / right / bottom)
dire right ancient 9 o clock near stairs
dire right shrine 6 o clock
top river rune right side near stairs
top river rune left side near stairs
bottom river rune 6 o clock
radiant left ancient 3 o clock
radiant left ancient 12 o clock

Warding for hunting courier / Pushing T3
  • Use smoke and place obs while standing inside hidden fog of war.

  • At min 2, take rune then walk between mid T1 and T2, if no courier passed then check safelane.
  • Before courier respawned in 2 min, observe which hero still has items in courier and walk between expected path from fountain. Roughly courier leave base T3 in 6-8 sec.

  • Common warding areas are high cliffs and near roshpit.
  • Understanding fogged area and creep aggro also helps e.g. Tower hitting you at night or creep chasing you to high ground means they have vision over that area. When you RMB enemy hero at fogged higher ground (e.g. midlane) and creeps chase you means they have vision as well.
Hiding spots and jukes
My item choices can be weird, its like your personality so be creative and have fun. Don't worry too much about making wrong choices, learn from experience, analyze each game winning/losing situation and keep on experimenting.
Starting items
Plan ahead to counter specific heroes / what skills you take
  • Boot vs. gyro(1) / jug(1) / slark / ursa
    Note don't get boot first if you get free haste (DS, weaver); if you move v slow <300 (CM); if easy to die / cant harass as melee (BH);if enemy can blink / move fast 315 ms. You can't catch / harass the enemy if they also have boot. Get regen items like 2-6 mangoes so you don't have to go back to heal / buy too many tangoes. 3-5 regen = 180/300 hp per minute so should be enough if you expect to get hit 1-2x per wave / lose a lot HP e.g. vs zeus / tk / sky.
  • Blightstone vs non agi / low armor (pudge)
  • Clarity instead of tangoes if you can heal. why buy tangoes as WD / warlock?
  • Quell vs. Hoodwink / MK / NP(1) / Timber / WR(1) / treant so they can't hide / skill. Also easier creep pull.
  • Wand vs. BB / bat / PA / Sky / zeus to gain charges.

So my strategy are:
*buy nothing for bottle if I roam to get runes
*just 1 tango to save for ring health into vanguard
*6 mangoes + tango for 3.6 hp regen
*3 sagemask + mango for 2.1 mp regen (or 2 sagemask + 2 mango + tango)
*blightstone + tango + 3 faerie (or mango+quell)
*Crown for dagon / Glove for midas + tango
Generally I start with blightstone if i want to harass enemy / last hit.
Ideally eul+halberd+eblade+hex+octarine for total 13 sec disables ~15 CD.
or atos / crimson / shiva / overwhelming blink/ abyssal for variations.

Item Suggestions
midas > octarine (great with cooldown / +xp talent)
eul > meteor hammer, 2 casting time during cyclone (great with extra cast range talent)
madness > blademail (return extra damage taken!)
heart > blademail
vanguard > radiance
dominator > necro 3, minions
kaya > aether / dagon
shadowblade > deso / echosabre
deso > blightstone > crit (stacks -7, -2 = -9 armor)
orb venom > diffusal > manta
radiance > manta / octarine
halberd > sny > echosabre / lifesteal
dragon lance > maelstorm / javelins > moonshard / mjolnir.
pipe + 1-2 hood + locket + 2 vanguard / crimson. Might look silly but very tanky and cost effective.
The following is a simple table of magic resist. Base magic resist is 25% + str. Hood is 1700g and pipe 3025g. Buying 2-3 hood can be useful vs techie / zeus / tinker / radiance ~45 dmg per sec. Buying regen is more useful but unfortunately only 6 slots available.
1 hood ~45%. +20%. almost full effect of 25%. ~35 radiance
1 pipe ~53%. +28%. almost full effect of 30%. ~29
1 pipe + 1 hood ~65%. +12% from hood. ~21
1 pipe + 2 hood ~74%. +9% from hood. Less than 50% effect. May not be worth it. ~16
2 hood ~58%. +13% from hood. ~25
3 hood ~69%. +10% from hood. ~19
2 pipe ~67%. +14% from pipe. Less than 50% effect. Not worth it. ~19

But don't rush expensive / luxury items as first item. e.g. yasha / sny / hurricane pike as carry. Even though it still can be useful for %dmg heroes such as venge, drow, i feel that these items are useless in teamfight early-mid game and just slows down farming. Be 4-6 slotted with cheap items. e.g. 3 wraithbands, tread then butterfly.
  • as spirit breaker + yasha, but no windlace. yasha 20 ms.
    6% windlace / drum / eul is 18-20 which is similar to yasha. Eul can stack.
    15% boot ~45 ms
    24% tranquil ~72-80 ms
    32% tp boot ~96-100 ms
  • BKB + hood? Why not blademail? cheaper too.
  • heart but no stout / vanguard / blademail. But heart is great to tank tower early game.
  • First item should be useful items to win the game early. e.g. bkb, blademail, skadi, deso.
  • When losing, think about escape items first e.g. glimmer, shadowblade, blink, or even dominator to use as scout / vision.
Alternatively, first item should be escape / counter items on fed enemy heroes.
  • glimmer / forcestaff / bkb vs. clock to escape from cogs
  • ghost vs. jug ult.
  • eul vs. kunka X mark.
  • blademail vs burst dmg heroes tinker / invoker / Luna.
  • atos / orchid vs blink heroes / storm.
  • linken vs necrophos / LC / AM / Lina.

  • wand + 2x stout shield. just 1 stout ~2 block chance in 6. 2 stouts ~5 in 6 hits.
    Offlaners often harassed so stout is good even for ranged heroes such as viper. Especially when you expect a trilane.
  • Quell. to cut trees and give you vision. Such as when you vs treant / timber / MK.
  • Roamer / harassing won't get much gold. Need items like tranquil boots, clarity, soul ring, and orb venom to harass quickly. Soul Ring (800) could be more effective than Arcane boot (1300). e.g. soul ring every 30 cd restore 150 mana = 5 mana/sec. Arcane every 55 cd restore 160 mana = 2.9 mana/sec.
    25 int = 300 mana, 50% mana regen, 1.7% amplification.
  • Orb venom / Blightstone + Windlace. use courier for potion / clarity later. E.g. Sb, Bristle, MK.
  • Boots + tango. E.g. Ursa, Pudge, juggernaut. Could be better than boot. e.g. Boot (45ms). Windlace (20ms) +12% melee slow (if 300 > 264 = -36ms) or 4% ranged slow (if 300 > 288 = -12ms)
  • Ring regen + 3 clarity for soulring later. e.g. techie, zeus, sky and other mana heavy like CK.
Safelane / Jungle Pos 5
  • Smoke max stock 3 per 11 min. buy 1 if can.
  • Obs max stock 4 per 2:30 min.
  • Courier + tango + obs + sentry + smoke. Give ward to offlaner / mid.
  • Branches. Tangoes last 2x longer if used on enemy wards / trees planted by branch. Or upgrade to meka / pipe later.
    Mid Game
  • 2 clarity and 2 potion always ready to give to the carry when needed.
    Check HP e.g. 400/700 hp is a waste to give potion. share tango instead.
  • Meka (2275) or Pipe (3100) First? Why not just carry 2x potion (110) or urn (875)?
    Don't rush meka / pipe if dont have escape items such as glimmer.
    If enemies deal mostly physical, then meka. If magical then pipe.
    Even as pos 5, it won't be good later to keep dying, so get basic items such as wand, urn, bracer, or even circlets until you have 1400 HP or glimmer.
  • Not a good idea to rush hood first at 800-1200 hp (300>161 dmg, 70 dmg reduction) unless the enemy can damage burst kill e.g. zeus, sniper, tinker.
  • Wraith band 7 agi = quell 7 dmg. So why not quell + 4 faerie fire + Tango. E.g. sniper, SF that has low base attack. This gives 15 ranged / 32 melee dmg. Quell + 1-4 mangoes also nice if lane is difficult.
  • Need blink / level 6 quickly? Is Jungle stacked? may need quell blade to cut trees for faster pathing or get battlefury first to clear stacked jungle.
  • If not harassed and farming well, plan items to farm even faster first, e.g. midas, dominator, mask madness, maelstorm, battlefury, necro 3, radiance.
  • If harassed a lot, get 1400 hp first to survive 6x 300 dmg spells (each does 231 dmg minus 25% magic resist).
  • Skadi / BKB Good to rush as 2nd or 3rd item.
    diffusal > manta
    midas (8) mael (13) orchid (21) mjolnir (25) bloodthorn (30) tp boot (33) blink (36) hex (45) - Arc warden
    midas (8-10) aghs (17-19) - Invoker

    Gold Cost
    Item Examples
    Starting Items
    midas / blink / tp boot
    Glove haste / Quell
    As carry
    ~4200 / 5200
    BF / Radiance
    Quell etc
    As carry
    ~4200 gold / 5200
    aghanim / Radiance
    Boot, wand
    As support / roamer

    voodo mask
    10-11 maelstorm
7.31 changes / unfixed exploits. please fix!!

Intended changes?
Dawn (S) immunity does not dispel debuffs. inconsistent with Spirit breaker (S) ?

0 = 0% ~400 dmg
2 = 10% ~360
4.3 = 20% ~320
7.2 = 30%. ~280
11.2 = 40% ~240
16.8 = 50%. ~200 Ideal armor value. e.g. 50% more hp.
25 = 60%. ~160
39 = 70%. ~120

  • Basic lifesteal stacks and no longer a modifier. e.g. great with huskar + 3x lifesteal, ursa, AM.
  • Movement speed bonus from items changed to %. MS talent becomes important as most heroes move slower now.
  • Armor formula changed. More sensitive.
    0 = 0% ~400 dmg.
    2 = 10% ~360
    4.3 = 20% ~320
    7.3 = 30%. ~280
    11.1 = 40% ~240
    16.1 = 50%. ~200 Ideal armor value. e.g. 50% more hp.
    23.3 = 60%. ~160
    34.3 = 70%. ~120

  • Diffusal + manaburn talent works, but AM + diffusal doesnt work. AM diffusal manta = his illusion apply diffusal manaburn instead of passive, which is less damage.
  • Octarine applies healing first before damage. e.g. huskar ult.
  • Octarine + radiance heal 12-13.
  • Octarine + maelstorm works. heal ~21. with kaya heal ~22.
  • Octarine + javelins / mkb does not work. no healing.
  • Octarine + attack type / hp removal does not work. e.g. Pango (1), Tide (3), Zeus (3), Veno (2), Spectre (3).
  • Octarine + Centaur (3) heal 8-10. With talent 15. with kaya 18. kaya also adds ~2 dmg.
  • Octarine + Beastmaster (1) spell type / Faceless Void (3) works. heal ~7 / 20 (timelock talent)
  • Tiny (2) can click on magic immune targets, but will show nothing to toss if nearby unit is magic immune.
  • BH can now track (U) while shadow walk (3).
  • TA meld (2) stacks.
  • Chen (3) can call techie mines (1)

Bugs / Exploits / unknown please fix!!
  • Dotaplus relic bug. As enchantress + LD bear count as your creep stuns and creep root relic progression. Perhaps other player creeps as well? unknown.
  • Drum has 8 charges again when upgraded to boots of bearing + disassembled.
  • Ember(2) + revenant does not work vs ethereal enemy.
  • morp lose TB(3) buff when reverting back. inconsistent with ES(2) buff when reverting back.
  • mag (A) 2nd shock + refresher 2nd cast only renew duration, deal 0 dmg if enemy still has 5 sec debuff.
  • meepo clones do not get magic resist
  • PL real location revealed when pinging current hp / mana.
  • Teleport boot purchase during death does not give sold tp scrolls gold
  • tb(U) pierce bkb to allies, but no effect.

  • Necrophos (3) pierce BKB even though tooltip say does not pierce.
  • Holy locket does not increase LC (2) press attack healing.

  • Chen + WD ult / Shaman / UD zombies. +120 atk speed on ult. intended?
  • Jug still crit on LD bear while spinning (not on warlock golem / visage familiar). FIXED
  • Locket healing bonus also applies to aura items you provide e.g. headress.
  • Diffusal + bfury. mana burn also deal ~17 cleave damage.

  • Lifestealer vs Axe. LS is unkillable in 1v1 when blademail and (3) is used on enemy. even with axe (U) culling blade, LS will not die.FIXED
  • T2 Vs. Lifestealer. LS can BD when approaching T2 while hidden in a neutral creep. BD will be off for 15 seconds. However this does not work on T3.
  • Morph Ult copies target stats, ms, hp and mana, but uses own talent and items.
    Does not copy target base damage (usually appears to have less damage), talent or passive ult (e.g. PA crit). Exceptions with target skills integrated with passive ult e.g. ogre multicast on fireblast, PL skill 1 with juxtapose, which still works.
    if morph has aghs, skills is upgraded, but no new skill e.g. enemy ogre must own aghs to steal unrefined blast.
  • Pangolier does not have turnrate casting delay when using items on enemies. e.g. hex
  • TB vs. Morph. Morph becomes melee hero permanently after using TB (3) metamorph. e.g. great with bfury and echosabre. This effect disappears when you cast morph on someone else. FIXED
Damage Notes
300 spell dmg
0% 225 due to hero 25% resist
3% 231 null (6)
8% 243 kaya (18)
18% 265.5 veil (40)
26% 286.74 kaya + veil (61.74)
so roughly extra dmg 2.25x the %

300 dagon 1 400
600 dagon 5 800

~58.8 eblade
336 eblade 12%
529.20 eblade + dagon 1 52%?
999.60 eblade + dagon 5 52%?
1179.53 eblade + dagon 5 + veil 70%?

~51-69 dmg

As WR need about 2700 hp if solo mael heart without bkb.
~2500 dmg will die solo.
~1700 dmg 2 ppl
~700 dmg 3 ppl
Outdated notes
My notes based on average mmr difference until 2017.
Generally +25/-25 per game, up to +49/-5 in party games if skewed e.g. divine + archons.
Team challenge token ~1500. team challenge gives around +48 mmr or -5 mmr. in rare cases +49 but never 50.
0 (+25/-25) 0-16
1 (+26/-24) 8-26 Ancient 5 - Ancient 4 / 2
2 (+27/-23) 28-35
3 (+28/-22) 37-52
4 (+29/-21) 51-64
6 (+31/-19) 66-70 Divine 6 - Divine 1
8 (+33/-17) 108
10 (+10/-10) ? Ancient 5 - Legend 4 / 2
20 (+45/-5) 409-740
24 (+49/-?) ? Divine 2 - Ancient 3

Ranked MMR
2 numbers: core and sup (Profile > Stats).
If both roles calibrated, you get 50% of the other e.g. core +30, sup +15
If ranked classic, you get 100% of the other. e.g. core +30, sup +30

manta ~55 dmg at 150. Necro 3 is ~78 each.

Necronomicon_3 (200g + 200xp) - red deals 800 dmg to killer. 50 manaburn. truesight. blue has purge CD 15, duration 4. 9% ms and atk speed aura.

Shrine. Restores 400 hp 150 mana, RMB to activate, 5 min CD. Destroy T3 first to hit shrine.
2 side shops: sell limited items. +6 attributes, boot, blink etc.

-double rank down used, disconnect exit dota, then relog. lost the game, still available. only -25 mmr not -50
Suggestions Note
hero / items
-DD 45 s duration too long. Unfair advantage. Suggestions for balance:
1 removed from game.
2 limited to next 6 attacks, unlimited duration.
3 reduced duration. 22 seconds like haste rune.
4 reduced effect. 50% 45 seconds OK.

-if lion 20+ finger kills = 2500 dmg at very low mana cost of 600 mana.
perhaps each extra kill bonus damage adds 25 mana cost for balance? e.g. 20 x 25 = 500 extra mana cost = 1150. Add stackable new item that could reduce flat mana cost / by %.

-zeus movable nimbus at very slow 125 speed like neut wildwing tornado. Would be interesting if it interacts with knockback spells e.g. drow gust. or creates sladar water puddle.

-Dota plus 2x speed up the hours played counter for ranked? so 40 min games counts as 80 towards requirement..Steam gets more money, and returning players happy too?
-1 year dota plus to rank immediately.
-New accounts can rank immediately, but start at Herald 1 at 1 mmr.
-Seasonal rank fresh MMR at 3000, with matchmaking algorithm to similar previous medal / peak mmr.
-Win / lose streaks = more/less mmr. e.g. 3 streak = 40 mmr, 4 streak = 50 mmr... and so on.

Profile cosmetics
-right click option to Combine skins to show off level of items + border + new colour scheme styles / item effects. useful for duplicates that can't be gifted / tradable.. gathering dust in inventory
i spinwheel the same item set 3x which was very disappointing lol

post game
-Scoreboard total courier kills / total gold earned for the team from courier kills
-Graph for player + courier deaths at timeline graph, similar to player items graph. might be interesting to see which heroes got killed by who at what time. e.g. show pugna at 6:48 hover mouse to see who gets last hits / assists to show gold/exp change.

rewards / leaderboard
50 shards for each overwatch / coaching. 250 for each medal rank up
might be fun to see friends rank leaderboard / friends Team rank leaderboard too, that reward shards at the end of season / 4 months.

weekly events
-team / guild battles and wager guild points. e.g. at least 3 to represent guild or tick box to enter as team. time locked as weekly events like battlecup.
-Aghanim mode (Special ability draft / random draft / captain's mode)
can pick same hero, but ability draft style for ultimates. e.g. can 5 zeus but only 1 unique ult is available for drafting = only 1 player zeus ult to prevent abuse. Enemy heroes can steal / counter your idea since there's drafting phase.. Other skills available as normal.
can shop to sell/buy new skills + skill upgrades.

Special random death match
Random deathmatch mode with item drop. Can sell enemy items. Gold is pooled and shared as radiant / dire side. expensive recipes e.g. heart / rapier can only be bought after 15 min. teammates can spend gold freely to buy different items after each death.

Territory war / Siege battle
Bigger maps for guild vs guild e.g. 15 vs 15 with cool siege weapons?
Some buildings has special ability 2 min CD, global range. e.g. slower snapfire ult / balista
Special abilities of buildings in base with global range skills e.g. slow moving snapfire ult / instant balista like power shot / aa ult. Players able mount catapults every 5 min / spawn ancient creeps to push towers. Spend dire/radiant gold to upgrade units for 1 time use / spawn ancient creeps / special units. guess wont be like dota anymore? XD

maybe if i have more ideas i'll note it here next time
Hero Gameplay Notes
  • Skills deniable: Doom(U), QOP(1), Veno(1)
  • skills global sound heard by enemy even when fogged. bait enemy check roshan: pudge(U), Silencer(U).
  • Abba(1) press alt to show accurate info. to deny etc
  • Alch(3)❌illusions
  • Arc(U)✔️gold to enemy heroes, LD(1) ❌gold upon death to towers
  • Disruptor(2)❌OD(2), Puck(3), Pudge(S), Riki(3), Tusk(2), Undying(S)✔️centa(S)
  • Earth(U)❌not stacking. Wait renew debuff after 4-5 sec
  • Enchant(2)✔️steal illusions
  • FV(U)❌WD(U)✔️zeus(S)
  • FV(U)❌force staff, hurricane pike, earth spirit(3)(S)✔️pudge(1)
  • Jug(1)❌0 RMB dmg while spinning. Visual critical hits is shown but deal 0 damage. Item effects apply normally. MKB, mael, basher damage type, thus working as well.
  • Jug(1)✔️building dmg while spinning
  • Kunka X mark timing - Listen to the sfx low note sound. dun-dun-dun 8x (count to 8 / look for torrent bubbles) then torrent shouldn't miss. Or cast X, boat, torrent right away
  • Kunka(1)✔️stack neutrals at 57 just before tick to 58
  • LD(1)❌bear cant use Illu / wisdom runes / manta / multiple helm dominator. Max 1 by hero/bear
  • Lion(2)(3)✔️dispel illusions, but not CK
  • Lina / Leshrac Eul + Stun - Count to 4, shouldn't miss
  • Lich(2)✔️ally building
  • Morph(U)❌does not copy talents / enemy items. Use enemy basic stats
  • Necrophos aura (3) is active when invisible, thus enemy will realize necrophos is nearby as shown by constant numbers of decreasing hp
  • Nyx(3)✔️stay invisible during (U)
  • Oracle(U)✔️visual effect above dying player when enough damage kills it
  • Pudge(1)✔️cancel channeling, but not allies / during BKB
  • Pudge (1) hook on runes return full mana cost
  • Pugna (2)✔️decrify ward (3)
  • PA blur (3) Icon disappear when nearby invisible heroes detected
  • Phoenix(2)❌not stacking. Wait to renew debuff after 4-5 sec
  • Riki(U)✔️use items still invis
  • Riki(2)✔️blink still invis if didn't attack
  • Siren(U)✔️darkseer(U), undying(3), Earth(U),
  • Sniper(1)❌not stacking. Wait to renew debuff after 10 sec
  • Spider(U)✔️more minions when denying
  • Spectre(1) buff lingers only for 2 sec after leaving path
  • Spectre (3) HP removal type so cannot spell lifesteal. like bm, same return type? Not reduced by damage reducer e.g. Ursa (U). Same goes for veno (2) and zeus (S)
  • TB (U) sunder pierce AA ult
  • Treant✔️use items still invis(S)
  • Tusk(3)❌creepheroes like LD(1), Gyro(3)
  • Techie(1)❌hidden from truesight. mines make noise when approached. Hit 1x to remove
  • Undying(2)✔️heals tomb(3)
  • Undying(3)✔️Beast(3), Chen(1), Warlock(3) atk spd talent❌Venge(3)
  • Willow(U)❌invisible units
Item Notes
  • Status resist / spell amp❌not stacking. e.g. kaya + eblade
  • Spell lifesteal heals before damage e.g. centaur(2) at full health no heal
  • 2 Boots❌not stacking ms. e.g. tp boot (+100) and boot (+45). only +100 ms
  • Clarity / Potions✔️dispellable by player dmg / RS
  • Critical❌buildings, luna(2)
  • Atos root✔️truesight + disable mobility skills: blink, puck (1) / riki (2)(3), ember (ult) / storm (ult), SK (1), but not forcestaff / clock (ult) / huskar (ult) / PL (2) / Puck (3) / tusk (2)
  • Backpack❌Aegis, gem, rapier
  • Bottle✔️usable by allies. pass to teleporting ally with lingering fountain effect (Within 3 sec) to refill
  • BKB✔️ghost, eblade by allies
  • BKB duration bound (new bkb not 9 DUR).
  • BKB prevents manaburn damage.
  • Bfury Cleave + crit / deso / lifesteal only apply on main target. no extra dmg / lifesteal on cleaved units. -ve armor must already be on other units for more damage. Some skills apply separate chance e.g. Tide(3) Medusa(T25)
  • Courier cannot pick up dropped rapier.
  • Eul +20 ms stackable with other Euls.
  • Eul cyclone can be purged. But must click the flying unit, not ground / cyclone.
  • Gem disabled on illusions, courier, Arc warden's copy.
  • Halberd 'Disarm' cannot be dispelled by bkb / magic immune skills.
  • Headress stacks with other HP regen aura. e.g Meka.
  • Infused raindrop - having 2 or more wasted to block spells. both charges disappear.
  • Lotus❌Tusk(U)
  • Lotus + aghs (target of lotus) reflect upgraded version of spell. Not when enemy has aghs.
  • Mask madness silence cannot be dispelled.
  • Medallion / Solar Crest❌Lotus / Linken
  • Medallion / Solar crest- having 2 or more wasted when used on enemy. All self armor & evasion are disabled on CD (shared CD) and effect on enemy doesn't stack.
  • Nullifier cannot purge 'Target immune to magic', target self / allies.
  • Octarine heal applies before self damage. e.g. huskar ult.
  • Refresher stacks on some skills e.g. razor (2) (ult), luna (ult)
  • Smoke can be used to evade skills e.g. Sniper (Ult) / Tinker (2).
  • Silveredge 'Break' cant pierce magic immune (no effect). but BKB cant dispel it.
  • Tranquil boot regen stacks. e.g. 2 tranquil = 28 hp regen.

Hero specific + Items Notes
  • Lifesteal stacks on this patch. Same effect items do not stack. E.g. 2 deso isn't -14 armor. 2 vlads (15%) isn't 30% lifesteal.
  • Chance based items stacks - increased chance, diminishing % e.g. evasion / hood / vanguard. e.g. hood 43% (+18), 2 hood 57% (+14), 3 hood 68% (+11). 4 hood 76% (+10).
  • Arc(U)❌clones cant copy consumable items, bottle, wards, gem and rapier.
  • Bristleback + Vanguard blocked damage does not count towards passive quill spray.
  • BKB✔️dispel Slark(2)
  • Basher does not work with troll, void, sb and sladar.
  • Eul + AA(U)✔️on cycloned unit, apply effect but no dmg.
  • Eul✔️MK(3) jingu stacks (not on self)
  • Eul❌disruptor(2)
  • Echosabre + Ember (2), MK (ult), Riki (ult) - applies 100% slow, but not the double attack.
    Note ember(2) 100% slow on 1st 2 targets, not all.
    Note MK (ult) apply 100% slow on 1st, 2nd, 5th, and 6th hit.
    Note Riki (ult) apply 100% slow on first 2 hits, then again on 6th second.
  • Force staff❌bat(U), enigma(U), void(U)✔️hoodwink(2)
  • Linken cannot dispel Tusk (2) and ult, but dispel Walrus Kick (Agh)
  • Linken✔️Tusk(Aghs)❌Tusk(2)(U)
  • LC(A) prevent other meepos doing damage to LC during duel.
  • Phase boots✔️pass through ward unit type if trapped e.g. shadow shaman (ult) / veno (3).

About Manta and Illusions...
  • Passive skills not working (list not complete): Abbadon, BB, Centaur, DK (ult), Lycan (ult), Riki (3), Sven (2, Aghs), Sniper (2), Sandking (3), Troll (1)(3), Ursa (3), Viper (2), Weaver (3).
  • Passive skills works (list not complete): AM, Broodmother, CK, drow (Agh), jug, Lycan, luna, meepo, medusa, NS, necrophos, PL, Spectre (2), TA, Troll, veno, WK.
  • Items effects not working: Echosabre, battlefury, desolator, skadi. Maelstorm, basher, javelin, mkb.
  • Items not working: damage items e.g. rapier.
  • Items working: HP / MP regen, attributes, armor, damage blocks, and attack speed. Orb venom, diffusal, evasion, radiance.
  • Special notes: CK(3) illusions passive can lifesteal.
  • Illusions 60% less damage to buildings, Radiance 35 not 60 dmg
Gameplay Notes
  • Tread switch/bottle/any other hp/mp related items:
    Full HP/MP = switch to STR at full hp, or INT before casting skills.
    Low HP/MP = switch to lower MAX HP/MP items for better regen % return when you switch back.
    This means hide max HP/MP related items before using bottle.~120-160hp and 20-80mp.
  • As ranged hero, get used to attack+right click to move as you see projectile animation. this is better than simple right click attack and stand still.
  • Players who can buyback has respawn timer highlighted in orange.
  • Players cannot use items or skills during magnus skewer / pudge hook. if bkb used before hooked, then players can use items or skills. however skills like mirana leap will move mirana to where pudge hooked. This can be prevented if mirana leap 2x.
  • 6 Items that can remove debuffs: lotus / greave / eul / manta / bkb / Dominator (White satyr).
  • Damage block e.g. vanguard, tide (2) does not work on WD (U), Shaman (U), veno (3), and physical dmg abilities. e.g. BB (2), BM (1).
  • Damage block works on Luna (2), weaver (1), and physical dmg by spectre (3), blademail.
  • Neut (Hellbear, Satyr, Centaur) cast their skill if 3 valid targets nearby.
  • Neut Satyr (white) still can purge debuffs on allies / self.
  • Neut Troll summoner (net) pierce bkb and can cancel TP.

Time Estimates
Pudge Hook 0.5-1 sec
Invoker SS 1-1.5 sec
Mirana arrow 1.5-3 sec
Storm (U) 2-3sec. ~300-400 mana per screen jump
Use UI as a guide e.g. start from bottom left or top right of scoreboard.~1-1.5 sec from middle of screen to where invoker is.
Spectating friends battlecup 5 min difference.
Spectating normal games 2 min difference.

Neutral creeps abilities level up min 15 and 30. Chen shard for level 4.
Every 7:30 min lane creeps get the following bonuses:
Melee creeps: +12 health, +1 attack damage, +1 gold bounty
Ranged creeps: +12 health, +2 attack damage, +6 gold bounty, +8 experience bounty
Super melee creeps: +19 health, +2 attack damage, +1.5 gold bounty
Super ranged creeps: +18 health, +3 attack damage, +6 gold bounty
Mega melee creeps: +1.5 gold bounty
Mega ranged creeps: +6 gold bounty

Bounties gold/xp
Arc doubles 180/240/300
BM boar 26-28g 60/70/80/90 hawk 30/40/50/60g 77
Brew 0/0
BM spiderling 9/4 spiderite 3/1
Creep Melee 34-39/57
Creep Flagbearer 34-39/57
Creep Ranged 43-52/69
Creep Siege 59-72/88
Creep Neutrals Small 18-20/32?
Creep Neutrals Big 56-62/90
Clinx 20/20
CW cog 16-20g 0
Enigma 18-24g 10
Gyro 50/20
Invoker 32-46g 31
jug 75/75
Lycan wolf 21/26/36/41g 20 lanewolf 15/10
LD 300/300
NP 8/12
Pugna 20/40/60/80g 0
SS 28-36g 31
TA 25/0
techie 15/0
undying 125/150/175/200g 0
Veno 15/17/19/21g 20/25/30/35
Visage 100/41
warlock 100/150/200 98
weaver 32-34g 20
wraithking 5/5
Easy Neut abilities:
Alpha wolf - 30% dmg aura
Kobold Prospecting aura - 20/25/30/40 GPM
Kobold Foreman - 12/15/18/24% MS aura
Kobold white (Soldier) - 3/3.5/4/5 disarm
Hill Troll Priest - 100 heal. 15% heal amp aura
Vhoul Assassin - 0/20/40/80 poison. HP regen reduction 75/80/85/90%. Non lethal
Ghost - 20% MS and ATK slow.
Harpy - 140 dmg spell CD 4.
Ogre blue - 4/5/6/8 Frost armor 22/24/26/30 ms + atk slow
Mud golem (25g) - 125 dmg spell 0.6 stun. Spawns Shard golem (10g) on death.

Hard Neut abilities:
Centa big - 2 sec stun CD20.
Centa small (Courser) - 10/12/14/16% magic resist aura
Hellbear red (Smasher) - 150 dmg spell CD12 25% MS and attack slow
Hellbear brown - 15/18/21/27% atk spd aura
Satyr white (Trickster) - Purge 50% MS slow.
Satyr Blue (Mindstealer) - manaburn. 2 MP regen aura
Satyr Red (Tormentor) - 160 dmg spell CD8. 3/5/7/11 HP aura
Troll big - net 1.76 sec CD20. Summon 2 skeletons 250 hp 25 dmg.
Wildwing big (ripper) - 3 armor aura
Wildwing - Tornado 45 DPS CD70

Granite Golem - 15/16/17/19 Max HP aura
Dragon - Fireball 85 DPS 10 sec CD10. 100% cleave, 3 armor aura.
Thunderhide - Frenzy 85 atk speed 8 sec CD8. 15% MS and ATK aura. Slam 70 dmg 25% MS and ATK slow 2 sec CD6.
Prowler Shaman - Stomp 200 dmg CD12 -50% base armor. Petrify root 2 sec 75 DPS.
Prowler Acolyte - 10% lifesteal, 10 HP aura
Draft Picks
Still editing
  • Swap heroes - Right click player during Strategy Time or in game Scoreboard.
  • Random gets free mango + faerie.
  • Random is taken from entire hero pool, and ignores 25 least played heroes.
  • Some heroes have bonus 2-3 HP regeneration e.g. ogre, nyx, axe, riki, batrider, NS, slark.
  • Vision, less during day: Bat / NS
  • Vision, more during night: Luna / Lycan / NS / Slark.
Counterpick basics
Think of difficulty / how long it takes to counter the hero by item / lineup.

How to kill BB, tide, or timber?
Diffusal - Cheapest and effective to prevent them use any skill.
Vessel - prevent hp regen can be more effective than disabling passive skil
Silveredge - if you wish to try kill in less than 6 sec.
medallion / solar - just amplify damage and focus on dmg like deso, but not too effective sometimes.
Bloodthorn - can be countered by blademail / eul etc.

AA good vs lifesteal / healers. e.g. lifestealer, WK, necro, alch.
Viper - break is always great vs any passives e.g. PA, AM, BB, Tide, Timber etc.
AM / PL - mana void or manaburn are great vs casters or tanky heroes.
Pugna - great vs casters like tinker, can push early.
Undying - great to reduce max HP.
BS - rupture
SD - copy illusions and reduce hp.

First 3 Bans
Tinker / Invoker

Counter Bans
PL - Medusa
WW / Lich - meepo / LD

Bane + techie / mirana / pudge - nightmare to set up mines / hook / arrow.
cw + SF - cog for early souls
kotl + BB - double quill sprays
chen + WD / Shaman - attack faster
ds + sb / ursa - haste
tiny + centa / axe - toss
invoker + LC - duel + SS.
undying + siren - spawn zombies under siren ult.
grimstroke + lich - double chain frost
Midnightblaze Fav (Silencer) Combo
Main Heroes
Silencer - Steal Int to be carry later. Global silence to force physical attacks teamfights.
Kotl - chakra on doom devour (3) faster cd.
Doom - spam devour. Doom (U) + silencer curse (1) 16 sec.
BS - Amplify 25%
OD - stolen ints = more painful ult.

Drow - more silence + curse. knockback + BS rupture (U).
Grim - more silence.
Venge - 32-48% damage aura. swap + rupture
Magnus - Amplify 36%, skewer + rupture
Lycan - Aghs allow magnus cleave on allies.
Sniper + Warlock - Fatalbond + shrapnel for teamfight.

Heroes to ban
Heroes that make early pushing difficult:
pudge - hooks
earthshaker - stuns and echo

Heroes that make teamfights / late game difficult:
medusa - stone gaze.
omni - guardian angel.
invoker - tornado and manaburn hurts.

Drow - Aghs, dragon lance. diffusal, manta, butterfly / daedalus.
Magnus - Aghs, blademail, force staff / blink.
BS - Aghs, blademail, aura items
Venge - Sup, blademail, aura items e.g. arcane / meka
Silencer - Semi Sup, Atos, blademail, aura items e.g. vlad / drum, force staff.

Laning Phase
Level dependent heroes: drow / silencer
Defending heroes: drow can defend other empty lane to lv up. 3-4 hero push T1, T2.
Ideal Time to push T1: min 6-7. or 10-12
Ideal Time to push T3:
Silencer (1) useful to stack 2-3 camps at once near ancient camps.

Frontline: BS
Protect drow / silencer when pushing. Global silence ready.

BS initiate with rupture.
Magnus right click venge, follow from behind.
Venge swap ruptured unit and look for nearby enemy hero to stun.
Magnus skewer forward (this should kill the ruptured unit) and follow up venge stun with RP.
Drow / Silencer ulti to finish off.

Teamfight skills cooldown (kiting time):

Best Ranked Time
xx:xx - matchID - top, mid, bot, jungle
22:54 - 3527332713 - As Drow venge, BS, Mag Kotl
26:28 - 3626733111 - As Drow venge, sniper, silencer warlock
27:28 - 3527398674 - As Drow venge, BS, Mag Silencer
29:45 - 3339123075 - As Drow Silencer, venge, BS, Troll.
Leshrac Combo
Main Heroes
Leshrac - 10 sec diabolic (2) to destroy buildings quickly
Pugna + Kotl - blast 3x every 5 seconds. Max blast (1) the rest lv 1.

Abbadon - Abbadon can heal through repel. Cast shield before repel.
Warlock - warlock can heal through repel. Max fatalbond (1) and heal (2) first.
CM / WD - to heal creep waves. Max aura (3) the rest lv 1. WD max stun (1) and heal (2) first.
LC / BS - to finish off teamfights. BS can amplify skills 25%.
Dazzle - to replace omni repel. Max grave (2) the rest lv 1 or only heal (3) first.
Necrophos - to be the tank. Max heal (1) and ghost (2) first.
Centaur - tank and return dmg on towers. Lv 1 stun (1), Max double edge (2) and return (3)first.
Zeus - to replace leshrac / pugna
Omni - 12 sec 20 hp regen leshrac when diabolic (2) active. Max heal (1) and grace (2) first.

Heroes to ban
Heroes that make early pushing difficult:
AA - prevented healing
pudge - hooks
medusa - avoiding snake can be hard.
earthshaker - stuns and echo

Heroes that make teamfights / late game difficult:
silencer - global silence interrupt the timing to grave / heal.
invoker - tornado and manaburn hurts.

Wand, arcane boot, blademail, necro 3.
If can't control necro 3, aura items e.g. greave, vlad, drum, pipe are fine.
Or atos / glimmer / force staff to control teamfights.

Laning Phase
Level dependent heroes: pugna, warlock since pugna is easy to die.
Defending heroes: pugna defend other empty lane to lv up. 3-4 hero push T1, T2.
Ideal Time to push T1: min 6-7. Leshrac hide in trees to push T1.
Ideal Time to push T3:

Frontline: Leshrac / necrophos
Imagine 3x3 Grid. Lesh will run back after 10 sec diabolic.
Warlock / Abbadon / Omni follow up with heal / shield / repel.
Heal creeps as needed with WD / dazzle / necrophos, run back after heal.
Warlock follow up with heal / Meka when 250 HP lost.

Teamfight skills cooldown (kiting time): 30 seconds for next diabolic.

Best Ranked Time
12:20 - 2154459632 - As WD dazzle, lesh, necro pugna
16:26 - 2156739501 - As WD pugna, zeus, necro dazzle
Brood Combo
Main Heroes
Brood - Max (1) and (2) first. buy soul ring and dominator first.
Lich - to control lane (3) deny creeps
Tinker - can tp to minions.
Chen - to push early
Silencer - global silence make teamfight easier.

BB - for solo offlane.
AM / Veno - to rat
CM - for early mana aura.
Lycan - Max (2) to give brood minions extra 10 dmg and 100 hp
NP - Max (3) to spam summons.
Enigma - for teamfight + summons.
venge - for dmg aura.
Axe - to counter physical dmg heroes.
Tiny - to toss axe.
IO - to replenish mana / gank

Heroes to ban
Heroes that make early pushing difficult:
earthshaker - stuns and echo
sandking - SK (1) (3) clear brood minions easily.

Heroes that make teamfights / late game difficult:
PA - evasion
Timber - hard to kill without dagon
Tide - hard to kill without dagon.
Lina - Lina (1) clear brood minions easily
LC - LC (1) clear brood minions easily.

3367648718 - As veno - necro 1 (9:32) necro 3 (11:50) domi (20) aghs (22:08)

Laning Phase
Level dependent heroes: Brood / axe / tiny
Defending heroes:
Ideal Time to push T1:
Ideal Time to push T3:
Preferably Brood mid. Usually midlane solo, makes early push easier.
Brood start making minions at min 3 and Push T1 with siege unit.


Teamfight skills cooldown (kiting time):

Best Ranked Time
19:44 - 3133537293 - As Brood + CM + PL, PA, lich. Melee and ranged rax by min 7.
24:18 - 3367648718 - As Lycan cm + Brood + silencer + veno (jungle)
24:29 - 3763640534 - As Brood + Lich, Tinker, ursa
Morpling Combo
Main Heroes
Morphling - To copy undying (3).
Siren -
Undying - (3) works with siren (U)
Dazzle - (U) works with siren (U)
Darkseer - (U) works with siren (U)

ElderTitan - works well with siren (U) and undying (3)
Warlock - warlock (3) works well with siren (U).
Abbadon - (3) can speed up zombies.
Beastmaster - (3) can speed up zombies.

Heroes to ban
Heroes that make early pushing difficult:
(Sorted by priority)

Heroes that make teamfights / late game difficult:

Wand, arcane boot, aghs
atos / glimmer / force staff to control teamfights.
If can't control necro 3, aura items e.g. greave, vlad, drum, pipe are fine.

Laning Phase
Level dependent heroes:undying / dazzle
Defending heroes:
Ideal Time to push T1:
Ideal Time to push T3:


Teamfight skills cooldown (kiting time):
Morph Ult copies target stats, ms, hp and mana, but uses own talent and items. Does not copy target base damage (usually appears to have less damage), talent or passive ult (e.g. PA crit). Exceptions with target skills integrated with passive ult e.g. ogre multicast on fireblast, PL skill 1 with juxtapose, which still works. skills upgradeable by aghs, but does not give new skill e.g. copying ogre does not give unrefined blast, ogre must own aghs. Morph also has his own HP and mana when reverting back to original e.g. when morph copy is dying, original still full hp.

Best Ranked Time
xx:xx - matchID - top, mid, bot, jungle (N)
Mistakes Were Made
still editing
  • getting whatever without discussing. e.g. 2x meka. dont sell, use 25 sec apart.
  • slow farm + wrong buying order e.g. deso > bfury. farm slower than bfury > deso.
  • BH no obs/sents. Rushed sange?
  • Drow treads vanguard?
  • drow anc7 silveredge vs. am lesh sandking warlock storm?
  • Luna + Lance > Manta > ogreaxe > bkb? wasted gold on lance > manta. could skip lance and just manta + bkb. or diassemble lance into bkb first.
  • Potion used at hp 600/900. wasted 100 heal.
  • SF SNY vs. PA+WR. no MKB.
  • Sven ghost scepter vs. OD+Lina. OD hits are painful, but prison makes ghost useless.
  • Spectre saved 2500. Was thinking nice nearly relic for radiance. Then he bought vanguard.
  • Spectre had 3 kills the first 10 min. Then vanguard, blademail..finishes rad at min 35. Game already lost at this time. Better to rush radiance to farm faster.
  • Ursa manta vs. PA. Looks fancy to dodge dagger with manta though.
  • WR+BS maelstorm vs.'s silly to buy magic dmg items vs. magic resist heroes.
  • WK tp boot instead of bkb and mkb vs pa at min 27..? Huh
Minimap / Map Awareness
  • Watch sudden odd movements e.g. moved towards you. may be ganked soon.
  • Watch enemy respawn timer, may be ganked soon if too close to enemy tower.
  • Watch direction of roaming player on minimap. may be ganked soon.
  • Watch camera on grouped enemies on minimap while farming. Might need you to tp and help.
  • Watch teleporting teammates helping you. don't simply hide and run away.
  • If river runes e.g DD not taken after 1 min e.g. min 7, then perhaps no ward there.
  • If you saw someone roamed, then may be ward placed there.
  • Don't dive w/o checking teammates position.
  • Mid game dont jungle alone, watch 3-4 enemy and ally positions on the map estimate 15 seconds to push opposite lanes and farm. try not to use TP as teammates might need you to TP and help.
  • ganked and died at same dark map spots (and not warding these spots).
  • not knowing when to run at low HP. Came back to die.
  • running away at full hp and mana when teammate ganked.
  • Not having / using TP to help teammates.
  • Clicking TP without considering to hide behind trees. e.g. right in front of tower.
  • Unfinished creeps at mid lane, moving towards roshan.
  • Watch enemy positions, e.g pudge. If he's on right side, then stand on left side near trees etc. If vs timber / WR dont stand near trees. stand in middle of lane instead.
  • Harassing enemy, standing near creeps. creeps change target and you'll take more damage instead.
  • Harassing enemy, standing too far away from ally tower and running away from it when attacked.
  • Try not to play as support with carry mentality. e.g. staying at the back, letting carries die first.
Skills Pick
  • Didn't get some skills, wrong skills maxed first, leveling skills but not used much.
  • Centaur maxed return (3) first. level 1 double edge. While 22+ 75% str return damage sounds nice, please remember even at 100 str (level 20) return 97 dmg. so at 47 str (level 7), level 1 has decent 30 vs. 57 return damage at level 4.
  • 3.6 Darkseer maxing vacuum and haste ionshell. vacuum cleaner?
  • Rubick steal void ulti and casted chrono on same spot.
  • Sniper casting shrapnel 3x on same spot at same time. No it's not like Ember. Use common sense it wont deal 750 x 3 dmg = 2250 dmg within 10 seconds.
  • Spectre max (3) without desolate (2). Ok 22% dispersion sounds nice, but really a rough estimate is just 22 damage block per 100 HP lost + 22% return damage. It's not that much.
  • Spirit breaker maxing charge first. Damage is mainly from passive (3).
  • Warlock ulti on CM. casted fatal bond on creeps (without hero) for farming when minimap shows enemy grouped nearby.
  • Zeus max (3) with chain (1) and bolt (2) at level 1. 10% current HP reduction sounds nice, but at 1000 HP = 27, 46, 55, 69 which is roughly 10-25dmg per level...because 10% of 1000 is 100 dmg minus 25% magic resist = 75.
  • Don't stack stuns
  • too late / scared to initiate skills, running away without using skills (or due to lack of)
  • Placing wards instead of following and helping carries teamfight first.
  • Diving in without considering teammates movement speed.
  • team using glyph should be the cue tp back and help teamfight. dont try to rat alone and lose T3 and 1-2 rax instead.
  • Stunning Sven under WW (ult).
  • Shaman ult on T2 half dead tower.
  • Venge swap without considering who can follow up. e.g. with LD not Sven nearby.
Pushing T3 / Ratting
  • Do not gank 1 then push blindly e.g. move at the same time with creeps to T3. this makes it easy for the enemy to predict our positions. hide 5-10 seconds before creeps reach T3.
  • Watch enemy respawn timer.
  • Attack ranged rax first. melee rax regen. Your efforts wasted if not finished.
  • Only 1-2 player should be attacking tower, the rest wait to ambush.
  • Extra Ranged/Siege creeps spawn at 40 minutes
  • Siege spawns every 5 minutes.
  • 6, 10, 17, 20, 24, and 30 is good to push with siege after teamfight because average min 8, 14 and 23 to finish items.
  • Teamfight 1 min before siege spawn. e.g. min 4, 14 and 19 or when an ally just finished item.
  • Consider night time at 4-8, 12-16, 20-24, 28-32 for reduced vision.
  • Bot lane is the easiest lane to push because there are space to teamfight without getting hit by towers and not many trees to hide.
  • Mid lane is the hardest lane to push (T4 too near from T3) but also fastest.
  • Mega or throne? if you cannot decide, remember it takes 15-40 seconds to finish 2x T4 plus another 15-40 sec to throne. Mega it first if enemy respawn soon.
  • When ratting, one of the common mistake is to directly fighting the enemy instead of kiting and buying time for the team to rat. You can't expect tower and rax under 10-15 seconds can you? it takes about 20-35 seconds to bring T3 down and 8-15 seconds to bring rax down.
  • rushed boot, didnt buy ward and bought tangoes instead (no gold).
  • ward stock count 4, not buying until asked, placed wrongly / dark map.
  • Placing wards with similar vision e.g. roshpit left cliff and right cliff ??? bottom river rune and shrine ???
  • Placing wards on common spots e.g. cliffs where it has been dewarded before.
Mistakes were made part 2
Ratting, Split Pushing, and baiting teamfights
  • Watch which players cannot clear creeps easily. rotate to opposite lane each time u see 2-3 enemies.
  • 1 Top 4 Bot: Push both lanes at same time. Wait for both creeps around T2 before pushing.
  • 1 BD 4 Bot: 1 hero hides and backdoor other lane. repeat at 10 and 40 seconds.
  • 1-2 Top 3-4 Kite: Aggressively push 1 lane, but keep distance away from enemy carries, move back whenever taking damage to kite enemies away making fights longer. Other side use meteor hammer.
  • 5 man 1 runner: pretend to push as 5. 1 tanky runner quickly rotate to opposite lanes to guide enemy carries away from teamfight.
  • 4 Smoke and 1 player who has been split pushing bait the enemy to gank.
  • hit midlane creeps and move towards roshpit but dont rosh. smoke and gank.
  • Finish T3 + Rax and pretends to go back, smoke and gank.
  • Death cost is 50 + Net Worth/40. Bounty depends on individual NW and team NW as well. This means it's okay for sup to trade kills (1 kill 1 death), but not as carry, especially when owning as 1-2 lost teamfight will reset any gold and exp advantages back to 0.
  • Before engaging teamfights, estimate damage. e.g. 3-4x hits during duel. passive 2.3 sec cd maybe trigger 2x during 4.5 sec duel. so if base 100 dmg then probably 400+200 or less dmg.
  • If the enemy didn't die, then check the remaining HP e.g. 200/1200. then you know at least 1000 dmg.
  • If dead, check most player dmg and plan items around it, e.g. glimmer to reduce magic dmg and aim player with most dmg.
Main Heroes
(Sorted by priority)

(Sorted by priority)

Heroes to ban
Heroes that make early pushing difficult:
(Sorted by priority)

Heroes that make teamfights / late game difficult:

matchID - hero - item (xx:xx)

Laning Phase
Level dependent heroes: (Solo if possible)
Defending heroes:
Ideal Time to push T1:
Ideal Time to push T3:


Teamfight skills cooldown (kiting time):

Best Ranked Time
xx:xx - matchID - top, mid, bot, jungle (N)
About This Guide
I started to write this test guide after an argument in a ranked game in Jan 2017. It was a very stressful game because my dota friend whom i suggested to join party wasnt a good gamer. I have warned others srry he is a noob before we queue so that we weren't too hard on him. This was my routine with hope that theres no hard feelings if we lose (i didnt tell them i had -71 ranked games with him tho @_@). I asked him to support, but series of mistakes were inevitable. Long story short, the others unfriended me, I am blamed for suggesting him for a ranked game. Adding insult to injury i'm being called idiot and one of them said they will tell this to mutual friends not to play with me anymore.

It's easy to have fun when we're winning games, but it's a real test to our emotional intelligence, character, analysis, and empathy when we are losing.
Thus I started to write this guide with hope that last year's -71 ranked games with him, and -51, -30 with another can be reversed this year. And it's not about having positive or negative attitude. Maintaining positive attitude can be fake or hypocritical the more things didn't go our way. Negative attitude is understandable when we're having bad games, as long as we realize that it is an ugly persona to be abusive or blaming others non-stop throughout the game. And silence does not fix in a long run, only feed towards our bad ego. Bad drama only made me toxic as well and I really hated it.

So here are some notes in general (not just from the bad game)
Sometimes we forget / deny ourselves to say 'sorry it's my fault i didn't help' before we blame others why they're there / why they engaged in a teamfight without you. Sometimes we didn't have time to tell them don't go without you; we forget to make jokes when things went awry; we forget good humour if we call someone an idiot; we forget to be cocky and type sarcasms in good humour; we forget to be moderate and humble; we forget that saying something once is enough; we forget manners to simply reply with yeah, sorry or ok got it (to keep things in a lighter mood) when someone trying to explain what went wrong and what we shouldn't do. We immediately feel that we are being blamed and become upset instead. Silence treatment would result the person trying to help you improve appears to be the bad guy abusing you instead.

I couldn't think of anything else to add for now, but lastly it's important to read the mood and be empathetic to others. Eventually we forget what we may have said, but others always remember how you made them feel. We're all playing here because we enjoy dota and some good drama with good humour, don't we? At the end of the day we just want to make good memories so it's not about how good or bad you are, I think it's more about developing our character and analysis skill. We have to think of ways to improve ourselves and how we communicate respectfully. goodluck and hv fun :3

Thanks for reading and comment below / thumbs up / favorite it if you like the guide cheers ^_^
2hot4u 13 Sep, 2017 @ 6:21am 
Hanaichi Sakurata 13 Sep, 2017 @ 6:20am 
Paryani2K 13 Sep, 2017 @ 6:19am 
nice guide