Call to Arms
52 valoraciones
Call to Arms Vehicles Guide(Air & Ground, all factions)
Por QuickLoad y 1 colaboradores
(UPDATED! 5/5/18)This guide will let you know the costs, armor, usage and general effectiveness of every vehicle currently in game.
US Vehicles
Seeing as there was a simple infantry guide for US, simple full guide for GRM, I thought i'd fill the gaps in of vehicles.

The US gets a support tab, a vehicles tab, and a tanks tab. All of these tabs are general categories, and don't specify down to the vehicle(for example, the bradley is in the tanks tab).


M252 81mm Mortar - 500MP, this comes with around 120 rounds and can be fired across the entire map, it's simple but you should keep it far behind your lines AND protected if you have that luxary. It takes two men to operate, carry, aim, etc. If damaged, it can be repaired by an engineer and recrewed by general infantry.

FMTV - This is a troop transportation vehicle, it transports around 10 infantry. That's all there is to it. The driver and passenger are pretty well protected as the cabin seems to be bulletproof. 100MP. Armor: 8

FMTV Ammo - This is a logistics vehicle, it resupplies troops, vehicles inside of it's radius. IT too can run out of resupply-able ammo. Keep in mind it only replenishes magazines, such as ammo boxes, round types. IT will not replenish spent AT-4s, RPG warheads, only things such as: BGM-71 magazine, M16A4, 30mm 2A72, etc. 250MP. 250MP. Armor: 8

HMMWV TOW - This is a BGM-71 TOW thrown atop of a HMMWV. IT has a LONG reload timer and carries around 20 rounds, use this to counter enemy vehicles. Although being 152-155mm, it has trouble penetrating T-80s, and sometimes bmps. Aim for the rear and sides if you cannot penetrate them. It will generally penetrate bmps, btrs, technicals in one hit at any angle, though. 550 MP, compared to the GRM's 350(which has a much smaller reload time), it seems to have a penetration bonus - but that's about it. Armor: 10-15


MATV M240 - This is a 240 on a CROWS mount ontop of a MRAP. The CROWS means that all of your men will be 100% safe from bullets until the vehicle is destroyed. It's fast, mobile and can hit enemies from afar. It holds and comes with 4 men, 1 driver, 1 gunner, 1 commander, 1 passenger.
With 3000 rounds of 7.62 you won't have ammo be an issue. It's very agile and contrary to the name, it's not exactly an MRAP MRAP. Mines will blow it up, as will rpgs. Bullets can deflate it's tires and damage the hull to the point where the crew will be forced to dismount. So keep it protected and use it as a flanker, ambusher, or for fire support. If you are indeed forced to leave it behind for whatever reason, you can check it's inventory to take the gun and some of it's ammo. 250 MP. Armor: 0-10

MATV M2HB - This is the same thing as the 240, but it's got an extremely potent 12.7x99 gun instead. Holds the same amount of men, and has plenty of ammo. Same rules, just more potent. You also can't take it's gun off, unfortunately. 350 MP. Armor: 0-10

MATV MK19 - This is the same thing as the other one, but even way more potent. It's got a MK19 with 650 rounds. You can't dismount the gun either. The mk19 will automatically adjust to where it needs to shoot in manual control, it's not good in AI control at all. Slow reload. 550 MP. Armor: 0-10

Stryker M2HB - This stryker benefits from an increased armor count compared to the humvee, it can also hold about 9 passengers. It holds 2000 rounds and comes with 1 pair of smoke grenades to launch for cover. The unique thing about the strykers compared to all other APCs in the game is it's default inventory, which comes with 3 AT4's, it's a good idea to equip some nearby men with these instead of purchasing an entire fresh AT squad. 500MP, Armor: 30-35

Stryker MK19 - This is exactly the same as the M2HB, aside from firing the MK19, it has 650 rounds, the exact same as the MATV - only on a sturdier mount. It should be noted that both strykers have CROW mounts which do not expose the gunners. 700MP, Armor: 30-35

LAV-25A2 - I admit this model looks a bit funny on the picture, the turret looks very far back(too far), but when spawned it looks alright. Out of all the vehicles in the vehicles tab, this is the only one with a cannon. It has a 25mm bushmaster autocannon, along with a coaxil 240C, and a pintle 240B.(can dismount) The autocannon holds 800 AP rounds, and only 250 HE rounds. The machineguns share a box of 1000 rounds and the APC only holds 1 pair of smoke nades. It can hold 8 passengers. Very fast. 750MP. Armor: 25-50


M1128 Stryker MGS - This is a stryker outfitted with a rather large 105mm turret, with a coaxil 240C. It holds 80 fuel(compared to the 60 fuel of apcs and humvees, although you will not run out of fuel.). It comes with a single pair of smoke grenades, 31 APFSDS(armor piercing fin stabalized discarding sabot), 10 HE, 5 HEAT. IT curiously holds 3000 rounds for the 240, even though it just has a coaxil. It'll say it can hold 8 passengers, but for whatever reason it will not accept them. Use APFSDS for tanks, if you're facing a T80 aim for the rear, you will have a lot of trouble trying to penetrate the front and even the sides. HEAT is good for BTRs, although it will be safer to use AP in general. Use HE for technicals(AP still works fine), infantry, buildings, etc. At 900MP it is a big investment, the only reason why this is better than the HMMWV TOW, is it's armor and faster reload time. Compared to all tanks and IFVs, the main reason why this is a good vehicle is because it's still using wheels. It can quickly hit a tank and get out of it's line of sight. Armor: 30-35

M2A3 Bradley - This is the go-to, well-rounded vehicle for anti-everything capabilities. It has a 25mm M242 bushmaster autocannon, 700AP 200HE, a coaxil for that, on the side it has a BGM-71 TOW launcher mounted with 7 missiles. It has 2200 rounds for the 240C coaxil said earlier, it also comes with a stick of C4 incase you need to blow the vehicle to prevent enemy capture, or blow an enemy vehicle near yours. 1 pair of smoke grenades. At 950 MP, it's just barely more expensive than the MGS and yet more durable. It suffers heavily in speed. Armor: 25-50

M1A2 Abrams - This is the first MBT that you can purchase, it is a giant investment at 1300 MP and you need to be careful if you weren't already. A single 75MP rocket can disable it and waste your money. It has a 120mm M256A1 smoothbore main cannon(31 APFSDS, 20 HE, 5 HEAT), coupled with a 240C coaxil(over 10,000 rounds!). On it's pintle mounted commander/loader gun, there's a M2HB with 1,000 rounds. It also comes with a pair of smoke grenades and C4. Although it's a MBT, do not think it's not indestructible. They fall very easily to ATGM(anti tank guided missiles, such as TOWs), RPG7s, and considering your enemy as of now will be GRM, they also have access to the heavy RPG-29 which will without a doubt make your tank hurt. Screen it with plenty of infantry, range is your friend. Armor: 200-600

M1A2 Abrams TUSK - The TUSK stands for Tank Urban Survival Kit, self explainatory(more armor by on the sides). This is essentially the abrams, but it's M2HB is now a CROW mount, and there's a commander ballistic shield with a 240B. You can actually go into the vehicle's inventory to remove the commander's 240B and drop it onto the floor for infantry to pick up and use. It'll only come with 100 rounds so make sure you drop some ammo too. 1600MPArmor: 200-600


In general, lower quality vehicles will get nightvision, while higher quality will get thermals. This doesn't exactly apply to everything, though, as some cheaper vehicles will have thermals while something more expensive will have nightvision.

MATV will have Night Vision, the exception of the TOW humvee I believe has thermals.
Strykers, bradleys, tanks will all have thermals.
To use any specialized optics, press E on a selected vehicle, shift(To use optics), and then press 0 to use your specialized optics. These optics are timed, so make sure you use them when you want to scan a place and then turn em off quick.(They will recharge when not in use)
UAF Vehicles
UAF Ground section. I played a lot of UAF before writing this, right now i'm #5 UAF in the whole game!


2B14 Podnos Mortar - 500MP, this comes with around 120 rounds and can be fired across the entire map, it's simple but you should keep it far behind your lines AND protected if you have that luxary. It takes two men to operate, carry, aim, etc. If damaged, it can be repaired by an engineer and recrewed by general infantry.

Ural - This is a troop transportation vehicle, it transports around 10 infantry. Crew is vulnerable to everything. 100MP. Armor: 8

Ural Ammo - This is a logistics vehicle, it resupplies troops, vehicles inside of it's radius. IT too can run out of resupply-able ammo. Keep in mind it only replenishes magazines, such as ammo boxes, round types. It will not replenish spent RPGs. It also replenishes way less than the initial value. 250MP. Armor: 8

ACV-15 TOW - This is a dual-mounted BGM-71 TOW on a ACV-15. It has a LONG reload timer and carries 6 extra rounds, use this to counter enemy vehicles. Take advantage of it's two launchers, fire one, fire the other, and then hide. If you only have to shoot one, rememer to reload it so it's fully loaded the next time you have to use it. Although being 152-155mm, it has trouble penetrating heavier tank's frontal armor. Aim for the rear and sides if you cannot penetrate them. It will generally penetrate bmps, btrs, technicals in one hit at any angle, though. Can also act as a troop transport.(4) Be advised, the crew are basic riflemen. 600 MP. Armor: 12-38

LAC M240 - This is a M240 thrown atop of a HMMWV, it has a gunner's shield, everyone is pretty safe to small arms aside from the gunner himself. It does less damage than the M2HB, however is only 190MP. You'll have plenty of ammunition. You recieve 5 men, a commander, a gunner, a driver, and two passengers(they are regular-infantry tier with just 'UAF Soldier'). Armor: 10-15

LAC M2HB - This heavy barreled 12.7x99mm death-breathing firearm is a force to be reckoned with. Unfortunatly it has trouble penetrating cover even such as concrete. That said, it's much more potent than the M240, and 275MP. You will also have plenty of ammo. Armor: 10-15

LAC AGS-30 - This is a 30mm grenade launcher thrown on literally the same mount as all of the prior vehicles. It has a small magazine size at 40, but it's high explosive rounds coupled with the ability to arc-fire(manually control), make it a very accurate weapon at taking out defiladed infantry. decent rounds. Most effective in manual control, AI wastes too much ammo with this. 425MP. Armor: 10-15.

ACV-15 AAPC - At 550 MP it puts it over all .50 cal APCs and tied with 14.5mm APCs. It actually is classified as a Light Tank ingame, and all of this(including it's high cost) is probably cause it comes with tracks. Therefore, it cannot be killed with small arms, except, it's .50 gunner is exposed, he is protected by two large curved armor plates on the sides, but his front and rear are exposed leaving him vulnerable to all kinds of fire. You'll need to keep it behind your infantry so it doesn't absorb too much fire, otherwise you'll have to constantly replace it's crew due to deaths. When not in contact, it's a good idea to get the gunner out to heal. Comes with 3 crew, and can hold 10 passengers. It comes with one pair of smoke which will be extremely useful for your escape from predators. You can couple this with it's thermals(somehow it has those) and take out enemies. Pop it fast so it has time to bloom. It comes with 2000 rounds. It also is a little slow, due to tracks. This is something all ACV-15's suffer from. Very expensive, but is nice for fire support. Be advised, crew is riflemen. Armor:12-38

ACV-15 IFV - This is an improved variation of the ACV-15, it holds 3 crew as well but can only hold 8 passengers. It comes with a 25mm gun and a 7.62 coaxil, only 100 rounds of HE and 750 rounds of AP. The turret is similar to an AAVP-7 turret, fully enclosed thankfully. However for the price, it's not exactly the most effective. If you want to kill infantry and transport, buy the .50 version. If you want to kill infantry and tanks, save for the BMP-3. 750MP Armor:12-38

M60A3 - The M60A3 is the cheapest MBT you can get. It's 950MP and has a 105mm gun assorted with a cupola-type M2HB ontop. 30APFSDS, 20HE, 10HEAT. 900 extra .50 rounds. It lacks a coaxil and armor for being an MBT. It will do the job(very riskily) but if you can save up and get a T80BV or M1A1M it will benefit you more. Crew of 4. Rememer to pop smoke early if you need it so it can bloom. Slow for a tank(48), even the M1A1 and T80 is faster. Armor: 31-242


BMP-3 - The cheapest in this section, it has a 100mm gun full of HE(40 rnd), that can also shoot Bastion ATGM(comes with ). It also has a coaxil 30mm and 7.62. It has two additional, forward facing 7.62 guns manned by others. It's got 3000 7.62 rnd to go with them. In total, it needs 5 crew to operate everything, but it spawns with 4, so buy an extra crew member if you want that extra machinegun firing. This thing is made to kill infantry, and at the same time is a threat to APCs and Tanks. It's a good purchase. Can also act as a troop transport.(5) Very fast, faster than BMP2, tied with M1A1M. 850MP Armor:20-30

BMP-2 - This is like the BMP-3, but with even more weapons. It has a 30mm gun which comes with HE and AP. It has an AGS-30 on the top, and 4 ATGM launchers(doesnt come with spare ammo). At 1000 MP it's a bit too pricey for it's vulnerability to all AT weapons. But that's up to you, if you can keep it alive it has a LOT of firepower. Armor: 20-30

T80BV - The less heavy variant of the T80s, it's your usual T80BV which comes with APFSDS(30), HE(10), HEAT(5), and a coaxil(5000), along with a DSHK CROWS(1100) mount. 4 crew. Use smoke if you need it. Effectively your best overall MBT. 1100 MP. Armor: 200-500 Spd: 70

M1A1M - This is the exported variant of the Abrams, sent to the Iraqi Army. It comes without the depleted uranium plates, and this is reflected ingame. While faster(the fastest MBT) than it's M1A2 US brother, it has less armor. 120mm Smoothbore with APFSDS(26), HE(10), HEAT(5). 240C Coaxil(10500 ROUNDS!), and a M2HB CROWs(1000). 4 crew. The tank is decent compared to the M1A2, coming with the CROWs. The problem is, it's 1250MP and isn't that much cooler than the T80BV. Armor: 200-500 Spd: 72
GER Vehicles

M252 81mm Mortar - 500MP, this comes with around 120 rounds and can be fired across the entire map, it's simple but you should keep it far behind your lines AND protected if you have that luxary. It takes two men to operate, carry, aim, etc. If damaged, it can be repaired by an engineer and recrewed by general infantry.

Zetros - Your normal transport truck.

Zetros Ammo - Your normal ammo truck.

Wiesel 1A1 TOW Tankette - This tankette is the smallest and lowest-of-profile of all the AT support vehicles in the game, it fires the BGM-71 152mm TOW missile and has a long reload speed, along with 6 extra missiles in the back. It comes with a MG-3 for protection against infantry, but you should definitely not be in range of infantry. 3 man crew total, very squishy so use it for hit-and-runs, you just have the added bonus of being able to hide far easier than most vehicles.


Extra Info(GROUND)
(11/29/19 - this section is likely outdated due to the new armor mechanics, update to come shortly)
Penetration as of now is very odd, the general conscensus is green = can penetrate, yellow = maybe can penetrate, red = cannot penetrate. However i've penetrated several times even when the cursor was red, so trust your gut and aim for the weak points. Rounds can go through walls, doors, gates, and even prior wrecked vehicles, so if you know there's a T80 waiting to ambush you, aim for his engine through the wall and knock em down.

It should be noted that in general US vs GRM requires careful gameplay. Their tanks are slightly cheaper, their SPG is much cheaper and far more effective than the HMMWV TOW. Your 120mm smoothbore cannon will usually bounce on the frontal armor of T80U, while the T80U will generally penetrate you. Thus, the Abrams is an investment only used when you have good infantry and map control to screen for you.

If a T80 rolls up on you unexpectedly and you aren't able to combat it, fire for the turret ring, the tracks, etc. If retreating you want to pop smoke ASAP as it will take time to bloom and obscure you.

If you fail to penetrate their armor at long range, switch to HEAT and try again.

With wheeled vehicles, make sure you don't lose half or more of your wheels. It'll render your vehicle immobile until repaired.
Coalition Air Vehicles
WIP, i will format this later soon, but htis is a good reference:
I'll keep the extra info about the vehicles, since those are out of characters. The extra notes for helicopters will be here:

I haven't found a way to replenish ammo of helicopters, also helicopter pathfinding is terrible so manually control/waypoint them(shift) if you want to avoid air collisions or hit a building. You don't get a second chance, the whole thing will blow up. All helicopters are vulnerale to rockets and shells, they can take a hit(medium sized shell, like mortar. tank shells will 1 hit kill usually), but most likely not a second one. Staying at max altitude helps, you can do this by pressing Q in manual control.

Engineers can fix your helicopter when you land, stay ontop of all damage of your helicopter! A damaged helicopter is not a good investment since it could fail at any time!

When landing a helicopter, dismount immediately! Any extra time you spend on the ground could mean you blow up! Atleast the special forces outside of the helicopter can be revived or even survive. Once your men are out, fly the hell out of there, and fast! Get your men spread out(G) so they aren't clumped up. Make sure you send them to a waypoint away from the helo.

A bit of a walk is better than a metal coffin. Don't land in hot zones if you don't have to.
However, if you have gunners, use the G command to send troops into cover while simotaneously shooting in a hot zone. Works for the most efficient and safest way in a hot zone. Ensure that your door gunners can engage enemy targets in the hot zone, otherwise your men wil die from gunfire as they get out without even being to return fire or take cover.

Transport Helicopter Armament:
ONLY can attack infantry and technicals, but no point in attacking the latter as they will win the fight. You can also land on enemy infantry or suicide into enemy vehicles in a last ditch effort, and it's very effective.

Attack Helicopter Armament:(Make sure you order the crew to hold fire, else they waste ammo. Direct control ONLY)
Cannons - Infantry, Armored Cars, APC/IFV Wheels
Rockets - Infantry, Armored Cars, APC/IFV Wheels
ATGM - Tanks, IFVs.

Threats to the Helicopter:
12.7mm and up

When you're done flying around, head back to base, land, and order the crew out to turn the helicopter off and save fuel.

Buy AT teams to go with your helicopters, so that way your special forces have something to fight against armor with! It's a 800MP investment, so spending 150 more won't hurt too badly.

' ' = my nickname, subjective.
____US Air Vehicles____:

UH-60 Blackhawk - This is the standard air vehicle, comes around 700 MP. It comes with a team of Navy Seals, a full squad of them. Two pilots. It is sort of like buying mechanized seals, but better. Much faster, but more exposed. It's the easiest to access and isn't too bad of a purchase, since you can reuse the helicopter to get troops to the front really fast. Can transport 14 passengers. Armor: 20 Spd: 90

UH-60 Blackhawk Heavy - Same as above, but comes with an additional two pilots acting as crew chief/crewmen for the M134D guns on both sides. The M134s are the best door guns in the game, they fire fast and carry lots of ammo. You can use these for hot extractions and insertions GIVEN THAT THERES NO HEAVY ARMS! The guns will massacre infantry. And yes, comes with a team of seals. Can transport 12 passengers. 1000MP Armor: 20 Spd:90

AH-64 Apache - The gunship for the US. Comes with 700 rounds of 30mm HE. It also comes with 38 70mm Hydra rockets. Very potent against infantry, but against any type of armor, good luck... Your rockets won't hurt tanks or BMPs, and your gun may damage a BMP's turret, but it most likely won't. In return, they will shoot you and you'll lose STRICTLY FOR INFANTRY! 1800 MP. Armor: 20 Spd: 100

AH-64 Apache Heavy - The heavy variant, at 2500MP it's very VERY costly. So costly you will have a hard time saving up for this unless your opponent is doing the same, or unless you have been doing good trades.(like an AT-4 for their T80U) Comes with the same stuff as the regular variant, but gets an additional 8 hellfire missiles, perfect for sniping armor from afar. This one can kill ALL threats in the map. Armor: 20 Spd: 100

____UAF Air Vehicles____:

Mil Mi-17 'Cow' - This is the standard transport, comes with 2 pilots and a full team of Counter Terrorism Officers. It's got pretty bad armor for a helicopter, and it's also a big target. Still, for it's decent price it's like buying a squad of CTOs and a fast troop transport. Keep it out of harms way, otherwise you'll lose everything. 670 MP. Transports 10. Armor: 15 Spd: 90

Mil Mi-17 'Cow' Heavy - Same thing, but has 4 pilots(2 as crewmen) to operate the door guns, which are FN MAG's to keep with the faction's weapons I guess. They will have plenty of ammo. And yes, they come with the CTO's as well. Pretty expensive, and honestly not worth it since the guns really suck. You might as well buy the COW and some additional machinegunners who can support you when you are there. It's not worth the 870 MP cost to land in a hot zone when you shouldn't be landing there in the first place. A bit of a walk is better than a metal coffin. Armor: 15 Spd: 90

Mil Mi-35 'Hind' - The main gunship for the UAF, it's got a 12.5mm gun with 1250ish rounds of AP. Decent for taking on light vehicles, but not much more. It also comes with 40 S-8 rockets, Unlike the hind being a hind, it can't transport infantry, which is a bummer. Only good for infantry, keep it back and safe if you want to use it. DO NOT USE AGAINST MED-HEAVY VEHICLES. 1900 MP. Armor: 20 Spd: 100

Mil Mi-35 'Hind' Heavy - It's the hind, but with 8 ATGM. This variant STILL can't transport infantry, but atleast it can kill armor! You can use this one to fight armor from a distance, it's good since it can kill every single thing on the map. However, it's very expensive, and you will have a hard time saving this much MP unless you have been making the enemy waste theirs. 2400 MP. Armor: 20 Spd: 100

GRM Vehicles
GRM Ground section. Air vehicles are currently same as UAF.


2B14 Podnos Mortar - 500MP, this comes with around 120 rounds and can be fired across the entire map, it's simple but you should keep it far behind your lines AND protected if you have that luxary. It takes two men to operate, carry, aim, etc. If damaged, it can be repaired by an engineer and recrewed by general infantry.

Ural - This is a troop transportation vehicle, it transports around 10 infantry. Crew is vulnerable to everything. 100MP. Armor: 8

Ural Ammo - This is a logistics vehicle, it resupplies troops, vehicles inside of it's radius. IT too can run out of resupply-able ammo. Keep in mind it only replenishes magazines, such as ammo boxes, round types. It will not replenish spent RPGs. It also replenishes way less than the initial value. 250MP. Armor: 8

Technical SPG-9 - THIS, is the most effective AT vehicle in the entire game. It's very cheap at 350MP, comes with 3 crew to man the mm SPG which has 20HEAT/5FRAG-HE/. Use your mobility and stay away from infantry, the FRAG is not very effective since you have to hit them dead on, suggested usage against specops or in hardcore. Hide so that you don't get sniped when not in usage, but you should already be doing that. 6 second reload time compared to the coalition TOW's 9 billion. 6 seconds is the fastest out of all shell-loading vehicles in the game. Armor: 5 Spd: 90

Technical PKM - Your standard armed tecchie, it's got a PKM with 3000 rounds which has a small shield to protect the gunner from whomever he/she is facing. However, 12.7+ will go through this shield like butter. You can take the PKM off and give it to infantry, don't forget to grab ammo when you do that though. Use mobility to your advantage, hit and runs on enemies in the open. It won't last long as fire support since the enemy will focus it down and it will die fast. Rememer, 2 wheels or more lost = immobolized. Armor: 5 Spd: 100

Technical Kord 6P50 - The most well-rounded technical, it has a Kord 6P50 with 2000 12.7mm rounds. It massacres infantry, though it suffers from the weak armor and exposed position of all technicals. Use it as a hit and run, and this one you can use it as fire support since you out DPS infantry, killing them in seconds. 225MP Armor: 5 Spd: 100

Technical ZPU - This is the least used technical of them all, and for a good reason. You are paying a lot and not getting much. At 450MP it's the most expensive one, still suffering from crap armor and exposed positions. On the back you get a dual-barreled ZPU-14.5-2 apparently. You'll have 100 rounds to shoot and then an additional 1000. Problem is, the BTR has the same gun, just not two barrels, teh BTR is also the same speed but has a lot more armor and can carry a lot more troops. This is just not worth it, at all. You can't hurt heavy or medium vehicles, it's in a spot where it can only fight infantry(something that the two prior tecchies do, for a lot cheaper), while still being useless against armor(something that the cheaper, SPG tecchie can do). If you want to get this one, just get the SPG, you can fight armor and infantry. If you are fighting infantry only, get teh 6P50. This is NOT worth it in ANY case, the only possibility of you buying it is for anti-air, but you'd rather have a BTR since it's more durable, or a DSHK that's cheaper and still kills helicopters very fast. Crew 3, but has an extra passenger seat that's not used. Armor: 5 Spd: 80

BTR-80 - At 550MP this thing is a pretty good purchase for an APC since it comes with 550 14.5mm AP rounds, and a coax which has 2000 rounds. Ontop of that, it's got good armor which can resist 25mm frontally, and wheels for extremely good speed. Crew 3. Can hold 7 men. Use mobility to your advantage, hit and run or to go to hot zones and stay as fire support. Armor: 25-30 Spd: 80

BTR-82A - The same thing as the 80, except the main gun is now a 30mm. Comes with 500 AP and 100 HE. Comes with thermals, too. Also the game claims it's faster. This is a pretty good vehicle since the Bradley/LAV's 25mm can't penetrate you, but you can penetrate them. It's not worth transporting infantry in this, prioritize it as an IFV and harrasser. Do NOT fight a vehicle with TOW unless you got the drop on it. 750MP. Armor: 25-30 Spd: 90

T-62 - This tank is in a weird spot, at 950 unless you REALLY need it you should probably save for the T80, or get the BMP-3 since it's such a good vehicle(and cheaper, albeit less armor). It's got a 115mm gun with 40AP 20HE, along with a pintle DSHK with 1000 rounds, and a 7.62 PKMT coax with 2500 rounds. Crew of 5. It's speed suffers greatly so use it as fire support behind your infantry, not a good flanker. Don't fight better MBT's or TOW's unless you got the drop on them. 950 MP. Armor: 31-242 Spd: 50


BMP-3 - The cheapest in this section, it has a 100mm gun full of HE(40 rnd), that can also shoot Bastion ATGM(comes with ). It also has a coaxil 30mm and 7.62. It has two additional, forward facing 7.62 guns manned by others. It's got 3000 7.62 rnd to go with them. In total, it needs 5 crew to operate everything, but it spawns with 4, so buy an extra crew member if you want that extra machinegun firing. This thing is made to kill infantry, and at the same time is a threat to APCs and Tanks. It's a good purchase. Can also act as a troop transport.(5) Very fast, faster than BMP2, tied with M1A1M. 850MP Armor:20-30

BMP-2 - This is like the BMP-3, but with even more weapons. It has a 30mm gun which comes with HE and AP. It has an AGS-30 on the top, and 4 ATGM launchers(doesnt come with spare ammo). At 1000 MP it's a bit too pricey for it's vulnerability to all AT weapons. But that's up to you, if you can keep it alive it has a LOT of firepower. Armor: 20-30

T80BV - The less heavy variant of the T80s, it's your usual T80BV which comes with APFSDS(30), HE(10), HEAT(5), and a coaxil(5000), along with a DSHK CROWS(1100) mount. 4 crew. Use smoke if you need it. Not really worth it in comparison to the T80U, since the U is just so good... However, it's still an extremely good tank and can compete with others. Use it as a flanker if needed, doesn't go extremely well against dedicated AT weapons. 1100 MP. Armor: 200-500 Spd: 70

T80U - This is your heavy tank, the heaviest in the game, too. It's got the highest firepower and highest armor for any tank in the game, and still maintains top game speed of 70. In comparison, the fastest tank in the game, the M1A1M, is only 72. It's 125mm gun holds 25/10/5 and 5 ATGM. The CROWS DSHK holds 1100 rounds and the coax has 5000 rounds just for itself. This is a very VERY good investment since your armor is so thick on the front that everything will have a hard time penetrating it. It's fast enough to be used as a flanker, durable enough to be used as a firesupport. This is a jack of all trades and master of all. 4 crew. 1400MP. Armor: 200-780 Spd: 70
REF Vehicles
RUS Vehicles



Author Notes
Writing: QuickLoad
Pictures: Willownu (it's WIP because delinquent)


(personal notes)
May 2 2018

Have finally come back to update this, will take some time and some stuff will be WIP but it'll get there eventually. Parts of this guide will remain un-updated until I have more time, if you want a specific section updated please let me know in comments.

I've been playing a lot of UAF, and right now i'm the #5 in UAF. I haven't played a lot of combined arms so i'll get back to helos sometime.

May 5 2018
Updated again with GRM section, helos, REF section will be coming shortly along with pictures for all vehicles! Modernized the guide sections.

May 3 2019
Willownu here, decided to provide pictures with what I already had, turns out I only did US vehicles so far. It'll probably be a hell of a long time before I finish up the rest of these because my care for this project is minimal; it's definitely Quickie's brainchild. In hindsight I wish I updated this with pictures for all factions in celebration of Osama bin Laden Death Day, but I didn't really think of it, probably due to happiness over a certain individual's lack of a face while rotting at the bottom of the sea. Cheers!
9 comentarios
RAVEN 17 FEB 2023 a las 8:27 
You can refill your helicopter ammo with your ammo truck, or any vehicle which has an ammo reserve. Just need to move the vehicle out of harms way, behind a hill or building. I too would like to see more air battles?
Raven's BloodSong 21 AGO 2019 a las 18:42 
how to refuel the heli....? its a pain when need to dismount and use the can manually.. and yeah why the ammo can't be replenish at truck...?
Cortez 4 FEB 2019 a las 12:00 
Where can I find air vehicles?
State of Europe 3 MAY 2018 a las 15:42 
QuickLoad  [autor] 2 MAY 2018 a las 22:54 
I updated it today with UAF and the new vehicles for US. I will make another section(in this guide) of vehicles for air since I exceeded character amount in both guides :steamfacepalm:
musthavecake 18 FEB 2018 a las 16:19 
Shooter-90 28 NOV 2017 a las 13:00 
Forgot aircraft.
State of Europe 19 ABR 2017 a las 20:22 
Abrams usually one shots T-80 in my experience, even with sabot. The only negative is that they have the Abrams armor in-game vastly lower than what it should be (and indeed is estimated to be in real lfe) so everything will pen your front. Also the GRM SPG in practice doesn't have the same pen as the TOW versus heavy armor like tanks, but everything else is light enough for it to take out easily. I also regularly take out tanks from the front with the TOW. The T-80s turret armor is weaker then the front hull, and the TOW has no problem there.
Fortune 25 ENE 2017 a las 21:36 
Abrams can 1-shot the T-80s if you use HEAT rounds.