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Outbreak - The Official Guide
Vytvořil Dead Drop Studios a spoluautoři (1)
Outbreak is a brutal, unforgiving survival horror experience. Arm yourself with the best chance of survival by learning tips directly from the developer.
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This is the official guide for Outbreak, created by the game's developer.

Outbreak is a brutal, unforgiving survival horror experience. It's intended to be a love letter to the classic survival horror experiences of the 90's, while supporting modern interface and usability refinements. Although designed to be a multiplayer co-op experience, Outbreak scales based on the number of players in the game to attempt to keep the experience balanced. Outbreak doesn't hold your hand. It gives you basic information and trusts you to figure out the rest. This means most initial attempts will end in death as you slowly learn the levels and mechanics for the scenarios.

Game Flow
In Outbreak, players must traverse maze-like environments as they solve puzzles, battle monsters and learn about the source of the outbreak. The game keeps the pressure on players by ensuring that they are always being chased by a horde of monsters. This endless swarm of undead threats is augmented by other enemies strategically placed around the level.

Each game experience is different thanks to a semi-random enemy and item layout. Each time a scenario is loaded, enemies and items are randomly removed, except for weapons and puzzle items. This primarily affects players because they cannot count on healing items or ammo being in expected locations.

Guide Contents
This guide is intended to act as a general overview of the game for new players. It will also provide hints and tips that will make an appreciable difference as you attempt to survive each scenario. Please reach out on the Outbreak discussion boards if there is any content you would like to see added to this guide.

Thank You!
Thank you for playing Outbreak. It was created by an indie studio with a single developer. Every purchase will help provide on-going support for the game and fund new multiplayer survival horror experiences. Enjoy the game and good luck!
Game Controls
This section will cover basic in-game player controls.

Basic Overview
Outbreak is a 2D top-down survival horror video game. Player's control an individual character that has a limited inventory and only a single life. If a player dies, they cannot respawn. If they perish in a multiplayer game, they will be able to spectate the remaining survivors.

Keyboard and Gamepad
Outbreak is designed to be played entirely using a keyboard or gamepad. When a gamepad is plugged in, Outbreak will display Xbox-style button prompts. All keyboard and gamepad controls are able to be remapped in the Options -> Controls menu. Please note that all button prompts being displayed will reflect the original control scheme!

Movement Controls
Outbreak utilizes 'tank controls'. This means that a player can either move forwards, backwards or turn their character. The player controls in Outbreak are designed to be reminiscent of classic survival horror games like Resident Evil. Tank controls provide a level of indirection to the player's actions. They provide a meaningful blocker that stops the player from making immediate actions and forces more careful consideration about player placement in the environment.

Tank controls are frustrating. They are meant to depower the player and add tension. In critical situations, their obtuseness can easily lead to a death that otherwise could have been avoided. The more the player panics, the harder it is to control.

Player's can do a quick 180 degree turn at any time by moving in reverse and pressing the 'Run' button. This can allow a player to flee from a monster more quickly than turning.

Combat Controls
To engage in combat, a player must 'ready' or 'aim' their weapon, then attack. When in the aiming state, the player can rotate but they cannot move. Outbreak includes auto-aim which will target the closest threat that is visible to your character's eyesight. If your character cannot see a monster, they will not auto-aim on them. There is also limited range to the auto-aim, so your character will not target far away enemies.

Your character will aim and attack with their currently equipped weapon. If no weapon is equipped, the player will do a push attack that does very little damage but throws enemies backwards. Do not attempt to kill enemies with the push attack. Instead, use it to buy you some room, do a quick turn and run away.

Weapons can be equipped from within the inventory. With the exception of Mason or selecting a starting weapon from your Steam inventory, you will not have a weapon equipped at spawn.

Interacting Controls
A big part of Outbreak is investigating the environment for clues, written logs and most importantly: loot. When your player can interact with the environment, you will see an exclamation point appear above their head. You can then press the 'Interact' button to interact with the environment.

Your character often has thoughts on what they're experiencing. Each character is just a normal person being thrown into this nightmarish scenario. As such, their comments typically won't be fourth-wall breaking since they have no idea what's happening either!

If you're interacting with an item, you'll receive a menu asking you to confirm the pick-up. Multiple players cannot interact with the same item or puzzle at the same time.
Game Mechanics & Modes
When you start a single-player or multiplayer game, you will be given a significant number of options to tailor your game experience.

Selecting Scenario
Outbreak features two game modes: Campaign and Onslaught. Each mode has levels tied to it, although you can expect to see some familiar places across both modes. All game modes and scenarios can be played in up to 4-player co-op or alone in single-player mode.
Campaign is the story-mode with more of a focus on horror. Each campaign scenario tells a piece of the overall Outbreak story and they are intended to be played in order. These scenarios have a linear set of objectives and a clear ending condition.

The story-order for the scenarios is:
  • Tutorial
  • Outbreak
  • Chasmal
  • Miasma
  • Enkindle

Although there is an order, you should feel free to play them any way you choose. All scenarios are unlocked from the beginning. If you find yourself struggling in an earlier scenario, just skip ahead to the next one!

Item and Enemy Placement in Campaign
When a campaign scenario is started, the game will randomly determine if certain monsters and items spawn on the level. This means that a box of handgun bullets appearing in one playthrough may not be there in the next. There are exceptions though, certain items and monsters will always be present, but a large majority are up to chance. This ensures each playthrough is different.

Onslaught Mode
Onslaught mode is the inverse of campaign. It's a wave-based experience that trades horror for all out action. In Onslaught, players must defeat waves of increasingly difficult enemies. As players defeat enemies, they earn credits which can be used to purchase new equipment off of walls. Onslaught maps are non-linear. You can buy keycards off the walls to unlock new areas of the map. Unlocking more expensive doors will lead to better purchasable equipment. There might even be a few freebie items thrown around the maps if you really search.

Outbreak's levels feature many narrow corridors, making them ideal as choke points to defeat enemies. Camping is a legitimate and supported strategy in Onslaught, but be very careful. Each time you purchase an item, that station becomes increasingly more expensive. Those inexpensive handgun bullets will eventually be more expensive than a magnum revolver!

Onslaught doesn't really end. It's designed to be played up to the 31st wave, but the game will never stop. After Wave 31, you'll see remixed powerful monsters. Prior to that wave, you'll see new sets of random monsters appear every few waves. Enemy health will scale up and down as the waves crawl on. Sometimes simple zombie dogs will become extremely resilient. Look for the introduction text at the beginning of each wave for a hint on what to expect. Those who survive into the later waves may also begin to see something else entirely...

When you defeat an enemy in Onslaught, there will be a very small chance of a power-up dropping.
  • Battery - Awards credits to all players.
  • Biohazard - Damages all enemies currently on the map.

Selecting Difficulty
Outbreak supports 3 difficulty modes: normal, hard and biohazard. Several things change as you ramp up the difficulty:
  • There are fewer items on the level in Campaign mode.
  • More enemies spawn to chase the players.
  • Enemies deal more damage to players
  • Barricades break faster.

On Biohazard, you will also be hunted by a strong undead brute. Even if killed, he will come back rather frequently. To survive through Biohazard, you must change your thinking and strategy. Standing and fighting can become suicidal as your resources will drain much faster. Learn to run away, block off sections with barricades and keep moving. Do not attempt Biohazard until[/u] you know a scenario well.

On Normal and Hard modes, you can typically stand your ground and fight off most threats. But Biohazard is designed to be unfair. You need to find weaknesses with the monster AI and learn how to exploit geography to your advantage. Surviving in Biohazard relies on your ability to run for your life.

Selecting Character
Outbreak features a diverse cast of playable characters. Each character has unique strengths and weaknesses.

Mason (Recommended for new players)
Mason is the tank of the group. He has the most health out of all characters and starts with a loaded sidearm. He has no special abilities but he's a solid choice for new players. When on single-player mode, Mason can take considerable damage before dying, making him effective for learning levels and game mechanics.

Alendra (Recommended for advanced players)
Alendra is a high-risk high-reward character. She has the lowest health out of all of the survivors, but she is the only character with a lockpick. Alendra can primarily be used for sequence breaking on campaign levels. For example, in the Outbreak scenario, she can unlock a room very early that has a substantial cache of weapons, ammo and healing items. The value of the lockpick varies significantly scenario-to-scenario. Sometimes it's incredibly effective, sometimes it's incredible useless.

Ethan (Recommended for semi-experienced players)
Ethan is a unique character and arguably a stronger tank than Mason in certain cases. Ethan has relatively high health and gets a substantial bonus when using healing items. He effectively makes the Green Salve more effective, which reduces the need to find a corresponding Red Salve for a full heal. Given that he's not outright as resilient as Mason (and lacks a starting weapon), he's a character for slightly more advanced players. But he does spawn with a Green Salve already in his inventory, which can also be given to friends.

Quies (Recommended for advanced players)
Quies is a character for advanced players. She arguably has one of the strongest perks and one of the greatest weaknesses (especially in single-player). Quies has a larger-than-normal inventory with two extra slots. This means she can field a second weapon and ammo combination which other characters typically cannot do. The trade-off though is that Quies cannot combine healing items, so she's restricted to using Green Salves or finding Aid Sprays. In single-player mode, this is a significant burden. In multiplayer games, you can have other characters craft healing items for you, which makes Quies an effective support character for hauling puzzle items and equipment for the group.
Additional Starting Equipment
As you play Outbreak, you will periodically be awarded with a random equipment drop. These equipment drops are single-use consumable items that allow you to start a scenario with extra equipment. These drops are awarded entirely based on play-time on a non-Tutorial scenario, which means you can't just leave the game idling to get them.

You can choose to bring an extra weapon, ammo and healing item into a scenario. These items are available in both the Campaign and Onslaught modes. You can also trade these items with friends over Steam. They will appear in your Steam Inventory.

They range from being a little helpful when you have an extra pistol or box of ammo, to completely game breaking if you had an entire team with revolvers and magnum rounds. Using this bonus equipment effectively is one of the best avenues for reaching the more difficult achievements!
Options Menu
Outbreak supports a robust options menu that is available from the main menu or in-game. Depending on which part of the game you're in, some options may be hidden. Outbreak also supports fully remappable keyboard and gamepad controls, but in-game prompts will always reflect the default control scheme.

Options Menu
Video options
  • Resolution - Screen resolution (fullscreen mode) or window resolution (non-fullscreen mode). Supports 16:9, 16:10, 21:9, 4:3 and other common aspect ratios.
  • Quality - Primarily affects image quality across the game.
  • Fullscreen - Determines if the game is fullscreen or windowed.
  • V-Sync - Determines if the game runs at a fixed 60FPS v-sync (if possible) or an unlimited framerate.
  • Brightness - Affects the LIGHTING BRIGHTNESS when in-game. Does not affect other image brightness!
  • Apply - Press to apply the video options selections.

Player Options
  • Character - Sets your preferred character (if available in multiplayer).
  • Move/Turn Slider - Affects deadzone for thumbsticks or a delay for buttons that can move and turn the character.
  • Cloud Region - Defaults to region with best ping. You can manually override your region to play with friends in different regions, but you will experience higher latency and lag.
  • Apply - Applies the player options selections.

Audio Options
  • Volume - Affects the volume of all music, SFX and ambience game-wide.
  • Ambience - Determines if music, environmental and other ambience sound should play.
  • Voice Chat - Determines the volume of voice chat spoken by other players.
  • Apply - Applies the audio options selections.

Other Options
  • Reset to Defaults - Restores ALL options in ALL sections to their default values.

Controller Remapping
Outbreak is fully playable with a gamepad or keyboard. All aspects of the UI, game, etc... are navigable and usable via these methods. Mouse support exists for the UI, but you cannot use the mouse to play the game itself. All gamepad and keyboard controls for game play can be remapped and changed.

  • Done - Saves your changes and exits the menu.
  • Restore Defaults - Restores the default keybindings for the keyboard and/or gamepad IF connected.

Player Actions
  • Forwards - Moves your character forwards.
  • Backwards - Moves your character backwards.
  • Left - Turns your character to THEIR left.
  • Right - Turns your character to THEIR right.
  • Aim - Aims or readies your current weapon. It will use your bare hands if no weapon is equipped.
  • Attack - Attacks if a weapon is aiming or readied. When not aiming, the attack button will allow you to RUN.
  • Interact - Interacts with anything directly in front of your character. Look for an exclamation mark above their head to know if you can interact.
  • Inventory - Opens your inventory screen.
  • Barricade - Builds a barricade on your player IF there is no cooldown AND monsters aren't too close.
  • Toggle Flashlight - Toggles your flashlight. Purely aesthetic.
  • Toggle Map - Toggles the fullscreen map display of the area.
  • Chat - Allows you to enter text chat with the room.
  • Lobby - Allows you to view the lobby screen WHICH CONTAINS the inventories of all of your teammates, as well as kick/mute controls if available.
  • Options - Opens the in-game options menu where you can change video, audio and player options.
One of the most important areas to understand in Outbreak is your player inventory. It's intentionally very limiting. The inventory view is the basis for how you manage your equipment and interact with the game world.

The Inventory View

Your inventory view contains important details about your character and their status.
You can view your character's name in the upper left corner.

The health of your character is displayed in the top middle. In Outbreak, you are never given a discrete quantitative readout of your health. It is instead conveyed in vague terms with an accompanying EKG. The stages of character health (from healthiest to dead) is:
  • Fine - (Perfect health)
  • Warning - (Slightly wounded)
  • Caution - (Extremely wounded)
  • Danger - (Very near death)
  • Dead - (Self explanatory)
Outside of the inventory screen, your health status is also represented by how much the camera is showing as blurry and grayscale. As you take more damage, you'll see the camera become increasingly obscured. When you're near death, almost all color will be removed and the blurriness will be intense.

Poison Status
Some enemies and environmental hazards in Outbreak can poison your character. If you become poisoned, your health display will be obscured and only report as "Poison". While poisoned, you cannot see your actual health level and you will slowly take damage over time. Use a Blue Salve or a Gold Salve to cure your character.

Item Description
The large window will display a description of the selected item. You will see an image and a corresponding description. Descriptions can provide useful hints for how items can be combined.

Item Slots
The contents of your inventory are displayed on the right. All items take up a single inventory slot.

IMPORTANT: All characters EXCEPT for Quies have four inventory slots. Quies has six since she can carry additional items thanks to her backpack.
Player Emblem
An emblem representing your character's class skill is displayed at the bottom.

Using the Inventory
The controls for the inventory display on the right-hand side. When the inventory is opened, your first item slot will be highlighted. You can navigate around the inventory and select an item. Once an item is selected, contextual options will become available based on what can be done with the item. Selecting an empty slot resets the display.

The following options contextually become available when selecting an item:
  • Equip - Weapons may be equipped and unequipped using this option.
  • Combine - Weapons and ammo can be combined. Healing items can also be combined.
  • Use - Healing items can be used. Puzzle items can also be used when standing in front of a puzzle.
  • Drop - All items can be dropped on the ground. Weapons must be unequipped to be dropped.

Picking Up Items
When standing near an item, a green exclamation point will appear over your character's head. You can use the 'Interact' button to initiate a pickup.
Select Yes to pick up the item. Select No to leave it on the ground and exit the menu. You cannot pick up an item when another player is interacting with it.

Using Puzzle Items
Certain items like keys, keycards and more are puzzle items. To use them, stand in front of the puzzle. You'll know you're there because you should be able to Interact with it and get a description of the item it needs.
Open your inventory and select the puzzle item. Press the Use button to use it on the puzzle.
You'll be returned to the game and should either see a message showing success or failure.

Weapons and Equipment
You will live and die by your ability to effectively search the environment and gather equipment. Don't get attached to anything and discard items as soon as they no longer serve a direct purpose. Your limited inventory means you must only take what you need.

Combining and Crafting
Using your inventory, you can combine items to replenish your supplies or craft new items. Here's some examples:
  • Weapons and Ammo - Combine weapons with their associated ammo within the inventory to instantly reload.
  • Healing Items - Combine salves together to make more powerful, consolidated healing items. For example, combing a Green Salve and a Red Salve make a Purple Salve, which can heal your wounds completely.

Outbreak features a wide-array of melee weapons, firearms and explosive ordinance. Although each weapon can fight off any type of enemy, some weapons are better suited for certain encounters.

Melee weapons (except for your bare hands) will break after a number of swings. When swinging, a hit is determined if the animation of the arc intersects with an enemy.

  • Bare Hands - Very minimal damage but can push enemies away.
  • Knife - Survival knife that does decent damage. Swings fast.
  • Fire Axe - Large axe that deals good damage and has great knockback. Swings slower.
  • Climbing Pick - Makeshift weapon that deals significant damage and knockback. Swings very slow!

Firearms come in multiple varieties: handguns, shotguns and rifles. Firearms use a hitscan to determine if a shot lands, meaning it is calculated immediately upon fire. Firearms require ammunition and each weapon has a specific associated type of ammo. Shooting a friendly player or wall will stop the bullet, but will not cause damage.


  • Handgun - Standard handgun with respectable firing speed and damage. Extremely versatile.
  • HP Handgun - A high-powered version of the handgun. Deals more damage but fires slower and has a smaller clip.
  • Valery - A handgun with a large clip and fast rate of fire, but low damage and knockback. Ideal for crowd control.
  • Kraus - An extremely powerful handgun with a tiny clip. It fires extremely slow but can pierce enemies. An excellent support weapon when in a group.

The revolver is the ultimate weapon in Outbreak. Although it fires slow, it deals significantly more damage per hit than any other weapon. It can also pierce many targets. Although extremely rare, it is capable of taking out the most advanced threats with ease.

  • Magnum Revolver - An epic handcannon capable of holding six rounds. Extreme damage, knockback and piercing capabilities. Every shot landed is a critical hit, celebrated with appropriate fanfare.


  • Old Shotgun - Hunting shotgun with greater spread and piercing ability. Fires slow and has a low magazine size.
  • Tactical Shotgun - Police shotgun with improved damage, tighter spread and a larger magazine. Can still pierce, but not through as many targets.


  • Assault Rifle - A fast firing rifle with low knockback and damage. Chews through ammo but can keep a crowd at bay.
  • DMR - A slow firing high powered rifle that can pierce enemies. Deals significant damage and has good ammo efficiency.

Explosive grenade launchers can fire a shell a respectable distance that deals significant damage within a radius on detonation. Launchers are the perfect solution for eliminating large swarms of enemies and will not damage the user.

  • M150 Launcher - Fires quickly and sports a large magazine. Respectable damage and explosion radius.
  • M400 Launcher - Fires slowly and has a reduced magzine. Shells deal significant damage but cannot travel far.

All firearms and explosive weapons in Outbreak have a specific type of ammunition tied to them. They must be reloaded with the correct ammo.

  • Handgun Rounds - 9mm parabellum rounds usable in handguns.
  • Shotgun Shells - Buckshot shells for use in shotguns.
  • Assault Rifle Rounds - 5.56mm rounds for use in assault rifles.
  • Magnum Rounds - .357 rounds for use in revolvers.
  • Grenade Rounds - High explosive shells for use in launchers.

Healing Items
Healing items are somewhat rare and the more effective items are borderline impossible to find. You can craft them though by combining different healing items together.

  • Green Salve - A restorative salve that can heal a moderate amount of health.
  • Red Salve - Useless on its own, but when combined with a Green Salve it creates a Purple Salve.
  • Blue Salve - Heals the poison status effect. Can be combined with a Purple Salve to make a Gold Salve.
  • Purple Salve - Heals all damage to the player, but cannot cure poison. Can be combined with a Blue Salve to make a Gold Salve.
  • Gold Salve - Heals all damage to the player and cures poison. Extremely rare.
  • Aid Spray - Heals all damage to the player, but cannot cure poison.

Puzzle Items
Outbreak features a significant amount of puzzle items. They include keycards, cranks, disks and more. Explore the environment to find these items and escape the nightmare!
Playing With Friends
Bringing friends along for the apocalypse is the most fun way to play! Outbreak makes it easy to make your own multiplayer game and join your friends, or play with strangers!

Multiplayer in Outbreak
Outbreak utilizes a cloud-based multiplayer backend for supporting multiplayer games. This backend allows players to get a great ping nearly anywhere worldwide. It also negates any potential NAT/Firewall punchthrough issues when playing with friends as it is not P2P. There's just one catch: multiplayer games created in one region cannot be joined from a different region. Don't panic though, we've got you covered and you'll be playing with your friends in no-time. Read on!

Selecting your Region
The first thing you should do in Outbreak is select your multiplayer region. You can do so in the Options menu, which is accessible via the main menu. By default, Outbreak will connect you to the region with the lowest ping. For most people, that should be totally fine. But if you know you'll want to play with friends, and they live in a different geographic region, you will need to manually select a region to ensure you can play together!

In the Options menu, click on the region dropdown and select a region. After making your selection, press the Apply button! If you don't, it won't be saved! You'll only ever need to come back here if you need to switch your region in the future.

NOTE: Games created in one region CANNOT be joined by a different region. You need to be on the same region as your friends!
Starting a Game
Open the Multiplayer menu which is accessible via the Main Menu. When you enter, Outbreak will attempt to connect to the network. If it is unsuccessful, you will be returned to the Main Menu.

You can either start a public or private game from this menu. If you start a public game, it will become visible within the server browser and anyone can join it. This is likely not ideal when you're playing with friends, because you need to keep slots open for them.
The best way to start a game for friends is to enter a custom name for your game in the input field and start a private game. Give the custom name to your friends. They can then enter it on the multiplayer screen and use it to join your private game. This ensures that only friends can join. Once your friends join, you can make your game public and fill the remaining slots with other players.

Game Changes with More Players
Although the game difficulty has a tangible impact on the number of enemies and items available in a scenario, increasing the playercount does as well. As more players join the game, there will be more items AND enemies in each scenario. This is intentional to scale up difficulty for more players while also ensuring they have equipment to use. If you have a 4-player game playing on Biohazard, you're in for a real struggle. There will be a tremendous amount of enemies and still very little supplies (but still more than if you were playing single-player).

Outbreak supports both text and voice communication. Both options are available when you are either in the lobby or when you are in-game. You cannot communicate while a scenario is loading or when you're being returned to the multiplayer lobby. A bad-word filter is in effect for text communication. Be nice!

You can mute other player's voices anytime by selecting their name off of the player list in the lobby, or by using the lobby menu when you're ingame. You can also mute yourself as well.

Joining Games
A multiplayer game can only be joined if all the following is true:
  • You are in the same multiplayer region as the creator of the game.
  • The game is in the multiplayer lobby and not in-game.
  • The game is public or the game is private and you know the game's name.
Tips and Game Help
This section covers general tips and game help while playing Outbreak.

I have absolutely no idea where to go or what to do!
Outbreak does not hold your hand. You're meant to explore and feel uncertain about your path. Moving slowly and retreading your steps is also incredibly dangerous, as it will exhaust even more supplies. This is meant to be a frustrating experience that reduces your player agency and power. But you have many tools to determine where to head next:
  • Your current objective and location is listed in the upper-left hand side of the screen.
  • New objectives prominently display on the screen when they are assigned.
  • Entering an area will display on the middle-right side of the screen.
  • Your map displays important objectives using a blue exclamation point. Use your map!

There is a puzzle/lock/etc... in front of me. Where do I find the item to proceed?
The majority of puzzles and locked doors in Outbreak either have a solution nearby or had a key awarded as part of a new objective being assigned.
  • When you receive a new objective, ensure that you pick up any nearby puzzle items!
  • If you're missing a keycode, search nearby rooms for a text log or part of the environment to inspect.
For example, early in the Outbreak scenario, you will need to unlock a safe to get a keycard near the Hospital Entrance. That keycode is located in a nearby bathroom written in blood on the mirror. Always search the room thoroughly!

Despite already having the key to this door, it keeps telling me I need it!
You must go into your inventory and use the key or puzzle item directly when standing in front of the door or obstruction. It will not automatically be used when you inspect the door.

I can't respawn!
In Outbreak, you only have a single life. If you die, you cannot respawn until the scenario is restarted (either by the rest of your team wiping or by them escaping the level). In Onslaught, you can never respawn as well. If you die 20 waves in, that's it.

I'm poisoned! How do I cure it?
Search the environment for a Blue Salve. You can use it to remove the poison effect on your character. Poison will slowly drain your health and it obscures your actual health condition. Cure it as soon as possible!

Enemies never stop coming and I get overwhelmed quickly!
Outbreak will constantly spawn enemies that will chase you and other players in the game. This constant assault is designed to drain your resources rapidly. Although most enemies aren't a significant threat when alone, as soon as they group up you can easily get swarmed and killed quickly. You must keep moving at all costs to survive. Continue pressing further into the level, scrounge for more supplies and keep dispatching threats rapidly. Outbreak is designed to be exceptionally difficult and you will need to learn the flow of levels to survive. Don't view death as failure, view it as learning for the next round!

My melee attack seems to be doing virtually no damage to enemies!
You likely do not have a weapon equipped and are attacking with your bare hands. Attacking without a weapon equipped will not do much damage to enemies, but it will push them back. Use that opportunity to do a quick turn (move backwards and press the run button) to escape. Either equip a weapon from your inventory quickly or search the environment for one.

Reloading takes a long time! It leaves me exposed for too long!
In Outbreak, reloading is a punishment for not tracking your ammo well. If you're in a tense fight and you run out of ammo in your clip, your player will automatically reload if they have ammo in their inventory. But while you reload, you cannot move or cancel the reload operation. Instead, reload by entering your inventory and directly combining ammo with your weapon. It will reload instantly! Never reload outside of your inventory if you can avoid it!

I'm not finding supplies anywhere! What am I doing wrong?
Supplies like weapons, ammo, healing items and puzzle items aren't always just left out in the open. Sometimes you need to inspect lockers, desks, etc... to find items. Look for the tell-tale bright flash around areas that can be inspected. Search your environment thoroughly!

I am completely sure the game is broken and I cannot proceed!
Outbreak was created by a one-person indie studio. There is always the very real possibility that you have encountered a legitimate bug and your progress is halted. If you feel you've found an issue like this, please post information about it on the discussion board and include the steps that led to the bug occurring. Your help in reporting bugs is greatly appreciated!
Outbreak features a significant amount of achievements. They run the gamut between being easy, reasonable and insanely difficult to achieve. A listing is below with general guidance on how time it will take to unlock during normal play. This will be listed as either: Quick, Average or Long. All achievements can be unlocked in single-player or multiplayer.

Tracking Progress
The Statistics menu within the game provides a clear overview of your progress towards each achievement and whether it is unlocked. This is the best way to determine how close you are to each achievement.

General Achievements
Core Concept (Quick beyond belief)
You failed to survive.

Marksman (Quick)
Land 10 critical hits.

First Kill (Quick)
Defeated your first undead threat.

Undead Slayer (Quick)
Defeated 20 undead threats.

Undead Destroyer (Average)
Defeated 100 undead threats.

Undead Obliterator (Long)
Defeated 1000 undead threats.

Nutritionist (Quick)
Healed yourself.

Arborist (Average)
Healed yourself 20 times.

Botanist (Long)
Healed yourself 200 times.

The Best Defense (Quick)
Constructed your first barricade.

Carpenter (Quick)
Constructed 10 barricades.

Craftsman (Average)
Constructed 50 barricades.

Artisan (Average)
Constructed 100 barricades.

Puzzler (Quick)
Successfully overcame a puzzle.

Master of Unlocking (Long)
Solved 100 puzzles.

Campaign Achievements
Tutorial (Quick)
Cleared the Tutorial scenario.

Outbreak (Average)
Cleared the Outbreak scenario.

Chasmal (Average)
Cleared the Chasmal scenario.

Miasma (Average)
Cleared the Miasma scenario.

Enkindle (Average)
Cleared the Enkindle scenario.

Bright Future (Average)
Cleared all campaign scenarios.

The Beginning (Quick)
Cleared your first scenario!

Now We're Talking (Average)
Cleared 10 scenarios.

Survival of the Fittest (Long)
Cleared 100 scenarios.

Recruit (Average)
Survived 5 scenarios on Normal Difficulty.

Survivor (Average)
Survived 3 scenarios on Hard Difficulty.

Hero (Average)
Survived a scenario on Biohazard Difficulty.

Pacifist (Long. Good Luck!)
Survived a scenario on Hard or Biohazard Difficulty with one or fewer kills.

Onslaught Achievements
First Wave (Quick)
Cleared a wave in Onslaught.

Intrepid (Quick)
Survived the first five waves in Onslaught.

Enduring (Average)
Survived the first ten waves in Onslaught.

Resourceful (Average)
Survived the first fifteen waves in Onslaught.

Prepared (Long)
Survived the first twenty waves in Onslaught.

Hardened (Long)
Survived the first twenty five waves in Onslaught.

Unstoppable (Long)
Survived the thirtieth wave in Onslaught.

Consumer (Quick)
Purchased a piece of equipment in Onslaught.

Bargain Hunter (Quick)
Purchased 20 pieces of equipment in Onslaught.

Secret Shopper (Average)
Purchased 100 pieces of equipment in Onslaught.

Black Friday (Average)
Purchased 200 pieces of equipment in Onslaught.
Future Additions
Thank you for reading this guide. My intention is to continue to update it with useful information about Outbreak. If you have any feedback or requests for content, please post them in the comments below or start a thread on the discussion forums. Thank you again for purchasing and supporting Outbreak!
Počet komentářů: 2
j0sea 9. čvc. 2019 v 19.33 
THank goodness it has a guide:csgostar:
Moon-Shadow 27. kvě. 2017 v 15.32 
Thanks for this Guid.

My Translator , Translated good this Guid.