Space Engineers

Space Engineers

Type: Mod
Mod category: Planet
78.464 MB
2016年12月30日 8時56分
1 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )


GHOSTXV 作成の 1 件のコレクション
16 アイテム

Uzuran is a Gas like planet that sort of ressembles neptune.Uzuran was found 18 light years
away.With its thick Gas cloud layer it looks like Uzuran has no solid crust but with closer
look with are telescopes researchers find there is a solid landscape under it.

But with its heavy gases creating a fog like effect it makes it hard to see on Uzuran.Uzuran's
Core materials consist of an alien like rock, and a hard like crust sand which is blue like the
clouds.Craters can be seen on entering Uzurans Atmosphere which makes researchers believe there
are alittle bit of ores on its surface.

........................................................................PLEASE READ IMPORTANT...........................................................

you must put my Ghosts CloudLayer textures mod in world before it will show up in your mod folder then

open my mod 773189417 in mod folder OS/Users/your comps name/appdata/Roaming/space enginneers\mods

way it works go into you Space engineers folder

Programfiles {86}/Steam/Steamapps/common/SpacEngineers

place all textures from my Ghosts CloudLayer textures into folder

Programfiles {86}/Steam/Steamapps/common/SpacEngineers/Content/Textures/Models/Enviroment/Sky

and if you know sbc files well you can also enter name of sky in atmosphere settings under clouds

but these are for my new and upcoming planets so u dont have to go into any file it will be there as long as textures

are in S.E folder your good to go








SURVIVAL RATE: Ores only spawn in rocks on surface there is no ice

There is also a line in cloud layer it is only place holder till i create new one

Heightmaps created by me using Scape and Photoshop

Custom voxel textures created be me using Photoshop

Hope you enjoy

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7 件のコメント
riotgrrl_adria 2019年3月11日 7時54分 
I've gotten GHOSTXV's permission to continue work on the various planets that they made. I will be updating them to fix various issues, such as pink textures, missing texture assets, and bad names of files in the configs.
Keep in mind, there's a load of planets that I need to fix, and I'm currently trying to balance mod work and getting my work situation squared away.
OSkar12141 2018年5月27日 9時16分 
looks like Neptune
Qi négatif 2017年1月1日 12時13分 
On a hired server, the atmosphere of the planet bug, c is purple, how to fix this concern, knowing that I only access to the game save and not the instal files of the game. Thanks
Procommando 2016年12月31日 10時38分 
I know,I was just being nit picky sorry XD
GHOSTXV  [作成者] 2016年12月31日 9時42分 
that makes sense for gas giants most of my gas giants are flat but this planet is fiction its gas like/alien. Now if i could extend gravity distance and pressure for gas giants i would but were limited as to what we can mod on planets atm
Procommando 2016年12月30日 23時02分 
Its pretty cool,but I want to go ahead and say for future reference,gas giants have to have land,but since most of the planet is made of gas and there so much of it that the pressure gets greater and greater the deeper you go into the clouds,and it gets so great that a lot of heat starts to form because of all the pressure(so really in planets like Jupiter the closer you got to the land the hotter it would get,and eventually it would get extremely hot because of all the pressure)and because of this the land would need to be flat instead of having mountains :P
Donkey Flem 2016年12月30日 9時23分 
It's lit