War Thunder

War Thunder

132 ratings
[FINAL] 1st Edition War Thunder Dictionary
By Deafening Silence
Welcome to British_Chap's War Thunder Dictionary: Terms used by the Community (WTD:TC). Here, you'll find definitions of (widely-used or otherwise) terms used by the community.
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Current Number of Entries: 82
Got a term you want to share? Let me know in the comments below!

Guide Milestones:
July 3rd '20: 1000+ views
July 12th '20: 50+ favourites
July 12th '20: 50 entries
Jan 13th '21: 100+ ratings
Mar 19th '21: 100 favourites
Mar 28th '21: 75 entries
May 14th '21: 2500 views

Dictionary reviewed on: 23rd December 2021
Next review due: N/A (End of Support)

Attention! This dictionary is now out of support. This is so I can republish the dictionary with the idea of ease of access and convenience; and reduced clutter. After all, why use 82 sections when you can just CTRL+F to find a word?
Stay tuned for the 2nd Edition of War Thunder Dictionary!
Airfield Camping
Verb. Not to be confused with Vulturing.
Airfield camping is a tactic which one circles around their airfield, using its AAA as a means of defence. This has been regarded by the community as a "cowardly move" as it usually wastes everybody's time. (Un)fortunately, this tactic is not effective in tiers 5 and above as fast aircraft could easily evade airfield AAA.
Verb, Ground Battles.
To knock out an opponent by firing a single shot into their ammo rack, causing an explosion.
Nickname for SRAAM (Short Range Air-(to)-Air Missile.
Regarded by the community as the most annoying missile in the game, although nowadays this may not be the case anymore.
Noun. Suggested by Dee.
Referring to tanks such as the Object 120, Su-57, T30, VFW and other tanks or tank destroyers with large guns, but lacking armour or slow reloads. Usually found as far back near the map borders with forest cover, picking off opponents from afar.
(Weeaboo) Bait
Adjective. Originally suggested by ISRAv3.
A vehicle in a specified nation that is well known for its exceptional performance in reality.
In War Thunder, however, once you obtain the vehicle, you realise that it's proven to be lackluster because of the battle rank, requiring higher skills to use effectively. This often traps patriotic players of their respective nation because they love the vehicle for the reason said above.
Something that Gaijin can't do right, despite numerous community suggestions.
Verb. Suggested by Obabo.
Abbreviation for Boom and Zoom. A playstyle which aims for an attacking aircraft to take advantage of a high energy state in order to attack (Boom) an enemy target and avoids any prolonged fighting by immediately returning (Zoom) to a higher altitude in order to conserve speed and/or altitude.

Alternative method for BnZ is Boom and Run (BnR) which is similar in playstyle, but instead of climbing after attacking, the attacking aircraft attempts to speed away in a horizontal flight path or a shallow dive. This is used to gain distance from the target so the attacking aircraft can safely turn around without the threat of being attacked in the process.
BR 9.7
Noun, air battles.
A battlerank regarded by the community as "the most cancerous to play at". Premium aircraft are largely to be the blame for that.
Bruce D.R. Grant
AKA "Gramps". The narrator behind War Thunder's The Shooting Range and Never in a Hurri, a War Thunder video heritage of his father's life.
To describe a smooth landing.
Adjective. Suggested by Putimir Vladin.
Something that requires no skill in order to succeed.
Cap Stealer
Noun. Suggested by USS Johnston DD-557.
Someone who drives a fast vehicle to rush capture zones for maximum spawn points gained. This is usually driven by the fact that spawn points from capturing zones are divided up by teammates on the zone.
Noun. Suggested by Yukari Akiyama.
A nickname for mid-tier HEAT-FS shells which is extremely effective against anything from Battle Ranks 6.7 - 8.0.
1. To cause damage to one's wings that the wingtips fly off, but still retaining some control.

2. To down an aircraft (Usually used when friendly-fire has occurred)
"I just clipped a friendly in the crossfire!"
D Point
The D-Point was originally exclusive on [Domination] Carpathians right up until late 2017.
It existed as a dynamic objective where an aircraft would drop a supply crate that would appear randomly on the map, which became the fourth objective. The team that captures it would make the opposing team lose a substantial amount of tickets.
Engine Cycling
Verb, Air Battles.
When all engines are leaking water and/or oil, deploy the engine cycling tactic:
Turn off half of your engines, leaving the other half running at full speed, wait until the disabled engines have cooled sufficiently, then turn those engines back on while also turning the already running engines off for cooling.
False Ace
Noun. Suggested by Literal a l l o y.
Someone who spends most of their flying time in Arcade and are often overconfident with their skills by thinking that they're an ace pilot.
Abbreviation for Friendly Fire.
Fridge Launcher
Noun. Suggested by TM06™.
A cannon mounted on an aircraft or tank that is extremely large for its BR. Examples of such cannons are the Yak-9T/K's main cannons, Russian 152's, FV4005's 183 mm, PBJ-1H's 75 mm and Hs 129 B-3's 7.5 cm.
Noun, Air Battles. Suggested by Flatulent_Moth.
A big ball of aircraft, both friendly and foe. This is considered dangerous to be caught in one as you will be an easy target for BnZ/R attacks.
To describe something that has been messed up because of Gaijin.
Germany Suffers
A meme about some vocal German players, who believe that whenever Germany isn't actively dominating everything, is a bad nation.
For instance, at BR 5.7 where Britain has a Spitfire that actually equals the Bf 109s at the tier, they will call for nerfs.
Ghost Shell
Noun. Tank Battles.
A tankshell that, which scientists cannot explain, vanishes without a trace shortly after firing.
Glass Cannon
Alternative name given to tanks that sport a huge gun for its Battle Rank, with very weak armour.
Ground Pound
Verb. Not to be confused with Ground Ramming.
To destroy ground targets with payload.
Half-Loop Rollout
A stylish VTOL manoeuvre to take off which does the following:
  • Flaps set to T/O and Thrust Vectors (TV) to 100%
  • Firewall (100%) the Throttle to ascend vertically
  • Shortly after, begin to pitch upwards whilst keeping TV perpendicular to ground
  • Continue to pitch up until the aircraft is almost parallel to the ground, inverted (Do not allow the aircraft to be truely parallel otherwise you will risk crashing from sinking
  • Quickly roll the aircraft to not sink
  • Retract your gears. Once enough speed is gained, raise flaps.
This allows you to take off facing the opposite direction.
Harrier Crutch
"Harrier Crutch" - War Thunder player TurkeyStuffing

You cannot aim your cannons or have a difficult time stall-fighting so you fly the Harrier GR.1 as a crutch for that.
Verb. Suggested by Cap.RubberDucky.
To spawnkill aircraft by flying above the spawn points via Boom and Zoom.
J Out
The act of bailing out of one's vehicle. The letter "J" represents the default binding of getting out of one's vehicle.
Noun. Suggested by Whale Shark
A German equivalent to Stalinium
Lawn Mowing
Verb. Suggested by [SIEGE]HellHound.
The act of using an attack aircraft solely for killing ground targets.
Lemming Train
When more than 3 friendly aircraft goes after a single opponent.
Verb. Suggested by Yukari Akiyama.
A tank shell whose feat is only characterised by the fact it could penetrate any armour it faces, such as the Leo 1's L/44 APFSDS.
Manoeuvre Kill
Verb. Suggested by Graephen.
When one crashes into the ground due to lack of awareness or judgement while dogfighting.
Matilda Syndrome
A tank with very inconsistent performance such as the Matilda, which leads to either doing well in a battle, or not at all.
Meme Machine
Noun. May not be accurate.
  • A vehicle with a very pronounced niche.
  • A vehicle with terrible performance yet somehow still able to knock out opponents.
A classic British pilot model that existed since Britain has been implemented into War Thunder, who was unfortunately replaced by an updated model in 2018 (Update 1.85).
An emote, depicting a stickman saluting.
On the Deck
Sea level or close to the ground at treetop level.
Pay 2 Win
Noun. Suggested by Sla the $$$ maker.
A premium vehicle which has different performance stats or payload which benefits it over their stock counterparts.
Playing Passive
Verb. Typically, the term is used to describe the behaviour of some bomber pilots due to their aircraft's high repair costs.
The act of getting away from opponents by constantly climbing with no intentions of engaging them.
This should generally be avoided if possible as it wastes both one's and the opponent's time.
Power Creep
Power Creep is what happens when newer content destroy the game's balance, making older content underpowered by comparison.
Pub Stomping
General gaming term for absolutely demolishing (stomping) everybody in public (pub) servers.
Noun. Suggested by Miseriae Cordis.
German low calibre high velocity cannons, likely being used to snipe you across Fulda Gap in a single shot.
Verb, Air Battles.
To suicide in an aircraft by colliding into another aircraft.
In the case of ground ramming, the most ungentlemanly way to deny the potential kill to the opponent by crashing into the ground. In Pilotage, this is considered as a good way to get you kicked from the lobby.
Noun. Suggested by Armaghgeddon.
A small vehicle capable of easily destroying vehicles larger than it but has difficulty with vehicles of its own size. Examples include the M56, R3 T106 FA, USH, ASU-57, the FIAT armoured car, and possibly the Type 93.
To fly uncomfortably close the maximum airspeed of the wings.
Revenge Bombing
Verb, Ground Battles.
To knock out the opponent who knocked you out by flying your aircraft into them, dropping bombs at the last moment.
Russian Bias
Noun. Suggested by FraserMemeZ
When a Russian vehicle does something slightly well or is overpowered.
Noun. Suggested by Dee.
A bomber (namely Ju-288 or Me-264) that spends most of its time in Low Earth Orbit, bombing minibases and destroying ground targets while safe from most interceptors.
Seal Clubbing
Verb. Suggested by Alexander
Using powerful low tier vehicles (such as the M4A3, Pz. 2, T-50, etc.) to get the edge against new players who aren't as good at the game. Generally, these vehicles require some knowledge on how to utilise its potential in order to succeed.
For example, M4A3 has great armour at 2.7 and Pz. 4C has great APHE which can kill most tanks between Battle Ranks 1.0 and 2.3.
Sekrit Dokuments
Noun. Suggested by Bulshaale.
Due to lack of reliable information or the vehicle performance is currently classified, Gaijin gets hold of "Secret Documents" to give absolutely unhistorical, if not ridiculous performance to certain vehicles, like with the explosive filling of the D-8T shells.
(The) Shooting Range
A weekly YouTube video hosted by the War Thunder channel which premiers every Sunday at noon eastern time (UTC-05)
Verb. Suggested by Trabulno.
To climb parallel from the center of the map after taking off in order to reach the desired altitude whilst avoiding enemy interceptors.
Noun. Suggested by Yukari Akiyama.
An altitude greater than 10000m.
One's vehicle has all the modifications researched and purchased.
Verb. Air Battles.
Aircraft gun ammo that seem to be on target, but not causing damage. It instead lights the target aircraft with orange "sparks".
Aim-7 Sparrow medium range air-to-air missile which acquires its target by RADAR.
Effectiveness increases with altitude. Its reputation in War Thunder sums up with its unreliability at typical altitudes.

To run off headless or target a teammate.
Example sentence: The missile did a sparrow again and this time it went after my mate.
Noun. Suggested by MadLadPilot.
A Self Propelled Anti Aircraft vehicle using its high traverse rate to hunt lighter ground vehicles, and acting as Self Propelled Anti Tank.
Spot the Dot
Noun, Air Battles.
An attempt to seek out an unmarked opponent by looking for their silhouette. Effectiveness varies with time of day and the target's aircraft size.
Noun. Suggested by cheese cake with cheese.
A metal alloy containing a composition of Communite and Cykinium. Likely found on domestically-built Russian tanks as armour which is surprisingly effective.
Stock Syndrome
Noun. Suggested by Delta Hooves.
A vehicle that severely underperforms for its Battle Rank, due to having no modifications unlocked.
Verb. Not to be confused with Vulturing.
The act of attacking targets on the ground via aircraft with cannon fire. This term is typically used in Air RB where airfield strafing in jet battles is commonplace.
Suicide Squad
Noun. Suggested by GlazeHaze2.
A group of players (usually in a discord call) who only run bombers to fly straight at the enemy tanks

A squad of bombers (usually jet bombers) that rush to bomb bases, flying down the middle of the map where risk of death is high.
Tap the Cap / Touch & Go
A strategy to neutralising the enemy capture point to prevent them from draining the allies' tickets by simply come into range of a capture point and then run away. Recommended for helicopters or V/STOL pilots.
Alternative name for this entry is Touch and Go which relates more closely to air arcade where there are airfields to capture by landing.
Thunder Show
A weekly YouTube video hosted by the War Thunder channel which premiers Friday at noon eastern time (UTC-05). The video is all about community replay submissions of their battle, earning Golden Eagles if their replay makes the cut onto the video.

As of September 2021, REPLAYS of a user's battle is to be sent, instead of their recording.
The best weekly camofluage on live.warthunder.com could also get 1000 Golden Eagles for their creation skills.
Thunder Skill
A 3rd party website that displays your war thunder performance and tells you if you're a skilled player or not.
Track and Barrel Torture
Track and Barrel Torture (TBT) is a SPAA activity involving torture of a tank's critical parts, and includes techniques such as barrel breaking, untracking, etc.
Abbreviation for Tech Tree.
Turn and Burn
Verb. Suggested by Flatulent_Moth.
To engage in a dogfight by constantly turning and burning energy.

See similar: Turn Fighting
Turn Fighting
Verb. Suggested by USS Johnston DD-557.
To engage in a dogfight where victory is usually achieved by the pilot with a better turning performance.

See similar: Turn and Burn
A vehicle performing very badly or is constantly a sitting duck for its BR, but cannot have its BR lowered because it's already at the base BR (Ie, Swordfish Mk I) or it would be unfair to other players at a lower BR.
Unwritten Rules
There are quite a few unwritten rules of good sportsmanship that some fail to acknowledge these are:
  • Jets shall not engage with props that are under 6.7 BR unless they are fired upon.
  • Jets shall only strafe the airfield if the last player is being passive.
  • Custom Battles are often not a place for tryharding or pub-stomping.
  • (Aircraft) It is frowned upon to "finish off" the target which is either on fire or has lost control. This would otherwise be considered a "kill steal".
Vehicle Nicknames
  • Baldwin - M6A1 (ISRAv3)
  • Battle Barn - FV4005
  • Catfish - F-100D (USS Johnston DD-557)
  • Camperor - Conqueror (ISRAv3)
  • Cannonstang - P-51 Mustang (Flatulent_Moth)
  • Cranberry/Cannonberry - Canberra B and Canberra B(I) (ISRAv3)
  • Doom Turtle - American T95/T28 and Tortiose (Acidic__Thought and ISRAv3)
  • The Duck - Hs 129 series
  • Dyson - Turboprop aircraft
  • Flak Bus - FlaRakRad (USS Johnston DD-557)
  • Flying Fridge - English Electric Lightning (Commander_Minna)
  • Flying Pencil - F-104 Starfighter
  • Flying Wing - Ho 229 (USS Johnston DD-557)
  • GEP/Cheetah - Flakpanzer Gepard
  • (The) Hunted - Hunter series
  • Ivan's Milk Truck - Soviet SPAA (Trabulno)
  • (The) Jaaaaaaag - Jaguar Series
  • Landship - Soviet T-35 (Trabulno)
  • WALL-E - M901 (USS Johnston DD-557)
  • Pizza Van - Italian Armoured Cars (Flatulent_Moth)
  • Rat Containment Vehicle - RCV (USS Johnston DD-557)
  • Space Tank - Object 279 (USS Johnston DD-557)
  • Spacefire - Sptfire F Mk IX
  • Swedish Doorstop - Strv 103
  • Whirlywoo - Wirbelwind (USS Johnston DD-557)
Vittie Manoeuvre
A reference to a player FlakAlley (Formerly know as SgtVittie) who landed a Gloster Javelin on a carrier inverted, subtly killing the pilot in the process.

To land an aircraft inverted for no reason other than bragging rights.

Alternative name: (The) Smigol Manoeuvre
Verb, Air Battles.
Not to be confused with Airfield Camping.
The act of keeping watch of an opponent from high above, until they have depleted their energy, such as coming out of a dogfight or taking off from an airfield.
Wallet Warrior
Noun. Suggested by cheese cake with cheese.
Like a whale, except they spend most of their money on the meta to feel like they're good at the game
Weeaboo (and Variants)
Adjective. Someone who idolises the military of the following nation:
  • Chinaboo: China (MadLadPilot)
  • Freeaboo: United States ([SOM] †V† Jax)
  • Ikeaboo: Sweden (Roope)
  • Slavaboo: Russia (Skeledank, frick)
  • Spaghettaboo: Italy
  • Teaboo: United Kingdom (Club Carpenter)
  • Ouiaboo: France (the_hawaiian_fox and Doldrum)
  • Weeaboo: Japan
  • Wehraboo: Germany (Club Carpenter)
Wingtip Jousting
Noun. (I invented it!)
This game is best done in pilotage (disables weapons), using jet aircraft.
The goal of this game is to break the opponent's wing while also ensuring you or the opponent don't break yours.
Start like what a duel mission would - fly towards each other and break away to initiate the duel. Use whatever manoeuvres are necessary that would allow you to get to the opponent's wing.
Noun. Suggested by USS Johnston DD-557.
Late WW2 German aircraft, notably those that were either insane or impractical by design.
This section highlights various YouTubers that regularly creates content using War Thunder.
  • ConeOfArc
    Known for making content based on unusual and unconventional tanks.
  • OxyThief
    Known for creating a video series on what tanks are worth researching for each nation and is an official WT streamer for the English audience.
  • PhlyDaily
    Perhaps the first YouTuber dedicated to War Thunder to reach 1 million subscribers.
  • Spookston
    Does a great job highlighting flaws in the game and provides reasonable explanations on how it could be improved.
  • TheEuropeanCanadian
    Mainly known for shining the light on dev blogs, data mines and new dev content.
(The) Zero Experience
Noun. Suggested by Miniwaffles.
When an aircraft is struck by a single bullet which sets alight something combustible, it usually results the aircraft being burnt down.
Without the support of these lads, this guide wouldn't be successful! I thank:
Acidic__Thought for Doom Turtle
Alexander for Seal Clubbing
Armaghgeddon for Rat
Bulshaale for Sekrit Dokuments
Cap.RubberDucky for Hawking
cheese cake with cheese for Stalinium and Wallet Warrior
Club Carpenter for Teaboo and Wehraboo
Dee for Backliners
Delta Hooves for Stock Syndrome
Doldrum for Ouiaboo
Flatulent_Moth for various vehicle nicknames, Furballing and Turn N' Burn
FraserMemeZ for Russian Bias
frick for a correction for Cykaboo (Now Slavaboo)
Graephen for Manoeuvre Kill
ISRAv3 for various vehicle nicknames and (Wehrboo/Freeaboo/nickname) Bait
Literal a l l o y for False Ace
MadLadPilot for SPAT and Chinaboo
Miniwaffles for The Zero Experience
Miseriae Cordis for Railgun
Obabo for BnZ
Putimir Vladin for Cancerous
Roope for Ikeaboo
Skeledank for Cykaboo
Sla the $$$ maker for Pay 2 Win
the_hawaiian_fox for Baguetteaboo
TM06™ for Fridge Launcher
Trabulno for a crap ton of entries, good Lord...
TurkeyStuffing for Harrier Crutch
USS Johnston DD-557 for Cap Stealer, Turn Fighting, Wunderwaffe and vehicle nicknames
Whale Shark for Kruppstahl
Yukari Akiyama for CHEAT-FS, LOLPen and Space
[SIEGE]HellHound for Lawn Mowing
[SOM] †V† Jax for Freeaboo
Wedgie 28 Jan, 2023 @ 12:51pm 
Maybe add bounce and killsteal?
Night 21 Jun, 2022 @ 3:30am 

FlaRakRad- Flak Truck
VFW - Flak toaster
8,8 cm Flak 37 Sfl - Flak Bus
Begleitpanzer 57 - bagel panzer
premium israeli spitfire - jewfire
M1A1 AIM - Free Abrams
F82 - American Laser
T114 - American Lunch Box
strv 103 - Cheese wedge
2S6 - Tungy

Angling *Verb* (ground battles) The act of angling ones tank to increase its effective armor thickness.

eSports Ready *Noun* Pointing out game breaking bugs and broken mechanics within the game.

Slavaboo - commiboo, or you can just add it
Deafening Silence  [author] 23 Dec, 2021 @ 1:34pm 
It's been a year and a half since this was made huh? Time really flies.
New entry:
- Suicide Squad

Updated entries to Unwritten Rules and Weeaboo (and variants)
I'm just going through the entire thing to check for errors and then that's this year's wrapped up.
Stay tuned for the 2nd Edition of War Thunder Dictionary! Hopefully easier to navigate, some helpful content added. 2022's gonna be a good one - I can smell it...

Thanks everybody for their fair share of contributions! See you in 2022!
frick 23 Dec, 2021 @ 9:24am 
a slight correction, isn't the name for "cykaboo" actually slavaboo
GlazeHaze2 8 Dec, 2021 @ 3:00pm 
“Suicide squad”
A group of players (usually in a discord call) who only run bombers to fly straight at the enemy tanks.
Trabulno 6 Dec, 2021 @ 9:06pm 
Just came up with another one on the spot. I think it would be worth mentioning something about the Challenger II leaked documents
Trabulno 6 Dec, 2021 @ 9:03pm 
Also, I think "Flatspin" would make for a good entry. It's when your aircraft spins horizontally, similar to a top, while loosing altitude, usually the result of wing damage or extremely poor piloting. They seem to have become way more common recently.
Trabulno 6 Dec, 2021 @ 8:08am 
Not sure how many people respect this, but in my book atleast, I consider it to be an unwritten rule to not kill somebody heavily damaged who's trying to make an emergency landing, as it will still usually count as a kill once they stop moving. In other words, don't shoot somebody whose already in the process of crashing
Deafening Silence  [author] 12 Nov, 2021 @ 12:18pm 
3 New entries:
- Cap Stealer
- Turn Fighting
- Wunderwaffe

Additional various vehicle nicknames has been added.
USS Johnston DD-557 11 Nov, 2021 @ 4:42pm 
Suggestions (Part 2):

Air Lingo,
Turn Fighting I.E. a pilot engaging in a dogfight primarily using the turn time of their aircraft to out-turn an opponent.

Furballs can also be called Mothballs.

Ground Lingo,
Cap Stealer I.E. a person who takes out a fast vehicle and reaches the first cap zone before everybody else, also usually ignores pleas by heavy/slow tanks to wait so they can get the points.

Overpressure I.E. the mechanic developed to nerf vehicles with light armour, that has led to some very broken and frustrating encounters for most players.

Car is sometimes used a a descriptor for wheeled vehicles in general.

Racecar can be used a a descriptor for very fast vehicles, I.E. RU251, R3, AUBL, Type 93, EBR, etc.

Unwritten Rules,
There are certain tanks you (generally with exceptions) do not kill past a certain B.R. I.E. the Italian L3 is almost useless at 1.0, and generally does not pose a threat to many tanks past 5.7.