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Get High with me!
By 𝓾𝓷𝓴𝓷𝓸𝔀𝓷
Don't worry, don't cry, smoke Weed and Fly.
What’s The Best Way To Smoke Weed: 16 Ways To Burn Down
Weed is a truly magnificent plant. It has so many wonderful powers. It helps anxiety, it increases athletic performance and it is the glorious green glue that holds relationships together. You just can’t go wrong when weed is involved.

Where there is weed, there is a way.

There are so many ways to smoke weed. The options are nearly limitless. Damn, you can even eat weed. Jeez, don’t even get me started on edibles. That is too overwhelming for me right now.

Weed is great and there are a lot of ways, in a multitude of different settings, with a plethora of different devices in which to smoke your sticky icky.

Sometimes you need a helping hand to find the best ways to smoke your weed. I got you! Here are the 16 best ways to smoke weed, according to a guy who runs his own growery.

Go forth, smoke and prosper.
1. Vaporizer

I have a vape as #1 because it is easily the most healthy way to get high. Vapes are the pro sh*t. They smell like nothing, all while giving you your most true high. You are simply inhaling the pure vapor of your weed. You’re not putting any of the tar debris into your body. The issue is that vapes are hella expensive, which is why we have easier methods for getting stoned. If you’re a regular marijuana indulger, a vape is a great investment for long-term gains.
2. Apple
An apple is the thing you smoked out of in high school when you didn’t have a bong or a pipe but had an excess of school supplies. What were you going to use those multi-colored pencils from Office Depot for, writing notes? Hell naw. You used those mechanical pencils to poke holes in the apple mom packed you for lunch so that you could make a homemade pipe. Bonus: you can even eat the apple after when you’re ravaged by the munchies.
3. Bong

There is really nothing bad to say about a bong. Your bong is a lot like your best friend, always available when you need him and never lets you down. A bong is one of the best ways to smoke weed because it can get you really high, REALLY fast. The highest I can ever remember being was after a night of a bong rips with my friends.
4. G-Pen
G-pens are all the rage right now. They bring together the best of all worlds. They are healthy like a vaporizer, easy like a blunt and compact like a one-hitter. You can bring your g-pen everywhere with you. People will just assume you’re smoking one of those weird electronic cigs.

And here’s a video of Snoop Dogg teaching you how to use a G-Pen. You’re welcome.

5. Joint

Like a bong, a joint will always be the marijuana MVP. Why? Because if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. A joint was one the first ways that weed was ever smoked. It’s not going anywhere and we’re grateful for that to be sure. If you’ve never rolled a joint, because you’ve been living under a rock for your entire life, here is how you roll a joint.

And here’s another video because sometimes you just need a damn video, amiright?!

6. Soda Can
Smoking out of a soda can is as juvenile if not MORE juvenile than the old apple pipe trick. At least with the apple you had a tasty, healthy treat when all was said and done. Yet, the soda can will always be an option because it’s just so ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ easy. You literally bend the can, poke some little holes in the top of the crease, poke a hole in the side of the can to be the carb and BAM you have a pipe. For detailed instructions go here.

7. Gravity Bong
A gravity bong is every poor stoner’s go-to. It’s a dank way to get high AF without actually using the majority of your special stash.

According to Stuff Stoners Like, you can make a gravity bong of essentially anything:

You need a “2 liter bottle and a bottle or container that’s much bigger—your kitchen sink or a bucket will do. Cut a little less than half of the bottle off the bottom and insert it into the larger reservoir of water. Make a bowl from the cap of the 2 liter bottle. Pack and light the bowl while at the same time slowly lifting up on the bottle trapping all of the smoke inside.”

Trust me, you will be f*cked up. Like seeing people’s conversations in literal word bubbles f*cked up.

8. Tinfoil
Smoking out of tinfoil reminds me of hanging out with the “bad kids” in high school and somehow having weed but never anything to smoke it with. If we managed to get the weed, how hard could it be to get access to a pipe? Anyway, this is fine if you like burning up brain cells. There is no reason to be smoking your weed by lighting metal on fire.

9. Bubbler

Bubblers are the sh*t. Great mix between a classic bong and a glass pipe. The thing that rocks about a bub it that you get all the hard action of the bong without having to drag around a clunky, awkward object everywhere with you. Bubblers are easy, portable and they get you sky high. But it’s a mellow high.
10. Blunt
Blunts are the easy way to go when you’re in a spur of the moment smoking situation. They are one of the best ways to smoke weed because they’re super simple to do. For pretty easy, blunt rolling directions, check out this detailed tutorial from EXPERT JOINTS.

11. One-Hitter

One-hitters, amiright? They don’t look like anything. They look like cigarettes most of the time…which don’t even get me started why something so f*cking toxic is legal and yet weed is only legal in 23 states…really gets me fired up…anyway, one hitters are a good way to smoke in-between classes or on your lunch break. You only get one solid hit and that’s enough to take the edge off when you’re stressing and crunched for time.
12. Chalice
I will never truly know how the actual f*ck you make a chalice. Who has time to carve out some coconut concoction in the name of getting high? According to Animal: A correctly built coconut chalice can knock even the most ardent smoker on his ass, especially if there are rastas in the room who added fronto leaves to the mix.” Hand me a bong any day. If you’re feeling ambitious, here’s an instructional video. God speed.

13. Bowl

I love my bowl. Gimme a bowl any day of the week. You get a really nice chest burn from this old classic. You can’t really go wrong with a bowl. A good bowl is a collectors item. It’ll see you through the darkest and lightest of times. No matter the mood, it is always a good time to pack a fat bowl and smoke up the sticky icky.
14. A Wooden Pipe
Other than the obvious reason to smoke from a wooden pipe (to look like Abraham Lincoln) it’s just f*cking classy. At least, until the hipsters of Brooklyn RUINED it by trying to make it ironic. If you’re using a wooden pipe in the pure mindset of only replicating the badassery of Honest Abe and not in an attempt to be a douche lord who listens to The Smiths and wears flannels, it’s a great option and I encourage you.
15. Gas Mask

Basically, you just attach the gas mask to the top of your bong and BAM, you’re golden. None of that juicy smoke will escape. Your face will just be engulfed in the thick clouds of your poor decisions. You’re killing it.
16. Huka
This is the ideal method for when you’re in a social setting where the group is larger than where you pass an actual joint. The only problem is that a lot of the weed put gets burned up with the tobacco, making your high milder while still using the same amount of weed. This method should only be used on special occasions. The best part: Your parents will never know you’re getting rocked when the scent of marijuana is cleverly masked by the jasmine tropical fruit berry flavored tobacco you picked up from Rajen at the bodega.
17. Bonus: Organic Marijuana
Now that you know the best way to smoke weed, make sure you’re only consuming organic marijuana as this is the best way to ensure a high-quality smoking experience. ;)