BlazBlue: Chronophantasma Extend

BlazBlue: Chronophantasma Extend

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All the ways you can land King Of Tager + Bonus!
Vytvořil: Mr.Ownage [FTW]
Hi everyone! As a kind of a followup to "How to perform Tager's grabs on keyboard" guide, I present to you a guide to show you some ways to combo into the Astral as Tager! This guide assumes you can perfectly execute it! Read on for something special!
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Before we begin...
You will now see combo paths into King of Tager. Some of them may be practical, some impractical, some very easy, some mind boggingly stupid. The combos will be "rated" in 5 different aspects :

EHL : Enemy (or estimated minimum but then it would be EMHL) health level. This means that this is the level of HP the enemy must have remaining for you to Astral them otherwise they will die off before you can land it (in BlazBlue numbers). Lower is better. Just to give you a rough idea about this, if you fight Ragna and he is at Astral Heat HP his health level is at 3500 (Ragna has 10000 HP and 35% of it is 3500) while Jin would have 4025 at that health level (his HP is 11500).

Screen position : Where on the screen (mid-screen, corner, or both) this combo works. Both is the best, midscreen is better, corner is alright.

Difficulty : Pretty self-explanatory. Unless you are a masochist, lower is better, duh.

Requirements : Whether this combo has a special requirement other than the Astral Heat's own (100 heat, enemy hp low, match victory for you if you win). These requirements include a full Voltic Gauge (spark bolt gauge) or Fatal Counter mostly. If any other requirements are there, they will be included.

Starter : If you really go all out on your opponent, you might not be able to finish your combo before untech time goes too low. That is, ladies and gentlemen, the curse known as moves' starter rating, which makes sure you can't do a 7k combo off an 5A. The basic rule is that A attacks are short starter rating attacks, heavier attacks (B and C) are normal, throws are also short. Note that Tager is an exception and his A attacks have very short starter rating instead (untech time will be 1 frame after about 4-5 seconds or so instead of 9-10 for normal rating combos) so take that into consideration. In this case, higher is better in terms of starter rating, but sometimes (while being pressured) you may not be able to interrupt with a B attack, forcing you to use A attacks instead.

And yes, if you haven't figured out by now, this guide assumes you know about numpad and attack notations and also that any combo involving Collider for example has the opponent magnetized pre-combo.

Finally, unless noted, assume that all Spark Bolts in the combos are the horizontal (41236D) version, which is much easier to combo into Astral (by inputting it's motion you almost have one full circle of the needed 3 done).
So, how combo?
Tager's combo paths are actually rather flexible and you can "piece them together" to create your own! For example, you can combine 3C > Collider whiff + Spark Bolt into the same combo for some cool combos! (Both of these paths explained in the guide)

Well, let us begin! (-------------------------------------------- : A line like this will seperate the combos)

xx (meaning, anything) > Spark Bolt : Ah, the good old bread and butter combo into KoT. It's so easy if you got the input down and it's also satisfying, works off A attacks if you must.. too bad it is midscreen only!

EHL : Depends on what combo you want to do. Absolute minimum (5A > 3C > Spark Bolt > KoT) damage for this to work is 1307 but can go lower. Or higher if you include Collider and such.

Screen position : Like it's said at the beginning, this combo is strictly midscreen only! So either use another combo in the corner or force the fight midscreen!

Difficulty : Yet again, depends on what you want to do. 5A > 5B > 3C > SB > KoT is a very easy combo. On the other hand, doing a longer combo will bump this up...

Requirements : A full Spark Bolt gauge, and the opponent to be hit a bit high up. Astral will whiff if enemy is hit too high up.

Starter : Works from any starter, even VS (5A,2A) starters.

Recommended to use as main way to combo into this, practical, fun and can make your enemy salty!

Throw combos
Back throw > 3C > Collider whiff (only use to pull opponent higher) > KoT
Forward throw > B sledge > KoT

EHL : 1674 for 1st combo, 1707 for 2nd combo.

Screen position : For some reason, 2nd combo doesn't work in the corner. First one does work anywhere however!

Difficulty : The first one is gimmicky and you'll have to deal character specific delays as well (hold Collider a bit against Jin, delay sweep against Tager and don't hold it against him etc...) but for the second one as long as you are midscreen you are fine!

Requirements : Good timing! Delaying incorrectly (too much or not enough) will drop the former combo easily. Otherwise, no specific requirements... expect you need to have near lightning-fast fingers to input KoT after Collider successfully.

Starter : Throw starter, Mr.Holmes.

Not really recommended unless you know what you are doing or you are sure you can nail them with a throw combo (hurr durr not command grab hurr durr)
Hope you remembered the first throw combo's last part because here comes :
3C > Collider whiff :

EHL : Depends on the combo you use.

Screen position : Works anywhere, but...

Difficulty : ... just like in the throw combo, this combo part is gimmicky even standalone. Also it requires some very good coordination from your hands and you to not disorient yourself with the weird input. However, 6A > 3C should guarantee that you will land it successfully as long as you can input the astral itself like a BAUSS and are...

Requirements : ...delaying everything needed JUST perfectly, with possible character specific requirements. Also don't keep the combo going on for long as the sweep will not have enough untechable time at the end (needless to say, avoid SMP with the sweep!). Finally, trying to combo raw Spark Bolt into this is hard as SB seems to have a short starter rating. At least on the bright side....

Starter : ...can be anything as long as the combo is not dragged on too long.

Probably the most versatile combo option into KoT, but the hardest as well! As long as you are confident and can input everything perfectly, this is the way to go! Incredibly flexible and can be combined with just about every other combo path (including the next one)!
B sledge CH > KoT

EHL : 1101 (B sledge deals 1100). Pretty low of a number to work with.

Screen position : Anywhere, even with enemy or you in the corner.

Difficulty : Hard. With the long stagger B sledge causes when the requirements are met, you are kinda wondering why this is hard to land. Well...

Requirements : The B sledge has to hit as a counter hit. It wouldn't be that bad but this is B sledge we are talking about, a slow and obvious, easily blockable attack that doesn't have any special properties besides having projectile invuln. You are either fighting Lambda/Nu or are a master at frame-traps/fake chains to have this move ever CH.

Starter : Take a good guess.

Would be better if it didn't have to be a counter-hit but we work with what we have! Good to punish Lambda's projectiles just inside her 5D range for example, be creative and if you land a CH with this feel free to enjoy the Astral afterward!

j.2C FC > 5A > 2A > 4D > 5A > 5C > 6C jump cancel > j.C > j.D > KoT
A.k.a the GG but get rekt combo of badassery.

EHL : 2899. Sadly it really is this high.

Screen position : Anywhere.

Difficulty : Landing the j.2C as a Fatal Counter (FC) is difficult (not as much as B sledge though) and even though the rest of the combo seems hard it actually is quite easy.

Requirements : Magnetized opponent. No if's or but's about it. If they aren't magnetized 4D will whiff or on bigger characters second 5A will whiff instead. Input KoT during j.D's animation to make it a bit easier.

Starter : J.2C Fatal Counter. If you start with 6C FC go straight into delayed j.D (EHL in this case is 2065), normal 6C or 5C CH > 6C will not work.

A very stylish way of ending the match, this combo is guaranteed to amaze viewers/spectators and during tourneys (the) commentator(s) alike! For even more swag add 3C > Spark Bolt (horizontal) into the combo if possible (midscreen or you in the corner only, EHL in this case is 3041)

4D CH > (Spark Bolt) KoT : The Ownage Special :
For all your frametrapping needs.

EHL : 801 if you can input the Astral after 4D VERY FAST. Otherwise you can use Spark Bolt to make it easier at the cost of raising this to 1388.

Screen position : You in the corner or midscreen. If the enemy is in the corner, use Meat Squasher instead (next combo).

Difficulty : Quite hard to do 4D CH right into KoT, not to mention the hitconfirm ability you need to do it that fast. With Spark Bolt and good inputs, easy.

Requirements : 4D hits as a counter hit (and full Spark Bolt gauge if you go for that route)

Starter : Why are you asking?

A good punish combo to give mashers the final kiss-goodbye, and goes well with the next combo! They think they are safe?
More combos
xx > A sledge > KoT : The Meat Squasher :
About time we got a decent corner combo, yeah?

EHL : Depends on the combo path you use. Minimum (3C > A sledge > KoT) is 1194.

Screen position : Corner, naturally. However, not deep* corner.

Difficulty : Quite hard. The A sledge needs to wallbounce the opponent meaty (aka. delayed) otherwise they will hit the ground before the Astral itself. Opponent height doesn't really matter in this combo as you can make them hit the wall meaty from very low and it still works and if you are deep in the corner (no space for the opponent to move towards it) and hit high it still whiffs.

Requirements : You must be a bit of a distance away from the corner for this to work. A Tager backdash distance is the bare minimum for it to work. Too far away though (about a Tager superjump backward) and the wallbounce will not happen.

Starter : Anything expect VS (A normal, very short) starters. For forward throws you need to be about superjump then slight backward walk distance from the corner. For back throws be about a superjump backward distance.

A stylish combo if you got the opponent sandwiched into the corner, and astrals them to boot! While the minimum distance thing kinda impacts this combo negatively if you inch it out well there's no reason not to do this!

5B > 2B > 3C > Collider > 5D > Collider (triggers SMP) > Spark Bolt > KoT : Wrath of Tager :
Oooh, SMP* into Astral. Guaranteed to make the tears flow!

EHL : 2736, higher or lower depending on your combo variation. Not even that high for an SMP combo!

Screen position : Anywhere as long as the second Collider brings the enemy midscreen. That means midscreen, unless you omit the second Collider in which case it is corner too.

Difficulty : Hard. 5D link after Collider is quite a hard link and the holding of the second Collider must be JUUUUUST right so they are in the range for it to hit but they don't tech either. Tricky!

Requirements : Godlike execution skills, magnetism till 5D.

Starter : Only normal starters here folks! We are triggering SMP here!

Nobody likes when they get SMP'd right? That's why this combo is a love letter to those who like tormenting their enemies! Nothing really gets people more salty than to get Astraled by Tager after an SMP!

Bonus explaination : SMP = Same Move Proration. Using the same move twice in a combo will greatly drop untechable time thus is the reason that a. : We need a normal starter rating move to begin the combo with, b. : This combo is "humilating" and c. : Tears will flow.

xx > 6Bx2 > (OD cancel > 6Bx2) Spark Bolt > KoT : Big Angry Tager :
Hmm.. The initials spell out Bat. How interesting. Sadly this stomping rampage doesn't work on some characters.

EHL : Depends on the combo. The minimum that includes the second repetetion (5A > 3C > Collider pull > 6Bx2 > OD cancel > 6Bx2 > Spark Bolt > KoT) has a level of 1871. Without second repetetion this is 1622 but it loses the charm.

Screen position : Your bull like stomping rampage can only commence from corner near your back or midscreen, unfortunately.

Difficulty : Nothing really. Surprisingly it was never hard to stampede your opponent. Sometimes his stampede is so powerful the opponent ends up on the other side of Tager (when 5A > 3C is done at maximum range) so account for that.

Requirements : Be angry enough so you feel you desire to stomp out the guts of your opponent. Opponent magnetized for Collider pull. Your opponent should also be airborne so the hard knockdown will keep them grounded so you can stomp them some more. Your opponent not being a small hitbox character like Noel, who is too small to be hit by the Spark Bolt after our trampling session.

Starter : Any starter is sufficient to give the enemy the trampling of their life. As long as they are not Noel or another puny character.

Hold on there, big red bull! If the enemy has driven you angry enough or you want them to feel the same, this is the ideal combo! Works wonders for both goals, when the enemy is magnetized that is, but still! Two birds for the price of one! Beware this doesn't work on smaller characters! They can't avoid the trampling so easy though, you just need a normal starter rating move like 5B, then the part after the Collider pull goes like this : 5B > 6Bx2 > OD cancel > 2B > 5B > 6Bx1 > Spark Bolt > KoT. Hey better than nothing, right?
j.B CH (>j.C*) > 5A > 5B > 3C > Collider pull > path 1 or 2 : Die Eisenfestung

Path 1 : 5C > A sledge > microwalk 5B > 5C > Collider (hit) > Spark Bolt > KoT : 2675 EHL
Path 2 : very low hit 6A > B sledge > (5B) > Spark Bolt > KoT : 2030 EHL (around 2120 EHL)
Things in brackets are optional, expect the Colldier hit in Path 1 which is mandatory. On air hit j.B CH, go into 6A > 3C if opponent is magnetized otherwise straight into Spark Bolt.

Oh well. Airborne Tager, let's combo him! *gets CH-d and astralled, breaks controller in rage*
And yes, there HAD to be something that's in another language lol (it's Iron Fortress in Germanbtw, kudos if you knew it in advance).

EHL : Path 1 of this combo path is 2675 with j.C omitted, is over 2900 with it. Path 2 is 2030, or c.a 2120 if you add 5B before spark bolt. This will change on air hit though. You can add 2A or hit 2A instead of 5B to lower this a little.

Screen position : Both are midscreen only but you can stop Path 1 at the A sledge and go straight into Astral instead to make it corner too (that's Meat Squasher though).

Difficulty : Path 2 will be impossible online, you have a few frames (i'd say 2-3 or maybe 4) to get the low hit, high untech time version of 6A. Path 1 is also hard in laggy enviroments.

Requirements : Even better and more proficient execution than Wrath of Tager (microwalk, well-timed 6A hit), no doubt, full Spark Bolt gauge. A greedy enemy who wants to beat an Airborne Tager no matter what.

Starter : j.B CH. If the j.B CH is done from the rising part of a jump (lol, will this ever happen?) then followup with delayed j.C, otherwise go straight into 5A > etc.

If your enemy thinks you can be challenged cause you are an airborne Tager this combo will make them think twice the next time you play (or don't because he will ask you for the money to get a replacement controller). If the enemy is ready for this you might wanna go for j.2C instead to confuse him (EHL will rise though)!
Some more combos... (UPDATE)
360B > Spark Bolt > KoT : The Red (Devil) Cyclone (haha, puns)

Out of the frying pan into the fire really applies here, huh?

EHL : 3397. Wooow, this is so high now! In fact, so high that this combo won't work on weaklings like Taokaka or Carl at all as they die off before you can Astral!

Screen position : Midscreen, Spark bolt combos demand it, and as 360B is a VS starter there is no conversion to the corner.

Difficulty : Just... try not to kill the enemy with your 360B > Spark Bolt. Trust me, 99% of these cases either of these will do the killing blow, 98% of the time it will be 360B.

Requirements : Neither move killing the opponent before the Astral, which will be hard af. Full Spark Bolt gauge obviously.

Starter : 360B. 360A will not work (RIP 360A > 5B > 4D from CSE, you will be missed...)

Why would you ever do this, I wonder, espicially because of the lack of invuln on 360B. If it does happen with the opponent JUST being on Astral HP though for some reason there isn't really anything stopping you from doing it, plus it's burst safe at least!

5D (CH) > (xx) > Spark Bolt > KoT : The Fishing Line

Spark bolt combos are getting old a bit eh? We have to deal with it though, as it's our best option for a KoT confirm!
Also,yes. A literal fishing line for (counter) hits. Autopilot the input all the time, if you confirm a hit press D then Astral, it doesn't matter if 5D is a CH or not. On CH omit the Spark Bolt if you feel you can do it.

some characters.

EHL : 1101 if you omit the Spark Bolt, 1655 if you don't. If you use your own variation this will change.

Screen position : Midscreen or you in corner, naturally. If you do it near corner the only alternative is to Collider pull, 6A > 3C > Collider pull into KoT or pull > A sledge into KoT but these are very impractical and I have no idea why a Tager would 5D near corner anyway. If 5D causes wallstick this won't work.

Difficulty : Good hitconfirm needed to not Spark Bolt when your enemy blocks 5D. Like I said you can autopilot the input (always do 41236 and press D only if 5D hits) and it doesn't matter if 5D was CH or not.

Requirements : Counter hit or Spark Bolt gauge, depending on the situation.

Starter : Uh...

If an enemy is overly defensive or zoning but you confirm an 5D hit this is an ideal way to make them pay! An oppoent near the corner though is quite "safe" from this as there is no way to confirm wallstick 5D into Astral (without OD cancel or collider pull > 6A > 3C > collider pull > astral route at least) easily so you are better off just finishing the match with a different combo instead.

(An ideal combo for this is 5D CH wallstick > B sledge > 5C > 6A > 6Bx2 > A sledge > 5B > 5C > 5D. On Tager and Hakumen (they have higher health) input Magna Tech Wheel instead of 5D (Hey, you tried to astral, so you must have the heat, right?))

3C CH > Collider pull cross-under > 5C > A sledge > KoT : Meat Squasher V2

As gimmicky as big as Tager is (and you're better off collider pull > KoT or Spark Bolt > KoT) but still an option. An impractical one.

EHL : 1194 if for some reason you can omit 5C. If used as intended however it's 1602.

Screen position : Extremely gimmicky, but it goes something like this. You must be in the corner and your opponent must a bit away from you. If they are too close they will not go above you and if they are too far they will hit the wall early. This combo is (almost, maybe?) impossible if you are touching the corner (you are in the deep corner as I call it)

Difficulty : See screen position section.

Requirements : 3C hits as a CH at the right distance, whatever you do enemy must end up in the corner, and not too close to it (see Meat Squasher seciton)

Starter : Was it 6A?

The most gimmicky Tager combo ever, which is ridiculously hard to land even against the CPU. If this was landed in a tourney I am sure the whole spectator crowd would be screaming at a feat like this. Easily the hardest combo yet in the guide and the most situational one but still an option if you block Arakune's F-inverse and if he tries to retreat (which most Arakunes would try, but... is there any Arakune player beside me still online?) this combo is a good idea against him. Or if you block a Houtenjin I guess. Regardless, good luck with this!

A sledge CH or Hammer (214A or B > 214A) CH > Sledge path or Hammer path : Sledgetime/Hammertime :

There had to be a music reference there, had it not?
Sledge path : 5A > 3C > Spark Bolt > KoT midscreen (EHL of 1679), A sledge after 3C near corner (Meat Squasher, EHL 1648, SMP is trigged but it will work with this combo path ONLY).
Hammer path : 5B > Spark Bolt > KoT (EHL of 1945...... O_O), or 5B > 5C > 6A > 6B > A sledge > KoT (EHL is 2727). A bit outside deep corner omit 6A > 6B for EHL of 2288.

EHL : Listed above.

Screen position : Both, but EHL will differ radically between midscreen and corner.

Difficulty :Hammer CH won't happen often but this is the hard part only. Otherwise it's easy to frametrap people into A sledge CH.

Requirements : A terrible opponent for Hammer CH to work, or good frametrapping to have A sledge counterhit. Check Meat Squasher section to corner paths.

Starter : I don't remember... Hmm...

Let the hammer/sledgetime begin! Hard to land (not as hard as MS V2) but incredibly satisfying! Nothing witty left to say though...
EXTRA : Hall of Fame Rules (UPDATED!)
Time for a little contest, alright fellas? (Updated with 5 new combos!)

UPDATE 2 : I removed the deadline in hopes that we will get some more entrants! Keep em' coming!

In this section I encourage you guys to make a video of you executing one of these combos and have a chance at getting into the Hall Of Fame! Post the video link (if Youtube) or a comment about your video if it's not up on a video site. There will be these rules in place :

-Any combo can be posted here, but only those that don't break the rules can get into the Hall Of Fame. Otherwise, you get a high five!

-Maximum of 2 winners per category. These "categories" will be the different combos in the guide, like the Meat Squasher or the Big Angry Tager! The only expection to this is the xx > Spark Bolt combo which will have a maximum of 4 combos(winners) instead!

-Combination (like 3C > Collider whiff > 5C > Spark Bolt) combos will not have their own category, but you will be able to choose which category you want to put in the combo instead. Good if your original category choice became full!

-UPDATED! : Now accepting ANY kind of combo(even training mode!), but combos that are either against Hell level AI's (video must show a clip of the game option settings!) or real players will take priority in winning!![/i]

-Combos like the Ownage Special or the Combo of Badassery should be done EXACTLY THE SAME WAY as they are listed. Slight variations like including/omitting an 5A or 5B are not that bad but combos that copy it the exact same way will be prioritized as winners. If you omit a special/deviate from the combo too far it will be a honorable mention at best.

-The harsher, more cool looking and better the conditions are leading up to the Astral, the higher chances of it winning will be. It would be also best to share it as a Youtube Link to make it easier, in that case the video name should include the combo name showcased.

- Till they are available, I am giving away Steam Award Cards for the winners!.

-Please share the guide and the contest to as many Tager players as you can! Even though it isn't really a serious competition it's still a good chance to show off your skills to each other!
EXTRA : Hall of Fame Videos
Thanks for the read! Onto the categories :

xx > Spark Bolt :
(The first video which got in, the combo doesn't really use much from the guide only Spark Bolt so this was the only category it could have gone to but amazing job nonetheless! Congrats! Thanks to Sauvagess for the cool combo!

(A package combo video by GlowInTheDark, one stone won't be enough for these 'birds'! This is the only category they could have gone though but amazing job nonetheless!)
Throw combos :

3C > Collider whiff :
Our amazing Tager player, GlowInTheDark continues impressing me, as an example look at this amazing combo! The Astral is at 5:01 if you don't want to watch the whole vid, but I recommend doing so!

Sledged (B sledge CH > KoT) :

Combo of Badassery :

The Ownage Special :

The Meat Squasher :

Wrath of Tager :

Big Angry Tager :

Die Eisenfestung :

The Red (Devil) Cyclone :

The Fishing Line :

The Meat Squasher V2 :

Sledgetime / Hammertime :

Overall Winner :

Honorable Mentions :

Good luck! Deadline removed again, so keep the videos coming Tagers!!
EXTRA : Example Video
I have uploaded a video how a challenge entry would look like. It shows how you can see the CPU setting on Hell difficulty (a rule) and also the combo I did is exactly in the same way as it's in the guide. In this case, the video includes the Sledgetime combo (A sledge CH > 5A > 3C > Spark Bolt > KoT).

A few things to note :

-Screw CPU Noel.

-CPU's are usually command-reading or hyper-reactive enemies, your chances at landing a combo from this guide is much higher on players, actually.

-Screw CPU Noel.

-Excuse my sucky gameplay but CPU's can be beaten so fast that you never reach 100 Heat required for the Astral as it requires the match to go on for a while and both players to block excellently (that's why I needed lots of IB's on that Fenrir)

-Screw CPU Noel.

-Hopefully this clarifies things a bit or it gives a little motivation. Good luck and have fun!

-Screw CPU Noel (and Carl while we are on it, seriously).

-Sorry if the video quality might be sub-standard.

-Screw CPU Noel, Carl and Unlimited Hazama (come on, are you reading my mind or somethin?)
Počet komentářů: 2
W1F1 11. bře. 2020 v 0.36 
>Screw CPU Noel.

i feel u, bro
Mr.Ownage [FTW]  [autor] 7. pro. 2016 v 6.56 
There is no entry cost or things like that and there is absolutely no loss if you don't win so go ahead and post your vids fellow Tagers :steamhappy: