Prince of Persia: Warrior Within

Prince of Persia: Warrior Within

My childhood classic: Prince of Persia Warrior Within Gameplay Trailer [1080p/60fps]
"Sorry that I haven't created Dark Souls videos for some time... well here is a fanmade "trailer" from a classic game that some people likes to compare to Dark Souls, even when they have alot of differences.

This is an unofficial gameplay trailer from Prince of Persia Warrior Within, created by me. The idea of this video is to show people what kind of game Warrior Within was.

Try a free demo version of this game from here: - Note Use a mirror link, the main link is not working.

Buy the game from here:

Warrior Within is an old classic game created in 2004. In the game you play as the Prince, who has escaped death to a cursed island full of traps and monsters."