Call of Duty: Black Ops III

Call of Duty: Black Ops III

131 voti
Fun Mode (Exo Movement Version)
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16 nov 2016, ore 16:50
21 nov 2016, ore 18:37
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Fun Mode (Exo Movement Version)

A lot of changes to make the game more fun.

-Use the console for cheating without having to enter developer 2!
-The magic box no longer moves around, has a better chance of giving you better items, and gives Pack-A-Punched guns right out of the box!
-Increased player health!
-Start with 100,000 points! (When you start a game doing an action such as ADS, jumping, shooting, sprinting or knifing should display text on screen telling you what button to press to accept or deny the points.)
-No more bullsh!t*
-Infinite reserve ammo!
-Increased Perk limit!
-More powerups!
-Faster Gameplay!**
-Better perk-a-colas, including carrying 6 guns with mule kick, reloading even FASTER with speed cola, shooting even FASTER with Double Tap, and a much tighter hipfire spread with Deadshot Daiquiri!
-Exo Movement including Boosting and Wall Running has been enabled!***

Those of you who are looking for an easy mode mod should check out Casual Mode here:

If you don't want exo-boosting here is a link to the version without it:

Some credit to cabcon modding, as I moddified a couple of their scripts for use with this mod.

*Samantha's curse (AKA the game taking away all your guns and points while samantha laughs at you) and Death Barriers have been removed with this mod.
**Zombies start running at round 2 for every map except shadows of evil, where they start running at round 4.
***Currently NOT working on any map that uses exo movement by default. This includes Shadows of Evil, Der Eisendrache, and Revelations. I'm currently looking into a workaround, but it seems hardcoded into the maps, so until we get the script files for the maps it's unlikely that I'll be able to fix it.
Discussioni più popolari Visualizza tutte (1)
1 dic 2019, ore 13:30
IN EVIDENZA: Bugs/Crashing Report forum
51 commenti
spanadian 7 giu 2021, ore 8:26 
Questo commento non è stato ancora analizzato dal nostro sistema di controllo automatico dei contenuti. Verrà nascosto temporaneamente finché non verificheremo che non abbia contenuti dannosi (ad esempio, link a siti web che tentano di rubare informazioni).
ijs31052011 28 apr 2020, ore 2:46 
dunno guess its just exo zombies
S_OXYDE_S 10 gen 2020, ore 13:57 
anyone know if there's a mod that just enables wall running and thruster jumps into zombies
booga 10 apr 2018, ore 17:52 
Help and fix
booga 10 apr 2018, ore 17:52 
Crashes on round 14
Poo Warden 29 dic 2017, ore 12:33 
Causes crashes constantly. Windows gives an access violation code c0000005.
zombay 29 nov 2017, ore 21:18 
i been using this mod for over a year,great mod im and older gamer with sore hands make the games fun again. thank you buy the way the exo jumping that people say crashes the game ,sideway jumping will crash ever time,stay square and jump straight i never crash. its been months.thanks again.
Meeka 19 set 2017, ore 14:56 
great mod but is there any way to get just the exo movement? I'd really like that as a standalone just cant figure out how to make it
a very concerned ridley 28 ago 2017, ore 14:37 
does this work on multyplayer?