Warhammer: End Times - Vermintide

Warhammer: End Times - Vermintide

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How to find players from previous games, if you forgot the name
Da Daeglin
Did you just finish a great game with that special random match and...oh, wait, was that Derp17, or Derp71, no wait, it had to be Derpe17...grrrr!!!!
Well, do not fear, for there is a way how to figure out this pickle!
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How to find players from previous games
"Hey man, there was this player, friendly, polite, helpful, <insert own laudatory statements here>...but I can't remember..."
No worries! Yes! There is, in fact, a way to find players from games past! Not a very elegant one, but hey...

  • Step 1: locate the following directory: %appdata%\fatshark\Warhammer End Times Vermintide\console_logs\
    (%appdata% is an environment variable, usually C:\Users\<WinUserName>\AppData\Roaming\)

    If you have troubles finding the directory, note that one or more of the directories along the way may be set to 'Hidden', but if you copy %appdata% to your explorer location bar/commander/command line (if you're into that :P) you should arrive there safely.

  • Step 2: locate the file "console-<date>-<time>-<stuff>.log", where <date> is the year-month-date of the memorable game, <time> is hrs.mins.secs, and <stuff> is gibberish.

    A new log file is created after each game launch (AFAIK), so you may have to go through a few of these.
    (Or you could content-search the directory, if you know how. If not, well...google is your friend.)

  • Step 3: search the files for occurrences the string "PlayerManager:assign_unit_ownership". Most of the time either your own nick or VT character names will come after the entry (with some numbers and stuff...uninteresting for commonfolk). But sooner or later you'll come across the name of that one player from that one memorable game.

  • Step 4: Find the guy/gal, become friends, have fun playing :).
7 commenti
Dr.Doctor 4 ott 2017, ore 4:02 
You can see people you played with from most games in steam browser while ingame through the "players" button though (the tab+shift thing, doesnt work while non-ingame for whatever reason)
Niv3s 18 gen 2017, ore 2:52 
same as people with "chaosbringer" in their name
Horoai 15 gen 2017, ore 15:17 
Nope you can't. They didn't bother to implement that feature.
enewyn 24 nov 2016, ore 12:34 
Can't you just go to your profile, click on friends and then click on "Recently played with"?
Or am i missing something here?
chaosbringer42 17 nov 2016, ore 20:22 
Just want to point out...anyone with derp in the name would NEVER be helpful, they almost always try to ruin the game for everyone else.
K 15 nov 2016, ore 20:35 
Someone give this guy a BlowJ
Horoai 15 nov 2016, ore 13:34 
Well done!