

328 betyg
Starting Skill combinations
Av durandin2000
What choices in character creation give you what skill bonuses
This guide will simply point out what skill bonuses you get for what history, primary weapon, and secondary weapon.
Pit Fighter--- +2 Dual Wield, +3 One Handed Weapons, +3 Unarmed Combat
Hunter-------- +3 Bow, +2 Dodge, +3 Subterfuge
Guild Apprentice--- +2 Magic Staff, +6 Lore
Noble Scion---- +4 Two Handed Weapons, +2 Lore, +2 Parry
Soldier--------- +2 One Handed Weapons, +2 Athletics, +4 Parry
Law Breaker--- +2 Throw, +6 Subterfuge
War Mage------ +2 One Handed Weapons, +4 Lore, +2 Parry
Diplomat-------- +3 Lore, +5 Subterfuge
Weapons Primary Selection
For wepons that can be selected as your primary focus. 2 weapon types can only be selected in the primary choice and will be marked with **

**Sword and Shield**-- +6 One Handed Weapons, +4 Athletics, +5 Parry
**Greatsword**---- +6 Two Handed Weapons, +5 Athletics, +5 Parry
Javelin--- +6 Thown, +5 Athletics, +3 Dodge, +3 Parry
Dual Wield--- +6 Dual Wield, +5 Athletics, +5 Parry, +3 Subterfuge
Shortbow--- +6 Bow, +3 Athletics, +3 Dodge, +5 Subterfuge
Unarmed Attack--- +6 Unarmed Combat, +5 Athletics, +5 Dodge, +3 Subterfuge
Shock--- +2 Magic Staff, +3 Dodge, +5 Lore, +8 Control Shock
Frost--- +2 Magic Staff, +3 Dodge, +5 Lore, +8 Control Frost
Vigor--- +2 Magic Staff, +3 Dodge, +5 Lore, +8 Control Vigor
Atrophy--- +2 Magic Staff, +3 Dodge, +5 Lore, +8 Control Atrophy
Secondary Weapon Focus
As with Primary, there are 2 weapons that can only be selected as a secondary focus. They will be marked with **.

**Spear and Shield** --- +2 One Handed Weapons, +2 Athletics
**War Mace**--- +2 Two Handed Weapons, +2 Athletics
Javelin--- +2 Thrown, +2 Athletics
Dual Wield--- +2 Dual Wield, +2 Athletics
Shortbow--- +2 Bow, +2 Subterfuge
Unarmed Attack--- +2 Unarmed Combat, +2 Athletics
Shock--- +1 Magic Staff, +5 Lore, +2 Control Shock
Frost--- +1 Magic Staff, +5 Lore, +2 Control Frost
Vigor--- +1 Magic Staff, +5 Lore, +2 Control Vigor
Atrophy--- +1 Magic Staff, +5 Lore, +2 Control Atrophy
I realize that this info may be found on a wiki. I did take the time to click back and forth int he character creator and decided to post it up.

One this stands out at a glance from this information. Unless you are going for a caster it is very beneficial to choose a magic type for your secondary. +5 Lore is invaluable. Especially if you are planning a true solo run. i.e. Not accepting companions or getting rid of them at the earliest option in the case of Verse.
11 kommentarer
Babbles 5 aug, 2023 @ 23:30 
Warmace + Dual - You get the best weapon in the game from the start and are 2 skills off a Parry/Dodge avoid.
spamfilter32 10 feb, 2023 @ 15:58 
That's because the War Mage is for a Sword and Board caster. Which is a perfectly valid build.
Quack 14 mar, 2022 @ 18:33 
youre telling me Guild apprentice has better specs for a mage than War mage and now i have to restart my run bc im a min maxer...
DySFunction 2 okt, 2020 @ 19:34 
thank you for this.
Lord Honorius 17 jul, 2020 @ 10:07 
Just to people know . trown is replaced with 1 handed
Friends with Benedicts 3 feb, 2018 @ 17:21 
Oh, I was looking out for this and it just popped up. Thank you!
bakagrappler 30 nov, 2016 @ 0:36 
Just a small request for expanding this guide. It would be very nice if you included the two base attributes that each of the skills are based on? For instance, Vigor magic works well with tanks, because the magic is based on the same stats that make for good tanks. So if people are using this guide to craft a Fatebinder that is geared towards getting a strong start, then that info is also something that will be needed.

Thanks, and keep up the great work!
PunkSteve 20 nov, 2016 @ 3:19 
Just wondering, for Primary Weapon Selection, do u think Dual-Wield, Javelin & Unarmed r better because they give 18pts compared to Greatsword which gives only 16pts ?
Sagekun 18 nov, 2016 @ 22:03 
History bit was especially useful. Thank you.
0scarMike 18 nov, 2016 @ 7:52 
Thanks, this will come in handy on my second playthrough. First run I remain commited and invested in initial blind instinct.