Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number

Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number

342 évaluations
TRUMP WINS - Election Shitpost Level
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9 nov. 2016 à 14h50
16 févr. 2018 à 8h19
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TRUMP WINS - Election Shitpost Level

"Let me tell you something, these bad hombres threatening our way of life don't just come from Mexico. We got all kinds of nasty people around the world. Take the Yakuza. They come up to me and say, 'Hey Donald! We liked your show and book, and we wanna be just like you. Join us or get your balls chopped off.' Now, let me tell you, I've been polling well with the Japanese, 20-30% approve of the job I'm doing, but it isn't worth getting my balls chopped off for. Let's not pretend the Yakuza don't know what they're doing. They know exactly what they're doing. And my response is to not give an inch. My reprisal against them is gonna be yuuuge. I tracked them down to a Chinese place half a block from Trump Tower, where they're also running a sauna and a secret base in the sewers. They're gonna wish they never crossed the God Emperor of Mankind, Donald J. Trump, himself."

This is a Pardo level vs the Yakuza, only with Donald Trump as the protagonist. Why? Because he won the election, and I figured we could all use some lighthearted laughs. If Hillary had won, I would have done something similar with Alex & Ash and the Russian Mafia.

Mods used:

-Pardo Trump by Piperanci [NO LONGER AVAILABLE]:

-Yakuza Faction Mod by juanchoclo:

-Fat Yakuza Enemies by juanchoclo:

-Redial Items Mod by femax and Battle_Bee:
75 commentaires
dig0mmn0 21 janv. à 15h54 
very very good level bro #MAGA
L3v1n 17 déc. 2024 à 3h54 
Yes you are vanga
Yossarian the Assyrian  [créateur] 27 nov. 2024 à 18h20 
I have one more campaign in the works, but it doesn't involve this. This level was a one-and-done concept made as a joke. There's a reason why I didn't make one for the 2020 and 2024 elections.
jumbo 27 nov. 2024 à 18h14 
no sequel?
||I|II||I|I|||I||I|I|I|| 8 nov. 2024 à 9h47 
Time for a replay.
Almir Listo 29 oct. 2024 à 6h53 
Loquendero1889 17 juil. 2024 à 2h11 
can't wait for the sequel.
Needlemouse 19 aout 2023 à 4h50 
We were the only good timeline
Art Vandelay 16 juin 2023 à 16h25 
anyone have an updated link/files fir the trump mod?
Luan Himmlisch 27 mai 2021 à 10h55 
Inmigrants died. 10/10