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44 arvostelua
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Data Type: Mod
Mod Type: Equipment
12.671 MB
8.11.2016 klo 5.24
20.11.2019 klo 8.27
5 muutosilmoitusta ( näytä )

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Мод добавляет канадские - русские - евро и американские деньги для рп и рейхмарку для вв2

mod adds Canadian dollars and coins - Russian bills - Euro and american bills for Role Play and 1 reixmark for ww2
Suositut keskustelut Näytä kaikki (3)
4.12.2019 klo 9.01
feedback bug reports ? or just want to say that my mods sucks? POST HERE
25.11.2020 klo 3.53
Want to see something new? suggest new mod to me!
1.12.2018 klo 14.07
do you have feeling that your greediness is not satisfied yet? WANT MORE MONEY? THEN POST UR IDEAS HERE
31 kommenttia
Acoola 13.12.2021 klo 9.43 
你好,请加中国货币好吗? 修改非常好,但不幸的是货币很少。
Piper 12.12.2021 klo 19.47 
I love the currency in this mod! It looks and feels great. But I really wish you could stuff it in loot boxes and stash it from the editor mode. I would love if you could implement that! It would be an epic update.
Adeptus 21.7.2020 klo 0.03 
can you make a mod that adds a bunch of western and eastern currencies.
Bobby McGirthy 13.3.2019 klo 22.33 
Triple Frontier Scenario incoming.
SQUIDELLEOTIOUS 17.1.2019 klo 20.56 
that makes sence, I sometimes forget that people have other things to do outside of the game world, I am still getting used to being out of school even though it has been a couple of years, so that makes total sence.
Duncan  [tekijä] 17.1.2019 klo 13.48 
that depends on the mod maker he or she is a human and there are things like work colege family so some stops suporting old mods some come back and me i am just trying to work for the comunity i did what i wanted but if peps want more i be happy to do what i can if i can and when i can
SQUIDELLEOTIOUS 17.1.2019 klo 11.26 
I was wondering, do mod makers sometimes alter back around to their older or previous mods, like switch back and forth to all their mods, or do they mainly make a mod and move on to making a new one after some time has passed? I only ask because I have mods that are older and have not ever been changed for a long time, and I have so many ideas but I can't tell if some of the developers are still open to new ideas on their older mods, or if they are even being continued,
Duncan  [tekijä] 10.1.2019 klo 6.11 
thank you for your kind words good sir :D
SQUIDELLEOTIOUS 9.1.2019 klo 12.47 
I also think your mods are awsome and simple, I dont know how simple, I wish that I knew, but I don't know how to mod or make mods, but your mods are awsome.
SQUIDELLEOTIOUS 9.1.2019 klo 12.43 
I was reading the thing above the you wrote, and I thought it was funny :) the part where it says "or want to say that my mods suck" that made me laugh, most people normally hate other telling them that their work sucks. so anyways, I wanted to say thank you for doing my last request, I cant wait to see the what it looks like, I am in no rush, it makes it more exciting to wait and not know when it comes out, I just wanted to say thank you for make additions to this mod even tho you moved on to another project, so again, thank you :)