Space Beret

Space Beret

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Space Beret 100% Achievement Guide
By P U S S Y C A T 🐱
  • Estimated 100% difficulty: 2/10
  • Offline: 3
  • Online: 0
  • Approximate time to 100% : 30min-1h
  • Minimum playthroughs: 2-3
  • Missable achievements: N/A
  • Glitched achievements: N/A
  • Do cheats disable achievements?: N/A
100% Achievements

Got 500 points!

Got a 1000 points!

For this two achievements you need to 500 and 1000 points, and you can either do it on survival or one life. I got it on my third try while doing one life. Just try to get the rocket launcher and you will be fine.

Completed first level!

You need to play One Life and wait until the doors opens, get the rocket launcher and you will be fine. Also while you doing this one you can aim for the 500 and 1000 points.
<<c:ardis>> 29 Nov, 2016 @ 9:25am 
The score seems to be bugged. Every time I restart a game it multiplies my points. So I finished this game in 2 mins^^
Ves 29 Oct, 2016 @ 2:17am 
The achievement that isn't point releated got changed to "Play one life mode". So you get it as soon as you start that mode. Might want to fix that. 100%-ed the game in 11 mins, lol. :lol: