Sid Meier's Civilization VI

Sid Meier's Civilization VI

235 ratings
20 tips for new players and other guides (videos + written versions)
By Waervyn
20 tips to help you get started (both written and video). I will also put all my other guides here.
Civilization VI is out, and it's great. It's also a fairly easy to get into for new players. However, it does have quite some mechanics that are not very well explained in the tutorial. So for that reason, I made this video containing five tips for new players. I am aware that not everyone likes to watch videos though, so I summarize them in text below. Hope it's useful to at least someone!
The reason that there are multiple videos is I kept on playing this game, and kept on discovering new things, so in the end I ended up with 3 videos with 20 tips total. I also wrote all of them below.

Written versions
1) Be aware of the 'show city details' button. This has many uses. First of all it summarizes how your city is doing, and also gives tips on how to improve your growth, housing and amenities. Second of all it teaches you a lot about the mechanics of the game, as it lays its calculations out for you in quite an easy to understand way. For example, it will tell you that your growth goes down with 50%, even though you have enough housing...what causes this? Well, if you only have one housing more than civilians, you already get a penalty. Without this summary it would be hard to figure out those things.

2) Make sure to know what pillaging does, especially in relation to farms and fishing boats. Normally, you can pillage districts and improvements for a bonus to e.g. gold or science. However, if you pillage a farm, you heal up a unit. This can be extremely strong when fighting close to a foreign city, as you improve your staying power by a lot.

3) If you are on the receiving pillaging side, you can repair the pillaged structures. However, there are different ways to repair different pillaged things. Improvements can be repaired with builders. Put them in the same hex, and click on the wrench icon. This costs a turn, but does not take a 'build charge'. Districts and buildings cannot be repaired with builders, but have to be repaired from the construction menu in your city. This means that it can cost you multiple turns of repairing instead of constructing new things in your city.

4) Take very good care when founding a new city, to make sure the citizens have access to water. If you build a city without water in its area, your maximum amount of citizens (housing) starts off at 2. If you have access to salt water (coast), the city will have 3 housing. If you have access to fresh water (river, oasis, lake), you will have 5 water. This can be improved by the aquaduct building. However, this building has quite some requirements. It needs to build adjacent to a river, lake, oasis or mountain AND be adjacent to your city. If you already have access to fresh water it gives you +2 housing. However, if you don't have access to water yet and put it next to a mountain, you'll have 6 housing, which is a big improvement. Watch the video to see how NOT to make a city (footage of my first game).

5) If you build a district over terrain with a specific feature such as a rainforest, this rainforest will be removed. Therefore, before you build the district, you can use a builder to 'remove feature', which will give you some resources before you build the district. If you build the district without doing this, you will not get those resources. This does however consume a 'charge' of the builder, but in general I'd say it's worth it, barring some exceptions.

Video 2

1) When two of your cities are bordering each other, the game decides for you which city gets to own which of the bordering tiles. This is not always great, especially once you start counting bonuses from wonders. You can swap which tile belongs to which city by clicking on 'manage citizens', and afterwards clicking on the 'swap tile' button. In the video I show how to use this to increase your culture output by swapping rainforest tiles to a city that has the Chichen Itza wonder.

2) You can influence which tiles your citizens work on in two ways. When you click on the city and then on manage citizens, you can click on the darkened icons to put a citizen there. If you click on 'filled' icons, they will get a lock icon, which will make sure they will always stay there. However, a better (in my opinion) way to influence what your city focuses on is to click on the little checkboxes next to each thing your city produces (culture, food, production, science, faith and gold). If you click on one, the city will focus on that. If you click on two, it will focus on the two etc. If you click twice on one of them, it will 'defocus' that resource, putting as little citizens as possible to collect that resource.

3) Luxury resources work a bit weirdly. Let's say you have access to furs. This does not necessarily give furs to the city they belong to. Your empire will take the furs, and distribute them to the four cities that need amenities the most. If you have access to two furs, it doesn't matter...only four cities will gain an amenity. This means that when you have more than one of a certain luxury's of no use to you at all. The only thing you can use it for is to make deals with other empires (e.g. to trade for other luxury resources). You want to collect as many different types of luxury resources as possible.

4) If you click on a unit, you can see it's normal action icons in the UI. However, there are more options available by clicking on the little grey transparent '+' symbol. When you do that, you gain access to other options such as 'auto-explore' and 'delete'. Delete is a misnomer though, as you actually sell the unit! This makes sure that you can recuperate some of the costs if you don't want a certain unit anymore. Furthermore, you can take advantage of this by for example capturing enemy builders and selling them afterwards.
5) Research is really fast in this game, and going to the technology tree everything you finished one can get a bit much. You can alleviate this in two ways. You can hold shift while selecting multiple technologies to queue them up. Alternatively you can click on a 'far away' technology, and the game will queue up all the necessary technologies for that one.
More written versions due to word limit
Video 3

1) You might be caught by surprise that a unit where you clicked 'fortify until healed' isn't actually healing. This is most likely due to the fact that this unit costs a strategic resource to produce. If you do not have this resource anymore once the unit is built, you cannot repair/heal it.

2) Buildings that provide an bonus to other cities within a certain range stack. This means that cities close to each other that both have a zoo can give each other the amenity bonus etc.

3) Be sure to look at the Great People tab once in a while. Normally you get a notification that you can recruit one, however, it might be good to look at it more often. This is because you can actually buy these people using either gold or faith. This means you can snag them away from players that would normally recruit them, or, alternatively, you can use it defensively to make sure no-one snags away the one that you really wanted. The bonuses can be very much worth it.

4) Envoys are not only good to get specific bonuses from city states. If you have the most envoys in a city state, you get access to their resources, and you can use builders to improve their region. In my game this was very useful, as the city state had the only(!) source of oil on the entire continent. This meant it was a big battle to be friends with these guys, so you could build an oil extractor and profit from that. Therefore, look carefully at not only the bonuses the city states provide, but also at their landscape etc.

5) Turns can take absolute ages once you get further into the game. I have quite a good PC, and have Civ installed on a SSD, yet late game the wait between turns easily take more than 30 seconds. If you go to options -> game -> enable quick movement, you can cut this in half. If you want to learn some useful Finnish during me waiting for my turn, be sure to watch the video :)

6) When traders have finished a route, they always ask you where to trade to next. However, before you click on any of these options, be sure to first look whether the city you're starting from is the best one. You can relocate the trader first (takes one turn) and afterwards establish a route from there. This can be very useful if one city needs a lot of food and production, as you can make the traders start from there and by doing so boost those things.

7) If you're wondering why some leaders suddenly get angry at you, that might be because now they have a personality. This consists of two different 'likes/dislikes'. One of them is always the same for a specific leader, and the other one is randomly determined at the start of a game. This can include a dislike for deforestation, a dislike for not spreading religion, a like for making nukes (ghandi) etc. If you cannot see all these agendas, be sure to first increase the access level with that civilization, for example by spying, establishing embassies or building trade routes.

8) Sometimes you might be wondering why one city can build a building at 18 population, while another city cannot build the same building even though it has the same or higher population level. This is because the amount of districts you can build is related to the amount of citizens a city has. I couldn't find anything about this on the internet, so calculated it myself. It seems that every three citizens boosts your max districts with one, but this number is rounded up (1-3 = 1 districts, 4-6 = 2 districts, 7-9 = 3 districts etc.). Therefore, make sure to not just build districts because you can. This might haunt you later in the game when you can't build the districts you want.

9) There's not a lot of options for keybindings in this game. However, with a bit of editing of .lua files you can fix this. I like especially the fact that now I can pan the camera with WASD instead of the arrow keys. To do this, either watch the video or go to this fantastic post by Xacius on reddit:

10) Sometimes you might want to build walls, but the game says you should first build the previous tier of walls...but you actually did this! The game is not clear about this at all, but it means those walls are actually damaged and you have to repair them first. To do this, go to the city, click production and scroll down to projects. You should find the repair walls project there. Afterwards you can build the new tier of walls.
ninjasuz 19 Jan, 2023 @ 11:22pm 
Just started the game and it's sooo overwhelming at first. Your videos were fantastic! Thanks so much for providing them to us newbies! ^_^
Azariah 15 Mar, 2021 @ 1:23am 
thank you
jam3fp 22 Oct, 2017 @ 12:43pm 
How do I save my game?
dissyllabic 7 Sep, 2017 @ 11:55am 
Been playing CIV6 for 14 hours now, and a lot of the stuff you wrote really helped me improve my game! Thanks!
SirWally123 29 Jun, 2017 @ 10:14am 
Good points, thanks. Been trying to find a Citizen management screen for awhile and I had given up.
DerEider 13 Mar, 2017 @ 5:06am 
Part I
I like your guide, Waervyn.

I didn't see it mentioned here, but I have been frustrated by the Archeologists and their function.
The Civilopedia gives no details on the how-to create nor their life-span. :steamfacepalm:

Builders tell you how many more builds they have but Archeologists state no limit. Sometimes when I send them out on a dig, they disappear after completing it. No notice of being killed or captured, etc. So ... do they have a "dig" limit? The latest one to disappear, I had sight of the dig site and there definitely were no enemies or barbarians around. :calm_creep:

End of Part I
DerEider 13 Mar, 2017 @ 5:02am 
Part II:
Apparently, Archeologists must come from a city with an Archeological Museum {though I don't understand why a University wouldn't do as well, since that's where they would get their Arch. Degree}. OK, I can live with that. However, when I try to create a replacement in either of the 2 cities with an Archeological Museum, Archeologist doesn't even show up in the "Unit" section of the build options. So I can get no new Archeologist :angry_creep:.

A related question is ... Is there a limit of only 1 Archeologist at a time? In Civ5, I would send out swarms of them to get as many sites as possible before the bad guys snatche them up :steammocking: But I can get only 1 ?

End of Part II :Norse:
jackvinson 12 Jan, 2017 @ 3:32am 
Would love to know if there are keyboard shortcuts documented somewhere. Like can I move unit with keyboard instead of it being all mouse (click the move button and then the spot where it should move). I also noticed that my unit didn't continue moving on a move that would require multiple turns.
Elidas 28 Nov, 2016 @ 5:20am 
you can build multiple spaceport in case one of them gets destroyed if you are aiming for a science victory
jeffgwatts 10 Nov, 2016 @ 3:37am 
You mentioned building spaceports in more than one city. Is there any advantage to doing this?