Z1 Battle Royale

Z1 Battle Royale

225 betyg
FAQ - To all newer players
Av FrisadaS
Guide where you can find answers to all frequent question about the game
Quick guide. here i will answer the must common questions that newer players have.

Maybe you can learn something new aswell.

NOTE: This is not my main language, so dont hate me for gramatical mistakes
Q: I got one-shooted with shotgun and i had armour and helmet?
- Yes, shotgun can 1shot you in the head even with helmet, same applys with bodyarmour. ( It still happens after shotgun rework )

Q: I shoot so many times that guy, and he doesnt die, why?
- Crafted armour can absorve 1 body-shot, the laminated armour can absorve 2 body-shoots from rifles, be sure you have one equiped aswell to improve your chances. Helmet absorves one shoot aswell, so someone fully equiped, can take 6 shoots from a rifle without dying.

Q: How do i craft a armour?
- You need a militar backpack, a helmet and a duck tape. Shred the backpack and helmet, then go to the craft section, select armour, and press E once.

Q: How do gas circle closes?
- Its random, never closes the same way.

Q: How i get arrows?
You pick up those wood arrows and unpack it on your inventory

Q: How i swap arrows?
- Equip bow/crossbow and press V

Q: Why people drop shoes at looby?
- So they dont lose time swaping when they pick sneakers.

Q: whats the green bar?
- It's your toxicity level, you dont die when it reaches 100%, but it will increase the damage you take over time.

Q: Does a key works at all cars?
- Yes, any key will work at any car

Q: Is there a spray pattern to every weapon like csgo?
- Each weapon recoils works diferently, but there is no pattern, recoil (left or right) is always random.

Q: How i gain gold crowns?
- Only way to get gold crowns is buying with real cash.

Q: Where i find sniper?
- Sniper can only be found on air drops, and it doesnt spawm every time either.

Q: how i do multiple crafing at same time?
Hold E key and release it when it does the first spin ( after update there's a option for it )

Q: Whats the max inventory space?
- 2400, with militar backpack and waist pack

Q: I run slower at water?
- Yes, and cars go slower as well

Q: Whats the diference in shoes?
- Sneakers ( running shoes ) - makes you run faster
- Boots - Less fall damage
- Sneaky shoes - less footsteps

Q: What gas nade do?
They blur the screen to the other player, even when you leave it, and do damage over time, just like normal gas.

Q: How i get more free crates?
- You get a free crate every 5 lvl's

Q: Cars spawns at random?
Yes and no, cars spawm always at same places, but random, some games it will spawm there, others game it will not.

Q: I died to a guy and he lived with 0 hp?
- He used a trick called pre-med, he used a med kit before fighting you, so when he lived with 1/2 hp, he didnt die to bleed cuz the med kit was healing him.

Q: I died behind a car?
- Most of the time when someone ducks behind a car to heal or re-equip stuff, you can see his feet under the car, and you can shoot them.

Q: Why people land faster than me?
- People land faster than you cuz they have faster PC / connection, or both. aiming straight down helps.

Q: Is there fall damage in this game?
- In the first's seconds after you get out of your parachute you dont have fall damage, so you can jump off building top's without damage, after that you have fall damage.

Q: Ak or AR?
- Ak have faster shoot rate, so it's ideal for close ranges, AR have better recoil, so it's better at longer ranges. My advice, master one of them, and keep it.

Q: What do i win if i get first place?
- Nothing, at least for now. ( You only get prices in tournaments )

Q: Does guns affect my running speed?
- No, movespeed only is affected by sprint or water

Q: Does weight affect movement speed?
- No, movespeed only is affected by sprint or water

Q: Do itens spawm completly at random?
- Yes and no, random places, but not at random areas, meaning if you want to get med-kits, you should look at hospitals, and WC. They have the higher % of spawm.

Q: How much damage melee weapons do?
- Quite a lot actualy, if you dont find a gun, it can save a life. 20 to 30 per hit, depending on the melee weapon.

Q: My helmet is damaged? should i replace it?
- No, helmet can be damaged but it will still block 1 shot from rifles. The reason that it is damaged is cuz someone shoot you with a shotgun far away from you. Same can be applied to crafted armour.

Q: Can i predict the missiles from the plane?
- Just look up, and stay away from under the plane while it is crossing.

Q: Wheres the perfect spot to land on?
- While you dont realy know the map, and the most common car spots, you realy should aim for the middle of the map, so when the gas comes, you always are close at least to the edge of the circle. Tip: you can also parachute further if you strafe mid air. just like bunny hoping on others games.

Q: I see a item on the ground but i cant pick it up?
- Some are bugged, some you can pick it, but you will have to place urself to the correct angle to achieve it. Try phroning with first person, using T key, and try pick it.

Q: What is the quickest way to do bandages:
- T-shirts. They spawn everywhere, and in high amounts. Each T-shirt gives you 2 bandage.

Q: I entered a car, but i dont have keys?
- You can hot-wire the car. Right click on the cables, and start hot-wire, remenber that it takes 7s, and it makes noise.

Q: How can i know my exact position on the map?
- You can't, altough you can calculate very often, with the help the houses, streets, rivers. After a while you get the hang of it

Q: Does the sniper kill with one bodyshot?
- No it does not, if the player have armour, it will break the armour and do around 40 damage. If you hit the head is always one hit kill.

Q: If you hip-fire does it chance accuracy?
- No it does not, but it chances spray control, making it more hard to control, but doesnt matther if you are jumping, hip firing, the bullets go always to where you are aiming.

Q: How people make their cars silent? ( less noise after update )
- Press K , so it turn off the engine.

Q: Does the map stays the same every time?
- The buidings it self, stay in the same place, but some walls inside the buidings change, same applies to doors.

Q: Why my car when i leave it sometimes it gains self-life and moves from the place where i left it?
- Cuz game is perfect. ( stupid ass bug )

Q: Does all cars use the same fuel?
- Some cars use more fuel than others, the bike is the car that uses the most fuel of them all. But when you refill it gives 50% fuel back instead of the normal 25% for all other cars.

Q: If i kill 20 and get placed 3, will it give more points than placing first with 1 kill?
- No, place always give more points than kills, kills are like tie brakers, so you should focus getting to the last alive, rather than kill alot.

Q: if kills doesnt matter that much, why some people rush as soon they saw me?
- Some high tier players already have all 10 top matches with 1st place, so the only way to improve is by killing alot and winning.

Q: Whats the World record for most kill in a solo game?
- At this moment is 38. ( updated 15/02/2017 )

Q: What's the optimal render distance?
- 1500, most people use this, if you have low-end pc, just check some guides about fps, there's a lot that covers that. You can also set keybinds to change render distance mid-game now.

Q: If i bet skulls do i earn something diferent?
- No, if you bet skulls you gain the exact same number of skulls when you bet bronze.

Q: Is bullets drop equal to all weapons?
- No, most weapons share the same bullet drop, but the revolver is the weapon with the least bullet drop in game. ( AK , AR , Sniper , all share the same bullet drop )

Q: Do bandages Effects stack?
- Yes they do, but medi kits does not.

Q: How can i report someone?
- Control + R , while aiming at them.

Q: How do i run foward while looking behind at the same time?
- Hold Alt , and move the mouse around.
Question added from the comments
Q: Why is laminated gone when I try to pick it up but my inventory is full and I already carry one?
- It's a bug that already got a fix on game patch notes. on 25/10/2016

Q: What is the " Back your performance " at the beginning ?
- That's how you bet, you select the type of coins you want to bet, then you confirm ur choise by clicking back your performance in the button of the page

Q: After pre-season ends i win skulls or something for my places/rank ?
- ( Nothing pre-season 1, free backpack for all users with 10 games )
- ( Nothing pre-season 2, free shotgun for all users with 10 games )
In pre-season 3 you win a emote, based on your rank.

Q: Is there a way to toggle aim? (click once)
- To change from hold to toggle, locate your H1Z1 folder (Steam\SteamApps\common\H1Z1). Find file "UserOptions.ini" and open it with text editor. Find line "[General]" and create empty line after it. Paste this "ZoomToggle=1" (without quotes). To change it back to hold remove this line or change ZoomToggle to 0 (ZoomToggle=0).

Q: Does the kevlar block shooting feets?
- Yes, if you shoot someone's feet, it will damage and destroy kevlar

Q: What are skulls used for?
- You can bet them, just like bronze coins, and you can trade skulls for unique skins.

Q: How i get free " Back your performence " now?
- Every time you complete a game, you will get a % of bronze coins. When you reach 100% you will get a free bet.

Q: Where do I find car keys?
- Each car at spawn have 1 car keys, and 1 gas tank. So if you find a car without keys inside someone else already took it. You can't find keys anywhere else. ( Some player take the keys so others players can use the car they left behind )

Q: How come when I'm driving a car the horn starts going off nonstop for no reason?
- It's a know bug for a while, same happens with police car sirens.
This are just some of the normal question most player have.

If you have some other question that you thing should be here, comment it, and i will add

Have a nice day

EDIT1: Bronze coins question removed. 25/10/2016
110 kommentarer
WolfPax 13 aug @ 17:46 
Question: dead game?
Answer: pretty much
matthew 25 mar, 2022 @ 22:22 
you made this for 5 people
Straight white male 23 dec, 2021 @ 1:11 
What happened to the old zombie game?
3 nov, 2020 @ 10:12 
我擦 尼玛
Amar_9602 14 apr, 2020 @ 15:04 
i cant download H1Z1 can some one help me pls
KnightMare 22 dec, 2019 @ 13:59 
i have one, why did i get banned for no reason?
gouss741 19 sep, 2019 @ 13:43 
do you have a skin for me pls
<OZ>\=不良鸟Phoenix⁶₆⁶= 24 okt, 2018 @ 4:20 
Stahldroid 26 maj, 2018 @ 18:07 
"why the game is forcing to close after match found?"

Have the same question
iG </html> 26 maj, 2018 @ 9:41 
why the game is forcing to close after match found?