Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

252 rating
Corrugated Metal Fence 16 m
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Assets: Prop
Ukuran File
859.829 KB
10 Okt 2016 @ 3:26pm
1 Catatan Perubahan ( lihat )

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Corrugated Metal Fence 16 m

Dalam koleksi 1 dari Beardmonkey
Junkyard by Beardmonkey
Item 21
Corrugated Metal Fence 16 m by Beardmonkey
2 Komentar
BierPizzaChips 4 Agu 2022 @ 12:49am 
Hi Beardmonkey. Many thanks for your awesome props. I love especially the brown fence, the pipe elements and the scrapyardstuff.
Interestingly these grey fences here have a really bad texture as lod on the distance, which is not the case with your brown fences. Any chance that these grey fences are missing a lod?
Anyway, your props are just brilliant and of great use, when building an industrial area, see:
Again, many thanks, mate.
Troubadixx 29 Agu 2018 @ 11:20pm 
@Beardmonkey: Still one of the best fences on the Workshop. Would be awsome if it came as a network.