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The life of a stalker
Da eatond63
I decided to make up a story about a stalker, because the story about a survivor made by Ivan of Spades inspired me.
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week 1
Day 1:

My pulse, I feel my pulse.Maybe it's time for me to come out of..... I don't know, what am I trapped inside?Nevermind, I'm gonna break out of my containment!* pushes with head *.Well that didn't work, I should have used my teeth.* bites through egg shell *Woah, where am I?Suddenly, I saw a huge figure swim by me.That figure, is my mom.She taught me the basics, eat peapers, live in the kelp forest, bleeders follow us and we have an uncontrolable urge to collect metal.Soon, the sun began to set and my mom covered me in a blanket of scrap metal, which was later taken by my neighbor.Unfortunately, it was a cold night,very very cold.

Day 2:

A school of peepers swim by me.As I yawn, the peepers die of a heart attack.This is my first breakfast, it was very convenient that the peepers swam by.While I ate, I had an idea.I could explore the safe shallows.So, I sneak past my mom and swim towards something with a green butt.I pass by it without it looking at me, that thing is very creepy.As I swim to the shallowest part, I noticed something in the sky.A huge object, which is probably made of metal, burning through the sky, getting bigger by the second.I swam as fast as I could, back to the creature with the green butt.The burning object finally crashed into the ocean, causing an enourmous shockwave.An airsack was too close to the shockwave and intook too much water.When he released the water, he shot right out of the water, into the mouth of a hungry skyray.The creature next to me farted out of fear.I coudn't understand why he was scared, it was just an airsack being eaten.Then I realized why he was scared when he got rammed by a metal projectile, all that was left of him was his butt.I grieved his death for 15 minutes.Suddenly, a smaller object was falling out of the sky.I thought it was too small to be dangerous, until it struck my head and knocked me out.

Day 3:

Ugh, my head hurts.Wait, how long was I out?Well, it was sunrise when I got knocked out and now it's sunset.Either it's the same day, or this is the next day's sunset.It's probably the second one, because the thing that hit me was really big.Wait, where am I?I looked around, only to find myself encased in a brown material.Am I in an egg again, no, an egg is more squishy.It has to be a kind of containment.I hear mechanical whirring beyond the containment.The sound was beuatiful, probly because it had to do with metal.I started to yawn, I should sleep some more.

Day 4:

I wake up in a transparent containment chamber, with some coral in the middle.I observe my surroundings, it seems to be made of unbroken scrapmetal.I here a metallic screach, a mysterious creature enters.It then enters my containment and leaves behind two different eggs and another stalker.Little did I know that that stalker, would become my wife.Then I shifted my focus to the eggs.One reminded me of my dad's friend in the grassy plateus biome.The other reminded me of the kelp forest's biggest attraction,Staring contest champion Louis Mesmo, who always signs his property with a golden X.Hang on, that small blue egg has a gold X on it, this must be his kid!Me and the other stalker had a conversation.Her name is sally and my name is Matt, if you didn't know.We both noticed strange drawings on the wall, one looked like the creature, but instead it's made of metal.The other drawing looked like a metallic bleeder.We didn't know what it meant, but we knew the creature was planning something big.We later fell asleep trying to decipher it.

Day 5:

We hear a crack, fortunately not in the walls.We looked down and saw the eggs breaking.Sally panicked, but I told her new life is being born.Out from the blue egg came Luke Mesmo, the son of Louis Mesmo.From the other came Rick Armur, who turned out to be my dad's friend's nephew.We were happy to make new friends.We all had a staring contest, Luke won by a landslide.The creature came back with an object in his grasping utility, a builder.He used it to fabricate a plot of land instantly, my desire to obtain one of those objects had begun.We all looked to the plot of land and saw plants grow, plants unlike any other.I was the last one awake, I had finished learning the use of the calander, now I know I am five days old.

Day 6:

I slowly open my eyes, the mysterious creature is no-where to be found!Then I noticed something on the wall, a small, square-shaped yellow object.On it was written " find exosuit parts and build cyclops ".I had no idea what a cyclops, or an exosuit was.Then I looked to the right, I saw a large piece of paper on the wall next to the yellow square.It had a picture of a mysterious metal creature on it, and in bold was "EXOSUIT".Now I know what an exosuit is.The mysterious creature returns, he sets a medium blue square on a countertop.On that blue square is a sketch of an exosuit.He now needs the materials to build it.I glance slightly to the left and find this huge metal..... fish?It might be a cyclops, but then I became too sleepy to care.I cuddle up next to a pile of sand, I started to snore.

Day 7:

Everyone wakes up to the familiar sound of mechanical whirring.We all look outside and saw an exosuit.He gave it an arm with 3 rotating circles, and on the other arm was 4 blue tentacles sticking out of an oval.I was baffled, I saw the rotating circles on the poster, but not the tentacles.I then looked back at the poster, a new square had appeared.It had a picture of my home, the kelp forest, with a red ring and line through it.It reminded me of a Q, except the tiny line was fully through it.I began to worry, and then Sally and Louis started to worry instantly after me.Rick began to worry when he saw part of his home, the grassy plateus, in the picture.We began to devise a plan, when the mysterious creature came and release us back into the open ocean.It got into its "cyclops" and headed toward the montain island.We all had the same idea at the same time, follow that cyclops!
week 2
Day 1:

We packed our things and followed that cyclops.I told my mom about me and my friends were going somewhere.She knew it was important, so she let us go.We then headed in the direction of the cyclops, towards the grassy plateus.For the first time ever, Rick met his family.They had a pretty quick chat, Armurs are known to get to the point.Suddenly, we heard a roar.It was the roar of a huge predator(it's the reaper btw), but it sounded scared.We then figured out why when we saw a massive explosion in the giant ships hull.A chunk of it headed straight towards us.Then out of nowhere, a reefback blocked the chunk.The impact caused us and the reefback to head towards the seabed.We were stuck under the reefback, who then told us his name was Carl.We thought we would lose the cyclops's trail, until it got damaged by a chunk of metal.The mysterious creature had to find materials to repair his vehicle.That gave us time to rest.

Day 2:

I wake up to the sound of Carl yawning.He then rolled off of us, finally, we were free.Then Rick shakes himself in the sand, I guess sandsharks do that.I started to get hungry, I noticed the mysterious creature go down a peculiar tunnel.We look through the tunnel and see a faint pink glow.Then I noticed what looked like a peeper.Without thinking, I dive towards it.The closer I came to it, it turned out it wasn't a peeper.Instead of a tail, it had tentacles.Instead of yellow eyes, it had purple eyes.I wondered what it was, then something grabbed my tail.It wildly dragged me, making my head hit a rock.Why do I keep on going unconscious?

Day 3:

I wake up finding myself stuck between an abandoned base and a strange pink mushroom.I attempted to sneak out, but then I heard something coming from the mushroom.That thing that dragged me down here came out of the mushroom and darted towards me.I grabbed the closest thing I could find, a chunk of the base, and chucked it towards the thing.When it hit the thing, I could see thing suddenly sick.I was confused until I saw a drooping stinger on the scrapmetal I threw.I swam out of the cave after the thing died.When I reached the entrance I saw my friends telling me to hurry up, the cyclops departing.The chase was back on.

Day 4:

The cyclops stopped moving for some reason.The mysterious creature came out excited for some reason.What would it be excited about, We're just in the mushroom forest.The mysterious creature took some jellyray eggs.I am so confused, what is it doing?Well, besides taking eggs.Then it got attacked by bonesharks, something exciting for once.We thought it was done for, but it took part of a mushroom and used it as a frisbee to make the bonesharks go away.It went back in the cyclops and went away, what a confusing day.
82 commenti
cubsluv2 9 mag, ore 18:32 
jinx 4 feb, ore 10:38 
you should have him die in the end
SequencedLife 28 set 2023, ore 16:17 
jarmy, your stalker fren
ERROR 27 ago 2023, ore 17:05 
(my stalker fren)
Seanaru 12 giu 2023, ore 10:56 
This is very col it reminds me of the book wings of fire please make a part two
⫸Lyric Drake 591⫷ 29 ago 2021, ore 16:17 
this is so hilariously stupid I love it
Benito Dripilini 27 lug 2021, ore 2:35 
I Didn't realize this was about the stalker animal so I was expecting "Day 1, 10 dollars from my parents getting ready to go to her onlyfans"
V4NTAPURP13 20 lug 2021, ore 1:47 
Pookie Bear 9 giu 2021, ore 17:37 
the rabbit club 14 feb 2021, ore 12:11 
im gona do this for real in subnaitica
i will post when done