Don't Starve Together

Don't Starve Together

38 avaliações
Spawn Codes (Prefabs)(About all of them)
Por WaffleTime
Most Spawn Prefabs.
Adic. a Favoritos
Nos Favoritos
Monster Prefabs
if you favorite its easier to find if you're gonna continue using it.
Spawn codes, prefabs, whatever.
Whatever is inside the "-" is the prefab
Example- c_spawn('leif') - Would spawn a Treeguard

I spent my time on the Wiki putting this stuff here so you're welcome (Even though you could easily search it)

(Hostile Creatures

Batilisks- bat
Cave Spider- "spider_hider"
clockwork bishop- "bishop"
clockwork knight- "knight"
clockwork rook- "rook"
Dangling Depth Dweller- "spider_dropper"
depths worm- "worm"
frog- "frog"
guardian pig- "piguard"
ghost- "ghost"
pirate ghost- "pirateghost" -SW
crawling horror- "crawlinghorror" -Standard Version
crawling horror- "crawlingnightmare" -Ruins Version
hound- "hound"
firehound- "firehound"
icehound- "icehound"
killer bee- "killerbee"
meatbulb- "lureplant"
eyeplant- "eyeplant"
mactusk- "walrus"
merm- "merm"
mosquito- "mosquito"
spider- "spider"
spider warrior- "spider_warrior"
spider spitter- "spider_spitter"
tallbird- "tallbird"
tentacle- "tentacle"
terrorbeak(Nightmare)- "terrorbeak"
big tentacle- "tentacle_pillar"
baby tentale- "No Debug Spawn"
wee mactusk- "little_walrus"
birchnutter- "birchnutdrake"
Varg- "warg" -DST
ewecus- "spat" -DST
lavae- "lavae -DST
Dragoon- "dragoon" -SW
Floaty Boaty Knight- "knightboat" -SW
flup- "flup" -SW
Poison Mosquito- "mosquito_poison" -SW
Venemous Spider warrior- "No Debug Spawn" -SW
Sea hound- "sharx" -SW
Stink Ray- "stungray" -SW
Snake- "snake" -SW
poison snake- "snake_poison" -SW
Swordfish- "swordfish" -SW
Bluewhale- "Whale_blue" -SW

End of hostile creatures)
(Boss Monsters

Acient Guardian- "Minotaur"
Deerclops- "deerclops"
spider queen- "spider_queen"
treeguard- "leif"
Treeguard extra- "leif_sparse"
Bearger- "bearger" -ROG
Dragonfly- "dragonfly" -ROG
Moose goose- "moose" -ROG
Toadstool- "toadstool"
Palmtreeguard- "treeguard" -SW
Quaken- "kraken" -SW
Quaken tentacles- "kraken_tentacle" -SW
Sealnado- "twister" -SW
tiger shark- "tigershark" -SW
Krampus- "krampus"

End of Boss Monsters)
(Neutral Animals

bee- "bee"
Beefalo- "beefalo"
Bunnyman- "bunnyman"
Koalefant- "koalefant_summer/winter"
pengull- "penguin"
pig- "pigman"
Rocklobster- "rocky" MY MAN ROCKY -WaffleTimeThe1st
Snurtle- "snurtle"
Slurtle- "slurtle"
Smallish Tallbird- "teenbird"
Smallbird- "smallbird"
Spulumonkey- "monkey"
Buzzard- "buzzard" -ROG
Catcoon- "catcoon" -ROG
volt goat- "lightninggoat" -ROG
bottlenose ballphin- "ballphin" -SW
Prime Ape- "primeape" -SW
Water Beefalo- "ox" -SW
Wildbore- "wildbore" -SW

end of neutral animals)
(Passive Animals

Baby Beefalo- "babybeefalo"
Butterfly- "butterfly"
Chester- "chester"
crow- "crow"
redbird- "robin"
snowbrd- "robin_winter"
parrot- "parrot" -SW
parrot pirate- "parrot_pirate" -SW
seagull- "seagull" -SW
toucan- "toucan" -SW
Canary- "canary"
Gloomer- "gloomer" -ROG
moleworm- "mole" -ROG
Extra Adorable Lavae- "lavae_pet"
grass gekko- "grassgekko"
Hutch- "hutch"
crabbit- "crab" -SW
Dogfish- "solofish" -SW
doydoy- "doydoy" -SW
doydoy baby- "doydoybaby" -SW
Fishermerm- "mermfisher" -SW
jellyfish- "jellyfish" -SW
Packim baggims- "packim" -SW
seal- "twister_seal" -SW
Sharkitten- "sharkitten" -SW
wobster- "lobster" -SW

End of passive animals)

Abigail- "Abigail"
Charlie- "No Debug spawn but was listed anyway"
Maxwell- "maxwell"
Pig king- "pigking"
Yaarctopus- "octopusking" -SW

End of Other...?)

Naturally Spawning Objects
(Plants -

Berry Bush- "berrybush" "berrybush2"
Carrot- "carrot"
Cave Banana- "cave_banana_tree"
Cave Lichen- "lichen"
Flower- "flower"
Evil Flower- "flow_evil"
Fern- "cave_fern"
Grass- "grass"
Light Flower- "flower_cave" "flower_cave_double" "flower_cave_triple"
Lure plant- "lureplant"
Mandrake- "mandrake"
Mushrooms- "red_mushroom" "green_mushroom" "blue_mushroom"
Mushtree- "mushtree_tall" "mushtree_medium" mushtree_small" mushtree_tall_webbed"
pond- "pond "pond_mos" "pond_cave"
Plant- "marsh_plant" "pond_algae"
Reeds- "reeds"
Sapling- "Sapling"
Spiky Bush- "marsh_bush"
Totally Normal Tree- "livingtree"
Birchnut tree- "deciduoustree" -ROG
Cactus- "cactus" -ROG
Tumble Weed- "tumbleweed" -ROG
Juicy Berry Tree- "berrybush_juicy" -DST
Twiggy Tree- "twiggy_short/normal/tall/old" -DST
Ash Tree- "volcano_shrub" -SW
Bamboo Tree- "bambootree" -SW
Brainy Spout- "coral_brain_rock" -SW
Coffee Plant- "coffeebush" -SW
Elephant Cactus- "elephantcactus_active" "elephantcactus_stump" -SW
Jungle Tree- "jungletree" -SW
Mangrove Tree- "mangrovetree" -SW
Palm Tree- "palmtree" -SW
Planted Seaweed- "seaweed_planted" -SW
Regular Jungle tree- "livingjungletree" -SW
Sweet Potato- "sweet_potato" -SW
Viney Bush- "bush_vine" "snakeden"

-End of plants)
(Mobs and mobs housing-

Beehive- "beehive" "wasphive"
Hound mound- "houndmound"
Pond- "YouAlreadyKnow"
Pig House- "pighouse"
Pig KIng- "pigking"
pig torch- "pigtorch"
Rabit Hutch- "rabbithouse"
Rundown- "mermhouse"
slurtle mound- "slurtlehole"
spider den- ""spiderden" "spiderden_2" "spiderden_3"
Spilagmite- "spiderhole"
Splumoney Pod- "monkeybarrel"
Tallbird Nest- "tallbirdnest"
Walrus Camp- "walrus_camp"
Wormhole- "wormhole" "wormhole_limited_1"
Burrow- "molehill" -ROG
Hollow Stum- "catcoonden" -ROG
Magma- "lava_pond" -ROG
Crabbit Den- "crabhole" -SW
DragoonDen- "dragoonden" -SW
draggonegg- "dragoonegg" -SW
fishermerm's hut- "mermhouse_fisher" -SW
prime ape hut- "primeapebarrel" -SW
Sharkitten den- "sharkittenspawner" -SW
Shoal- "fishinhole" -SW
Tidalpool- "tidalpool" -SW
Wildbore- "wildborehouse" -SW
Wobster Den- "lobsterhole" -SW

End of Mobs and mob housing)
(Inanimate Objects-

Ancient Pseudoscience Station- "ancient_altar" "ancient_altar_broken"
ancient statue- ""ruins_statue_mage" "ruins_statue_mage_nogem" "ruins_statue_head" "ruins_statue_head_nogem"
Basalt- "sinkhole", "basalt", "basalt_pillar"
Boulder- "rock1" "rock2" "rock_flintless" "rock_charcoal" "rock_obsidian" "rock_moon" "petrified_tree(_short/tall/old)"
floatsam- "floatsam"
Gramaphone- "maxwellphonograph"
Grave- "mound" "gravestone"
Harp statue- "statueharp"
Marble Pillar- "marblepillar"
Marble tree- "marbletree"
Maxwells door- "adventure_portal"
maxwell statue- "statuemaxwell"
maxwells light- "maxwelllight", "maxwelllight_area"
merm head- "mermhead"
Nightmare light- "nightmarelight" "fissure_lower"
Nighmare lock- "maxwelllock"
Nightmare throne- "maxwellthrone"
Obelisk- "insanityrock", "sanityrock"
Ornate Chest- "pandoraschest" (Normal) "minotaurchest" (Large)
pighead- "pighead"
pillars- "pillar_cave" "pillar_algae" "pillar_ruins"
Relic- ""ruins_table", "ruins_chair", "ruins_vase", "ruins_plate", "ruins_bowl", "ruins_chipbowl"
Sinkhole- "cave_entrance"
Skeleton- "skeleton"
Stalagmite- "stalagmite_full" "stalagmite_med" "stalagmite_low"
Stalagmite Tall- "stalagmite_tall_full" "stalagmite_tall_med""stalagmite_tall_low"
Sunken boat- "sunken_boat"
Touch Stone- "resurrectionstone"
Gloomer statue- "statueglommer"
Glacier- "rock_ice"
Florid Postern- "multiplayer_portal"
Marble Sculptures- "sculpture_rookbody" "sculpture_bishopbody" "sculpture_knightbody"
Moon stone- "moonbase"
Suspicious- "sculpture_rooknose" "sculpture_knighthead" "sculpture_bishophead"

The Rest Items were useless Sw items and I was to lazy to add em, so eh.

Console Commands
The Command Console is enabled by default. If for whatever reason it is not, you first need to do some tweaking in your settings.ini of your save. This can be found in the "donotstarve" folder, located in the following paths

Windows, Mac: <Documents>\Klei\DoNotstarve\settings.ini
Linux: ~/.klei/DoNotStarve/settings.ini

Locate the settings.ini and open it with Notepad and where it says [MISC]ENABLECONSOLE = false and rewrite it as [MISC]ENABLECONSOLE = true then save the document.

Then to open the console while in game by pressing "~" by default on English keyboards. This can be changed at any time in the controls menu. Also you can hide the console menu again by pressing Ctrl + L.

You will need to run this command once to enable console commands:

RunS​cript("consolecommands") - Start this before trying to do commands it says.

"Note: Like many other command-line interfaced programs, the user can press the upper arrow key to get access to previously entered commands, with no need to re-type them manually again. However, the player will still have to re-enter every command after re-entering a world."

c_spawn("prefab", amount) - You're standard Spawn

c_give("prefab", amount) - You're standard Give

c_doscenario(scenario) - "Apply a scenario script to the selection and run it."

c_sethea​lth(percent) - Sets you're health fractions work too 0.90 is 90 Hp.

c_setsanit​y(percent) - Sets you're sanity Same as health Fractions work

c_sethunger(pe​rcent) - Sets you're hunger same as the rest fractions work

c_godmode() - GodMode (Pops a invulnerability from DooM)

c_speed(value) - Set running speed.

​GetPlayer().HUD:Hide() -Hide and show huds

​GetPlayer().components.builder:GiveAllRecipes()​ - "Quote en quote Creative mode)

GetPlayer()​ - Sets Maximum Health

GetPlayer().components.sanity:SetMax(value)​ - Sets max sanity

GetPlayer().components.hunger:SetMax(value)​ - Sets hunger

​GetPlayer().components.hunger:Pause(true)​ - Pauses hunger so you wont lose hunger

​GetPlayer().components.beaverness:SetPercent(1)​ - Turn woodie into WereBeaver

​c_gonext("prefab")​ -Teleport I guess

​TheInput:GetWorldEntityUnderMouse():Remove()​ = Deletes item under mouse cursor

GetWorld().​minimap.MiniMap:ShowArea(0,0,0,10000)​ - Reveals Map

GetClock():MakeNextDay() - Skip day

​for x = 1, 50 do GetClock():MakeNextDay() end​ - Skip alot of days

LongUpdate(X)​ - Skip X times and performs LongUpdate function on world objects Idek

​GetClock():SetSegs(day,dusk,night) - Set segments but doesn go above 16 or error]

​GetClock():NextPhase()​ - Skips current phase

​GetSeasonManager():StartSummer()​ - Start Summer

​GetSeasonManager():StartWinter()​ - Sets winter

GetSeasonManager():StartAutumn() - Start Autumn (ROG)

GetSeasonManager():StartSpring() - Start Spring (ROG)

20 comentários
OminouSin 30 mar. 2019 às 7:23 
Many thanks for your help! It's very much appreciated WaffleTime!
WaffleTime  [autor] 29 mar. 2019 às 17:08 
I haven't played DS in forever. and I'm guessing I didn't link the source did I...
Let me get it.

I don't think it's there so here try this(?)
OminouSin 29 mar. 2019 às 11:04 
Question, do you know the Rock den spawn code?
WaffleTime  [autor] 20 dez. 2017 às 14:26 
flyons_gary 20 dez. 2017 às 7:00 
hmm what about the cave skylights?
WaffleTime  [autor] 27 ago. 2017 às 14:39 
Still more being added just got stuff to do
WaffleTime  [autor] 27 ago. 2017 às 14:18 
Some commands are being added.
WaffleTime  [autor] 27 ago. 2017 às 12:16 
Idek if they exist but ill look.
Ronin 27 ago. 2017 às 7:32 
Hi, could you add the prefabs on weather phenomena, extinguishing fires, etc?
WaffleTime  [autor] 25 ago. 2017 às 17:47 
If any more item do get added, cause there's not much updates.