Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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blackwiddow's Simple Highway Exit
Assets: Intersection
1.390 MB
2016年9月27日 5時47分
1 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

blackwiddow's Simple Highway Exit

Simple Highway Exit by blackwiddow

All my assets can be found here:

Designed to act as a roundabout highway exit. The actual asset itself is a road only and has no foliage so you can decorate it as you want to! :)

Tutorial on how to decorate it like my screenshot -

I used Move It! & Sharp Junction Angles to create this asset and without those mods it would be impossible to create nice realistic looking inclines and curves so please show those content creators some love and subscribe to them if you already don't.
126 件のコメント
Yoghurt Male 2022年11月19日 13時46分 
this would be so dangerous in real life
Lord Sauron 2022年4月16日 15時46分 
It looks awesome and the design seems very smart, but unfortunately I'm struggling too much with this one. To start with it's only a one-lane roundabout, most of the time requiring you to upgrade it.
Furthermore, connecting it to the highway is complex. Two lanes are already elevated, so ideally they are to be connected to something else that is elevated. That something is another already elevated highway ramp? Trying to do so is giving me a hard time. Furthermore, you need two other lanes for connecting to the other highway lane. It's quite hard to make that look just as great.
blackwiddow  [作成者] 2021年12月26日 3時01分 
@TACTICAL 117 That was an old mod back when I made the asset, it is however, not required to use this asset. Road Anarchy is more than sufficient now. Just use that instead. Or MoveIt! Both very powerful mods
Charmer A Charging 2021年12月25日 10時13分 
cannot get sharp junction angles to come up in the workshop. What am i doing wrong?
2021年11月7日 2時02分 
CRIUS 2021年9月17日 1時19分 
That is the best Highway exit ever! You dont have a problem with traffic
Ankara Messi 2021年9月15日 15時21分 
Idk why but it doesnt show up :(
Shadowfox 2021年9月11日 6時42分 
I cant find this anymore under the roads tab
christooss 2021年4月19日 15時50分 
These are SO good. All of them! :lunar2019shockedpig:
aortali 2021年3月16日 21時24分 
I made a similar highway exit in game, but I built it so that the exit from highway hits the roundabout after the lane that feeds to the highway. Basically, this way they don't interfere with each other.