Black Mesa

Black Mesa

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Black Mesa HARDCORE!!!!
By Mr.Wanaskiwin "Navarone"
this is my guide to making your Black Mesa single player expierence 50 000 x more intense!
In depth Description
there are 2 ways you can make game play 50 000 times harder. there is the way with the suit. and then the even more intense way. WITH OUT! one is more complex than the other. but both have their merits, barring their complexity. when you refuse to use the suit, you are going to be cheating. at least once. but its the only way, plus you wont be able to switch weapns so you may want to give your self the tau cannon and hope to pray to god you don't get switched out, you can also cheat all the ammo you will need for that. with the suit, its complex, you wont really need the nescessary cheats. but you will find your self in and out of the console alot if you dislike the weapon you have out. now with out further a don't, lets progress to the steps.

you read all that? does not matter one bit. good for you for just reading this bit :)
Death Valley mode.
Walk through the desert and the valley of death. don't get the hev suit and noclip past the security guard to move forward. make sure you turn on the console (for those who don't know, go into options, go to the controls, then click advanced and tick the box. then press ~ to open and type in sv_cheats 1) now bind the following command to what ever key is best suited for you (make sure it is somewhere close, ammo is valuable) givecurrentammo(here is an example of what that will look like in the command console Bind x "givecurrentammo" thats how i have mine, just keeps me well armed ) you are not obligated to give your self copious.... ammounts.... of ammo for what ever gun you have in your hands, your also not required by law to use the tau cannon, but it evens things out. trust me. you will die no matter what, but if your up for a challenge, skip the giving of the weapons and ammo, you find that you have half a life by the end of the game. oh and i should mention. there will be no running of the feet. a brisk walk is all you can do.
Walk with the suits.
open up that console, type in Hidehud 4 and bind hidehud 0 AND hidehud 4 to some un important keys (if you don't know how to do that type in Bind x "with code in quotes" does not have to be X it can be comma or period, so long as its out of the way.) and basically your now playing with a hidden hud. makes life harder tho, not knowing the exact amount of life you have left. you get shot, you'll live or die. sadly it is less intense than playing with only the tau cannon and no suit which is not for the feint of heart
Tips if you want some
not vital to the process, but if you are struggling with staying alive, remember it you can lift it can be used as a shield. unless its really small. find ur self a barrel and carry it with you as far as the game will let you. and remember SAVE OH GOD SAVE. finally, when you are facing the Gargantua and some marines, you will find your self at a big door leading into a nuclear waste... silo?? before you go past that place, go find all the explosive barrels you can and fill the hall way in that room then build a barricade in front of the door using non explosive barrels and maybe a pallet or two and be sure to put an explosive barrel in every part of the hallway area, because there are more or less than 14 marines and you DO NOT want to face them with out a bomb and a barrel barricade. because there are atleast 7 in the halls, and 7 more come out to play (you wont blow them all up with the suprise)

keep calm and remember, you W I L L D I E. its inevitable. it will happen more than once when following this guide properly. unless you just turn on god but where is the fun in that?
Mr.Wanaskiwin "Navarone"  [author] 17 Mar, 2021 @ 5:31pm 
lol. Yeah
JibsTheCowboy 17 Mar, 2021 @ 4:46am 
intereting guide u cant like it unless u own it lols
JibsTheCowboy 17 Mar, 2021 @ 4:45am 
hels yea
Mr.Wanaskiwin "Navarone"  [author] 28 Dec, 2019 @ 10:22pm 
the point of just using gauss gun only makes it so you dont have to cheat in the hev suit if you skipped that step, or turn on the hud to change weapons. Skip it if you dont wanna use it, its not really needed for the settings to apply.
ontheborderline 28 Dec, 2019 @ 8:53pm 
oh i just realized this was posted in 2016
oh god im sorry
ontheborderline 28 Dec, 2019 @ 8:53pm 
what's the point of using the gauss gun only? in hl1 it let you jump around but was also used as a weapon that was slightly better then other ones such as the mp5, but in bms you can't jump with it, so you might as well use a weapon that does less damage like the mp5 or the crowbar