Divinity: Original Sin 2

Divinity: Original Sin 2

79 ratings
Custom party creation
By Navier
GUIDE UPDATED TO Patch v3.0.141.822 (Sept 14th release)

Create a fully customizable party with this guide, it will give you full control over every character. acheved by four instances of the game client that are connected via LAN. Until a better method is created I will maintain this guide and seek for other methods in the mean time.
Warning! During Pre-release this method was known to be intense for most user computers, some users ran into unstable frame-rates as well crashes due to high load. After-release testing has shown the intensity has been drasticly reduced but I Highly suggest to maintain awareness of your system temperature & Framerate. If it gets stuck below 5-1 FPS it may not work for you.

Steam may prevent you from using muliple instences of the client.
Solution is to use the Game EXE directly.
Steam\steamapps\common\Divinity Original Sin 2\bin
This can also be done by right clicking the game on steam > Properties > Local Files > Browse Local Files, go to bin foldier there you will find "EoCApp.exe"

Tips & Tricks:
(WORKS) Copy&paste the Game EXE (EoCApp.exe) rename to "Host cilent.EXE"
This should seperate host cilent from the others, allowing you locate host cilent faster.
For window 10 (at least) combines dupicate appications, by renaming the host client is seperated.

(WORKS) Have the game in windowed mode.
This will make alt-tabing less painful.
Launch the game Client "EoCApp.exe"
Select the profile to save games to.
Start a new singleplayer game.

Once at character customizeations:
Press escape to access the game menus.
Access the Connectivity Menu, Enable Lan Connections.

Escape the menus, return to character customization
Customize, once complete DO NOT press "start game"
instead Alt tab to desktop to start next step.
This step will be repeated many times max of three times to create a full party

Start another Cilent (EoCApp.exe)
(Important) Select or create a unused profile.
WHY: Reuse of in-use profiles will cause problems.

Connect to server via muliplayer menu in "story"
Select Lan, Join host cilents LAN server.
(if there are no servers, recheck your host cilents connectivity options.

Customize your character, once complete hit "start game"
Now Alt-Tab to the desktop.
Two options are open to you now.

1. Make another character.

Repeat the Cilent step, ensure not to use the same profiles.
This can be repeated until the server is full.


2. Happy with the party I have created so far.

Go to Host cilent and click "Start Game"
If game does not start, check all clients and click "Start Game"

If you have chosen to finally start the game then I wish you congratulations on successfully creating a fully customized party!
it can be done but beware, only those worthy can acheve such wonders, if you feel confident in your machine? then follow this guide and continue on and make the party of your dreams. only your hardware will hinder you now.

To acheve this is, simply follow the instructions below and I wish you luck.

1. With he instructs you to do is done (untested) you should be able to return to here and make the other characters above 4 in theory. I will be testing it fully tomarrow!

I wish to remind you by following this guide I am not in any way held responsible for what you do to your computer.
FAQ & Known issues
I am doing a full playthrough with this guide, any problems I become aware of i will address them here!

"Gather the rest of the team." []
Malady requires to speak to every user created character before she allows the boarding of the ship.
The Seraph of Tomorrow 8 Jul, 2022 @ 9:11pm 
For Anyone Having Trouble:

If you are having the issue where the "client" avatar is becoming the main character, this is the fix.

#1. You have to finish the arena challenge in Fort Joy before disconnecting the client player.

(Else the quest does not trigger properly where you are suppose to PvP to decide the winner, instead it skips this as if you were playing single player which can cause the "client" avatar to get the "Champion of Fort Joy" tag becoming the main character.)

#2. After beating the arena and PvP section, save and then disconnect the "client" avatars game as normal and everything should work fine.
Navier  [author] 7 Jun, 2022 @ 4:23pm 
I have not attempted this method in some time, patches and the such could have broken it. I had hoped a mod would supersede... BY NOW!
Барон-Де-Бил 5 Jun, 2022 @ 2:10pm 
For some reason my game permanently freezes everytime i try to connect with my second profile. I've tried to reinstall the game, make new profiles and a lot of other things, but it didn't help (btw it connected, have no idea how). Maybe someone could help me with this issue? (No mods enable)
Star-X 1 Oct, 2020 @ 10:07am 
Fun fact: you can reduce the strain on your PC significantly by using 2 gamepads and 2 instances total. Create your custom chars in 2 player local coop, connect the second instance with two gamepad coop as well, and presto, you've got 4 custom chars with only two instances.

Pretty much any PC capable of running high end games should be able to cope with 2 instances run at lower end settings. 4 instances is much harder, but 2 is totally doable with lower end gaming PCs.
Gwazi Magnum 15 Dec, 2017 @ 1:05pm 
Not from how I read it. It suggests the 5+ players are taking over Origin characters, not making their own.

However, if you don't mind waiting to Act 2 I "believe" you can respec Mercs to be extra party members (have yet to reach Act 2 and test this out myself).
Navier  [author] 15 Dec, 2017 @ 12:11pm 
I never tested it but I assumed you could create a 5th+ character.
Gwazi Magnum 15 Dec, 2017 @ 11:43am 
I'm a bit confused by the four+ bit.
The only guide you link to states that the 5+ will be companions, how would we then make those also custom characters?
Navier  [author] 11 Oct, 2017 @ 4:20am 
@hakinator, you talk to everyone and decide in converstation. when the time comes.
Hakinator 10 Oct, 2017 @ 4:50pm 
Have you found out what happens near the end of the game...

Such as when you are becoming the Divine. I noticed that when me and my friend were playing we did a thing similar to Divinity 1, were we had our main characters and created custom henchman and essentially did the same for this game. After we beat the arena in Fort Joy, however, it was my "Henchman" that was given the title of "The One". I'm wondering if this will cause issues or not for the playthrough as I would rather have my other character be the one that becomes the Divine.
Wraithcutter 27 Sep, 2017 @ 9:17pm 
Yeah, at the end of Driftwood area in particular. Havn't had a problem that you couldn't talk through before that.

Here's the problem and a workaround of sorts:

The portal to leave after speaking with your gods for the second time in the void will not appear for the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th characters if the 1st character has gotten the ability and drained the god/left the area. (Not sure of how much of that matters) Waypoint travel and Pyramids won't get you out either.

Don't go into the the Nether the second time with more than one character. Or don't talk with the god if you do. A portal exists to leave the area until you speak with the god, and you can just meet your character with the ability back at the boat.