Ocen: 736
Free Heroes, Skins, Weapons and Others
Autorzy: unikornus i 1 innych współtwórców
This is a guide to maintain a list of current giveaways and other ways for Paladins players to get free in-game items.

I want to thank Redditor @chill1208 for starting a thread over there keeping track of those freebies.

Do please help me to keep this current by letting me know if:
* A free skín is no longer available;
* A link is broken;
* There are new ways to obtain free skìns.

Many thanks!

No guides, Youtube/Facebook or any kind or promoting allowed!
No spam, threats or trolling comments!

If you don`t stick to the guide`s subject and I find out that people are keep commenting with this kind of stuff, I will close PERMANENTLY the comment section on this guide!

Also, we are NOT Hi-Rez employees, if anybody might think that. We are just, or at least I am (ReyAyanami), passionate enough to maintain and upgrade this guide as much as possible.
Przyznaj nagrodę
Usuń z ulubionych
Barik Team Fortress 2 Skin

Play Paladins on Steam.
Mad Scientist Pip & Weapon (Referal Reward)

Obtainable in the Refer-A-Friend[] program.
You will get this skin and the weapon that it comes with it, when you will play 10 hours with the refered friend in a party.
Since they recently modified the conditions to get the weapon to the same one as the skin, in theory, you should get both skins in a bundle, after completing the said conditions.
If you still didn`t got it yet, contact Hi-Rez support[].

You can add us as refferers.
IGN: ClueBoddy.
Refer Program doesn`t work if your account is older than a week or if your level
is above 5.

Only the referer gets the skin. Not the one who got the invitation from referer (not the newbie).
The Referee can still get lots of gold and if they both play togheder, 400 crystals in total.

Source image: Refer A Friend[]
xBox Androxus Skin & Weapon

Go here[]
Note: You can get this skin, only if you have and open your xBox console.
PS4 Androxus Skin & Weapon

Go here[]
Note that in order to get this skin, you must copy your PC account over PSN one and confirm that on your physical PS4.
Ying Illusory Mirror (Twitch Weapon Skin)

Link your Hi-Rez account with Twitch, here[] to get this skin, along with the Ying champion.
Other Resources
Known possible sources of giveaways if you want to check. I check Reddit thread often although I admit I don't check Twitter often. If you see anything, be sure to let me know!

Reddit Thread
Paladin Code Twitter (Last post was in 2017. No longer active probably.)
Paladins Codes - Connectiva Systems[]
Removed Paladins Strike hyperlink.

Fixed broken hyperlinks.
Changed Pip's picture.

Removed Bounty Store.

Minor fixes to the "News" section of the guide.

Removed the temporary Night Bane Skin for Cassie Alienwarearena giveaway.

Fixed a problem where TF2 Barik picture stopped appearing in the guide.
Added a temporary giveaway: Nightbane Cassie (Alienwarearena).

Removed Onyx Stallion skin from the guide.
No longer available.

Fixed the broken link in the Bounty Store section.
Now it should properly redirect to the linked accounts section.

Added a 'Temporary Giveaways' section to the guide.

Removed Victor Charcoal, Viktor Matte and Jenos Resplendent skins.
Removed the YouTube preview from the Bounty Store section since the Bounty Store video was removed by Hi-Rez.
Added a "News" section in the guide, about various skins and their removal from the game.

Removed Maeve and Lex Strike skins.
Apparently the Strike Paladins game on mobile is taken down so these skins can't be obtained for free anymore. Lex Strike skin might be in a bundle.
Changed the description on how to get Onyx Stallion, Viktor Charcoal and Matte skins.

Added Bounty Store section.
Added "Paladin Codes" from Connectiva Systems website article.
Updated the way you can obtain the Team Fortress 2 Barik skin from "Win/Play 5 matches on Steam with Barik" to "Play Paladins on Steam".
Changed the picture at certain skins.

Removed Bloodmoon Cassie, Quicksilver Ying and Dreamhack Maeve skins.

Removed Coldsnap Furia Skin and Convention 2017 Ying Skin

Added Coldsnap Furia Skin.
Updated the info on Dreamhack Maeve skin.
Minor changes to guide.

Added Convert Ops Lex Skin.
Changed the name from "Stage 4" to "PS4" (Androxus) in order to be easy identifiable the origin of the skin.

Added important note about Twitch Prime Rewards.

Updated the outdated info on Androxus xBox skin.

Removed Pip`s Mad Scientist Discombobulator skin.

Removed Volcanic Makoa skin.

Added Maeve Strike skin. Updated the pictures for X and Stage 4 Androxus Skins.

Removed all the Season 1 ranked rewards.

Added Ying Convention 2017 and Resplendent Jenos Skins.
Changed the picture at certain skins.

Added exact steps on how to get X Androxus Skin if the "Platformlevel and Accountlevel cannot be both 0" error. Added exact link so players can get the Ying Twitch Weapon Skin.

Added Ranked rewards. Added Mad Scientist weapon. Minor changes to guide.

Added Twitch skin drops. Minor changes to guide.

Added X & Stage 4 Androxus and Volcanic Makoa Skins.

1/6/17 - Added Ying Twitch Illusory Weapon.
11/17/16 - Added Cuddly Makoa Skin.
11/15/16 - Removed old giveaways. Also lately I have been noticing more of give aways via gleam thing but the problem they usually time limited.
11/8/16 - Removed Buck Command Body skin giveaway.
11/3/16 - Removed Halloween giveaway.
May 2018
As of 31 May 2018, Paladins Twitch Prime Rewards are gone!!!
Last Chance to Claim the Twitch Prime Bundle!

July 2020
Mixer was shut down on 22 July 2020 by Microsoft therefore, the Mixer Store (Viewer Store) in Paladins was shut down as well.
As Mixer is now shut down, there is no current way to obtain the Mixer skins, unless, of course they will be introduced in the game through other way.
Paladins Wiki - Viewer Store[]
Mixer (service) - Wikipedia[]

July 2021
The Paladins Strike website as well as the Paladins Strike game page on Google Play Store and iOS were taken down.
Therefore, I had to remove the Strike skins from this guide.

August 2021
On the link account page, the option to link your Twitter to Hi-Rez is vanished.
For Facebook, the icon is still there but the option is deactivated.
Therefore, I had to remove several skins from the guide, namely Victor Charcoal, Viktor Matte and Jenos Resplendent skins.

??? ???
The "Paladins Community" page is no longer available therefore you can't get the Onyx Stallion, Viktor Charcoal and Viktor Matte skins anymore.

February 2023
Starting in Season 6, the Bounty Store will no longer be available for purchases, the Bounty Marketplace will be shut down, and all Bounty Coin transactions will cease.

Bounty Store FAQ[]
Temporary giveaways
Here I will list any temporary skins giveaways, if I ever come across them.

The current giveaway is:

Komentarzy: 496
Rey Ayanami  [autor] 17 lutego o 17:25 
It's really sad actually. If you think about it, it's funny how both Paladins and Overwatch 2.0 fell from disgrace, almost all at the same time.
This game was all about community, the players. They made the game enjoyable, even though, most of the time they wod only seek kills and not the objective and that's why you would lose.
But now? Now they're just toxic "Oh why did you pick that over that!", "Stop playing that character, you sück!"
I honestly don't know what happened in the meanwhile so id anyone would be so kind to explain as why, that would de awesome!!!
Kirov 17 lutego o 8:47 
Man this game fell off HARD.Il miss beta days so much...
Rey Ayanami  [autor] 22 stycznia o 14:43 
Yeah, it was really, really fun back then. It changed alot and it's no longer tye same thing. Community is much mote toxic now, at least back in 2020 when I tried playing again.
󠀡󠀡󠀡⁧⁧1x5x7 21 stycznia o 17:32 
I played this game back in September 2016 for the first time. What a ride it was.
Rey Ayanami  [autor] 15 lutego 2024 o 13:52 
Yup, fun times...
RΞI XIΞ 15 lutego 2024 o 6:58 
dude i love the old torvald and one map where its open and u can use his ult to push all the enemy off the map. fun times
Rey Ayanami  [autor] 7 grudnia 2023 o 8:08 
There's really no point in coming back. Now even the casual matches are full of people who insult you for picking a character they don't like or it's not in the current meta. Full of trolls and flamers.
It was nice in the beginning where
everyone was civilized. I would lose lots of matches because people chased kills and high scoreboard rather than objectives. But at least people were civilized. Nobody would bicker that you didn't picked the most powerful/usefull character. So, tell me please, what's really the point of coming back to this game?
Berrset1 5 grudnia 2023 o 20:30 
Why don't you play anymore :( come back
Rey Ayanami  [autor] 22 maja 2023 o 10:01 
I won't accept threats/trolling/spam
comments on this guide. If you want to help, sure, that would be great. If not, please find something else to do with your life.
Rey Ayanami  [autor] 24 kwietnia 2023 o 12:25 
Oh well, I guess I have to remove it. Damn, year by year they just eliminate the free skins and they make this guide pretty redundant. 😔